A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 697 690. Incompetent, furious

Chapter 697 690. Incompetent, furious


Kurosaki Ichigo lay on the ground panting violently.

At this moment, he was covered with bruises.

And not far in front of him, walking slowly towards him with a knife, was Grimmjow, who was also in a mess.

The winner seemed to have been decided. Although the two men looked equally miserable, Grimmjow at least still had the strength to stand up and continue swinging his sword, while Kurosaki Ichigo's physical strength had been exhausted due to the Hollow.


Looking at Grimmjow walking towards him, Kurosaki Ichigo gritted his teeth and raised his hand again and slowly stretched it to his forehead, as if trying to become invisible again.

But unfortunately, even if he tried his best, the spirit condensed on his face dissipated the next moment.


Seeing this, Grimmjow grinned and raised his feet.


A violent blow hit Kurosaki Ichigo hard in the abdomen, sending him flying and rolling on the ground a very long distance before he stopped.

"It seems that you haven't practiced enough, Death! Where did the momentum go? It seems that the mask can't be used anymore! No..."

Grimmjow sneered and taunted, "Maybe you just can't fully control that kind of power?"

As he spoke, he slowly walked in again, the expression on his face becoming extremely cold.

"You are really looking down on me for using this half-baked ability to deal with me... Is it because you think it's enough just because I only have one hand left?"


Before Kurosaki Ichigo could answer, the sword in Grimmjow's hand was inserted into the arm holding the sword, fixing his hand and the Zanpakutō to the ground.

"So you won't be able to move, right?"

Grimmjow grinned, stretched out his hand, and spiritual energy fluctuations rose in his palm, "Don't worry, if you flash from this distance, I will blow your head off completely, even if you summon the mask just now. useless!"

Kurosaki Ichigo raised his head and looked at the shining light in Grimmjow's palm with a dull look.

There is no doubt that he cannot bear such a false flash at such a close range.

For a moment, he seemed to feel death approaching, but that feeling was frozen by the cold breath the next moment.

"The next dance..."

The moisture in the air instantly froze Grimmjow's arm under the influence of low temperature, and the condensed spiritual pressure was also wrapped in ice and collapsed.

Grimmjow frowned slightly and turned around. Someone came behind him at some point.

This was the woman he had easily put down before.

At this moment, Kuchiki Rukia looked at Grimmjow with cold eyes, and the pure white Zanpakutō in her hand was pointed directly at him.

"Bai Lian!"

After the words fell, several arcs of light appeared in front of Kuchiki Rukia. She swung several knives at extremely fast speeds. The arcs of light were the traces of the blade cutting through the void. The cold blade left tiny pieces of ice in the void. The crumbs reflected sporadic light under the sun.

The light was getting stronger and stronger, and the place where the blade had scratched seemed to be accumulating power.

At a certain moment, the concentrated power reached the explosive point, and the arc light completely condensed into an ice blade that cut through the ground and struck towards Grimmjow.


"This is……"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the ice condensing in front of him in surprise. The icy mist was filling the air. With Grimmjow as the base point, almost the entire street in front of him was frozen by frost.

This seems to be the first time he has seen Lucia take action. Is this guy so strong?

However, Kuchiki Rukia didn't think so.

After freezing the Arrancar in front of her, she quickly came to Kurosaki Ichigo and tried to pull out the blade nailed to his arm.

"Don't talk, my power can't control him for long."

Kuchiki Rukia pulled out the knife stuck on the ground while checking Kurosaki Ichigo's condition. Seeing the trembling appearance of the other person, she frowned, "Damn... you must have used too much power. Trembling... In this case, we're afraid-"


Before she could finish her words, what she was worried about happened.

There was a cracking sound.

The next moment, before Rukia Kuchiki could react, a hand grabbed her head.


Kuchiki Rukia's eyes were filled with unwillingness as she stared at the figure that had broken free from her own ice.

The blow just now was her full strength, and she should be able to control this guy for a while no matter what. After all, this Arrancar seemed to have been seriously injured, but she didn't expect to be broken free so quickly. .

