A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 790 783. Skills that are unwilling to be taught

Chapter 790 783. Skills that are unwilling to be taught

"What can he do to a bug?" Kurosaki Ichigo asked with some confusion.

Kurosaki Isshin did not answer, but asked instead: "Do you remember that Inoue and Sadat once trained in this broken world for a period of time?"

"Of course I remember... It seemed that Xuanhao killed Kutu at that time... Wait! You mean..." Kurosaki Ichigo said as if he had realized something, and his whole body was shaken.

"Yes, now it seems that Aizen has helped us."

Isshin Kurosaki explained, "The so-called 'Boundary' is a world that cuts off time and space, a place that separates the present world from Soul Society. Therefore, the existence of Kuju is to prevent people from staying here for a long time.

But now Jutu no longer exists. Even if it appears again, it will take a very long time. We have enough time to train. "

"Training...what?" Kurosaki Ichigo was a little confused. Is there any move that could make him strong enough to defeat Aizen in a limited time?

"What I want to teach you is the 'secret technique' from my former family." Kurosaki Isshin looked at Kurosaki Ichigo and his expression became extremely serious.

"What...secret skill?" Kurosaki Ichigo swallowed. He seemed to have never seen his father look so serious.

"The last...Crescent Moon Chong!"



While Ichigo Kurosaki was undergoing training, Aizen was still approaching step by step and was transferred to the real Karakura Town in Soul Society.

The streets were full of people who had fainted. The gods of death temporarily put them into a deep sleep in order to prevent these humans from panicking before executing the transition operation.

But there are also some humans who are resistant to spiritual power who wake up early, such as classmates who often come into contact with Kurosaki Ichigo, Inoue Orihime and others.

"How could I...sleep on the street?" Arizawa Ryuki slowly got up from the ground, feeling exhausted all over his body.


The sound of footsteps came.

She heard the sound and looked up.

I saw two men coming towards me.

Feeling the terrifying pressure coming from the other party, the memories that should have been sealed began to flood into my mind.

Arizawa Ryuki once saw a scene that seemed familiar...

That was that day in the suburbs when the Arrancar came to the world for the first time.

As a witness at the time, she was almost killed by Yami who broke into the world.

And at this moment...

The pressure on the two men in front of her made her feel even more frightened. Every step they took toward her seemed to be death approaching.

"You are……"

She wanted to open her mouth to ask a question, but found that she couldn't make any sound at all.


Aizen chuckled and slowly approached.

But his eyes were not on Arizawa Ryuki, who was kneeling on the ground, but on the girl who came from behind Arizawa Ryuki and looked at him with a serious expression.


As the footsteps stopped in front of him, Arizawa Ryuki suddenly felt that the pressure on his body disappeared without a trace.

She raised her head blankly and looked at the girl standing in front of her: "Ori... Ji?"

Inoue Orihime didn't answer, she just looked at Aizen in silence.

Aizen stopped with Ichimaru Gin and asked with a smile: "Miss Orihime, I was wondering why you didn't appear with Kurosaki Ichigo. So...did you come directly to the present world?"

"Yes." Inoue Orihime nodded lightly in response.

"So..." Aizen said with some doubts in his tone, "What do you want to do when you stand in front of me now? I think you should know very well, destroy and then reshape, this is your 'brother' the meaning of."

"I'm not here to stop you." Inoue Orihime replied calmly.

Even if she wanted to, she simply didn't have enough power to stop Aizen now.

"But there are some people...I want to take them away myself."

"It's the same way, of course there's no problem."

Aizen spread his hands slightly to show that he understood, "Please do it, Miss Orihime. But you should try to move as quickly as possible."

With that said, he took another step, bypassing Orihime Inoue and Ryuki Arizawa and continuing toward the center of Karakura Town.

"I know."

Inoue Orihime looked back at the direction Aizen left.

After confirming that Aizen would not interfere with her movements, she breathed a sigh of relief and helped Arizawa Ryuki up from the ground.

"Let's go, Long Gui..."

