Chapter 794 787. ‘Destiny’

"Kurosaki Ichigo...are you really...Kurosaki Ichigo?" Aizen finally couldn't help the doubts in his heart and asked.


Kurosaki Ichigo did not answer immediately, but calmly looked around the situation.

Ruins, blood, this is his hometown, but now it is completely changed beyond recognition.

Finally, he turned his head and looked at Aizen calmly, and asked, "What do you want to say?"

"If you are really Kurosaki Ichigo, you will be so disappointed." Aizen chuckled and replied, "From the current body, I can't feel any spiritual pressure at all. Even if you suppress the spiritual pressure, There's no way I can't feel it at all.

It seems your evolution failed. "

He looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with contempt.

At this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo has obviously changed.

Not only his physical growth, he also remembered that there were no shackles on the opponent's Zanpakutō.

And at this moment... the dark Zanpakuto was wrapped around Kurosaki Ichigo's right arm by an equally dark chain, as if the hand and the sword were integrated into one.

"What a disappointing gesture. You just wasted it... I'll give you one last chance."

"Is this so..."

Kurosaki Ichigo nodded slightly when he heard this, "Did you deliberately eliminate the Kutu?"

"Of course, I know everything about you very well, so I gave you this opportunity. After all, as my opponent, you are not qualified at all..."

Aizen explained lightly, with an extremely calm smile on his face, "I thought you would make good use of this opportunity I gave you. I look forward to you bringing me more fun, do you understand?"

"Really... If that's the case, I think you should have succeeded."

After Kurosaki Ichigo answered calmly, he ignored Aizen and calmly turned his head to look at Ichimaru Gin who fell on the ground.

At this moment, Matsumoto Rangiku was guarding the other party. Judging from the serious injuries, it seemed that he was already dead.

Ichimaru Gin's eyes were also looking at Kurosaki Ichigo, with some relief in his eyes.

"Ah...what a firm look..."

Seeing the firm look in Ichigo Kurosaki's eyes at this moment, Ichimaru Gin finally felt relieved.

"Great, if it were you now...I could safely...entrust everything to you."

"Don't make it sound like you're going to die?"


Hearing the sudden sound, Ichimaru Gin was slightly startled.

This... seemed to be the voice he heard in the hallucination just now.

Now that he thought about it carefully...he had indeed heard this voice.

"It is indeed lord."

Looking at Xuanhao who suddenly appeared here, Ichimaru Gin's eyes were filled with emotion.

Xuanhao who appears here at this moment, no... not only Xuanhao, but also himself, seems to not exist in this world. Everyone around them is unaware of them, whether it is Matsumoto Rangiku, Kurosaki Ichigo, Still Aizen.

"You did a pretty good job, I saw it."

Xuanhao looked at Kurosaki Ichigo and Aizen who were confronting each other, with a faint smile on his face, "It's a pity that in the face of fate, it seems that 'human beings' are still too small if they want to fight against fate."

He saw everything Ichimaru Gin did.

No, not only Ichimaru Gin, but also everything that everyone, including Bailegang, experienced, he saw from beginning to end.

The only difference in comparison is that Bailegang, who was given power by him, easily changed his destiny, while Ichimaru Gin, who was not given power by him, or Tosen, who only regained his sight with his help No matter what, they are still bound by the trajectory of fate.

From this, he came to the conclusion——

Without the influence of a strong enough external force, the established destiny cannot be changed by the existence of this world.

"Yes... it's too small." Ichimaru Ginya sighed slightly, "So... Is Kurosaki Ichigo the one who changed his destiny?"

"No." Xuan Hao shook his head lightly, "He is destined to be the 'king'."

"That's it, then I'll be relieved." A smile appeared on Ichimaru Gin's face.

"I told you, don't make it sound like you're going to die."

Xuanhao turned around and looked at Gin Ichimaru, who was lying on the ground seriously injured and unable to move, and chuckled, "Indeed, I said that I would reshape the world and turn this chaotic world into an 'ordinary' world, and by then , everything that should not exist will cease to exist, leaving only what should exist.”

