Chapter 685 678. ‘King’


A violent roar sounded, and the tall building collapsed from the middle.

Two lights and shadows, one black and one white, flashed in mid-air, and the clanging sound of swords sounded from time to time.

It was Kurosaki Ichigo and Kyoshiro fighting in mid-air after the swastika.

"When...when did you learn how to interpret swastika!?"

Another sword was blocked, Kurosaki Ichigo frowned slightly and looked at the pale smiling face close at hand, questioning with some anger in his tone.

"Are you an idiot? Of course it's the same time as you!"

Xu Bai sneered and mocked, "Did I forget just after I said you? I am your spiritual power! In a sense... I am you! But this makes me very depressed... Ichigo! I obviously have more skills, I'm obviously good at fighting, I'm obviously stronger than you! But because you are too weak, you must be restricted!"

"What are you talking about!?"

Kurosaki Ichigo became angry when he heard this.

How could he lose to this guy? If you admit defeat... doesn't it mean that you will really be swallowed up and completely become hollow? ?

In anger, Kurosaki Ichigo's hand holding the sword suddenly became stronger.


After a fierce sound of knives, the tension between the two was pulled apart.

Kurosaki Ichigo, who flew upside down, suddenly stepped on the void, and the spirits gathered under his feet, gliding in mid-air as if they were stepping on the ground.

Unknowingly, the half-hearted 'Reaper' who couldn't even stand in mid-air seemed to have become very proficient in using various techniques, but he didn't seem to be aware of his terrifying growth rate.

Because it seems that no matter how he grows up, he will still encounter such terrible enemies that make him feel powerless.

The unwillingness began to ferment in Kurosaki Ichigo's heart. He suddenly stopped his retreating figure with force on his feet, holding the knife in both hands, and the dark spiritual power continued to burst out.

"Crescent Moon-Tian Chong!"


However, in the face of the whizzing sword pressure, Xu Bai, who was flying upside down, just laughed disdainfully: "Are you always angry? It's really scary~ But you seem to have forgotten... Where did you learn this move!?"

As he spoke, he waved his arm, and with just one hand, he effortlessly smashed the dark crescent-like spiritual pressure that arrived in front of him.

"How can it be!?"

Seeing such a scene, Kurosaki Ichigo was slightly startled.

Of course he knew that he learned this trick from this guy, but it wouldn't be like this! ?

Crescent Moon Chong is actually a very simple and crude move. It condenses a large amount of spiritual power and compresses and cuts through the blade to achieve extremely strong destructive power. The strength of the power has nothing to do with the skill, it just depends on the spiritual pressure.

Whether it's a Shinigami, a Hollow or a Quincy, it's the same. The strength of the spiritual pressure determines the strength of each item and can even determine the outcome of the battle. Just like when he faced Zaraki Kenpachi before, when the spiritual pressure gap is huge, Under the circumstances, his knife couldn't even cut through the skin he was dealing with.

And now in this situation...the guy in front of me can actually counteract his Crescent Moon Chong with one hand. Is there really such a big difference in strength between them! ?

"Watch it, Ichigo..."

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's dazed look, Xubai grinned and raised the white Tensuo Zangetsu in his hand, and the suffocating and terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly seemed to envelope the entire world.

"Crescent Moon Chong, this is how it is used!"


The terrifying spiritual pressure like a tide came towards him, followed by a huge spiritual pressure slash like a falling crescent moon in the sky, which swallowed up the shocked Kurosaki Ichigo.


A violent roar sounded.

The entire standing building collapsed, making it impossible to distinguish between up, down, left and right in this subverted world.



Liuche Quanxi looked at the watch in his hand and counted down silently.

"Ten minutes!"

After counting the last number, he hurriedly turned his head and motioned to Yusho Tianhagen, who was maintaining the barrier on the side, to open the barrier.

"Xiaobo! Open this place quickly, it's time to change people!"


Yusho Tian Hao Xuan answered without hesitation.

Although it seemed that only ten minutes had passed, these ten minutes were still too heavy a burden for Lisa Yakinmaru who was inside.


As soon as the barrier was opened, angry roars came from inside.

