A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 679 672. Withered Ice Flower

Chapter 679 672. The withering ice flower


The sound of broken bones was heard.

"Kid! Take the people and escape!"

It was Renji Abarai who took action, even though he used the joints of Shebimaru to block the piercing of the sharp horn, but Shebimaru also broke two joints.

"Hmph! Do you think you can block my corner like this?"

Ilfert snorted disdainfully and twisted his head suddenly. The sharp horn instantly destroyed all the broken joints and pierced Renji Abarai himself.


Renji Abarai's abdomen was instantly pierced, and blood continued to gush out from the punctured wound.

"Finally... let you know who killed you!?" Ilfert sneered as he watched Abarai Renji's figure fall from the air, "Arrancar No. 15 Ilfert ·Granz!"


It seems that Renji Abarai is not the only one who is in crisis. The same is true for the other battlefield where Toshiro Hitsugaya and Rangiku Matsumoto are.

Matsumoto Rangiku had been knocked to the ground at this moment, and Hitsugaya Toshiro was also panting heavily with many wounds on his body, and seemed to be struggling.

"Hmph...it turns out that the captain's swastika is nothing more than this..." Xiaolong laughed at the young man in front of him with some disappointment, "What a pity. It seems that you are the unluckiest one."


As he said that, Xiaolong turned his head with some doubts and felt the breath coming from the distance. Some of them disappeared, and some of them got stronger.

"Trash... Has Eldorado been killed after Dee Roy? Even that guy Ilfert actually released his power? It's really disappointing... It seems that he and you met this group of trash Compared with my companions, you are really the unluckiest one."


Faced with Takayū's disdainful words, Hitsugaya Toshiro just snorted and continued his attack.

Frost left traces in the sky with his movement, which was frozen water vapor.


The sound of sword fighting sounded, and the Zanpakutō in Hyōrinmaru and Xiaoryu's hands collided again, but it still seemed to have no effect.

"It's really ridiculous. Does such a weak attack hurt me?"

Takayū used his disdainful hand to deflect Hitsugaya Toushiro's slash, seemingly without using all his strength, "How on earth did you become the captain?"

"It's not over yet."

Two figures passed each other and a calm voice sounded.

Hitsugaya Toshiro seemed to completely ignore Takayū's provocation and just carried out the steps he should do step by step.

After being liberated from the swastika, almost his whole body was covered in frost, as if possessed by an ice dragon. In addition to his wings, he even had a tail condensed with ice. Neither the wings of frost nor the tail were for decoration.



Takayū's attention was entirely on Hitsugaya Toshiro, and only now did he feel the whistling sound coming from behind.

That was the sound of the long frost dragon's tail streaking across the sky.


With a violent roar, Hitsugaya Toshiro's attack seemed to have finally worked.

Xiaolong was hit by the dragon's tail, and the sky was filled with ice, and no one could be seen for a while.

However, after the smoke dissipated, Xiaolong's figure still stood in mid-air unscathed.

He just put the sword behind his back to block the unexpected blow. The only change from before the attack was probably that the hand holding the sword was frozen under the influence of Hitsugaya Toushiro's spiritual power.

But this level of freezing wasn't even control for him.


Xiaolong slightly extended the fingers holding the knife, and the ice attached to it shattered with almost no resistance, "Well...it's a pity that you even used your tail...Does it look like you are at your wits' end?"

As he spoke, his gaze moved to the top of Hitsugaya Toshiro's head, where the frost flower had been suspended since the swastika was activated.


There was another small cracking sound, and a petal shattered.

"The number of petals is starting to decrease."

Xiaolong murmured, he had been paying attention to this flower since the battle just now, "I think... the flower floating behind you... should be a countdown, right?"

"What?" Hitsugaya Toshiro asked with a slight frown.

"I mean...this is the countdown until your swastika state ends, right?"

