A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 804 797.'There are no lies'

Chapter 804 797. ‘There are no lies’

"Of course it can talk. There's a gangster kidnapped from nearby stuffed inside that 'Mr. Pork' doll!"

Faced with Kurosaki Ichigo's question, Riluka answered confidently.

"Kidnapping!? You just said kidnapping, right!?" Kurosaki Ichigo was speechless after hearing this.

"It's so noisy. Stop talking nonsense. All you need to do now is knock it down!" Riluka was completely unreasonable.

"Damn it, Mr. Pork is not cute at all! Why do you like this kind of thing?" Kurosaki Ichigo faced the doll in front of him again with some embarrassment. The difference in size made him have no idea what to do. To defeat the opponent, you can only keep retreating.

"Boy, stand still and don't run away!" 'Mr. Pork' said slightly angrily, "I... If I don't kill you within fifteen minutes... I won't be able to lift the magic, and I will be trapped in this weird place for the rest of my life. In the dollhouse!"

"What the hell! You're actually threatening people!"

The more Kurosaki Ichigo listened, the more he became ashamed.

He originally thought this girl was quite cute, but now when he saw it again...she was a complete 'witch'!

"What is intimidation? This is just necessary encouragement!" Riluka replied angrily, and then looked at 'Mr. Pork' with a gloomy look, "You just said... what is a 'weird dollhouse'?"

"I'm sorry!!" 'Mr. Pork' was so frightened by that terrifying look that he trembled all over and quickly knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Okay. So... that's it! The explanation is over!" Riruka picked up the lid of the dollhouse and prepared to leave Kurosaki Ichigo alone inside and ignore it. "Call me when you're done, come on~ "

"Hey, hey, hey! Wait...wait!"

Looking at the lid of the box that was gradually closing, Kurosaki Ichigo felt ashamed.

"Okay, let's have some snacks."

Riluka, who was outside, completely ignored this and happily prepared to enter the leisurely afternoon tea time.


She shouted to her companion, "I want to drink hot milk tea! The kind made by Henri Charpentier!"

"Is it okay..." Others on the side looked at the box that made noise from time to time and felt ashamed, and asked Ginjo Kūgo.

"Who knows..." Ginjo Kūgo was completely unsure about this.

In the final analysis, this matter itself completely depends on fate.

If Ichigo Kurosaki, who is currently being hunted by dolls, knows that these guys are so unreliable, he will have to tear them apart alive.

"You bastard! Stop running around! Let me kill you!" 'Mr. Pork' roared angrily and kept chasing. However, because he was stuffed in a doll and had difficulty moving, his movements were always half a beat slower than Ichigo Kurosaki's.

"Damn it...who wants to be killed by you standing?"

Kurosaki Ichigo kept complaining and running around in this small toy house.

This damn woman didn't give him any useful hints.

In the current situation, just escaping will definitely not solve the problem. The space here is limited and you will be caught sooner or later.

We have to find a way...

Kurosaki Ichigo concentrated on his thoughts.

That woman seemed to have said just now...'Wanxen Jutsu' is the power of 'love'? Try to channel the power of your beloved items as much as possible...


When he saw Ginjo Kūgo's casual look when he let the necklace change form, it didn't look like he was deeply in love with that necklace!

To be honest, it should just be a common item that you carry with you as a 'love'.

By the way, this guy seems to have mentioned it before even when he completed the art... even an ordinary kitchen knife will become easier to use once you get used to it.

Thinking of this... Kurosaki Ichigo seems to have some understanding of what kind of power the 'Fushen Jutsu' is.

‘Love’ is just a concrete adjective to describe feelings, just like a commonly used thing will produce ‘feelings’ after being used for a long time.

Sadatari and Inoue's abilities seemed to be the so-called 'Complete Realization Technique', and when they awakened their power... it seemed that they were also accompanied by an explosion of strong 'emotions'. From this point of view, the so-called ‘perfect expression technique’ seems to be a kind of power of ‘mind’ exerted with the help of media?

Kurosaki Ichigo kept thinking while running away: "My heart, my feelings... what I want to do... the medium that suits me..."