"What on earth... happened? Orihime?" Arizawa Ryuki asked in confusion.

"It's difficult to explain..." Inoue Orihime smiled and shook her head, "Anyway, please leave me for a while and call everyone together. Come back after everything is over."

Although she knew that her 'brother' would keep everything she cared about when he reshaped the world, even so, she could not sit back and watch the friends she knew experience 'destruction'.

She couldn't stop her 'brother' from reshaping the world, and she believed that the world after reshaping would be better than it was now, but the way to reshape it was to destroy it first, which made her feel extremely entangled.

Therefore, even if it was only the classmates she knew, she wanted to bring as many of them as possible to take the bus directly to the new world with her, without having to experience 'death' first.

This was her only request, and of course Aizen had no choice but to agree.

Moreover, this can also buy some time for Kurosaki Ichigo who wants to prevent this from happening.

That's right, if anyone can prevent the 'destruction' from happening, the only one left is Kurosaki Ichigo.

Inoue Orihime understood that the power possessed by 'brother' was completely enough to skip the process of 'destruction' and reshape the entire world. He just allowed the 'destruction' of the world and did not actively bring about destruction. He was more like a bystander. , let Aizen's actions be allowed to destroy everything.

It doesn't matter whether it is destroyed or not. What is important is whether the people he chooses in this war of destruction and survival can grow up enough to rule the reshaped world.

The outcome has already been decided, but there are many processes leading to the ending. Who will come to the end as the winner, and who will lead the world in the future, this is the key to the problem.



Kurosaki Ichigo sat in the broken channel, placed his Zanpakutō on his lap, and quietly tried to communicate with him.


Suddenly, an electric shock-like feeling flashed through his head.

He instinctively turned his head to avoid the incoming fist.

"Who asked you to avoid it!?"

Then a roar came, and Kurosaki cursed and reprimanded, "The fact that you can still avoid my fist shows that your attention is not focused on the Zanpakutō at all! Concentrate! You can't Would you like to calm down and have a good conversation with your Zanpakutō?"

"How could you not hide? This is an instinctive reaction..."

Kurosaki Ichigo curled his lips slightly, "Do you think I don't want to communicate with Zanpakuto? But I have never contacted Uncle Zangetsu in such a calm state... Every time this guy is in my danger He took the initiative to pull me in. In fact, I didn’t know how to go in by myself..."

"So isn't this what I'm teaching you?"

Kurosaki Isshin said angrily, "Come on, continue to sit in a meditative posture, put the Zanpakutō on your lap! Concentrate all your energy on the sword, that's it!"

"Of course I know this...but..."

Kurosaki Ichigo asked hesitantly, "What does this have to do with the 'Last Getsuga Ten Chong' you just said? And...do I really have enough time to study quietly here?"

"Of course, can I still lie to you?"

Kurosaki Isshin said angrily, "I am serious about teaching you and then letting you kill that guy Aizen to save Karakura Town! As for what you are worried about, there is absolutely no need!

As I said just now, this is the ‘Boundary Break’. It is a place isolated from time and space!

This space is tightly surrounded by the torrent of time and is composed of multiple cut-off spaces superimposed. "

"Even if you say that...I still don't understand." Kurosaki Ichigo scratched his head in confusion.

"To put it simply, the time density here is surprisingly high compared to the outside. When converted into numbers, it is two thousand times higher! In other words, one year outside is equivalent to two thousand years here."

"Huh? Oh!!"

Kurosaki Ichigo suddenly realized, "No wonder Inoue and Sadatari have made great progress in just a short time last time!"

"Yes, what you have to do now is to practice here with peace of mind and don't think about anything else! Two thousand hours of practice here is equivalent to one hour outside."

"Then...then how long will it take for Kutu to come back to life?" Kurosaki Ichigo asked.

"You don't have to worry about this. Even if he comes back to life, I will find a way to stop him before you complete your training."

Kurosaki confidently took out four sticks connected by ropes from his arms and inserted them into the walls on both sides.

"Although Soul Society doesn't have the means to kill Kutu, it can still be done if it just stops its progress.

