A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 695 688. One against seven?

Chapter 695 688. One against seven?

The sword flashed through the void, forcing back Wanda Weiss who wanted to sneak attack from behind. Urahara Kisuke still had a faint smile on his face and remained unmoved.

"What do you mean, guy?"

Ruby was very concerned about the words of this man who suddenly appeared.

You actually said they were NPCs? By the way...what does npc mean?

hateful! It's so annoying. This guy obviously has no intention of letting them understand, right?

It’s simply baffling!

"There is no other meaning... I am just one of the participants in this game, fulfilling my obligations..."

Urahara Kisuke calmly replied, "The goal of your visit is just to take Inoue away, right? Before the game officially starts... you can't break the rules."


Ruby frowned slightly.

This man actually revealed their purpose right away.

That's right, they actually came here just to attract the attention of these Shinigami, and to give Ulquiorra an opportunity to take away the woman Aizen-sama said he wanted to invite back to Hueco Mundo.

What does this man mean?

You clearly see through their purpose, but you don't seem to care?


Not only the Arrancar, but the expressions on the faces of the rescued Shinigami also became extremely ugly.

"Damn it...their target is Orihime!?"

Matsumoto Rangiku said and was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by Urahara Kisuke.

"Save it, it's too late to rush over now." Urahara Kisuke helplessly shook his head.

"伱...What does this mean? Which side is it on?"

"Hey, what are you talking about? Am I not here to save you?"

Facing the questioning of this group of people, Urahara Kisuke looked innocent.

"Although I also want to stop them from taking away Orihime-san, if I can really use that child... I can probably save a lot of trouble, right? But that won't work..."


"Actually, you don't need to know too much...you just need to know..."

Urahara Kisuke lowered the brim of his hat and stopped answering.

Like he said just now, this is just a game.

This world must be in chaos. After all, that is the purpose of that man. How can we reconstruct the whole world without breaking the order first?

If these gods of death could maintain the order of the world with their own power, that man would certainly not have any objections. After all, they were not so worthless losers.

But cheating is not okay.

How could that man not think of things that old man Yamamoto could think of?

This idea was wrong from the start.

Although it is quite understandable that old man Yamamoto was helpless when facing that man, and it is not strange for people to make any judgment when they are anxious, but if the wrong method is used, the end may be even worse...

Do you think there will be no problem if Inoue Orihime is brought into this camp?

How could such a thing be allowed?

As participants in this game, all they can rely on is their own strength. If they want to take advantage of that man's weakness, they are just looking for death.

"From the beginning...you should not have placed your hopes on Miss Orihime. Go back and tell the old man...that is against the rules of the game."


"That kid Ichigo can't hold it anymore, I'm going to help..."

After leaving these words, Hirako Mako's figure disappeared into the factory.

"Really, this guy who is good and fun-loving has only eleven seconds, so he has to try his best."

Liuche Quanxi scratched his head angrily and complained, "It's okay now, someone doesn't have to go to the butt."

"Don't say that~ You can gain a lot of experience even if you fail..."

Aikawa Luowu smiled and calmed Rukuchukenxi's emotions.

Including Orihime Inoue, everyone's attention was focused on the direction where Kurosaki Ichigo was fighting, and they did not notice the fluctuation of spiritual power not far behind them.

Cracks appeared in the space, and the dark cavity slowly opened, it was a black cavity!

The only one who sensed something was wrong behind him was Yu Akita Hakugen, who was maintaining the surrounding barrier.

He turned his head in shock and looked in the direction of the spiritual energy fluctuations.

I saw a stern-faced figure walking out of the opened black cavity expressionlessly.


Yusho Tian Boxuan looked nervously at the figure who was approaching slowly.

Perhaps due to the departure of Kurosaki Ichigo and Heiko Mako, the location here has been exposed, and this Arrancar should have found the coordinates here because of this.

Just...just one?