"What a disgusting look, Death."

Grimmjow looked down at the woman in front of him with a cold expression.

This look disgusted him.

Because it's like seeing myself.

If you don't have enough strength, you can only accept everything yourself unwillingly.

"Don't look at me like this... Even so, you can't kill me with your little strength! You're so naive!"

As he spoke, light flickered in the palm of his hand holding Kuchiki Rukia's head.


Seeing this, Kurosaki Ichigo roared and tried to stop him.

This was a false flash that caught the head at zero distance. If it hit, there would be no chance of Lucia surviving in front of her!

But now he can't even lift his arm, let alone stop it.


Just when everything seemed to be over, a sound roared through the air.

The flickering light accurately hit Grimmjow's arm, once again interrupting the virtual flash condensed in his hand.

"This is……"

Grimmjow frowned slightly and retracted his arm, looking at the location where he was hit.

The remaining spiritual power there made him feel unusually familiar.

False bullet?

"It's true. I had no intention of getting involved in the Death God's war..."

A helpless voice came from the side and behind.

Grimmjow turned his head and looked around, only to see a figure carrying a Zanpakutō standing on a high place looking down at them. It was this person who was complaining.

"But there's nothing I can do! Seeing someone being bullied in front of me, I really can't stand by and watch."

Hirako Mako looked carefree and calmly waved the Zanpakutō in his hand and pointed at the Arrancar below, "There's been a substitution. Now your opponent is me."

"and who are you?"

Grimmjow asked with an unkind expression, "Are you also with this kid? Are you bothered by them appearing one by one?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, right?" Hirako Mako asked.

"That's true..."

Faced with such an answer, Grimmjow's face became more and more gloomy. He slowly bent down, picked up the blade on the ground, and then bent down like this and looked forward unsteadily. His pace became faster and faster, and it looked like he was moving. Like a wounded cheetah, it angrily wants to tear apart the enemy in front of it.

"No matter who you are, it has nothing to do with me killing you!"


The blade fell into the air like a heavy hammer.

Mako Hirako dodged the violent blow with a look of expressionless expression.


Seeing that the attack missed, Grimmjow straightened up unsteadily and turned his head to look at Hirako Mako, "You guys... each one is really more infuriating than the other!"

"Why are you so angry? I think I can understand..."

Mako Hirako said expressionlessly, seemingly not caring at all about Grimmjow's look of going berserk, "Is it because of your arm? I remember that the last time you came to this world, you should have been much stronger than you are now."

"You don't have to worry about it!"

Grimmjow seemed to have been stabbed in a sore spot and became even more irritable, swinging his sword and constantly pursuing Hirako Mako's dodging figure.

But this just achieved Hirako Mako's goal, and the distance between the two became farther and farther away from Kurosaki Ichigo and Kuchiki Rukia.

"It's so sad, where did the numbers behind you go?"

Mako Hirako flickered behind Grimmjow like a ghost, each word piercing his soul like a sharp arrow.

"Did you get deprived of it because you became weaker?"

"Damn it, go to hell!"

"It's so pitiful. Your companions are obviously in the other direction. Let me guess why you appear here alone. Is it because you were abandoned? No matter what the weak do, it is insignificant, so they don't care at all. What do you want to do now?"

"You guy...go to hell!"

Grimmjow furiously swung the sharp blade in his hand and slashed at Mako Hirako's head.

However, Hirako Mako just flicked the Zanpakutō in his hand and deflected the full force slash.

"Don't be so angry. I told you that I can understand your mood."

He said expressionlessly, then reached out to touch his forehead.

"After all, we are all - outcasts."


A ferocious mask was instantly placed on Hirako Mako's face, and the holes in the eyes revealed inhuman pupils, as deep as black holes, with angry fire burning in the abyss.


Seeing the mask that suddenly appeared on the opponent's face, Grimmjow's pupils shrank sharply and he subconsciously raised his knife to defend himself.