Time passed by minute by minute.

Riluka was sitting on the sofa eating the afternoon tea prepared by Kiryu Zazawa, but her eyes wandered in the direction of the dollhouse from time to time, as if she was a little uneasy about Ichigo Kurosaki who was inside.

"If you're so worried, why don't you go help him?" Jackie Tristan leaned on the sofa and looked at the hesitant Riluka speechlessly, and suggested.

"Who...who cares about him!?" Riluka suddenly became flustered when her thoughts were exposed. "If he dies at this level, it means that he is just a guy of this level! It's not at all like this. It’s worthy of my concern! Hahahaha!”

"Ah? Really?" Jackie Tristan curled her thick lips and rolled her eyes with a look of disbelief, "But... Riluka..."

As she spoke, she seemed to remember something, and continued to remind: "Is it okay? That doll... is equipped with a 'timer', right? Soon... the 'fifteen minutes' will pass, isn't it?"


Hearing this, Riluka's face became serious, but she still seemed to have no intention of helping Kurosaki Ichigo.


At this moment, the bar door was opened.

"I'm back."

Chado Taihu walked in carrying lunch boxes for everyone.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Sadatari." Kiryu Tazawa greeted him with a smile at the bar.

"Hmm..." Chadata Taihu responded calmly. Soon after entering the room, he found a strange box on the table and asked, "What is that box?"

"It's Riluka's 'Dollhouse', where Ichigo Kurosaki is finishing his training in the genjutsu." Jackie Tristan replied calmly.


Hearing this, Chadota Taihu's face became surprised, "What a mess! Have you already started letting him do this kind of thing!?"

"What's going on?" Riluka curled her lips slightly when she heard this, "Of course the sooner this kind of thing is done, the better! Are you not satisfied with my arrangement?"


Chadata Taihu did not answer, but quickly stepped forward and opened the lid of the box.

"Ah!" Seeing his behavior, Riluka thought he was going to ruin the practice and shouted anxiously, "Hey! Chado! What do you want to do!? That box..."

"Ichigo! Agency certificate!"

Surprisingly, Sadatora didn't seem to want to stop him, but just wanted to give Kurosaki Ichigo advice.

"You may have other things that you always carry with you, but if you want to obtain the combat-type Perfection Technique, the only thing that can serve as a medium is the Agency Certificate!"


In the dollhouse, Kurosaki Ichigo raised his head in surprise, "What a coincidence, I just... thought of it!"

As he spoke, a confident smile appeared on his face, and he took out the 'Death Agent Certificate' he carried with him in his trouser pocket.

That's right, if his full expression technique is the power of his mind, then this item will definitely respond to him.

Because what he wants most at the moment is to restore the power of the 'God of Death', and to fight to protect the people around him!

However, just when Ichigo Kurosaki took out his agency card and wondered how to use it, a strange mechanical sound came.

"time up."

"Fifteen minutes have passed."

"Conditions met."

"If you fail to learn the full manifestation technique in fifteen minutes, you will activate the 'violent mode'."

Kurosaki Ichigo turned his head in surprise.

It was the Mr. Pork doll that made the noise.


At this moment, a voice full of fear was coming from inside Mr. Pork.

"What's this?"

Ichigo Kurosaki watched with cold sweat on his forehead as the doll reminder in front of him began to expand, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.


A shrill scream sounded from the doll, and the sound rushed out of the doll house and echoed throughout the bar room.


Outside the box, Tezawa Kiryu, who was pouring tea for Riluka, heard the voice and turned around helplessly to look at the dollhouse, "It looks like the 'timer' has started."


Riluka, who also heard the screams, seemed to realize something was wrong. She put down the teacup in her hand in a panic and ran to the box to look inside.

When she saw the situation in the box, her expression suddenly changed, and she suddenly turned her head to look at Tezawa Kiryu: "Hey! Why didn't I hear you say that it would become such a disgusting thing! What did you do to it!? Kiryu !”

"Oops..." Kiryu Tatsuzawa reluctantly stopped packing the tea sets in his hands and raised his head to answer, "The one who borrowed my ability for Mr. Ichigo to practice... is you, right? Miss Riluka."

