A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 721 714. Eternal and unchanged

Chapter 721 714. Eternal and Unchanged


The spiritual power detonated in the air, and the dark crescent moon and virtual flash bombarded together.

Kurosaki Ichigo frowned slightly and looked at the end of the virtual flash split by the dark crescent moon. The cheetah-like shadow disappeared the moment the spiritual power was detonated.


He looked around and soon realized the sense of crisis coming from behind.


"You guessed it! Take the move!"

Grimmjow laughed wildly and slashed at Kurosaki Ichigo with his sword.


The crisp sound of the knife sounded accompanied by blood splattering.

Ichigo Kurosaki gritted his teeth and looked at the part of his chest that was chopped off and his body continued to retreat violently.

After the swastika, he was still at an absolute disadvantage in this battle. This was natural, but it was much better than before. If it were his previous self, he would have been instantly killed just by relying on his swastika state.

"That's really annoying, Death."

Grimmjow put the blade on his shoulder and looked at Kurosaki Ichigo's retreating figure with a curled lips, but did not move forward to pursue him.

"Seeing how loud you shouted just now, I thought you were going to use all your strength? This is what happened!? It's just a swastika, are you looking down on people!? Where did your weird mask go? It's not enough, It’s not enough! What I really want to fight...isn’t you like this!"

As he spoke, Grimmjow angrily drew his hand across the blade, and the blood mixed into the spiritual energy he was condensing when he raised his hand.

The dark red spiritual power began to expand.

"Be prepared, kid, I will let you fight me with all your strength!"

That's right, he didn't come here just to play around with this guy. He also wanted to see the move that this guy used to defeat him again. This time he recovered his arm, and he was confident that he could win it back!

Since this kid is unwilling to use his full strength, then just force him to use his full strength!

"Feel it well! This is the strongest virtual flash that only the 'Ten Blades' can use - Wang Xu's flash!"

An unprecedented huge spiritual shock wave that seemed to be able to tear apart space struck mercilessly towards Kurosaki Ichigo, as if it could completely submerge him in the next moment.


Facing this terrifying energy impact that he had never seen before, Kurosaki Ichigo's pupils shrank sharply and his hand subconsciously reached to his forehead.

There is no other way. It is impossible to block this blow without becoming blurred.

Although he was unwilling to do so, with his current strength, even facing the sixth-ranked Arrancar in front of him, he had to do his best to have a chance.

But it doesn't matter, not dying is his advantage now. Step by step, he will eventually become strong enough to defeat all the enemies he faces!

With the appearance of the mask, Kurosaki Ichigo's spiritual pressure once again rose to another level. The dark spiritual power instantly enveloped Zhan Yue's blade and faced Wang Xu's flash.


The air became distorted due to the impact of spiritual power, and it was like a world-destroying storm that instantly swept across the entire battlefield.


Grimmjow's eyes were fixed on the center of the energy storm, "It finally appeared..."

He finally saw the gesture that he hated so much, that mask, it was his shame!

"Are you ready to be torn to pieces by me? Kurosaki Ichigo!"


Before the storm dissipated, Kurosaki Ichigo heard a roar like a wild beast.

His eyes locked on the rushing shadow through the wind and sand.

It was as muscular as a cheetah.

Grimmjow's figure gradually lowered as he was running, his slightly curved hands turned into sharp claws, and the blade in his hand pierced into his palm, as if he was being swallowed.

"Kill him - the Leopard King!"

The roaring sonic boom instantly caused the white rising white sand in the sky to roll back. A razor-like figure tore through all barriers and came to Kurosaki Ichigo in an instant.


The sharp claws instantly made contact with the black Zanpakutō.


Feeling the terrifying power coming from in front of the blade, Kurosaki Ichigo's expression suddenly changed under his mask.


A roar like a wild beast suddenly exploded in front of him.

The terrifying sound waves hit him, instantly making him feel as if he was in a state of ecstasy.

"What's this?"

His eyes looked in disbelief at the beast-like figure so close in front of him.

This should be Grimmjow's 'Returning Blade' in front of him, but it was different from all the Arrancar's Returning Blades he had seen before.

