A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 670 663.Sorry, please wait a moment

Chapter 670 663. Sorry, please wait a moment

"You don't need to remind me." Yami curled his lips slightly, moved his chin that was hit just now, and his eyes became serious. This time, it seemed that he no longer underestimated the two humans in front of him, but was really prepared to do it. of killing them.

Upon seeing this, Taitora Sadatori and Orihime Inoue immediately tensed up, both physically and mentally.

Especially Chadu, who had briefly fought with Yami just now, was even more nervous.

The two of them should be the only ones among the people who know the terrifying nature of the species 'Arrancar'.

In the previous fight, the Arrancar in front of him was obviously not even half of his strength. After all, even this guy's current posture was not his original appearance, but the result of self-restraint.

Just like the God of Death can 'Swastika', since he is a Hollow with the power of the God of Death, his power can of course be released again. And until now, this guy has no intention of touching the blade at his waist. It seems obvious Even in this posture, there is still room for strength against him.

On the other hand, if it weren't for Inoue's ability, the cracked arm armor might not last long.

Thinking of this, Sadatō Taihu moved a little forward and stood in front of Inoue.

It's common sense to protect the backline during battle.

He didn't know who these Arrancars belonged to. Logically speaking, if that man was the Lord of Hueco Mundo, he shouldn't be able to send Arrancars to the real world to cause trouble. But then he thought about Hueco Mundo being such a chaotic world. There is a fixed order, and even the king cannot control all the virtual beings in the entire Hueco Mundo.

Although the situation is still unclear, the only thing he can be sure of is that Inoue cannot make any mistakes, otherwise it will be a real world-class disaster.

"Before taking action, let me confirm first. What should I do with this woman?" Yami, who was already gearing up to take action, seemed to think of something and paused for a moment, "It seems that we have never encountered such an ability before, right? It seems quite interesting. Do you want to take it back to Mr. Aizen for study?"

(Aizen: Thank you so much.)

"We do have to take her back... After all, she is also one of our targets..." Ulquiorra murmured softly, "But before that, let's get rid of the other people who are getting in the way."


Yami responded.


The next moment, the howling wind sounded again. A white afterimage was drawn in the air, which was Yami's rampaging figure.


Inoue Orihime thought, and now she can control the movements of Shield Shun Rikka with her will without chanting.

The light curtain of the Three-Day Return Shield instantly unfolded in front of the two of them, and Chadoo also stood behind the light curtain in tacit understanding.

Inoue Orihime never really blocked the opponent's attack when she was trained by Nilu. Every time, Nilu stopped at the right time. The limit of the three-day return shield was far from being able to withstand the attack of such an existence. .

Although they just didn't know what they would do when faced with the Arrancar in front of them, who was definitely far different from Nero, they didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.


Sure enough, the light curtain cracked under the powerful force of the fist, and it seemed that it would be broken with just a little more force.


The corner of Yami's mouth curved into a cruel arc, he raised the arm that hit the light screen, and raised his other hand, held it together, and slammed it down.


The powerful spiritual power instantly shattered the light curtain, and the dark arms came forward.


Amidst the dull sound, Chadou raised his arms and his body sank slightly, and the ground was dented. Inoue on the side almost couldn't stand due to the sudden change in terrain.

However, she knew that now was not the time for her to adjust her body shape. At this moment, they were still at a disadvantage facing the Arrancar in front of her, even if they were two against one. She had to do something while the Arrancar in front of her was using both hands.

Although she wanted to use Tumi's power like last time, Tumi never responded to her call after using it once in Soul Society.

As expected, such power cannot be used casually. She clearly knew that Tumi's power should be very special. At that time, it seemed that it only consumed her spirit instead of her spiritual pressure, which was why she fainted.

However, being able to subdue a captain-level figure with only mental power is obviously not her own credit, even if it costs her life, Tumi's use of power will inevitably come at other costs, and she does not know these costs now. .

But the only thing that is certain is that such power cannot be used in a short period of time.

Gutian cuts the shield!

With no other choice, Inoue Orihime gritted her teeth and waved, and the petite dark shadow swept out from Inoue Orihime's side, turning into a sharp blade and slashing towards Yami's neck.

