A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 658 651: Xuan Hao: I heard that you want to stand in the sky?

Chapter 658 Chapter 651: Xuan Hao: I heard that you want to stand in the sky?

Yes, there is no way, even in the past thousands of years, nothing can be done about it. The 'anti-membrane' is something that even Yhwach was helpless for a while. How could they do anything about it?

At least... before this man wanted to take action, they really had nothing to do.

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni pestered the cane in his hand and slowly closed his eyes.

From the moment this man came to Soul Society, he had lost the power to deal with this matter.

What is this man going to do? What happens next?

He could only watch these from the beginning.

There was only one thing he could do, and that was to pray that this man would still remember the promise he made a thousand years ago, that's all.


A roar sounded.

It was the left formation of Komamura who originally fell to the ground.

He propped up his bloody body and looked unwillingly at Dong Xian who was slowly leaving, "Get down here, Dong Xian! I don't understand! Why do you want to become the God of Death? Isn't it just for your dead friends? Isn't it? To enforce justice!? But now...where has your justice gone!?"

"Komamura, I've said it from the beginning..." Tosen Kaname lowered his head and turned his head following the voice, "What I see with my eyes is always the path with the least sacrifices. Justice has always been the path that leads to the least sacrifice." There. The path I take is what is called justice."

"Tōsen..." Komamura Zuozhen clenched his teeth, with a ferocious look on his face.

It's not that he can't understand what Dongxian wants to express.

This man became the God of Death in order to carry out justice, but the justice of the God of Death has been distorted since I don't know when.

As a captain, he is naturally very aware of the corruption within the Seireitei, but including the captain, they do not have such powerful power to change all this. The only one who can affect it is himself.

So...do you think this man is the one who can change everything? ?

Komamura Zuozhen looked fiercely at Aizen who was standing slowly rising in the sky.

The smile on this man's face disgusted him. Maybe Dongxian couldn't see it? But he could see it, and he was sure that he could only see ambition and selfish desire in this man's smile! It is impossible to correct the world by following such people!

He wanted to stop it, but now that he was bruised and bruised, he didn't even have the strength to stand up, so what qualifications did he have to stop it?

"Why do you do this?"

Someone questioned Aizen in the sky, it was Ukitake Jushiro.

He raised his head and looked at the people who were gradually moving away with solemn eyes, "Have you also fallen? You are actually with Xu."

"Fallen? Speaking of which... why do you have prejudice against Xu? Because of arrogance and prejudice." Aizen said calmly, "So what about Xu? What about people? What about Death? In fact, there are only strong people in this world. The difference from the weak is that only the strong can stand on the commanding heights and despise other existences like you just did. In other words... there is essentially no difference between us. It's just that my position is higher than yours."

As he spoke, Aizen slowly took off his glasses and reached out to comb his hair back. His whole demeanor changed instantly.

People can no longer see the elegance and easygoingness in him as before. That Aizen Sosuke has completely disappeared at this moment. The only thing standing in front of them at this moment is the strong man who dominates them, despises them, and laughs at them.

"There has been no one in the sky for too long. You, me, and even God." His eyes were shattered in Aizen's hands as if they were disintegrated. A contemptuous smile appeared on his face, overlooking all living beings, "But...this sky The unbearable interregnum on the throne is about to end, and next... I will stand in the sky!"

"Standing in the sky?"



The smile on Aizen's face gradually solidified.

The doubtful voice came from above.

But if he remembered correctly... he should be in an area where he would never be disturbed, and above him should be the courtiers welcoming him back.

"Aizen Sosuke, right?"

The voice sounded again.

Aizen raised his neck stiffly and finally saw the owner of the voice.

It was a man wearing a Death Tyrant uniform, with an adjutant epaulette hanging on his right arm symbolizing his identity.

Wait...this is the adjutant shoulder patch of Division 4! ?

Aizen's pupils suddenly contracted.

His memory is constantly going back.

Finally, he settled on the scene where he was surrounded just now.

This man... had been beside him just now, but he subconsciously ignored him because of the joy of success.

Damn it.

Why would I ignore such a crucial guy! ?

The vice-captain of the Fourth Division... happens to be the vice-captain of the Fourth Division!

Aizen's mood became extremely complicated, including confusion, joy, excitement, disbelief, and finally even some fear.

He felt that the light that enveloped him at this moment began to extend towards the sky like a road, and the end of the road was the man standing in the sky at this moment.

Yes, although this throne in the sky has been vacant for a long time, there were people there in the ancient past.

The transformation of the god of death, the transformation of the god of death, all his research topics are following the footsteps of that person, and at this moment... that person seems to be... back!

Bang bang bang——

There was applause in the sky.

At this moment, the only sound between heaven and earth seems to be this applause.

"You've worked hard."

The man was condescending, sitting on the palms of the Daxu's hands.

"But there is something very regrettable that I have to tell you..."

Listening to the sound coming from him, Aizen felt that his body was beginning to fall.

He knew that he seemed to have made a mistake.

“This throne in heaven—has never been vacant.”


After the sound of falling, there was silence.

Probably except for Yamamoto Genryanagi Sai Shigekuni, Unohana Retsu and others who were informed, no one present could realize what the current situation was.

Oh, Aizen seems to have reacted.

However, what is surprising is that the expression on his face at this moment, as he let his body fall freely to the ground and lay in the pothole, was more excited.

He didn't seem to care about his dangerous situation at the moment, and just stared at the figure high up with almost crazy eyes.

"The road...the road...it turns out that the road has always been there..."

He muttered to himself as if he was dreaming, and the smile in his voice made the people around him frown.

Is this person... crazy?

This is probably the same doubt that everyone present has at this moment.

