Chapter 825 818. Sad fate

Hearing this, Kuchiki Rukia was slightly startled, "Sorry, I don't know who among you is Tsukishima, but as you have seen so far, we were passively pulled into this space by your people. The one who fought has not killed anyone among you before."

"I know that you were not the ones who killed Tsukishima." Riruka nodded slightly, "Tsukishima suddenly disappeared before you appeared. The only ones present at that time were Ichigo Kurosaki, Yasutora Sadatari and Orihime Inoue. .

And Sadatari and Inoue were controlled by Tsukishima's ability... so the only killer was Kurosaki Ichigo. "

"You mean... did Kurosaki kill anyone?"

Rukia Kuchiki sounded a little solemn when she heard this, "'s impossible. He doesn't seem like someone who would do such a thing."

"It really doesn't look like it, but it doesn't matter. Tsukishima's death is a fact. The ability of a full-breasted practitioner will only disappear after death. The return to normal of Sadatari and Inoue is the best proof.

I just want to say... Even if you say that Kurosaki Ichigo is not a murderous person, he has been forced by Tsukishima to the point where he has to kill. There is no room for maneuver between us... "Riluka said calmly.

"But when we came... we didn't even see a single body on the ground." Rukia Kuchiki retorted in disbelief, "There must be some misunderstanding."

"I don't know about that." Riluka shook her head slightly, "He just disappeared suddenly and his abilities were removed. There is no other possibility except death."

"I...maybe I know what's going on..."

Listening to Riluka's description, Rukia Kuchiki seemed to think of something, "You said that Tsukishima used his ability on Inoue?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"That's not surprising." Lucia's tone became a little bitter, "He touched a taboo that he absolutely shouldn't touch, and it was that man who took action. Only he... has the ability to defeat everyone. Erase a person's existence without even noticing."

"'That person'? Who is it?" Riluka felt confused after hearing this.

"Anyway...can you put the gun down first?"

Lucia reminded with some embarrassment.

Although the thing that was hitting her face was a toy gun, this girl's toy gun had the power of the Perfect Technique, and who knew what she would shoot out later.

"In short, the person who killed the 'Tsukishima' you mentioned was neither us nor Kurosaki Ichi and the others. I will explain everything I know to you clearly. I think we...should have stopped. Fighting is necessary.”

"Don't be naive... Do you think it will be fine just by explaining everything clearly?" Riluka retorted, "Ginjo's ambition is to fight back against the entire unfair world! We can't stop him, we can only follow his footsteps .It’s already too late.”

"No... maybe you will change everything after knowing what I know?" Lucia raised her head and spoke seriously to the girl in front of her.

She finally figured it out.

This is a completely pointless fight.

It was just a 'farce' that the man watched.

The struggles of these poor people are actually meaningless.

Because the reshaping of this world is a foregone conclusion, and the tragedies caused by special powers on these people will naturally no longer exist.

That man is really evil.

Obviously all the knots would be untied as long as the matter was explained clearly, but he kept watching things happen.

Don't ask her why she knows that man has been paying attention to this matter. Nonsense, if you don’t pay attention, how could the ‘Tsukishima’ in Riluka’s mouth be erased at this moment?

"Really? I would like to hear...what can you say?"

Seeing Rukia's serious look, Riluka frowned slightly and moved away the toy gun in her hand.


Next, Lucia told the girl in front of her everything she knew about that man and the future of the entire world.

Listening to these unbelievable words, Riluka's eyes became dull: "You mean... you plan to reshape the entire world?

In that case... wouldn't what we do be like clowns? "

"Who knows? Maybe for such a being, clowns like you are of great value to watch." Lucia's tone was full of helplessness.


Riluka smiled softly, with a look of relief on her face, "Maybe, but this seems good.

It doesn't matter to me. The only reason why I fight is because I can't stop Yincheng.

As you said, we are just a group of sad weaklings struggling to stay warm.

Only we are the same, we cannot lose each other, otherwise we will fall into loneliness again.

Therefore, once someone embarks on a road, even if it is a road of no return, we can only accompany him to the end.

But...actually, who doesn't want this world to be better?

I hate this kind of power. If I didn't have this kind of power from the beginning, I could probably live a happy life as an ordinary person, right? "


Rukia sighed.

She finally understood.

The girl in front of me is not obsessed with being 'unordinary', but has no other choice.

Because the other person is born special, so what if he yearns for an 'ordinary life'?

This is a sad fate.

Isn't this what they, the gods of death, are like?

If the world is so peaceful that no one needs to fight, who doesn't want to live a stable life as an ordinary person?

Although the man was a bit more naughty.

But in the end... they might all have to thank him.


The last battlefield is the battlefield where Kurosaki Ichigo and his team deal with Ginjo Kūgo.

Why do you say it's a group of people?

Because of Xuanhao's action, Tsukishima Hidekuro received the lunch box in advance. Because Ginjo Kūgo is the strongest one in XCUTION, it is natural that he has to share the burden with one more person. So Kuchiki Byakuya, who was originally supposed to face Tsukishima Hidekuro, was now placed in the same space as them by Yukio.

The situation at the moment is... three against one.

Kurosaki Ichigo, Ishida Uryū and Kuchiki Byakuya, three powerful combat forces surrounded Ginjo Kūgo in this space at the same time.

This is a battle without any suspense.

Under the attack of these three people, even if Ginjo Kūgo got the power of Kurosaki Ichigo, he could only run away with his head in his arms at this moment.