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo's body left outside has completed the swastika as he did in the conscious world, and what he holds in his hand is the dark Tensuo Zangetsu.

Now his body is only relying on instinct to fight, but it may be much stronger than usual, because now he is almost complete the virtualization.

The hollow in his chest has formed, and the mask on his face is only one eye short of being able to completely cover his entire face.

Facing the violent attack of such a monster, Lisa Yakinmaru seemed to be unable to hold on any longer.

In order to prevent her spiritual power from affecting Kurosaki Ichigo in this state, she controlled her power and did not weaken it, so she was always in a passive state of being beaten. At this moment, she was covered with bruises.

Holding on for ten minutes might not be a difficult thing for Lisa Yakinmaru when she could usually let go and fight, but at this moment, while suppressing her strength, fighting against the Hollowed Ichigo Kurosaki is simply asking for it. Eat hard.

It was precisely because of this that Rukuka Kennishi asked for a substitution as soon as the meeting time was up. If he didn't make a substitution, I'm afraid someone on their side would be damaged here before Ichigo Kurosaki could control the power of the Hollow in his body.


Rokusha Kensai crossed the barrier and instantly arrived in front of Yakinamaru Lisa, facing the oncoming Kurosaki Ichigo.

He turned sideways and raised his fist with his palm, and knocked back the beast-like Ichigo Kurosaki with an elbow.

"It's time, it's my turn!"


Lisa Yakinmaru didn't object, she hugged her injured arm and exited the barrier.

Because this is what they have agreed upon.

The method for Ichigo Kurosaki to learn to control the power of the Hollow in his body is actually very simple, which is to draw out the power of the Hollow and let his will compete with the Hollow. The result is nothing more than two, either completely becoming a Hollow, or controlling the power of the Hollow. strength.

Because of this, they cannot become hollow in front of Kurosaki Ichigo in this state. Hirako Mako has used the power of the void to draw out the power in Kurosaki Ichigo's body. If it is stimulated again, it will become even more violent. It is completely giving him a blow. Kurosaki Ichigo regains control and increases the difficulty.

But without the Hollow, they would not be able to persist for too long in the hands of the violent Kurosaki Ichigo with their own strength.

So we can only use the current method - wheel battle.

Taking turns entering the barrier to delay time, giving Kurosaki Ichigo enough time to regain control of his body.

Of course...if this guy can't 'come back' until they can't hold on anymore...they can only use the last resort.

"Ichigo, you have to hurry up...otherwise, I will really kill you."

Looking at Lisa Yakinmaru who had withdrawn from the barrier to heal and rest, Mako Hirako sitting aside murmured to herself.


Lisa Yakinmaru breathed heavily while using Kidō to treat her injuries.

"How much time do you have to rest?"

"Eight people take turns, ten minutes multiplied by eight...eighty minutes~" Mako Hirako answered absentmindedly, all his attention focused on Kurosaki Ichigo in the barrier.

Although he promised to help Kurosaki Ichigo learn how to control the power of the void, the lives of his companions must still be important to him.

If the people inside couldn't hold on, he would rush in and save them without hesitation.

However, the flow of time inside was faster than outside. If he wanted to save people, he had to be faster, so he had to concentrate.

"How can it be multiplied by eight? Bald man!" Hiyori Sarugaki on the side curled her lips and retorted, "If you add yourself, there are seven people."

"Oh, that's ten minutes multiplied by seven, so seventy minutes." Hirako Mako answered perfunctorily without even thinking about it.

"Um...I have to be responsible for maintaining the barrier, so you can't count me in..." Ariakida Hakugen reminded weakly.

"Tsk, sixty minutes, right..."

Lisa Yakinamaru didn't wait for others to interrupt and came to the conclusion directly, "This boy's power... is a bit unexpected. You should be careful when you go in..."

"What are you careful about?" Aichuan Luowu asked with a slight frown.

"That is……"

Saying that, Yakinamaru Lisa looked at the violent figure in the barrier that became more and more courageous as he fought, "Super-speed regeneration! This is an ability that ordinary Hollows do not have. The Zanpakutō will have no effect at all on him. I'm afraid... …Whether we wait until he changes back to his original appearance or completely turns into a Hollow, we are the only ones who will be consumed.”