However, a despairing clear sound sounded.


The sharp blade that Chungui turned into passed through Yami's neck, causing a brilliant fire light. After the sword flashed, only a white trace was left.

The attack power is too weak and useless.

"Hey, give up struggling! My steel skin is not something weak guys like you can break through!"

Yami looked down at the two of them with disdain, not even bothering to look back to see what the flash of sword light was, since it was of no use to him anyway.

This is the steel skin that he is proud of as an Arrancar, and it is not something that weak Hollows can compare to.

Every part of his body was covered with armor-like skin that could not be penetrated by swords. Attacks like this were completely painless to him.


Inoue Orihime and Chadata Taitora remained silent and did not respond.

This is almost expected. After all, even when they were trained by Bailegang and Nilu, they mainly focused on practicing defense and improving their survivability. This is something that can't be helped, because their abilities are designed to Born to protect.

At this moment, the shortcomings of insufficient destructive power gradually became apparent.

However, the two of them did not lose heart, because they felt the familiar spiritual pressure approaching.


Roaring sounds came from a distance, and the spiritual pressure from top to bottom enveloped everyone present instantly.

Ulquiorra calmly turned his head to look in the direction where the spiritual pressure was coming from, but remained unmoved.

When Yami heard the roar, he frowned and turned his head, "There are really a lot of flies today!"

He opened his hands with an expressionless expression, opened his palms and swung his arms back violently.


Feeling the warmth coming from his arm, Ya Mi was in a daze.

Blood spurted out like pillars.

His arm was severed.

So fast!

It was obvious that the voice had just come from a distance, but when he reacted, his arm had already been cut off.

"How can it be!!!?"

A furious roar burst out from Yami's mouth.

He was too careless.

For him, anger is power, and his violent spiritual pressure instantly forces those around him back.

"Ulquiorra!! Is this the guy you want to kill...?"

He looked angrily at the yellow-haired boy in front of him who was forced to retreat, and asked through gritted teeth.

"Orange hair... black swastika... there should be nothing wrong..." Ulquiorra answered calmly. In his heart, he had already begun to judge whether this young man could threaten him.

Although it was possible to succeed only if Yami was careless, it did break through the steel skin and cut off his arm. This kind of strength should be said to be barely passing.

But... it's still too weak.

It poses no threat to him at all.

So he began to have some doubts.

Lord Aizen sent them here for two purposes.

Bring back one person and kill one person.

He still understood why he brought that woman back, after all, she had such magical power.

But...kill this kid?

Can a guy of this level really threaten Mr. Aizen when he can't even threaten himself?


So... maybe that person is a little too nervous?

(Aizen: You’re so nervous. Do you think I want to send someone to target him?

Xuanhao: Isn’t it?

Aizen: Ah this... you just say it is...)

"You seem to be in a tough fight. Do you want to replace me?"

Ulquiorra asked calmly.

He judged that the lineup of the three enemies in front of him at this moment was not something Yami could handle.

Two have amazing defenses, and one has sufficient speed and attack power. It is indeed too difficult for Ya Mi in this state, and now he is missing an arm.

"You don't have to worry about it!"

However, Yami seemed unconvinced and angrily rejected Ulquiorra's proposal.

Then he suddenly pulled out the Zanpakutō that had never been touched from his waist.

"Is it necessary to use a Zanpakutō to deal with a guy of this level? It's too embarrassing."

Seeing Yami draw his sword, Ulquiorra shook his head slightly.

"You're too noisy! This is my business!"

Regardless of the obstruction, Yami slowly raised the Zanpakutō in his hand.


Kurosaki Ichigo was slightly stunned when he heard such words, but he quickly came to his senses.

Sure enough, it was Hollow who had the power of death.

Now he has seen both the Shinigami with the power of Hollows and the Hollows with the power of Death. Aizen's theory is indeed not bluffing.

But...what good can Kyon do with a Zanpakutō? Is it possible that the swastika can still be understood?

"Stop him! Ichigo!" Sadatora's face changed, and he reminded anxiously when he realized something was wrong.

However, I don't know why, Kurosaki Ichigo's state seems to have become a little strange.

