Chapter 649 Chapter 642. Heavenly Lock Zhanyue

Just three days? How can it be.

Kuchiki Byakuya slowly closed his eyes, subconsciously denying it in his heart.

He admitted that the boy in front of him had indeed become stronger, but no matter how much he thought about it, it was impossible to reach the level where he could understand it.

"Let's scatter, Senbonzakura."

Along with the chanting of the liberation language, the Zanpakuto blade in Kuchiki Byakuya's hand began to glow, and then floated in the wind like falling cherry blossoms, drifting towards Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him.

Every petal is a deadly blade to ordinary people.

Ichigo Kurosaki held his Zanpakutō on his shoulder and looked at the petals coming towards him with an expressionless expression.

Although he didn't seem to have seen this man free the Zanpakuto, it was obvious that this level was only the most basic understanding and not the understanding of the swastika.

"You are really still looking down on you want to kill me with these weak blades?"

As he spoke, he slowly raised his Zanpakutō.


A violent roar sounded, and the ground in front of him was split almost instantly by the explosive sword pressure. The scattered Senbonzakura was swallowed up by the smoke and dust almost in an instant.


A drop of blood fell to the ground.

When the smoke dissipated, Kuchiki Byakuya frowned slightly and looked down at the deep ravine on the ground beside him.

This knife was not aimed at him, it was more like the young man in front of him was proving that he had the power to compete with him.

And the fact seems to be true. He was a little too careless. The left arm injured by the sword is the best proof.

"Is this the power of your Zanpakutō? Kurosaki Ichigo."

"Absolutely. At the moment of the slash, my spiritual pressure is released through the tip of the knife. The ultra-high-density spiritual pressure. This leaping slash is the power of Zangetsu - Getsuga Tenshō!"

Ichigo Kurosaki answered while raising the tip of his Zanpakuto and pointing it at the man in front of him, "I say it again, Byakuya Kuchiki! Use your full strength! This time, I will defeat you!"

"Are you trying to soar to the sky? Such an arrogant name, you are... really annoying."

Kuchiki Byakuya said calmly, "But... well, since you are so eager to see my swastika, just look at it carefully. Don't worry, you have no chance to regret it... because before that, , you will - turn into dust."

As he spoke, he slowly released the palm holding the knife, and Senbonzakura began to fall.


He... threw away the knife? Kurosaki Ichigo frowned at this unique method of liberation.

"Disappear, Swastika."

"Senbonzakura Kagegan!"

Senbonzakura's body disappeared into the air as if falling into the water, and then countless huge blades slowly rose from behind Byakuya Kuchiki.


The surge of spiritual pressure was like a roaring wind, and those huge blades almost instantly turned into flying flowers and scattered all over the sky.

Under the influence of Kuchiki Byakuya's spiritual power, the scattered petals gathered together in the air and surged toward Kurosaki Ichigo like a wave.

If the density of Shijie's petals was like a drizzle before, then now it is probably like a violent storm that covers the sky and the sun.

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned and dodged the impact of countless petals like a tide. He held the knife in both hands and slashed out with a burst of spiritual pressure.


Watching Ichigo Kurosaki repeating his old tricks, Byakuya Kuchiki had no expression on his face.

In an instant, countless flower petals surged up in front of him, and the barrier formed by the sharp blade tore apart the reiatsu that Kurosaki Ichigo had chopped off.

At this moment, the battlefield seemed to be completely dominated by Kuchiki Byakuya. With the sea of ​​flowers all over the sky, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was both offensive and defensive, was overwhelmed just to deal with the countless sharp blades that were trying to submerge him like a wave.

"The essence of Senbonzakura... is to use hundreds of millions of blades to carry out all-round attacks without blind spots. Your Zanpakuto is very powerful, but it is too monotonous. In the face of such a situation, you are already powerless and helpless, right?" You will never be able to defeat me with too cumbersome moves."


The cold voice seemed to predict Kurosaki Ichigo's failure. The next moment, accompanied by a violent roar, countless sharp blades fell from the sky and drowned Kurosaki Ichigo.


Blood spattered instantly, and the ground formed pits under the impact of countless sharp blades. Kurosaki Ichigo, who was in the center, fell to his knees with bruises all over his body.

"Are you still alive?"

Byakuya Kuchiki looked at the boy kneeling on the ground calmly, "It deserves praise for not turning into ashes."

"Oh, who needs your praise? Damn it..."