"So... everything like the Shinigami, Hollows, and Quincy shouldn't exist, right?" Ichimaru Gin chuckled, "Then... will we become ordinary people?"

"Yes, if the world changes, there is no need for you to continue to be a Shinigami, right?" Xuanhao glanced at Rangiku Matsumoto next to him, squatted down and looked at Ichimaru Gin with a smile.

"Yes, thank you, sir." Ichimaru Gin also chuckled, "Then now...should I go to the new world?"

"It won't be time."

Xuan Hao shook his head leisurely and regretfully, "You have to stay here for a while, everything is not over yet."

"What does it mean?"

Ichimaru Gin was slightly startled when he heard this, "Is it possible that Ichigo Kurosaki can't defeat Aizen?"

"It's not for this reason, it's just that it's not over yet." Xuan Hao shook his head slightly, "After this battle is over, there will be the next stage. I need you to hide behind the scenes for the time being."


"What a shame, Kurosaki Ichigo."

Neither Aizen nor Kurosaki Ichigo seemed to notice the two people talking just a short distance away.

Aizen still looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a calm expression, as if he was sure of victory.

Because at this moment, he has completely completed his transformation, like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon, nothing in this world can stop him from flying high.

His confidence was the endless spiritual pressure in his body at this moment, a terrifying spiritual pressure as vast as the universe.

"Aizen, please find another place."

Kurosaki Ichigo seemed to have no intention of paying attention to Aizen's nonsense, and said calmly, "I don't want to fight you here in Karakura Town."

"Your proposal is completely meaningless." Aizen laughed and rejected, "Only those who can fight with me are qualified to make such a request. Don't worry, you will be able to do it before Karakura Town is completely destroyed. …”


Before Aizen could finish his words, a hand suddenly pressed on his face without any explanation.



Next, under Aizen's horrified eyes, everything around him was rapidly regressing.

Soon the two of them left the confines of Karakura Town and instantly arrived in the wilderness of Soul Society.

With a violent roar, Kurosaki Ichigo threw Aizen to the ground while his head was being held and he was flying all the way.

A profound trajectory emerges from the deserted land.

"how come?"

Aizen covered his face, his eyes full of disbelief and anger.

He slowly stood up from the hole in the ground and glared at Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him: "I... was actually defeated by your brute force..."

"It's time to start, Aizen."

Kurosaki Ichigo ignored Aizen's anger and said calmly, "In an instant, this battle will be over."


Hearing this, a contemptuous smile appeared on Aizen's face again, "The battle will be over in an instant?"

As he said that, he carefully looked at Kurosaki Ichigo in front of him, and seemed to understand something: "This is the same way... I understand Kurosaki Ichigo.

I understand why you... lost your spiritual pressure.

No, you didn’t ‘lose your spiritual pressure’, you ‘abandoned your spiritual pressure’, right?

Although I don’t know what method you used, it is obvious that you transformed all the spiritual pressure into the physical power of your own spiritual body.

That is, all body functions such as arm strength, leg strength, grip strength, throwing and movement ability...

You have greatly improved your physical strength, but the price is to give up all your spiritual pressure!

You... gave up fighting me as a fellow owner. Am I right? "


Kurosaki Ichigo remained silent and did not answer.

Aizen took this as acquiescence: "Oh, you can be as desperate as you want! Because... let me tell you something?

Even the physical strength that you regard as a glimmer of hope is far less than the strength I have at this moment! Regardless of spiritual pressure or physical body, the me at this moment - is absolute! "


With that said, Aizen completely unfolded the transformed wings on his back, and the terrifying spiritual pressure spread in all directions centered on where he was. The dust raised made Ichigo Kurosaki frown slightly.


Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Aizen's arrogance indifferently, as if he couldn't understand why this guy was so arrogant.

In fact, Aizen's judgment just now was not correct at all.

He was just... too lazy to explain.


As if the space was shattered, Aizen's movement speed seemed to have exceeded Soul Society's ability to withstand it.

