Chapter 693 686. Disadvantages

"That's right! Aren't the people from Soul Society here just to deal with these guys? Let them deal with it first!"

Aikawa Luowu on the side also persuaded Kurosaki Ichigo who wanted to rush out to fight, "Miss Inoue, you should also talk about him!"

"Huh? Me? But...I..."

Inoue Orihime was a little at a loss when she was suddenly called.

"Okay, let him go."

Fortunately, Hirako Mako who was on the side seemed to have other ideas and came forward to speak.

"Ha!? Are you kidding me, Mako! This guy is now..."

"Okay, if you want to make him give up, you have to let him know the gap, right?"

Hirako Mako raised his hand to stop the quarrel. Looking at the back of Kurosaki Ichigo who had fled out, he said expressionlessly, "Don't worry, I will be responsible for suppressing it and won't let him die."


Seeing Hirako Makoto's insistence, everyone no longer stopped him.

And the other party seems to be right. In order for a person to give up, he must first know the gap.

Although Kurosaki Ichigo has indeed managed to master the power of Hollow, it is still far from being able to use it to fight these Arrancars.

"Hi! Death, I'm looking for you."

Grimmjow, who had originally planned to cause a scene to force out the Shinigami hiding nearby, saw Kurosaki Ichigo himself appearing, staring at him with a fierce look on his face, looking extremely irritable, like a bloodthirsty beast.

"That's what I'm supposed to say, right!? Bastard."

With a confident smile on his face, Ichigo Kurosaki held Zangetsu in one hand and stretched his other hand to his forehead, "I'm going to show you how much I have changed in this month!"





The Monitoring Bureau of Soul Society Division 12 suddenly became agitated.

"The spiritual wave reaction was detected and it appeared! It's the Arrancar!"

"What about lifting the restriction? Don't do it like last time. If you face the Arrancar in the restricted state, they can't deal with it at all!"

"I know! So I have already reported it in advance! I have obtained permission to lift the restrictions!"

"Okay! Where is the information about the target!? What color is the reaction!?"

"It's red! Highest alert! It's 'Ten Blades'! That's right!"


The atmosphere became silent for a moment, then rioted again.

"Damn it, get on your positions! Move quickly! Inform all captains to be ready for support at any time!"


"Every team listens to the order! Emergency! There is a 'Ten Blades' level Arrancar reaction in the northern part of Karakura Town! Number four! They are fighting Captain Hitsugaya!"


Rukia Kuchiki stopped in front of the gate that left Soul Society.

"Sorry, please help me change the coordinates! Go to the real world! Move quickly! The other captains will probably arrive soon!"


The Shinigami responsible for managing the world-crossing gate was slightly stunned. Rukia Kuchiki had already received permission to leave Soul Society, and now she just wanted to change the destination coordinates. Of course he would not have any objections, and as the other party said, As he said, he also heard the emergency notification just now. It is estimated that the order for support will come out soon, and the gate to the real world should indeed be prepared.

Soon, the left side was replaced, and as soon as the boundary door opened, Kuchiki Rukia rushed in without hesitation.

Cold sweat broke out on her forehead along the way.

Such an attack came too suddenly.

Doesn't it mean that according to Captain Nie's speculation, Bengyu should wait until winter to wake up? Why would a 'Ten Blades' level Arrancar appear so soon! ?



The dark spiritual pressure dispersed, and the figure of Kurosaki Ichigo appeared in mid-air after the 'Swastika'.


Seeing such a figure exuding strange spiritual pressure, Grimmjow snorted, "Is this the 'Swastika'? Why does it feel different from the previous aura? How did you do it? But it doesn't matter, you forgot ? Your swastika has no effect on me at all."

"I think you have healed your scar and forgot about the pain, right? The mark on your chest was officially cut out by my 'Swastika' move!"

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned slightly and looked at the Arrancar in front of him, "I'm surprised...didn't your arm recover?"


Grimmjow became angry when he mentioned this matter, "Are you an idiot? What can you do to restore your burned arm!? Do you really think that Hollow's recovery power is strong enough to make something out of nothing... But it doesn't matter. , to deal with a waste like you, one hand is enough! Two hands are a bit redundant!"