"Ichigo? Ichigo!?"

The voice of calling kept ringing.

Unfortunately, no matter how the outside world calls, Kurosaki Ichigo seems to be unable to hear him at this moment.

All that was left in Kurosaki Ichigo's mind was the wild roar and crazy laughter, and the violent sound seemed to swallow him whole.

Perhaps affected by the terrifying spiritual pressure of the two Arrancars in front of him, the spiritual power in his body was constantly rioting like a resonance.

He himself didn't know why this happened.

Obviously I didn't react like this when I faced Hirako Mako before. Could it be that...compared to Hirako Mako...I have become closer to the monster in front of me! ?

No! not like this! Disappear soon! Disappear soon! Disappear quickly!

Kurosaki Ichigo roared crazily in his heart, trying to throw out of his mind the voice that kept echoing in his mind tempting him to accept power, but it had no effect at all.

"Stop me? I don't know what you know, but... it's too late! Hahahahaha——"

Listening to the roar from the mouth of Sadatori Taihu, watching Kurosaki Ichigo lose control inexplicably, Yami smiled crazily with a cruel smile on his face. Although he didn't know what the situation of these guys was, the Zanpakutō It's already in his own hands, and it's already too late.

He is very angry now. He should have been like this a long time ago. Regardless of whether the yellow-haired boy in front of him is the target this time, as long as he flattens the entire city, the target must be there anyway!

"Let me go..."

"Oops, sorry, please wait~"

A joking voice suddenly sounded.

Yami was stunned for a moment, and found that he could not move at all, and the spiritual power in his body was also blocked.

Six pieces of light had been inserted into his body at some point and completely controlled him.

Sixty-one of the Dao of Binding—The Six-Stand Light Prison.

"What ghost..."

The expression on Ulquiorra's face finally changed slightly.

The visitor was actually able to use Kidō that gave up chanting to control the Ten Blades Yami, even though this guy was only the weakest among their Ten Blades, it seemed that things were getting a little troublesome.

"Damn it! What's going on!? Annoying guys appear one after another!"

Yami roared angrily, and his figure blocked by the light sheet continued to struggle.


The violence instantly broke through the shackles of the light sheet, and he looked at the two more people with a ferocious face: "There is no need to rush to death in such a hurry! Anyway, I will destroy everything here!"

As he spoke, he clenched his Zanpakutō again, preparing to release the power sealed within it.

"Oh? Oops... I seem to have heard some terrible thoughts..."

Urahara Kisuke smiled helplessly.

Before he could make a move, the people around him were already moving.

He knows the person next to him very well.

Shunshen·Sifengyuan Yeyi.

Although he has captain-level strength, he never carries a Zanpakutō with him.

It's not because she doesn't have a Zanpakutō, it's just because she doesn't need it under normal circumstances...

The battle often ends before the Zanpakutō is freed.

The name of Shunshin is not for nothing. If you want to free the Zanpakutō in front of her, you have to ask her if she is willing...

Moreover, ordinary Shinigami, even if they are also captain-level, even if they release the Zanpakutō, they are no match for her combined power of Bai Da and Kidō.


A violent roar sounded.

Yami lay on his back, and the violent impact made him spit out a mouthful of saliva.

"Ah? What...is going on?"

too fast.

He was thrown to the ground before he could react at all.

"I'm so angry! I'm so angry!! Ahhhhhh!!!"


There was another violent roar.

Along with the roar, Yami smashed the ground in anger.

The furious figure suddenly rose from the ground.

However, the two people opposite him didn't seem to care, and were even in the mood to chat.

"Should I knock Ichigo unconscious first? It seems like it's not the time yet." Urahara Kisuke said as he turned around, "Is it okay to leave it to you alone?"

"Who are you asking the question?"

Sifengyuan Yeyi asked calmly, walking towards the furious figure rising from the ground.

"Go to hell!"

Yami roared and waved his fist at Shifengin Yoruichi.

He is unwilling and angry.

I think it was just a little carelessness and injury that gave this woman an opportunity. Otherwise, she would have been knocked down so easily by this woman who couldn't feel much spiritual power fluctuations in her body and looked extremely small!

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