A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 687 680. Wang Jian Creation Method

Chapter 687 680. Wang Jian Creation Method

"Hmph...who knows? Anyway...before I show up next time, don't die so easily...my king."

Xubai's voice gradually faded away, and finally disappeared completely in this space.

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Zangetsu in his hand in silence.

There was no change in his appearance, but at this moment, he felt an unprecedented strength.

He seemed to have succeeded, successfully suppressing the power of the void and using it for his own use.

So, he took another step and disappeared into this space.



On the other side, Hirako Mako and the faces of everyone outside the barrier became extremely ugly.

They stared at the terrifying figure standing in a stalemate with Aichuan Luowu in the barrier with extremely serious expressions.

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo has completely lost his 'human' appearance, his face is completely covered by a ferocious mask, and his body has gradually expanded and turned pale. It is the 'steel skin' that wraps his soul!

It wasn't just the steel skin, but what made everyone sweat break out on their foreheads was the spiritual pressure condensed on the fingertips of Ichigo Kurosaki's raised hand at this moment.

That's a false flash.

This guy seems to have completely disappeared and turned completely into a virtual appearance.

"Damn it! It's Xudian! Luo Wu!"

"That guy is hopeless! No need to be merciful anymore!"

The people outside the barrier roared angrily.


Aikawa Luowu seemed to have noticed this, and slowly reached out his hand to touch his forehead, as if he was preparing to disappear.

Kurosaki Ichigo's state is completely out of control at the moment. They can't continue to hold on, as they are courting death.

If he didn't become insubstantial, he wouldn't be able to withstand the spiritual pressure of the infernal flash just by relying on his current state.

"Xiao Bo, remove the barrier, everyone... get ready to take action!"

Outside the barrier, Hiyori Sarugaki also reached out to touch his forehead and prepared to become hollow. The rest of the people were already holding their Zanpakutos tightly and ready to go.

As long as Shoda Boxuan puts away the barrier, they will swarm up and work together to eliminate the 'empty' in front of them.

However, just when everyone was ready to take action.

There was a crisp cracking sound.



Everyone stared in disbelief at the figure of Kurosaki Ichigo after the virtual form.

What was broken was nothing else but the 'steel skin' wrapping the soul.

Like shedding a skin, the hollow shell surrounding Ichigo Kurosaki's soul was completely shattered, revealing the human form with a mask inside.

I saw the man slowly inserting the Zanpakutō in his hand into the ground, then calmly reached out and took off the mask on his face, revealing the familiar face.


Seeing this scene, Hirako Mako finally breathed a sigh of relief and took back his Zanpakutō which seemed to have been unsheathed.

"How do you feel? Ichigo..."


Kurosaki Ichigo wanted to laugh, but found that he seemed to have no strength to laugh anymore, and he slowly fell to the ground with a thud.

After a long time, Kurosaki Ichigo, who was blocking the ground, raised his hand and clenched his fist. Finally, a smile appeared on his face.

"It seems... not bad."


Now, in Orihime Inoue's room, everyone, including Orihime Inoue and Taihu Sadatori, looked solemnly at the figures in the picture projected on the wall.

This is a contact from the Soul Society, and the person in the picture is naturally the captain of the Gotei 13, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni.

"Captain...what is the purpose of your contact this time?" Hitsugaya Toshiro frowned slightly and asked seriously.

"Captain Hitsugaya... I am contacting you urgently this time for a very important matter." Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a serious tone, "According to your report, there are also Soul Society The clues collected here...according to the report provided by you, as well as some clues from Soul Society...I have probably found out the true purpose of Sosuke Aizen!"


Hitsugaya Toshiro repeated in a murmur.

"Yes, if I'm not mistaken... war may be unavoidable."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni said, opened his eyes, and the look in his eyes became extremely serious.

He guessed that the purpose of 'that man' was to force Soul Society to become his enemy, so he allowed his subordinate Aizen to act like he was doing now.

They need to know what Aizen wants to do before they can try to avoid conflict.

But in fact...conflict seems to have become inevitable.

Because when he figured out what Aizen wanted to do, he found that Aizen didn't leave them a way to survive.

"Aizen has been escaping from Soul Society for a month. We have carried out investigations into the captain's room of the 5th division where he used to be... and the 46-room underground conference hall, the Purity Tower Julin, where he was lurking, as well as the Great Spirit Book Corridor. We conducted a continuous search! But we encountered many possibilities, because many places are off-limits, and even captain-level people don’t know much about the situation inside.”

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni explained in a deep voice, "Among them, we found strange traces in the Great Spirit Book Corridor. Behind the read records that only attached the Honyu and its research materials, there were two days before Aizen's defection. Attached to it are documents that have nothing to do with Beng Yu!"

"Stop being pretentious, Captain! What are the extra documents at the back about?" Hitsugaya Toshiro asked directly.

"King Key!"

These two words were slowly spat out from the mouth of Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni, causing the pupils of the Shinigami present to shrink sharply.

"King Key? What is that..." Orihime Inoue and Taitora Chadatari were a little confused about this unfamiliar vocabulary.

"It's the 'Royal Key'." Rangiku Matsumoto explained in a deep voice to the two people who didn't understand. "Since there are nobility in Soul Society, there is also a royal family. However, very few people know about its existence, only the deputy captain. and above. Although he is the king, he has left Soul Society under the control of Chamber 46 without interfering, so his existence is basically invisible. Even the captain and I have never seen the so-called 'king'."

"That's right... Although the sense of existence is not strong, the 'King' does exist and is indispensable." Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni slowly nodded and explained, "The King is called the 'Spiritual King'. In Soul Society, it is a symbol and an absolute existence. As for why it is absolute... because it is related to the balance of the entire world. Because it is so important, he has been protected in another independent space in Soul Society. The king's spies are guarding it! And the 'King Key' is the key to the Spiritual King's Palace."