This thing is called 'boundary fixation'. Dozens of lower-level Shinigami should have used a special method to inject spiritual pressure into it to fix the Kutu, but I alone was enough.

During your training, even if Kutu is resurrected, I will try to buy you as much time as possible before the reiatsu is exhausted. "

"Then...how long will it take?"

"My plan is for you to master it within two thousand hours, which will take nearly three months...and only one hour has passed outside at that time. There will be people outside to buy enough time for you, so you must be there Go and ask clearly within this period of time.”

"Ask clearly?" Kurosaki Ichigo looked confused.

"Yes, you have to try to find out from the Zanpakuto...'the true identity of the last Getsuga Tenchou'!"

With that said, Isshin Kurosaki motioned to Ichigo Kurosaki to sit down and meditate quickly.

"This action is called 'Blade Zen'. It is an action that has been developed over thousands of years since the birth of Soul Society in order to talk to the Zanpakutō. Ichigo, all the moves you have learned before, They should all be exerted with brute force..."

Seeing Ichigo Kurosaki fall into silence, Isshin Kurosaki murmured with emotion, "You have to understand that in order to move forward now, you must come into contact with thousands of years that you have never stepped into before...

Go for it! Ichigo—"


Blood suddenly burst out from Kurosaki Ichigo's shoulder.

He was obviously sitting there motionless, but he felt strangely injured as if he had been stabbed.

Looking at this scene, a faint smile appeared on Kurosaki Isshin's face: "It seems that he has gone in? Be careful, Ichigo... Zangetsu this time must be extremely vicious, right? My 'san Yue' used to be like this.

Zanpakutō... I don't want to teach us that kind of technique... The reason... you will know soon. "



the other side.

Kurosaki Ichigo, who had entered the spiritual world to talk to his Zanpakutō, felt as if he had fallen into an endless spring.

The feeling of suffocation made him want to swim toward the water.

However, the next moment, he felt someone grabbed the corner of his clothes.


Then the person who grabbed him suddenly threw him under the water and hit the wall of the submerged high-rise building.

"That's really shameful. You should be able to breathe, right?"

The black shadow suspended in the water looked down at Kurosaki Ichigo and laughed.


After hearing this, Ichigo Kurosaki tried it and found that he seemed to be able to breathe.

He raised his head and looked at the black figure, feeling a little confused.

This was a strange shadow. His whole body was shrouded in a pitch-black trench coat. Even his face was hidden under the hood and could not be seen clearly.

"Who are you? There should only be Uncle Zangetsu and Xu Bai here, right?"

"Hmph...Is this your attitude towards your benefactor who told you that you can breathe so that you don't suffocate to death due to your own stupidity...?"


Another roar sounded, and the man suddenly waved his arm, and a sword energy fell in front of Kurosaki Ichigo.

"That's... Tiansuo Zhanyue?"

Kurosaki Ichigo saw clearly what the opponent was waving in his hand, and his eyes narrowed.

"You don't know that I am normal...because this is the first time you have entered here in the state of Swastika."

As the shadow spoke, he took off the hood on his head, and a slightly childish face appeared in Kurosaki Ichigo's field of vision.

If Xuan Hao were here, he would probably be able to recognize him. This guy looks like 'Yoha Bach' in his youth.


While Ichigo Kurosaki was still confused, the shadow was already approaching quickly with the Sky Lock Zangetsu in hand.


The dull sound of blade clashing sounded underwater,

Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the boy in front of him in surprise and asked, "Zangetsu! Are you Uncle Zangetsu?"

"No, what's your name?" The boy denied it and asked.


“That’s right, I am now… ‘Tiansuo Zhanyue’!”


Blood spurted on Kurosaki Ichigo's shoulder.

‘Tensuo Zangetsu’ had a cold expression on his face and kept swinging his sword at Kurosaki Ichigo mercilessly.

"wait wait wait!"

Kurosaki Ichigo retreated in embarrassment and asked with some confusion, "Wait a minute, Zangetsu! I'm not here to fight with you this time! I just want to--"

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