Coming to their base camp alone? Is this Arrancar crazy? What do you want to do?

The other members of the Masked Legion turned around when they heard Ariakida Hakugen's surprised voice behind them, but they were as confused as Ariakida Hakugen because they didn't know the situation.

"Boy, are you very brave? You dare to come around behind us alone."

Liuche Quanxi hammered his fists and grinned, questioning.

But the figure who arrived here didn't reply and simply ignored him. To be precise, this figure had only focused on one person from the beginning.

Orihime Inoue!

Inoue Orihime was a little nervous at the cold eyes of the other party, and she stepped back involuntarily.

She could probably guess that this person was here to arrest her.

"Woman, you are Inoue Orihime, right?"

It was clearly a question, but his tone was extremely determined. Ulquiorra said calmly, "My name is Ulquiorra, and I am here to pick you up and leave here."

"Hey! Brat! Are you ignoring me!?"

Seeing that Ulquiorra was completely ignoring him, Rukuchukenxi became furious and prepared to take action.

But she was stopped by Lisa Yakinamaru on the side: "Are you stupid? Don't charge alone before you understand the opponent's strength!"

Everyone frowned and looked at the indifferent Ulquiorra. Although the other party did not report his number, such an aura was obviously that of a 'Ten Blades' level existence, and he was facing them alone. Many people can still have such a mediocre performance, which shows that the other party is extremely confident in their own strength.

This self-confidence has no other possibility than its own powerful power.

"You said you want to take Miss Inoue out of here? What do you mean?"


Ulquiorra did not answer, and seemed to regard everyone except Inoue Orihime as nothing.


Not only Liuche Quanxi, but the others also looked angry.

Such an obvious provocation is too arrogant.

Although the other party only said that he wanted to take Inoue out of here and had no intention of starting a fight with them, this attitude clearly meant that he was not afraid of doing anything.

Da da--

Ulquiorra, who finally came slowly, stopped less than five meters away from Inoue Orihime and looked around at the people around him.

"Not bad... As a guard, he is considered qualified."

While saying incomprehensible words, he stretched out his hand towards Inoue Orihime, "It's not my style to be anxious, but Lord Aizen did ask me to take you back as soon as possible. He specifically asked me to tell you, 'Your brother seems to miss you very much. '. Come with me, I'll give you ten seconds to answer."

"What's the meaning?"

Everyone looked confused, their eyes flickering back and forth between Ulquiorra and Inoue Orihime.

"Miss Orihime, do you have something to do with Aizen?"


Inoue Orihime shook her head slightly and looked at Ulquiorra hesitantly, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Really? What do you mean?"

Ulquiorra asked calmly, "Do you mean I really want to take you back? Of course."

"No...I mean what Aizen asked you to tell!"

"Sorry, I can't answer this question."

Ulquiorra explained calmly, "Because I can't understand the meaning of this sentence. Master Aizen only asked me to speak. As for the meaning of the words, he did not explain it."

In fact, he didn't quite understand what this woman was like.

Why Lord Aizen asked them not to hurt this girl but invited her back, and who is this woman's 'brother' that Lord Aizen said he was, he didn't know all of this, the only thing he knew was that he My mission is to take this girl back.

"The time has come, woman... where is your answer?"

Ten seconds passed quickly, and Ulquiorra asked calmly.

"Hey, hey, hey! Let me explain first-"


Rukuka Kennishi saw Inoue Orihime struggling with a look of complete confusion, and seeing the Arrancar in front of him forcing the girl to give an answer, he couldn't stand it any longer, and took a step forward to reason, but it was only one step. But he paid a heavy price.

The arm had fallen to the ground, and pillars of blood spurted out from the flat cuts on the arm.


Liu Che Quan Xi gritted his teeth and gasped, trying his best not to scream.

Although it was a sudden attack, the opponent's movements were so fast that he could hardly see them clearly. Of course, the same seemed to be true for other people around him.