Even after the Return of the Blade, Grimmjow's body shape still hasn't changed much. The Arrancar's Return of the Blade is to restore their original appearance to get back the power that should belong to them. In other words... Grimmjow's original appearance is original. It's very small, petite and fragile, like a leopard, but the power contained in it is completely inconsistent with its size!


The moment the claws exerted force, Kurosaki Ichigo felt his body fly backwards uncontrollably.

The terrifying force knocked him flying and penetrated several buildings before he could stop.

And the vigorous cheetah is like a blood-thirsty beast that is constantly hunting.

"Fight back, Death! Isn't that all your power is?"

The sharp claws grabbed Kurosaki Ichigo and raised the blade in an attempt to resist. In the rising white sand, Grimmjow's bloodthirsty eyes were smiling, mockingly looking down at Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him. His whole body was constantly shaking. Pressing forward, the violent force forced Kurosaki Ichigo, who raised his sword to resist before he could stand still, to keep retreating.


Kurosaki Ichigo roared and concentrated his spiritual power on the blade again.


The jet-black blade rubbed against the sharp claws wrapped in the armor behind the blade, making a harsh screeching sound.

Feeling the power surge in his hand, Grimmjow had no intention of letting go, and the smile on his face became even crazier. He stared at Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him, laughing wildly.

"Very good! Kurosaki Ichigo! This is the state! Come on, don't be afraid of getting hurt, just fight me head-on! I will let you understand that I am the strongest!"

As he spoke, dark red spiritual power condensed between his claws again.

Wang Xu’s flash!


The dark crescent sky and Wang Xu's flash collided between the two people at almost zero distance. The entire space seemed to be distorted by the power of the two of them.


"Really... do those two guys want to demolish this place?"

Inside Xuye Palace, on a tall building far away on the other side, someone watched the collision of spiritual pressure between the two and began to complain.

"Wang Xu's flash... Didn't Master Aizen forbid the 'Ten Blades' to use such a move inside Xu Ye Palace? That guy Grimmjow really doesn't follow the rules at all."

"Huh? What's the matter? Are you scared now? Mira Rhodes."

"Who is scared? Apache! Your voice is trembling when you speak!"

"Huh? Who do you think is shaking!?"

Two subordinate officers named Mira Rhodes and Apache were arguing loudly.

"You two are so noisy... Talking so loudly will only make people think that you are weak and only yell..."

"What did you say!? Sun Sun!? Are you looking for a beating!?"

Apache and Mira Rhodes, who were still quarreling at first, immediately pointed their fingers at Sun Sun after hearing this.

But Sun Sun just shrank behind Tiya Hribel who was standing aside as if nothing had happened, covered his mouth with his hand, and smiled softly, "Isn't it? You see, Lord Hribel is completely different from you two guys. different."

Harribel in her mouth didn't pay attention to the noise of the three of them, and just watched the battle in the distance calmly.

Dia Helibel is the third ranked ‘Ten Blades’, and the other three are her subordinate officers.

At this moment, they were observing the battle between Grimmjow and the intruders from a distance. In fact, it was not just them, many people in Xuye Palace were probably paying attention to the battle between the two.


Even though they were hundreds of meters apart, the fierce spiritual pressure was still howling in the strong wind, forcing the three subordinate officers to stand sideways to resist the surging spiritual pressure.

"Damn, huh, that guy Grimmjow is so arrogant, I don't know why Aizen-sama can tolerate it."

Sun Sun felt the spiritual pressure coming towards his face and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Although she taunted the other two, in fact she was as terrified of the people fighting as they were. This was not because she didn't want to control it but because she couldn't control it. The instinctive fear coming from the depths of her soul could not be suppressed at all.

"Don't worry, this is the power of the 'Ten Blades' in the returning state." Harribel seemed to see the fear of his subordinates, and calmly comforted, "It's not shameful for you to be scared. It's best to remember this. This feeling...because this is the difference between you and the 'Ten Blades'."