Xiaolong said confidently, as if he thought he had seen through Hitsugaya Toshiro's swastika, "It's probably a miracle that you can master swastika at your age, right? It's really too young, if I'm not wrong. ...Isn't your current swastika completely completed? Because the spiritual power required for swastika is too huge, so even a captain-level person cannot maintain the state of swastika for too long, and with your level of swastika This is even more obvious when it comes to the unfinished swastika. As time goes by, the petals of that flower will wither piece by piece... When they completely wither, that's when your swastika is lifted!"


Hitsugaya Toshiro listened silently to the other party's speculation, and the expression on his face did not change. He neither admitted nor refuted.

This seemed to make Xiaolong more certain that he must be right, so he said with some disappointment: "There were originally twelve petals, but now there are only three left. Although it will be very difficult to deal with you after the swastika is lifted." It's easy, but that's too rude... Although you did disappoint me, I still have to perform the due etiquette... Just let me completely defeat you at least while you still maintain your swastika. You go ahead! Use my... strongest power."

"Intercept him! Five-chamber bug!"

As he spoke, huge spiritual power surged out from the Zanpakutō in Takayū's hand. The spiritual power, which was almost as strong as it was substantial, instantly forced Hitsugaya Toshiro, who was suspended in the air not far away, back, and his sight was also obscured.

When the fluctuations in spiritual power subsided, Xiaolong had completed his return to the sword. The knife in his hand had turned into an insect-like outer skin armor covering his upper body. The braids hanging behind his back were also wrapped in hard steel and turned into sharp blades. The Scissor Worm's tail, arms and fingers became long and narrow and ferocious, and the bony blade looked strong enough to cut off everything.

Seeing the sudden gesture shown by the other party, Hitsugaya Toshiro's pupils shrank sharply and his body subconsciously retreated.

However, it seems that it is still a step too late.

Xiaolong, who returned to the sword, was very fast and arrived in front of him in an instant, raising his hand in his somewhat surprised eyes.

The sharp claws drew down slowly as if in slow motion, but in fact the speed was so fast that it exceeded Hitsugaya Toshiro's physical reaction.

"Remember my name...NO.11, Xiaolong Kufang...is the one who killed you."


Blood bloomed in mid-air, and five ferocious marks appeared on Hitsugaya Toshiro's chest. Fortunately, the ice wings spread out behind him dragged him backwards in a small translation. Otherwise, this claw might be able to kill him. The entire body is completely cut open.

"Hmph, it's useless. In the face of absolute strength, any struggle is in vain."

Seeing that Hitsugaya Toshiro barely dodged the fatal blow, Takaryu slowly raised his claws again.

But this time he still failed to hit.

Hitsugaya Toshiro has already reacted to the unprecedented return state of Takaryu. After knowing the gap, he immediately judged that the opponent's posture was definitely not something he could face head-on in his current state, so Retreat without hesitation.

Xiaolong, who did not pursue with all his strength, obviously did not expect Toshiro Hitsugaya to retreat so decisively. After all, his speed was a little slower. The sharp claws in his hands only chopped up the pair of people guarding Toshiro Hitsugaya. Ice Wings.

"Are you still struggling..."

Takayū was not in a hurry. He looked at Hitsugaya Toshiro who had pulled some distance away and chuckled, "Or do you think you still have the possibility of winning? Should you say you are worthy of being the captain... Even in the face of such a huge power gap? , still didn’t give up. Such fighting spirit is awesome! Really!”

"Xiaolong Kufang, right?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro suddenly spoke.

This was probably the first time he communicated with the other party after the war started, "I have something to ask you."

"Oh? After all, you are also about to die, so I will fulfill your wish. Any questions? Ask." Xiaolong had a faint smile on his face, and his powerful strength made him extremely confident and calm.

"You call yourself the No. 11 Arrancar...does that mean your strength ranks eleventh among the Arrancars?" Hitsugaya Toshiro asked the question he was most concerned about. The Arrancar in front of him is indeed very strong. Although his current state is not at his full strength, if the eleventh-ranked Arrancar is so difficult to deal with, even if he uses his full strength, it will be difficult to deal with the Arrancar who is higher up. ?

"No...our numbers are not ranked in order of strength, but in the order of birth."

However, when faced with Hitsugaya Toshiro's question, Takayū shook his head slightly and answered with a smile, "But... only starting from me."

