A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 67 61. Start cleaning the battlefield

Chapter 67 61. Start cleaning the battlefield

In front of the Hall of Heroes, many "corpses" were lying.

There are members of the student council wearing red combat uniforms, and there are also members of the Lionheart Club wearing dark blue uniforms. But it is obvious that the student union has a slight upper hand, because judging from the color area lying on the ground, there is much less red.

Chu Zihang calmed down his breath and looked at the blond man wearing a dark red combat uniform in front of him. He knew this person.

This man is the president of the student union, Caesar Gattuso.

He had been invited to join the student council before, but he joined the Lionheart Club. It's not because he hates this man. In fact, this man makes him feel quite good.

But he heard that all boys who joined the student union had to run naked around the back hill late at night, with students following behind to take pictures, so he decisively refused.

So now, they are rivals.

The current situation is not good for Chu Zihang.

He was surrounded, and there were now more than a dozen guns aimed at him on Caesar's side, but he was alone on his side. But he never likes to admit defeat.

"Now you are the only one left, do you want to continue?" Caesar asked with a smile, holding the Desert Eagle in his hand.

Chu Zihang shook his head, his face as paralyzed as ever, showing no emotion.

"So, have you regained your strength a little?"

Caesar was standing not far from Chu Zihang. He had already ordered the surrounding student council members to stop shooting because he wanted to give this first-year student a try.

"I don't like to take advantage of others." Caesar threw the Desert Eagle on the ground and took out the half-meter-long hunting knife from his waist.

"If you want to rest again, I can give you some time."

"No need, we can fight." Chu Zihang took a deep breath and held Murasame's hand a little harder.

The blade of "Murasame" reflected sunlight, which was a bit dazzling, and the blade was pointed at Caesar in front of him.

The next moment, Chu Zihang shot out like a sharp arrow and rushed towards Caesar with a big stride.

A clean and sharp slash with a dash, a single skill, a frontal strike.

Chu Zihang's figure was so fast that it blurred, like a lion hunting, bringing up invisible air pressure, and the "sharp claw" in his hand swung towards Caesar.

This was obviously just a "One Day of Freedom" war game, but Chu Zihang seemed to have never thought about withdrawing his strength. If the sword really hit, he could just set the table.

Because he could feel that the man in front of him would not be someone who could be easily defeated.

Just as he expected, Caesar on the opposite side turned his body slightly, and the hunting knife in his hand slowly passed through the air. However, he did not use the blade, but used the side of the hunting knife to cross "Murasame".

With a flick of his wrist, he pushed Dick as a track, allowing "Murasame" to slide through smoothly, and effortlessly defused the sharp blow.

If it had been anyone else, they would have been neutralized due to the slashing, and they would have been too strong to stop, leaving Caesar behind.

If it were the previous Chu Zihang, maybe he would too.

But now, it's different.

Chu Zihang's calf muscles suddenly exerted force, his wrist flipped, and the blade changed from chopping down to cutting across.

Kasaya beheads! Step back.

He almost violated the rules of physics, forcibly offset the inertia, and switched from rushing forward to retreating.


An arc passes through.

Even Caesar couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He originally wanted to pursue the victory, but Chu Zihang's change of tactics almost made him unable to react. He pushed Dick Duo in front of him, and Murasame slashed at Dick. Toshang, he used his strength to quickly retreat.

The strong wind caused by the movement blew up Caesar's dazzling blond hair. He looked at Chu Zihang's movements and remembered the movements of the man named Xuan Hao during the 100-meter sprint during the previous physical test.

Chu Zihang stopped, his right calf was shaking slightly, but there was a rare smile on his normally paralyzed face.

Since that day, he has been strengthening the control of his body strength. Although he is still not as relaxed as Xuan Hao, he has achieved some results now. He was slowly getting stronger, which made him excited, and this battle was the best test.

"Yes, I was not disappointed."

Caesar said and moved. Passive defense was not his style.

The two of them made eye contact and pounced on each other again.

The light of the sword flashed, and the hunting knife and the sword were exchanged, reflecting waves of halo in the sunlight, like a slideshow on a stage, and the figures of the two people were intertwined. If it weren't for the swords fighting, the two people would have said something. The roars and the murderous aura in the air proved that the two were fighting, but it always gave people an inexplicable sense of beauty, like two people who cherished each other and danced in each other's arms.

The student council members watching the game were stunned. Are the first-year students so brave this year?


The door to the Hall of Heroes was pushed open, and Xuan Hao walked out carrying a broom.

"Oh ho, kid Chu Zihang is quite powerful~ No wonder you couldn't break in for a long time."

Xuan Hao looked at Chu Zihang who was dueling with Caesar and raised his eyebrows.

"Swish swish..."

The surrounding student union members who were watching the battle noticed the movement at the door and locked their guns on Xuan Hao.

"Oh, it's really troublesome." Xuan Hao scratched his hair.

What troubled him was not that there were too many people on the other side, but that he was considering how much water to put in.

He was afraid that if he accidentally used too much force, he would knock these little guys to death. After all, this was a school, and it was not good to deal with monsters that killed people.

Forget it, no more water, just open the Three Gorges Dam to release floods.

"Next, it's cleaning time." Xuan Hao's mouth cracked.

The next moment, Xuan Hao disappeared.

"Locate! Position! Find the target quickly!"

"No, no! The target moves too fast and cannot be locked!"

"Then shoot! There are so many of us, can't we suppress him alone?"

The student council members started to get into chaos, and fired wildly with their MP5s in the direction where Xuan Hao disappeared.

But unfortunately, it is of no use.

They did not surround Xuan Hao, and there were many flower beds nearby as bunkers. Blind shooting was nothing more than a waste of bullets.

This is the suppression of speed and power, absolute suppression.

Although Xuanhao's speed is of no use in front of Ange, it does not mean that he is slow. Slowness is because compared with Ange's time zero. His strong physique means that his speed is very fast. If there is If necessary, he can even activate Kotōrei·Kishatsu, ignore physical limitations and injuries, and forcibly accelerate, even faster than ordinary Kotōrei·Setsuna users.

"Moses Moses? You have been surrounded by me. Now, I will give you 10 seconds to put down your weapons and surrender."

Xuan Hao's voice was erratic, as if reaching the ears of the student council members from all directions.

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