Ulquiorra stood calmly, seemingly never moving: "This is just a warning. My goal here is not you. But if necessary... I don't mind killing you."

"You guy..." Rokuuchukenxi stared at the Arrancar not far in front of him, with an angry look on his face.

"Mr. Kensei, are you okay!?"

After Orihime Inoue reacted, she quickly summoned the shield Shun Rikka to heal her.

Under the influence of the power of the Double Heavenly Return Shield, Liu Che Quan Xi's broken arm seemed to be able to be reattached in a short time.

"It really doesn't look like a healing ability..."

Ulquiorra watched Inoue Orihime's movements calmly, "But it doesn't matter, now... come with me, woman."


"Sorry, you'd better not say no."

Ulquiorra calmly interrupted what Inoue Orihime wanted to say, "If you refuse, it will be very difficult for me. Master Aizen gave me a death order to invite you to come back with me... so I just want to hear it" The answer is 'Yes'. Otherwise... although the invitation cannot harm you... but I can't guarantee that your companions will survive. By the way... the reason why I only give you ten seconds to think about it is not because I am in a hurry. …It’s because they probably won’t last long.”

As he spoke, the space behind Ulquiorra cracked open, and scenes like projections appeared in front of everyone. They were the bruised Toshiro Hitsugaya lying on the ground, and several other Shinigami covered in bruises. These are all videos projected by his abilities.


Seeing this scene, Inoue Orihime's face became extremely ugly.

She took steps slowly, as if she wanted to agree.

Everyone's foreheads were covered in cold sweat.

I finally understand the purpose of these Arrancars coming to the world this time. This is not a purposeless attack. It is obvious that the main purpose of this group of Arrancars is Miss Orihime. Although it is not clear why, these Arrancars The main purpose of our coming to this world to split up this time is not to kill those gods of death or anyone among them, but to spread their fighting power to facilitate the actions of the guy in front of them, and to use the lives of other companions as weapons. The threat forced Miss Orihime to compromise.

How despicable...no...this is a ploy.

It was obvious that they underestimated the intelligence of these Arrancars, and should have considered long ago that the enemies they faced must have more than just power.

"Stop being so arrogant, kid."

Rukuchukenxi took his arm back and moved his arm in an unfriendly manner, "Mako has already passed by Kurosaki, and someone has passed by the others now. Don't think showing such a scene can scare us."


Inoue Orihime stopped when she heard this.

She could also feel a powerful spiritual pressure rushing to the location of another battlefield, which seemed to be Mr. Urahara. In other words, the Arrancar's plan in front of her must have failed.

She doesn't have to be afraid of such threats at all.

"I said...I don't mind killing you if necessary."

Ulquiorra spoke calmly, as if he was explaining a simple and easy-to-understand fact, "Don't you understand yet? In other words... not just these people in the picture, women, but everyone around you at this moment, They are all my hostages. Lord Aizen only asks me to bring you back unscathed, and the life and death of others all depend on your thoughts."


"Ridiculous! Do you think we are clay figures at your mercy?"

Liuche Quanxi's face gradually turned gloomy.

The remaining people also moved their steps to gradually surround Ulquiorra. Now, except for Mako Hirako, all the Arrancar Legion are here. Seven against one, there is no reason to lose.

"I don't know if it's a clay figure...but if you plan to start a war, many people will die."

The expression on Ulquiorra's face remained unmoved.


The atmosphere suddenly became a little heavy.

Although these words sounded arrogant, the other party said it in such a tone that it was difficult for people to question it.

"I said, the purpose of my coming here is not for unnecessary fighting. For the last time, come with me, woman."

As he spoke, Ulquiorra calmly stretched out his hand to touch the saber at his waist.

The moment he held the knife, the sky seemed to darken, and a terrifying spiritual pressure impacted the hearts of everyone present as if it could directly hit the soul.

This allowed everyone to realize that he wasn't kidding.

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