"Really? Then it seems like I don't need to be merciful!"

An unhappy look appeared on Kurosaki Ichigo's face, and the spiritual energy in his body began to surge.

"You'd better do this! If you don't want to die!" Grimmjow also looked unhappy, "Who needs sympathy from his opponent! He is indeed a stupid human being!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his spiritual power also began to rise. Two powerful spiritual pressures collided in mid-air, and it was difficult to tell the winner for a while.

Feeling the pressure brought by the spiritual pressure on the opponent's body, Grimmjow finally understood the difference between the brat's swastika now and before. It was the taste, the taste of the void, which was stronger!

Kurosaki Ichigo put his hand on his forehead to cover one eye, while the other eye was firmly locked on Grimmjow in front of him.

He knew he had to make a quick decision.

Although he had received training from the Masked Legion, the time he could maintain his virtual state at his current level was only eleven seconds, but it didn't matter, he was confident that he could end the battle within this short period of time. This was the confidence that his newfound strength gave him.

"Take the move."

As he finished speaking, a ferocious black and white mask appeared on Kurosaki Ichigo's face, and his hollow eyes revealed a gaze that made his soul tremble.

There was no joy or sadness in these eyes, only a terrifying murderous intention that seemed to be able to devour the human soul.

"What...what is this!?"

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's current state, Grimmjow was a little confused.

Isn't this guy the God of Death? It's already weird to have the odor of Xu on your body, but it can actually look like Xu! ?

"Sorry! I don't have time to explain to you now!"

Kurosaki Ichigo moved as he spoke, approaching at a speed that was difficult for Grimmjow's eyes to catch.

The dark spiritual pressure on the long knife seemed to be flowing, and the blade cut through the air silently, as if nothing could act as resistance anymore.


The sound of swords clashing only sounded for a moment.


Grimmjow blocked the blow at the critical moment, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead.

Feeling the terrifying power coming from the blade, the look on his face became unbelievable.

The long black sword pressed against him like a mountain, forcing him to retreat. The terrifying suppressive force even made it impossible for him to bounce it away or escape from the trajectory of the opponent's slash.


At such a close distance, Grimmjow clearly felt the danger.

But even if you feel it, you can't dodge it!

Kurosaki Ichigo's attack has not ended, but has just begun!

The dark spiritual pressure seemed to be overflowing and wrapped around the equally dark blade in front of him. This familiar feeling made Grimmjow feel very familiar. Yes, it was the move that once left scars on his chest!

"Crescent Moon-Tian Chong!"

Kurosaki Ichigo roared, his voice seemed to penetrate his soul.

The eyes under the ferocious mask are like the angry look of King Kong.

Time passed by second by second, and he only had this chance to strike, so he tried his best.


Grimmjow wanted to dodge, but the almost seamless sword pressure after such a slash was impossible to dodge. The two swords were clearly still wrestling with each other, but the terrifying dark spiritual pressure had already risen, and in an instant, he was completely overwhelmed by the close proximity. .



There was a cracking sound, and ice shards flew all over the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

A mocking laugh came from Yami's mouth. He looked down with contempt at the tricks used by the childish boy in front of him, "What is this? Captain!? It's too simple!"


Hitsugaya Toshiro didn't refute, just snorted and distanced himself again.

He hasn't used 'Swastika' yet.

Because he wanted to see the gap between himself and the so-called 'Ten Blades'. Although the opponent was only the bottom-ranked Ten Blades, this was a good opportunity.

The data from his battles will serve as valuable intelligence to prepare for the decisive battle that may break out in the coming winter.

But after a simple test, he felt a little pressure.

Things were far worse than he imagined.

He is now in a state of limited contact. If he were the No. 11 Xiaolong he met before, he was confident that he could defeat him even if he was just a Haikou in this state, but now he was completely overwhelmed by the Arrancar in front of him. suppress. It looks like there is no chance of winning if you don’t ‘swastika’…

But it's not only you who can liberate your power, the opponent also has such means.