Although I don't know what the specific situation is, the person in the sky is obviously on the side of myself and others. The only 'anti-membrane' that this guy relies on to escape has been broken. This time it is true. There is nowhere to escape. Can't he understand the current situation?

"Nice expression, I like it very much."


Listening to the sound coming from the sky, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni suddenly opened his eyes wide.

He was doubting his ears. Could it be that he heard wrongly? This man... is praising Aizen! ?

No...something seems wrong.

Yamamoto's eyes became serious and his whole body tensed up.

He raised his head and looked at the man in the sky, as if he wanted to ask for clarity.

"Have you already forgotten?"


Xuan Hao noticed Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni's nervous eyes and smiled softly.

Of course he has not forgotten his promise from thousands of years ago. But does that conflict with what I want to do now?

The Soul Society is his friend, and he will indeed not be his enemy.

But the Soul Society has become too decadent, and it does need to be rectified. Otherwise, what if some dregs of the old era are left behind when the world is integrated?

That's why he let Aizen do what he did.

After all, he actually felt that there was nothing wrong with what Aizen did.

Compared to the conservative Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, Aizen simply hacked to death those useless trash who could only talk on paper without saying a word. It was simply the right thing to do, and it was very satisfying.

And this kid is following his own footsteps. Is it wrong for him to give a few compliments to those who admire him? Quite reasonable, right?

Aizen just wants to break through and become stronger, and even shows mercy when facing these ignorant guys. What's wrong with that? From his point of view, it was just these guys who thought Aizen was dangerous from beginning to end, so they kept obstructing him.

Of course, if he did not exist in this world, it would indeed be dangerous for Aizen to do this, because Aizen's purpose is actually very simple, just to satisfy his own desires and gain power, and for this reason, it will probably harm the interests of many people.

People are afraid, afraid that the growing power will be strong enough to threaten the entire world and threaten them. This is essentially the same as old man Yamamoto being afraid of him.

The only difference is that Aizen is still growing, and his existence is beyond the control of this group of people.

To put it bluntly, this is called bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

But things are different now.

If there's already a power that renders these guys powerless, why can't there be another one?

According to Aizen, admiration is the emotion furthest from understanding.

This sentence is also true for itself.

He was confident that he could control Aizen, after all, the absolute power lay here.

So what these ignorant guys are worried about never happens in the first place.

No matter which world it is, it is the same. The strongest power is violence that overrides everything.

No matter in any era or in any place, the unification of the world begins with violence.

Under the rule of absolute power, everything will appear extremely stable. If it fails, it will only prove that violence is not enough.

A true ‘king’ should have the courage to surpass all others.

Now that he is sitting on the throne, how can he be afraid that Aizen will stir up a storm that overturns the world?

"There is one more regrettable thing I want to tell you."

Xuan Hao chuckled and looked down at Aizen lying on the ground, slowly stretched out his hand, and a crystal core-like substance appeared in his hand.

"What you just got...is actually just a model."


Aizen silently took out the 'Bengyu' he got.

At this moment, this 'collapse jade' gradually collapsed under the influence of Xuan Hao's will.


Aizen looked at the collapsing 'Beng Yu' in silence, and for some reason, he couldn't help but laugh.

It's so ridiculous. If he hasn't figured out what he's doing by now, then it's really ridiculous.

I see.

He thought he had planned everything, but in the end everything was under the control of the people in heaven...

So... what does this person want to do by doing this?

Isn't it just to see how ridiculous you look?

If that's the case, it's very disappointing.

Soon, the man in heaven gave him the answer.

"I know what you want."

Xuan Hao slowly stood up from the pale throne, "Come and get it, I will wait for you on a high place, as long as you can reach me."

As he spoke, the cracks in the sky began to slowly close, and countless pale palms surrounded him, dragging the figure standing on them and gradually disappearing.

Also taken away by them were Ichimaru Gin and Tosen Kaname who looked confused.


Aizen suddenly stood up from the ground with his hands on his forehead and laughed wildly. The spiritual pressure in his body began to surge. He was actually unrivaled.

"This is a... trial!"

The eyes exposed by his fingertips were shining with scarlet light, full of excitement.

He was left here alone.

But he could see the road paved before him.

That is the path he pursues, the supreme, supreme and supreme power.

Is the road to the throne really not that easy?

Forget it, let’s fight our way out!

This is a trial, and the weak are not qualified to stand in front of that man.

"bring it on."

Spirit pressure surged like an angry wave among everyone.

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni looked solemn.

He had long wondered where that man had gone after disappearing for so many years...

Now it seems that we have the answer.

According to the respectful attitude of those Hollows towards this man, it seems that Hueco Mundo is completely under the control of this man, and Aizen is just a plaything in his applause. These Xuhui performances in conjunction with Aizen were probably instructed by that man, right?

So now this situation...

"Do you want Aizen to surrender?"

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni sighed helplessly in his heart.

The real master who dominates Hueco Mundo seems to want to train new subordinates that satisfy him, and the weak ones like them seem to have no choice but to accompany him.

Just let Aizen go? How is it possible... Where should they put their face?

The war seemed inevitable.

Not only that, besides fighting, they also had to ensure the safety of the boys and girls who were involved in the trip. After all, they were the people left behind by that man. Who dared to touch them?

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni thought mmp, have we agreed that we are friends? Is this how you treat your friends, leaving such a troublesome guy behind?

If Xuan Hao knew what Yamamoto was thinking at this moment, he would definitely feel helpless.

The current Aizen is not his. After all, Aizen's betrayal was out of his own will. Isn't he helping them solve their problems?

After all, didn't this group of people just have no choice but to prevent Aizen from escaping?

You see, the 'anti-membrane' is gone now.

Are you going up?

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