"But that intruder was able to fight like this with Grimmjow from the Return of the Blade... Could it be said that... he also has the power of the 'Ten Blades' level? How is it possible... He is obviously just a human being..." Ah Patch bit his fingertips and asked unwillingly.


Harribel could not deny, "Based on the amount and concentration of spiritual pressure, it is difficult to believe that the person fighting Grimmjow was originally just a 'human'. This is not a level that humans can reach, but the reality is indeed... …What we are watching is exactly a battle of the ‘Ten Blades’ level.”

Not only were these subordinate officers confused when they saw this scene, but she herself also found it incredible.

But compared to ordinary Arrancars who know nothing about it, as a Jublade she probably knows the 'reason' why this human being is so strong.

Because this is the person chosen by the 'King'.

Of course, those who can be selected by the 'King' to participate in the trial cannot be ordinary human beings, so it is normal for them to be able to transcend the boundaries of 'human beings'.

"In this case...that guy Grimmjow...won't lose, right?" Mira Rhodes asked in disbelief.

Since that human has the strength of the 'Ten Blades' level, then... naturally it means that Grimmjow, who is a Ten Blades, is not necessarily able to win. This sounds absolutely ridiculous, but since Lord Harribel said this Yes, that's true.

"It's a matter of time..."

Harribel said calmly.

She just told the truth.

The outcome of this battle has been doomed from the beginning, just like they are destined to reach the height they can reach. This is fate.

From the moment those who participated in the 'Trial' were selected by the 'King', whether it was Grimmjow or any of them, as long as they chose to fight with them, they would only get one result in the end.

"Let's go."

Harribel no longer looked at the battle that had already been decided, and turned around to leave.

"Why? Master Harribel, aren't you ready to take action? Even if Grimmjow loses, the human will be very tired, right? By then..." Sun Sun suggested.

"No, it's best not to have anything to do with them."

Harribel shook his head lightly.

"We chose to follow Aizen-sama in pursuit of stronger power... We did not follow blindly for the sake of 'sacrifice'."

If you blindly pursue something, you will inevitably pay the price of sacrifice. This is a belief that she has always firmly believed.

She was very grateful to Lord Aizen for having saved them, so she was willing to serve, but that didn't mean she would participate in this boring 'trial' without any sense.

They have no reason to fight desperately with these guys who won't die. It's enough to leave this kind of thing to those who are militant.

In the final analysis, this was not Master Aizen's idea in the first place, but the will of the 'king' whom he had never met before.

Unlike those who participated in the 'trial', the 'King' never promised anything to these Arrancars.

Cruel, but this is the fate they cannot escape. Hueco Mundo has been like this since ancient times. The lives of the weak are in the hands of the strong.

never change.

Maybe showing loyalty to the 'King' at this moment will gain favor and gain stronger power or even immortality.

If Harribel was alone, she would probably choose to try.

But she couldn't take her men on an adventure.

They have worked hard to get where they are now.

The only guys who would take the initiative to participate in this bet are... lunatics who are eager to die.



The dark figure was pushed to the ground again.

Grimmjow sneered and looked down at Kurosaki Ichigo who was suppressed by him. At this moment, the mask on Kurosaki Ichigo's face showed signs of breaking again.

"It seems like you can maintain your mask longer than before! Did you do special training after the last battle? Or... did you inadvertently improve during the battle before you met me?"

As he said that, he smiled and stretched out his hand towards Kurosaki's face, "But no matter why, it seems like you can't hold on any longer, right?"


The sound of bones cracking was heard.

But it wasn't the mask on Kurosaki Ichigo's face that shattered, but Grimmjow's outstretched hand was pinched by Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Who are you talking about who can't hold on anymore? It's so... so funny!"

An almost roaring voice came from behind Kurosaki Ichigo's mask.


He suddenly kicked Grimmjow in the abdomen, knocking him away, and then raised his Zangetsu sword and struck it down.

"I see... you're the one who can't hold it in, right!?"

The tip of the knife scratched the steel skin on Grimmjow's chest, and blood seeped out.

There was a smile in Kurosaki Ichigo's voice, "Look, your defense is much weaker than before!"

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