"So...Mr. Aizen, he wants to be the king..." Inoue Orihime seemed to have thought of something and spoke hesitantly.

"King of Destruction! This should be Aizen's purpose."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni gave the answer before Inoue Orihime finished speaking.

"So... we only need to protect the so-called 'King Key', can we avoid everything from happening?" Chatata Taihu sorted out the situation and asked.

"No...the key to the problem is not the 'King Key' itself." Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni helplessly shook his head.

"The document Aizen looked at didn't record the location of the 'King Key', right?" Hitsugaya Toshiro quickly guessed something.

"Yes, this is the worst..." Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni said in a heavy tone, "The location of the 'King Key' is only passed down orally through the captains of each generation of the Gotei 13. In other words...except for me There will be no records at all outside of it. Aizen is smart, he didn't try to get the location from me... He looked at the documents that recorded the creation of the 'King Key' at that time! All he knows is-' Wang Jian’s Creation Method’!”

"That's why you said... war is inevitable?" Rukia Kuchiki asked with a somewhat ugly expression.

"Yes... the Soul King is an existence that cannot be shaken. If they want to move the Soul King, it is impossible for us to stand by and watch." Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni said with a slightly helpless tone.

Although he really didn't want to be an enemy of that man, if the other person's goal was the Soul King, even if the other person was a Transcendent, he would have no choice but to bite the bullet.

The Spiritual King is the foundation that maintains the entire world, and there must be no room for error.

This is the only thing that must be stopped even if it costs the entire Soul Society.

"So...how can Wang Jian be created?" Chadu Taihu asked with some confusion.

He felt that this seemed to be the key to the problem.

Sure enough, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni looked at him and replied with a heavy tone: "This is why I asked you to stay and listen... because the materials needed to create the 'King Key' are closely related to you!"

"Is...what is it?"

"The creation of the 'King Key' requires... one hundred thousand souls! A heavy spirit within a radius of one spirit!"

"Ten...hundred thousand!?"

Inoue Orihime covered her mouth, frightened by this astonishing number.

"Yes! But it's not just the souls that are related to you..." Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni explained with a solemn expression, "'Chongreiji' refers to the 'spiritual singularity located in the present world'. That place will be affected by the It has changed with the changes of the times. At that time, it was the easiest place to gather souls in the world, and it was a special land with spirits. Let me put it this way... Do you understand? Yes, the land of heavy spirits that Aizen needs is the land you are standing on at the moment. - Karakura Town!

A hundred thousand souls and a land of heavy spirits within a radius of one spirit may sound a bit abstract. Let me explain it more carefully... If Aizen wants to create the 'King Key' according to the literature, Karakura Town and its adjacent lands And human beings...all of these will disappear from this world! "


Everyone's expressions became extremely ugly.

They couldn't imagine what it would be like if the land beneath their feet was completely wiped off the map.

The difference between this and 'Doomsday' may just be that the scope is smaller.

"Because of this...that's why Aizen wants to take you away from here."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Inoue Orihime, "My child...do you understand what I mean?"


Inoue Orihime was stunned.

She felt as if a mountain was pressing on her shoulders.

Everyone's eyes were also focused on her.

Everyone seemed to understand why Aizen was obsessed with taking Inoue away.

Because at this moment, there are still 100,000 human lives in Karakura Town that seem to be weighing on this girl, once she leaves this land.

What Aizen was afraid of was the man's anger, so he didn't dare to start the 'ritual' while the girl was still here.

A war seems imminent over this girl.

"Don't worry, even if there is no other way, we will do our best to protect you..."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni comforted him in a deep voice, "Not just you...but also this land and the countless souls on it. We will prevent the worst case scenario from happening...because this is the meaning of our existence."

As he spoke, he sighed and looked at the girl.

Although this would put pressure on the girl, he had to do it.

Because as long as this girl is still alive and under their protection, things will not develop in the worst direction.

As long as they have the name of protecting this girl, even if Aizen leads the entire Hueco Mundo to go to war with them, they will not completely break with that man.

He knew that this was his selfish desire, but it was also to protect Soul Society and even the entire world.

Although he wasn't sure what the man wanted to do by forcing them to fight, it didn't matter.

For the first time, Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni felt so powerless.

He knows very well that in fact, the world only exists in the other person's thoughts, and even as long as the other party wants it, no matter what they do, it will be in vain.

Fortunately, the other party seems to keep his promise...no...it should be abiding by the 'rules of the game'.

They struggled desperately just to find a chance of survival in this 'game', and they did whatever they could to do so.

This is the power of the ‘transcender’.

The absolute power gap makes it impossible to see any hope.

"There's not much time left..."

Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni looked around at everyone through the screen, "According to Nirvana's report, Bengyu who opened the inner seal of the soul is in a deep sleep state. No matter what kind of power is used, it will take time to completely wake it up. A while ago, that man probably wouldn’t interfere with this, so we have about four months left to prepare. The decisive battle... will be in the winter! Before that, gather your strength!"


Everyone responded with solemn expressions.


Yamamoto Genryu Sai Shigekuni seemed to remember something and looked at the two people from this world again.

If he remembered correctly, not only Inoue Orihime, but all the children who had broken into Soul Society seemed to have been cared for by that man.

In other words... this may be the 'way of survival' or 'compassion' that the man left for them.

"Please tell Kurosaki and Ishida about this... This time, I hope you can ignore the past and lend us your power... Please."

"Leave it to me, Kurosaki-san!"

Inoue calmed down and volunteered.

It's useless to think about it now. What she has to do is to protect herself from being captured by those Arrancars and support everyone at the same time.

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