Hearing the tone of the other person's words, Kuchiki Byakuya couldn't help but frown.

This was not the trembling tone of a severely injured person at all.

"Hehe, I thought it was so strong."

Kurosaki Ichigo stood up slowly, with a smile on his face: "That's it, but it's a pity that it seems to be a little bit worse. I originally thought I could beat you just like this... It's right when I think about it... How could it be possible just by Hajime? Just defeat the swastika? No matter how weak you are, you won’t be able to defeat it, right?"

"Watch your tone, kid." Byakuya Kuchiki's brows furrowed even deeper. He felt that he was insulted. "It sounds like... you already know how to use swastika..."


Kurosaki Ichigo chuckled, "That's what I mean, Byakuya Kuchiki!"


The atmosphere was silent for a while.

"what are you saying?"

Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes turned cold, "Are you fooling me?"

Swastika? With this kid? Three days?

How can it be! ?

Even if this kid was turned into a Shinigami by Rukia, how long has it only been since then? It’s incredible to be able to reach this level. How could it be possible to learn swastika so quickly! ?

"Fooling you? Don't you want to believe it? Then you should believe your own eyes! Byakuya Kuchiki!"

Ichigo Kurosaki slowly raised the Zangetsu in his hand and pointed it at Byakuya Kuchiki in front of him. The aura in his body began to surge, and the spiritual pressure enveloped the entire mountain in an instant.

"Look, this is my swastika——"


The surge of spiritual pressure swallowed up Byakuya Kuchiki almost instantly.

This is not an attack, but a pure release of spiritual power. The terrifying amount of spiritual pressure makes people shocked. The air on the entire mountain seems to be disturbed by this terrifying spiritual pressure. The gravel begins to roll, and the vortex formed by spiritual power reaches the sky. It is difficult to disperse for a long time.

"what is that?"

Looking through the smoke and dust, Kuchiki Byakuya could see clearly what Kurosaki Ichigo looked like after his Zanpakutō was released.

"So small...can it be called a swastika?"

Yes, generally speaking, the size of a Zanpakutō will continue to expand with the amount of spiritual pressure. The stronger the spiritual pressure, the greater the size. Captain-level people usually deliberately control the size of the Zanpakutō when fighting. After all, it would be too funny to carry a knife dozens of meters long to kill someone.

But the 'Swastika' is different. The swastika shows the true posture of the Zanpakutō. Such a posture is often not the appearance of a conventional sword. The way of fighting is different from holding the sword in a normal state, so it is a different matter.

But the so-called ‘Swastika’ that the boy in front of him felt at the moment seemed to him like he was joking with him. In his opinion, it couldn’t be called a Swastika at all!

He should have known for a long time that swastika is the ultimate secret of Zanpakutō tactics and can only be learned by the Shinigami at their peak. Even the four nobles among the Shinigami are born with spiritual qualifications that are isolated from others and transcendent. Only one person can reach this level in every generation, and those who achieve it will, without exception, be remembered in the history of Soul Society forever.

If the swastika can be understood casually like this, then although their faces will be lost, their skills are at best inferior to others. But just holding a handful like this looks so ordinary and even looks more like a "shallow fight" 'The same Zanpakutō is said to be a swastika? This irony tramples on their dignity.

"It's obviously just a Zanpakuto... It turns out that whether it's execution or swastika, you seem to enjoy trampling on our dignity!?"

There was a rare hint of anger in Kuchiki Byakuya's tone, "Then I'll let you experience it for yourself. What kind of punishment will you receive if you trample on other people's dignity——"



"I don't understand your so-called dignity...but..."

The voice suddenly got closer.

Kuchiki Byakuya's pupils suddenly shrank.

The long and dark tip of the knife had touched his neck, and he could even clearly feel the cold touch from the tip of the knife.

So fast. What is this abnormal speed?

He didn't have time to react before he was approached by the kid in front of him. If the other person had thought about it, he would have been dead at that moment.

"I heard Rukia say that you are a great noble, right?" Kurosaki Ichigo asked expressionlessly, "If you want to tell me that you can even care about the life and death of your sister for the so-called dignity, then I will treat such dignity as It - completely trample it to pieces! My swastika interpretation is what I learned for this!"


The distance between the two men was again widened, and it was Kurosaki Ichigo who took the initiative to retreat.