As she said that, she looked at Hirako Mako: "If the final result is that he fails, then... are you sure that you can kill him after being consumed for one round?"


Hearing this, Hirako Mako fell silent.

It looked like the situation was worse than he imagined.

The internal battle time limit to restrain the Hollow is about an hour. Not counting Xiaobo, there are still 6 of his companions, which is exactly 60 minutes.

After the last companion comes out, he will face two choices depending on the situation.

The first is that Kurosaki Ichigo suppressed Hollow's power within that hour and completed the training. This is naturally good and everyone is happy.

The second situation is...considering whether to continue to the next round.

No, that's a no-brainer.

He can give Kurosaki Ichigo ten minutes at most.

If this kid still couldn't control the power of the void within these ten minutes, he would have no choice but to kill him.

Because even after resting, his companions probably wouldn't be able to go in and delay further. After all, this kid actually has the troublesome ability of 'super-speed regeneration' after becoming virtual.

And even he couldn't delay for too long with such a terrifying guy who was gradually becoming completely insubstantial and regenerating at a super-speed. Otherwise, if he didn't have the strength to kill the opponent in the end, he would really be out of luck.



Heavy breathing sounded in the air.

Kurosaki Ichigo was a little tired and barely stood in the air.

At this moment, the clothes on his chest had been torn, and a hideous wound continued to overflow with blood.

He seemed to have reached his limit after receiving a blow from the Crescent Moon Celestial Strike head-on.

It's obviously the same Crescent Moon Opposition, why is there such a big difference?

Obviously this guy should be his own spiritual power, why is he so much stronger than himself! ?

Various questions were swirling in his mind.

He stared blankly at Xu Bai, who was stepping on the void and approaching him, wondering what the other party wanted to do.

"Did I tell you? You are really weak, Ichigo."

Xubai scoffed and approached, reaching out to hold Zangetsu in Kurosaki Ichigo's hand.

From the moment he held the blade, the white color began to spread and erode towards the entire blade. The originally dark Tensuo Zangetsu was gradually assimilated by his power.


"What am I?"

Xu Bai grinned and asked, "You can only look at me now. No matter what I do, you can't stop me. Speaking of which... I really get angry when I see your half-hearted understanding of swastika... How can you be so weak? The 'King' who binds me is actually so weak!?"

"what are you talking about?"

Kurosaki Ichigo's eyes were full of confusion.

"Don't you understand yet?" Xu Bai asked helplessly, "Why are we both Swastika and Crescent Heaven Chong, but there is such a big gap in strength between us? That's because you... simply use There is no solution to the problem!"

As he spoke, the Tensuo Zangetsu in Kurosaki Ichigo's hand was completely stained white, and then dissipated into a spirit child like a collapse and merged into Xubai's body.

"Did you see it? It was so easily disintegrated by me... I couldn't even fully control it. Do you think such a swastika is complete!?"


Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Zangetsu gradually dissipating in his hand, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

Isn't he really a swastika?

But if it's not swastika, then what is it?

"Stop being stunned, haven't you reacted yet?"

Xu Bai stretched out his hand and slapped Kurosaki Ichigo on the face, pushing him away.

"As I said, I am 'Zangetsu'! Before you can suppress me, it is impossible to exert the full power of 'Swastika', so your swastika is incomplete. Do you understand?"


Kurosaki Ichigo stabilized his figure and looked at Xubai in front of him with a horrified expression.

If you put it this way, wouldn't it be an unsolvable knot?

If he can't suppress the guy in front of him, he won't be able to use all the power of Zangetsu's swastika. And without the power of swastika... what should he use to defeat this guy in front of him! ?

"Do you still think you have a chance of winning now?"

Xu Bai turned the blade in his hand and approached with a smile, "You don't even have a weapon, what else can you use against me?"


Kurosaki Ichigo was silent, not knowing how to answer.

" disappointing!"

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's silent look, Xubai sighed, and even for some reason there was a hint of anger in his tone, "You become powerless when you lose your weapon. This is your limit. Is this your energy!? King!? "

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