"!?" Hitsugaya Toshiro frowned slightly, "What do you mean?"

"You are going to die anyway, so let me make it more clear..." Xiaolong smiled helplessly, "We will give numbers below the eleventh in the order of birth, and the particularly outstanding killers among them will be promoted. Then numbers from 1 to 10 are given in order of strength. The ten selected people are called the 'Ten Blades', and there are numbers assigned to them somewhere on their bodies. They have the power to control us NO.11 The full power of the following Arrancar..."

"That is to say...are the top ten Arrancars really stronger than you?" Hitsugaya Toshiro seemed to understand.

"No...not just strong...it should be said to be a completely different level." Xiaolong shook his head with regret, "Let me put it more clearly...people like you have such a hard time even meeting us. If guys of that level are one of the strongest combat powers in Soul Society, then you can't possibly be their opponent. Oh... By the way... What I said before seems to be a bit wrong. You should not be the unluckiest among you. Yes, because among the people who came to this world with us, there is one who belongs to the 'Ten Blades', the sixth 'Ten Blades', Grimmjow Jakarjak. The person who bumps into him is probably the most unlucky. of."


Hitsugaya Toshiro's pupils shrank sharply when he heard this.

The sixth 'Ten Blades', according to the guy in front of me, even the tenth 'Ten Blades' should be more than a star and a half stronger than it, so the sixth 'Ten Blades' should be the strongest among the Ten Blades. It's so strong, it's hard to imagine how terrifying it is.

If a guy like that is really alive right now, wouldn't they all be doomed?


However, in fact, things were not as bad as Hitsugaya Toshiro imagined.

Just like at this moment, even though Kurosaki Ichigo was facing the sixth 'Ten Blades' Grimmjow, he was not killed instantly.

Because Grimmjow's character is like this, he is warlike by nature, and he has no interest in guys who are too weak.

The sword light flashed continuously, and the clanging sound was endless.

Kurosaki Ichigo's slashes again and again failed to even make Grimmjow move a step.

He stood there with one hand in his pocket, and raised the other hand to block Kurosaki Ichigo's slash with his bare hands. From the look on his face, it could be seen that he was bored with winning at the moment.


There was another crisp clang, and Kurosaki Ichigo, his sword and his men were all bounced away.

Grimmjow seemed to have finally lost his patience and asked: "Hey...you look down on me too much, God of Death. With you like this, I can't even get the interest to kill you. Before I use my full strength, Use your swastika quickly!"

As he spoke, the expression on Grimmjow's face became excited, "Otherwise you will be like the Death God lying in the narration, with a big hole in your body!"


The expression on Kurosaki Ichigo's face became angry at this provocation.

This guy knocked Lucia to the ground in one glance, and could take his continuous attacks so lightly. His strength was terrifying.

Although he was a little unwilling to do so, it seemed that only by using the swastika would he have any chance of winning.

So, he raised Zangetsu in his hand, and his spiritual pressure began to rise continuously.


"Huh? Is this it?"

Feeling the increased spiritual pressure on the yellow-haired boy in front of him, Gridome sounded a little disappointed, and seemed to still have no interest in it.



Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression was extremely ugly at this moment.

Now is not the time to worry about enemies you haven't even seen yet, you have to solve the current dilemma first.

"It's not healed yet...it's too slow..."

Thinking of this, Hitsugaya Toshiro's eyes couldn't help but move down, looking at Matsumoto Rangiku who fell on the ground.

The communicator is on Matsumoto Rangiku, and he can't get any news from Soul Society at all. He doesn't know what the situation is, and... can he use his full strength now?

That's right, except for Kurosaki Ichigo, all the 'Death Gods' who came to this world are not fighting with all their strength at this moment. In order not to affect their souls in this world, they will seal part of their spiritual pressure before they come to this world.

This is not just because of the rules of Soul Society. Their mission is not to destroy. The reason why they choose to become 'Death Gods' is to protect something. No matter when, they cannot forget what they are protecting. Forget about your responsibilities as a 'god of death'!

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