The only chance of winning seems to be to fight quickly after the swastika, and when the opponent underestimates the enemy, the battle ends before the opponent has time to release the Zanpakutō!

And... it's not enough for him to defeat the Arrancar in front of him...

There are four Arrancars who have come to this world...

The people facing Ruby on the other side were also in a deadlock.


With a dull blow, Ayasegawa Yumichika's figure flew out upside down.

He was shot away.

Ruby was as leisurely as if she was playing, with no intention of pulling out the blade on her body.

"I said, you have no chance of winning one on one, don't you understand?"

"Stop being so verbose, it's so noisy!"

Ayasegawa Yumichika spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva and stood up again using his Zanpakutō to support his body.

"Harm, you should also persuade him, otherwise I will really kill him, right?"

Seeing how unwilling the person in front of her was, Ruby asked helplessly Madarame Ikkaku who was watching the battle.

"I'm not interested in two versus one, stop looking down on people, Arrancar."

Madarame responded with an expressionless expression, saying that the members of their eleventh squad had never talked about fighting together.

If you really can't, prepare for a team funeral. Anyway, this guy has arranged himself in this way before.

"Really? I didn't expect you gods of death to be so ruthless." Ruby shrugged helplessly, "It's really troublesome, a group of guys who are both good and fun-loving..."

As he said that, he seemed not to want to continue playing, and turned to look at Yami who was 'playing' with Hitsugaya Toshiro.

"Hey, Yami, why don't you give me the kid you're dealing with? He's not your target anyway."

"What did you say? What should I do?"

"Just wait until next time? These guys are really boring. Why don't you just let me get rid of them together and let's find a new target? While Ulquiorra hasn't figured it out yet... we might be able to find him. The guy you want to kill~"

"Oh well."

Yami nodded helplessly, who made this guy have a higher rank than him?

And what this guy said was right. He really wanted to avenge the gang he met before rather than the unimpressive boy in front of him.


"Didn't I say no? We're spending too much energy! And you haven't learned to establish a foothold in the air, have you? How are you going to fight those Arrancars!?"

In the underground training ground of Urahara Shoten, Renji Abarai stopped Taitora Sadatora who wanted to help.

After all, Sadatora Taihu is a human being. Humans in this world have inherent disadvantages in the control and perception of spiritual power due to the constraints of the body. Inoue Orihime and those Quincy are completely exceptions, at least Chadatar Taihu's control of spiritual power. It's not enough. Although the momentum looks terrifying, it's still too much to ask him to accurately gather the foothold under his every step.

Of course they also felt the Arrancar's spiritual pressure.

But at this time, they were practicing day and night, and their condition was not very good at the moment. It was too reluctant to fight those Arrancars.

At least Abarai Renji felt that in this state, he was simply going to die, with no chance of winning.

However, the big guy next to him seems to think that the problem is not that big. His jumping ability and terrifying physical fitness can make up for these shortcomings, as long as he can focus on his footing and change the direction of his force when needed.

This may sound reasonable, but is actually silly.

Using this simple and crude method to make up for the lack of skills can only be won when the strength completely overwhelms the opponent, right?

Although he doesn't want to admit it, in terms of strength alone, he is no longer as good as the young man in front of him. It is really incredible that he is obviously a human being but has become so abnormal.

During the short sparring session, this kid could only defend passively from the beginning, but now he doesn't even dare to take a punch, and his progress can be described as rapid.

But even so, it would not be able to completely crush the Arrancar, and it would still be a stronger Arrancar than he had ever encountered before! Renji Abarai, who has actually faced Arrancar, knows this very well.

"It's just so reckless."

"That's right, Abarai is right. You should just rest first."

Urahara Kisuke once again pulled out the Zanpakutō hidden in his cane for a long time and chuckled, "Let me go."

"Well...since Mr. Urahara said so..."

Seeing Urahara Kisuke preparing to take action, Sadatari finally calmed down.

Speaking of the strongest combat power in the world at the moment, besides Kurosaki's father, this man is probably one of them, right?

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