Looking at the actions of the young man in front of him, Kuchiki Byakuya had an ugly expression on his face, "Why did you take the knife away from my neck? Is it to show your strength? Excessive pride will turn the victory you originally obtained into Nothing. Let me say it again, yours is not a swastika... There can be no such a small swastika. You are just a traveler. How can you learn the swastika? You will regret it. The knife just now did not cut my throat. .Miracles...only happen once. Never again! Kid!"

"Tch, you suddenly talk too much? Byakuya Kuchiki."

Kurosaki Ichigo immediately felt better when he saw the other party's ugly expression, and the smile on his face became even bigger.


The next moment, the two figures disappeared from the place almost at the same time.

Countless sharp blades like fallen cherry blossoms were spread all over the mountain top, screaming at the pursuer's constantly flashing black figure, but Kurosaki Ichigo's speed at this moment had completely surpassed Senbonzakura's speed of searching for enemies, and he was almost able to walk through the gaps in the sea of ​​flowers. In an instant, he arrived in front of Byakuya Kuchiki again.


The piercing sound of sword fighting sounded in front of Kuchiki Byakuya. He frowned slightly and concentrated his spiritual energy to form a shield in front of him with the scattered petals to resist the attack of the long black sword.

But the next moment the figure in front of him disappeared again.

Behind you!

He suddenly turned around and saw Kurosaki Ichigo's flashing figure, but... it was too fast. Even if his consciousness could keep up, Senbonzakura's speed was too late to react.

Kurosaki Ichigo's high-speed moving figure was almost like a clone, leaving countless afterimages around him. At such a speed, even Senbonzakura, which was almost all over the entire space, could not be tracked. For a moment, Kuchiki Byakuya was at a disadvantage. , can only close the area covered by Senbonzakura to protect the whole body.

"What? No more attacks? Can't you catch up with my speed?"

Kurosaki Ichigo mocked, "Is this already difficult for you? In fact, I can still do it faster."

"Don't be too arrogant, kid."

Finally, Kuchiki Byakuya, who had been standing there without moving at all, raised his hand.

The next moment, Senbonzakura's speed suddenly became faster.

If he uses his hands to guide the direction of his spiritual power, his Senbonzakura speed can be doubled, so there should be nothing he can't catch.

And that seems to be the case.

The scattered petals blocked all Kurosaki Ichigo's escape routes almost instantly.

However, the next moment Kuchiki Byakuya suddenly realized something was wrong, because he saw the mocking smile on the boy's face.


Kurosaki Ichigo smiled and raised the pitch-black blade in his hand. The flickering light of the blade acted like a barrier and chopped down all the countless blades that came at him. The speed was so fast that Byakuya Kuchiki couldn't see clearly.

"How is that possible?" Byakuya Kuchiki's eyes were full of disbelief at this moment.

There were tens of thousands of blades, and all of them were chopped off?

"Didn't you just say... that a miracle only happens once?"

A long voice came from behind.

Kuchiki Byakuya's face became extremely ugly, and the figure of the fallen cherry blossoms in front of him gradually disappeared, and it was an afterimage.

Kurosaki Ichigo had already detoured behind him before he had time to react, with his Zanpakutō on his shoulder and a calm look on his face.

Kuchiki Byakuya suddenly turned around, and Kurosaki Ichigo did not let go of the opportunity to attack again this time, stabbing out with a long black knife.


Blood slipped from Kuchiki Byakuya's palm.

He finally grasped the sword with his palm at the critical moment and changed its fatal trajectory, although this was barely possible without Kurosaki Ichigo attacking immediately.

"I see……"

Kuchiki Byakuya looked at the slender black sword he was holding and felt the power contained in it. This was indeed a level of spiritual pressure of 'Swastika', but he was mistaken.

"Are you compressing the 'Swastika' to the extreme, sacrificing the destructive power of the previous opening and closing in exchange for the ultimate speed? I admit that you already have enough strength... Then... I will go all out Bar!"


For some reason, Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly felt a warning in his heart, and the dangerous aura enveloped him, causing him to subconsciously draw his sword and retreat.


The long knife cut across Kuchiki Byakuya's palm, drawing out dripping blood again.

But Kuchiki Byakuya still maintained his grip on the blade, seemingly feeling no pain.

"You watch, Kurosaki Ichigo."

Kuchiki Byakuya raised his head, his eyes filled with anger, becoming more serious than ever before: "This is... a move in which I give up my defense and risk everything in order to annihilate the enemy. This is also the true appearance of Senbonzakura -"

"Jie Jing·Senbonzakura Kage Yan!"

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