A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 701 694. Hueco Mundo’s Rules

Chapter 701 694. Hueco Mundo’s Rules

It should be said that Inoue Orihime has never thought of it this way.

She's not stupid.

Of course she can understand things that Rukia Kuchiki can understand.

No, even if she didn't understand, she could still see the 'hypocrisy' in Aizen's smile and words.

The so-called 'loyal minister' is just this guy's mask, just like when this guy stayed in Soul Society before.

She didn't understand why her brother kept such a guy around, but she would ask about it herself later.

As for these people...

Including Grimmjow, who was fighting to the death with Kurosaki-san, they were all just 'victims' in this guy's plan.

"Double Heaven Returns Shield..."

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Inoue Orihime came to the dazed Grimmjow, summoned the shield Shun Rikka and began to repair his arm.

Under the golden light curtain, everyone watched in surprise as Grimmjow's missing arm was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. It didn't look like it was healed, but more like it had returned to its previous state.

"Isn't it?..."

Seeing this scene, Ruby asked in disbelief, "Is this really possible? Grimmjow... His arm has been cut off by Master Dongsen and turned into ashes! How can we treat something that has disappeared? She is not……"

"Watch your words, Ruby."

Aizen wasn't angry either. He smiled and stared at Ruby who spoke without authorization. It should be said that this development was exactly what he wanted. He was originally a low-quality product who temporarily came to power as a replacement for Grimmjow. He sacrificed it to express himself. The loyal minister will not feel distressed at all.

In fact, whether it is Grimmjow, Ruby or other Arrancar, he will make good use of them when they are valuable, but if they lose their value, then of course they will be ruthlessly discarded.

It's good that Inoue Orihime can 'forgive' Grimmjow's mistakes. If he doesn't 'forgive', it will just be a chess piece that has lost its power and use value. But now...since Grimmjow can Having gained 'forgiveness' and being able to regain her strength, Ruby would naturally lose value.

"Are you questioning the power that the adult's sister possesses?"

"No...don't dare."

Ruby quickly shut her mouth.

A moment later, Grimmjow's arm miraculously fully recovered under the surprised gazes of everyone.

"Amazing, right?"

Seeing everyone's surprised looks, Aizen chuckled and seemed not surprised. In his opinion, it was natural for a 'sister' recognized by such a being to have such an ability, "Ulquiorra, you once I have guessed that this is the power of 'time return' or 'space return', right?"

"Yes." Ulquiorra responded calmly.

"Absurd... No, I don't mean to be disparaging... It's just that... Miss Orihime is the 'sister' recognized by the adult, but she is only a human after all... How can she have such power?" Ruby cautiously said asked.

"Indeed, how could it be possible that it was just this level of power?" Aizen chuckled, "It's neither of them. How could someone recognized by that person be so simple?"

"Huh?" Ruby's eyes were full of doubts.

"If I read correctly, this is called 'rejection of all things'. Miss Orihime's ability should be to limit, refuse and deny what happened to the other party, and return to the state before anything happened. This... ...far above 'time return' and 'space return'! This kind of thing is generally prohibited by the rules of the world. God will not let such a 'miracle' happen easily in the world. This is an order from God The limitations of God. And Miss Orihime easily surpassed the limitations of God! This is an ability that blasphemes the realm of God!"

Aizen explained while sighing.

After witnessing it with his own eyes, he confirmed his suspicion.

It was just as he imagined. A woman who could be valued by that man was indeed an extremely special existence. It was probably because of this woman's ability that the man took such care of her, right?

It's just a pity that this girl doesn't seem to understand this terrifying ability until now.

The so-called 'rejection of all things' means that it is not only the enemy's attacks and injuries that can be rejected.

If this power develops a little more, it might be possible to deny the 'life' or 'death' of the 'target'.

If Xuan Hao knew what Aizen was thinking at this moment, he might once again agree that this man is a 'genius'.

Yes, this is indeed the 'realm' that Inoue Orihime's power can reach.

In fact, this can be seen from the extra ‘tumi’ in Dunshun Liuhua.

Although there is a soul fragment in Inoue Orihime's body, the ability that this fragment can use must not exceed its own scope.

Tumi just used the power of the soul fragment to temporarily release the power that Orihime Inoue was not aware of.

Rejecting the target's 'life' and rejecting the target's 'death' are equivalent to the bug-like power that controls life and death. The reincarnation of life and death can happen in just one thought.

As long as she wants to, she can even make others return to the state before they were 'born', or make them unable to even 'die'. No matter which state it is in, it makes people shudder just thinking about it.


Ruby became a little nervous when she saw this scene.

He watched Grimmjow move his recovered arms and subconsciously took a few steps back.

How did he get his No. 6 status?

Of course, he grabbed it when Grimmjow was injured and his strength was greatly reduced. So the question is, if the opponent can beat him in his heyday, is there any need to wait for the opponent to be injured and take advantage of it?

Now that Grimmjow had regained his strength, he knew what the other party would do first thing without even thinking about it.


Grimmjow moved his arms silently and looked at the girl in front of him.

"Thank you...but can I trouble you again? I have another place here."

As he spoke, he turned around and pointed to his lower back, where there was a large scar, as if the steel covering it had been torn off entirely.

Inoue Orihime saw it and did not refuse. Since she had decided to treat this man, she would not miss this minor injury.

Under the same light curtain as before, the wound behind Grimmjow returned to what it looked like before the injury. Feeling the subtle changes in his body, Grimmjow grinned slightly.

Of course he understood what Aizen just said.

Of course, ordinary treatment cannot restore the numbers engraved on the back, but this girl's ability can restore everything to the state before it happened...