"It's me! But besides that disgusting thing, is there any other way?" Riluka was sweating on her forehead.

"Really? I didn't expect this..." Tazawa Kiryu replied nonchalantly.

"You guy...did you do this on purpose?"

Listening to the profound answer, Riluka's face became extremely angry.

"Riruka! Now is not the time to hold people accountable!"

Sadatora Taihu, who was also paying attention to the situation in the box, shouted, "Let Ichigo out of the box quickly."

"No..." Riluka clenched her fists.

She just thought that there was a reason why Chadu wanted to terminate his practice and almost went into chaos...

"That's right, it can't be done." Azawa Kiryu explained calmly, "The box is also equipped with a 'timer'. 'If the creatures inside can survive for more than thirty minutes, they can return to the outside world.'"

"What's the condition..." Riluka's face became even more ugly when she heard this.

Although she knew that the other party had set conditions, she didn't expect it to be this kind of condition.

"You asked me to impose conditions, right?" Kiryu Tazawa still said the same thing, "In short, if Mr. Ichigo is released now, it will 'break the conditions'.

If you do this, you will be punished by the 'God of Time'. "


Chadu Taihu's expression became solemn when he heard this.

"Speaking of which, is this the first time I'm telling you?" Azawa Kiryu continued to explain, "If my 'timer' encounters a 'destruction condition' situation, then all the targets that the 'timer' acts on will be destroyed. Burned to ashes by the fire of time.”

"Are you trying to scare people?" Chatata Taihu asked with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Whatever you think..." Tezawa Kiryu didn't care.

"I'm not trying to scare people..." Riluka said with a heavy tone, "I've seen it many times..."

"In order to make you understand, I will say it again now." As he said this, Kiryu Tazawa calmly took out a pocket watch from his pocket, "Before fifteen minutes have passed, if Ichigo or Mr. Pork is released, , that Ichigo, 'Mr. Pork' and that box, all three will be burned to ashes by the flames of time.

This is my perfect technique - "Time without Lies". "


Upon hearing this, Chadu Taihu's face turned gloomy, "Give me...unblock it."

"Sorry, can't do that."

Azawa Kiryu shook his head helplessly, "Once the 'Tokyo Lie' is set, even I, as an ability user, cannot undo it. If the conditions are set incorrectly, both me and the target will be led to death immediately."

As he said that, he glanced at Riluka lightly, and continued with a deep meaning: "So don't use it rashly. Tapping into the power of time... is such a terrifying thing."

The atmosphere in the whole room suddenly became heavy.


With the hug in his hand reaching a certain point, Azawa Kiryu remained as nonchalant as ever, seemingly unaffected by the surrounding atmosphere.

He turned his head to look at the teapot on the side and sighed lightly: "The next pot of black tea is brewed. Miss Riluka, how about another cup?"

As he spoke, he slowly stretched out his old hand to open the lid, and waved his palm to let the fragrance of tea float into his nostrils: "It's so fragrant... Sure enough... Only at the right moment, the gods will stay in it. .”



The dull sound kept ringing in the small dollhouse.

Kurosaki Ichigo dodged awkwardly as the doll became larger than him and the house.

At this moment, 'Mr. Pork' was completely in a state of madness, like a giant beast that was constantly destroying the dollhouse indiscriminately.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

The roar was deafening and made Ichigo Kurosaki feel terrible.

He kept rolling and dodging in search of a temporary safe place, but the place he found would soon be crushed by his huge body.

It was only a matter of time before the entire dollhouse collapsed. If he couldn't think of a way, he might really be killed by this monster doll before the thirty minutes were up.

"what to do……"

Looking at the Death Agent Certificate in his hand, Kurosaki Ichigo fell into anxious thinking.

Although he had decided to use this as a medium to use the Perfection Technique, he still couldn't find a clue at all.

How can it be used?

The essence of the Perfection Technique is to draw out the material soul and control it... and drawing out this power requires a firm enough 'mind'.

What kind of will is required to meet the conditions! ?

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