After the crisp sound of swords clashing, his body was knocked off the ground like a kite with its string broken.

"Damn it! It's a mask again!"

Standing up in embarrassment, Grimmjow stared fiercely at the figure looking down at him above, "You are indeed with that kid!"

"It doesn't matter, right? After all..."

Hirako Mako's tone was cold, and as he spoke, he raised the hand holding the knife.

"You're going to die soon."

Light flickered in front of the hand holding his Zanpakutō horizontally.

"Virtual flash!?"

Grimmjow looked at the power gathered in front of him in surprise.

Although the other person had an aura that was familiar to him, he could still tell that the other person was not a Hollow, but the God of Death.

It turns out that besides them, is there anyone else who controls the two powers of Death and Hollow?

Why have I never heard that guy Aizen mention it! ?


The next moment, Grimmjow made a quick decision, biting the Zanpakutō with his teeth, and his whole body like a cheetah pounced on Hirako Mako, who was condensed with a false flash.

At the same time, the same power was condensed in his free palm.


The beam pierced the air, and Hirako Mako's condensed virtual flash shot out.

Grimmjow, on the other hand, faced the beam head-on without dodging.


After the violent roar, smoke and dust filled the air.

Hirako Mako was still standing in the distance, looking down expressionlessly.

After the smoke dissipated, a embarrassed figure slowly straightened his back.

It's Grimmjow.

Although he looked a little injured, there was no doubt that he had survived the fatal false flash just now.

"I see... Is part of the damage offset by the same power..."

Hirako Mako's calm tone was unruffled.

"A wise move, but that's where it ends."

As he spoke, the foothold under his feet disappeared, and he began to fall, landing firmly on the ground, and slowly approached Grimmjow with the knife.

"Although you have lost part of your strength, it can be seen from your fighting style that you are still a qualified warrior. Keeping you alive will sooner or later become an obstacle to our revenge, so please disappear."

"You are the one who should disappear!"

Grimmjow slowly removed the blade from his mouth, roared angrily, and used his last strength to swing the blade again, as if he wanted to fight to the death.

The two knives approached at extremely fast speeds.

However, just before the winner was decided, both knives stagnated in mid-air. To be precise...it was held in someone's hand.

An indifferent figure appeared between the two of them, and easily stretched out his hands to catch the two blades that were about to come into contact.


Hirako Mako's pupils shrank sharply, and he looked at his blocked Zanpakuto in surprise.

He tried hard to withdraw the blade, but the power from the blade was as unshakable as a mountain.

His knife was seized.

Feeling the power coming from his hand, Ulquiorra glanced at Mako Hirako expressionlessly, and then let go of his hand.

Hirako Mako's body, which was trying hard to retract the knife, also retreated a distance because of his sudden let go.


Grimmjow looked slightly angrily at Ulquiorra who was holding his own blade to suppress him. The look in his eyes seemed to be asking this guy why he wanted to stop him.

"That's enough. The mission is accomplished. Let's go back."

Ulquiorra said calmly, "You have lost part of your power and cannot even return to the blade. Don't you know the consequences of continuing?"


Angry roars filled the sky.

But it soon stopped.

The impotent rage went unanswered.

In the end, Grimmjow could only reluctantly take back the blade in his hand and retreat behind Ulquiorra.


Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki were still wondering what Ulquiorra meant by 'mission accomplished'.

But when their attention turned away from Ulquiorra, they immediately realized the meaning.

Ulquiorra did not come alone, there was another person who appeared at the same time as him.

This person is very familiar to both them and Hirako Mako - Inoue Orihime.

"What's going on? Miss Orihime?"

Hirako Mako asked with a slight frown.

Although he wanted to get closer and ask clearly, the sudden appearance of this guy in front of him made him feel an unprecedented sense of oppression.

Is this the true power of Aizen's 'Ten Blades'?

He felt a power from Ulquiorra that was completely incomparable to that from Grimmjow who was missing his arm, as unfathomable as an abyss. And the opponent hasn't even used 'Returning Blade' to release stronger power.

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