This means that what belongs to him is back.

Grimmjow sneered and turned around, like a cheetah eyeing its prey, his eyes locked on Ruby with a gloomy face.

"You guy...what do you want?"

Ruby asked with a fierce expression, but his rickety figure revealed the timidity in his heart.


Grimmjow made a confused sound and looked down at Ruby as if he were an idiot.


The next moment, blood splattered everywhere.

He penetrated Ruby's chest with his recovered arm.


Ruby's eyes were full of horror. Although he knew that the first thing the guy in front of him would do when he regained his power was to regain his status, he didn't expect that the other party would dare to take action directly on such an occasion.

This is in front of Lord Aizen and this more distinguished lady!


When he looked at Aizen, he saw the indifferent smile on the other person's face, and his heart was instantly enveloped in despair.

"Idiot question, farewell, 'former' No. 6."

Grimmjow grinned and quickly gathered spiritual power through the opponent's hand.

False flash.


Ruby's upper body was submerged in the light and turned into dust in despair.


After doing all this, Grimmjow laughed wildly.

Although there are still many other grievances in his heart, at least he has solved one first. As for the others...it doesn't matter, he has regained his original power and will become stronger in the future.

one by one.

"Grimmjow, you have just recovered, how can you be so rude? Miss Orihime is still here."

Aizen seemed to be belatedly reacting now, and showed regret for Ruby's death.


Grimmjow snorted and turned his head to look at the girl who was so frightened by what he just did that he froze in place.

"I will remember the kindness of my left arm."

After leaving these words, he put his hands into his trouser pockets and left without looking back.

No one stopped Grimmjow's actions. Aizen just smiled with interest, while the other Arrancars either closed their eyes and pretended not to see it, or had disdain on their faces.

The atmosphere in the hall became heavy again because of Grimmjow's departure.

Inoue Orihime and Kuchiki Rukia couldn't help but sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Only then did they realize that when they came here, they could no longer use normal thinking to look at the guys in front of them.

Yes, these Arrancars are essentially Hollows, and this is Hueco Mundo.

This is a world of the weak and the strong, and things like ‘loyal ministers’ have always been a joke here.

After figuring everything out, they seemed to gradually understand why Xuan Hao acquiesced in their being brought here.

It is to let them understand this truth - everything here can only be dominated by power.

And this was the reason why he dared to take a guy like Aizen under his command.

Absolute power.

As if he had already expected that they would be confused, the man answered their doubts without words.

"Then, please allow me to complete my duties before taking you to see your brother."

After a long silence, Aizen broke the silence and asked Orihime Inoue for instructions with a smile.


Under Inoue Orihime's confused gaze, Aizen came to Kuchiki Rukia.

Interrogating uninvited guests is of course his duty as a subject of Xuye Palace, and no one will have any objection to this.

"Long time no see, Kuchiki."

Aizen chuckled and looked down at Rukia Kuchiki in front of him, "So...as a god of death, why are you here?"



The space spirit wall somewhere in Hueco Mundo was broken, and three figures rushed out from the broken place.

"Where is this?"

After landing, Ichigo Kurosaki looked at the surrounding environment and asked doubtfully.

"What's going on? Why is the place we came from inside a building?"

Yes, what appeared before them was a closed corridor with no windows and no one knew where it led, but the only thing that was certain was that it was inside a certain building.

But isn’t it said that Hueco Mundo is a deserted scene except for the palace where the ‘King’ is? Could it be that that guy Urahara is really that capable of digging a hole in that man's bedroom?

"I don't know, but this... is definitely not Xuye Palace. We'd better be careful."

Chadu Taihu also looked at the surrounding environment and frowned.

"Then where is this place?"

Kurosaki Ichigo asked with some confusion.

"Only a ghost would know! No matter how many there are, we should find a place to hide first."

Uryu Ishida suggested.

"No...I don't think there's any need to hide it."

Chadu Taihu touched the debris that fell on his head, raised his head and spoke lightly.


The two of them followed Chado's gaze and looked up.

A huge arm like a giant was holding the ceiling. Looking along the arm towards the base of the arm, I saw the owner of the arm at the corner of the corridor not far behind him, tilting his head and staring at them.

The flashing red eyes under that ugly mask looked a little confused as he tilted his head, "Who...are you?"



Except for Kurosaki Ichigo, the other two teenagers were silent for a moment, then turned and ran away without looking back. The only sound left in the corridor was the exclamation of Kurosaki Ichigo being dragged along.

"Hey, hey! Why are you running? That guy doesn't look very strong!"

Kurosaki Ichigo quickly stabilized his body and ran along, but he was still confused.

"Your grades are obviously among the best in the class, and your brain is very useful. Why do you always use your brain sometimes!?" Uryu Ishida scolded him angrily, "Fighting in such a narrow corridor, if something happens to the building, What to do if it collapses?!”

"If it collapses, it will collapse. Are we still afraid of a few rocks..." Ichigo Kurosaki complained.

"Take a good look around. There are no windows here. We can't determine whether it is above ground or underground... The ground is fine... What if it is buried underground?"

"I see."

"In short, it is unwise to fight here. Find an open place first!"

"found it."

Chatata Taihu felt the breeze blowing on his face and reminded, "This way."

As he spoke, the pace under his feet accelerated, and he turned the corner and ran in the direction of the air flow. Soon, the three of them saw a faint light.

"It's too dark here, be prepared for the light, there might be an ambush ahead."

Uryū Ishida reminded as he closed his eyes.

The other two people also understood and closed their eyes as they assessed the distance.

A person's eyes will be temporarily blinded when extreme darkness changes to bright light, unless the person has their eyes closed to begin with.

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