The next moment, he came behind Kurosaki Ichigo and waved the Zanpakuto in his hand towards the opponent's neck with an expressionless expression.



After the battle of swords, a violent roar resounded, and the mountaintop in the distance was cut flat as if cut off by an invisible giant blade.

Seeing this scene, Aizen slowly put down the Zanpakuto in his hand, with a faint smile on his face: "I didn't expect you to be able to take this blow... But you should be surprised when you see this scene, right?

Just one swing of the knife changed the terrain.

This is my strength now.

To be honest, even I didn't expect that my power has become so powerful.

I'm very happy, Kurosaki Ichigo, thanks to you, I have the opportunity to fully exert this power that surpasses the 'Reaper and Hollow'! "

As he spoke, a wild and excited smile appeared on his face for the first time in his life.

The next moment, his figure flashed in front of Kurosaki Ichigo again.



Boom boom boom——

As the two men clashed, the sound of swords clashing was masked by a violent roar like thunder.

The land and mountain peaks they passed were instantly destroyed like fragile tissue paper without any effort.


Aizen watched everything around him collapse and smiled even more wildly.

He used the 'Kingka Suigetsu' that had been integrated into his palm to continuously slash at Kurosaki Ichigo fiercely.

"How wonderful! We all have our right hands fused with the Zanpakutō. From this extremely similar posture, it seems that we can find the common end point of the evolutionary path. Maybe... this is the original posture of the Zanpakutō?"


Kurosaki Ichigo still didn't answer his question, he just kept silent and kept swinging his Zanpakutō to receive the blows one by one.

"Oh, even if you remain silent, it won't make any difference." Seeing that Kurosaki Ichigo remained silent, Aizen scornfully sarcastically waved his sword, "From the confrontation just now, I can already see it! You and I The level of evolution is simply a different dimension.

If I want to, I can turn your knife into pieces with just one blow! "

As he spoke, his arm waving the blade suddenly tensed up, as if he was preparing to burst out with even greater strength to confirm his words.

However...the next moment his originally arrogant expression froze slightly.


There was an unprecedented roar, and then the whole world seemed to suddenly become silent.

Aizen stared blankly at Kurosaki Ichigo, who was calmly blocking his Zanpakutō.

What shocked him the most was that the other party was using his bare hands!

This scene seems familiar...

Ah...he remembered that he seemed to have done the same thing to Kurosaki Ichigo before?

Just...why is this happening at this moment?

It would be understandable if this kid avoided him.

But this situation - how can it be understood! ?

"how come?"

"What are you surprised about?" Facing Aizen's horrified look, Kurosaki Ichigo asked calmly, "Is it so hard to believe that I blocked your sword?

Afraid? In front of the scared self...something that I can't understand happened? "


As if he was stabbed in a painful spot, Aizen suddenly became ferocious. He retracted the knife caught by Kurosaki Ichigo and quickly retreated to distance himself.

"Look at your tone of showing off your victory... You just surpassed me in muscle strength in an instant."

He gritted his teeth and his face became ferocious, as if he still didn't believe this fact.

"In order to prevent a miracle from happening, I will use Kidō to completely turn you into ashes!"

As he spoke, Aizen began to sing his wrinkles as if mad: "The waves of filth, the boat of madness; boiling! Numb! Flashing! Sleepless; the princess of steel also erodes, the clay doll also collapses; rally! Fight the enemy! Fill the ground Let him know that he is powerless!

Ninety-Ninety of the Broken Path - Black Coffin! "

As the words fell, the terrifying spiritual pressure suddenly surrounded Kurosaki Ichigo. At this moment, the entire space seemed to be distorted by the terrifying spiritual pressure.

The dark barrier slowly rose, completely covering Kurosaki Ichigo in an instant.

"Hahaha! This is the fully chanted black coffin released by me who is superior to the Hollow and the God of Death!

Such a flow of power can even distort time and space, which is simply incomprehensible with your power! Kurosaki Ichi——"



Before he finished speaking, the scene fell into silence again. Looking at the broken black barrier in front of him, Aizen fell into a daze.

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