The only thing that makes Ginjo Kūgo feel lucky is...

It can be said that these three people have no cooperation at all, and even interfere with each other during the battle.

"Ishida, Byakuya! You two get out of the way! It's enough for me to deal with this guy!" Kurosaki Ichigo turned his head to avoid Ishida Uryū's spirit arrow that almost hit him by mistake, and Kuchiki Byakuya's. Slashing without tacit understanding, cursing and complaining, "It's in the way!"

"Don't be stupid Kurosaki! We already said that this guy should be here!" Uryū Ishida retorted, "Can't you feel it? Now this guy has your spiritual pressure, and what he takes from you is not just spiritual pressure. Pressure or Perfection Technique, I'm afraid, he already has all your abilities! Have you ever tried to fight yourself?"

"Both of you...should retreat." Byakuya Kuchiki had another opinion, "There is no time to waste here. I will deal with him soon. Don't hinder me."

"Hey Hey hey……"

Listening to the non-stop quarrel between the three of them, Ginjo Kūgo, who was slightly embarrassed by the attack, had veins popping out on his forehead, "You guys... don't look down on others so much!"

As he spoke, he raised the broad sword in his hand and swung it out.

A huge crescent-shaped spiritual pressure slash roared towards the location of the three people.

"This is...Crescent Moon Chong!?"

Kurosaki Ichigo was slightly startled when he saw this.

"What are you stunned for! Get out of the way!"

Ishida Uryu subconsciously pulled him and dodged the blow, and Kuchiki Byakuya on the side also dodged easily.

"Look, he really knows your abilities!"

"Yes, I am the same as you, Kurosaki Ichigo."

Ginjo Kūgo looked at Kurosaki Ichigo with a gloomy face.

"Until now, don't you understand?"

"What don't you understand yet? You are just a thief who stole my power." Kurosaki Ichigo curled his lips slightly.

"No, after I took away your power, I didn't originally intend to kill you. I'm even sure that not having the power of the God of Death is not a bad thing for you." Ginjo Kugo replied calmly, "Just In conclusion, we actually have no need to fight at all.”

"Huh? Are you out of your mind? Or are you ready to beg for mercy because you can't be beaten by the three of us?" Kurosaki Ichigo looked disdainful.

"Surrender? No."

Ginjo Kugo turned his head with a gloomy expression and looked at the only pure Shinigami among the three, Byakuya Kuchiki.

"I'm just wondering why you want to be my enemy and ignore our 'real enemy'." After glancing at Byakuya Kuchiki, Ginjo Kugo turned to look at Kurosaki Ichigo again as a matter of course.

Kurosaki Ichigo was slightly startled when he heard this. "The real enemy?"

"Yes, the real enemy."

Ginjo Kugo repeated calmly, " you know why they gave you the Death Agent Certificate?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Did someone tell you when I gave you the Death God Agent Certificate? 'If you think that Agent Death God can bring benefits to Soul Society, as a rule, you will give this thing to him--'" Ginjo Kūgo He explained calmly, "Listen carefully, Kurosaki. This sentence is a lie."


Hearing this, everyone stopped and fell into silence.

Including Kuchiki Byakuya.

He realized what the man was going to say next.

But there is no need to hold back.

Because Kurosaki Ichigo will know something sooner or later.

No... It should be said that Kurosaki Ichigo should know about this now.

It might not be appropriate for them, a group of Shinigami, but it might be a better choice to let Kurosaki Ichigo understand through this man's mouth.

So, he chose to remain silent.

The next two...just wait for Kurosaki Ichigo to give the answer.

Can this future 'king' tolerate the mistakes made by ignorant 'subjects'? Can you believe that your 'subjects' are not actually malicious?

Seeing everyone's silence, Ginjo Kūgo grinned and continued to explain, "To be precise, it doesn't matter whether it is beneficial to Soul Society or not. Regardless of whether it is beneficial or not, acting Shinigami will definitely be awarded the Shinigami Agency Certificate without discrimination.

The full name of the agency certificate is...'Agent Death Combat Permit', which is proof of permission to act as an agent of Death in this world. "

"I know that." Kurosaki Ichigo said with a slight frown.

"From that time to this day, have you felt its substantive effect?" Ginjo Kūgo asked confidently, "Actually, it should be... When you meet an unknown Shinigami in this world, even if you show your proxy card, the other party will Would you say 'I've never heard of such a thing'?"


Hearing this, it seemed that Ginjo Kugo was right, and cold sweat broke out on Kurosaki Ichigo's forehead.

Indeed, he had presented such proof to the strange gods of death who came to this world to perform tasks, but no one had ever recognized the agency card, and it was as useless as a decoration.

No... I should say the real effect, maybe it's not like this.

"Do you mean that the agency certificate is not actually used for this purpose?"

"Yes." Ginjo Kūgo replied calmly, "The real function of the Death Agent actually surveillance and restriction.

Soul Society relies on proxy cards to know your location at all times, including if you have been to Hueco Mundo, right? Did someone from the Soul Society come to help out of nowhere at that time? Of course... this is only if you have it with you.

Also, regarding the issue with your reiatsu.

Didn't you have any doubts? When your spiritual pressure is aroused, you will go berserk even when you are in the form of a god of death, but the strange thing is that it has no effect when you return to the body and become a human.

Also, why is your Death God pressure stored in your Death God Agency Card, and can it even help you speed up the progress of completing the Perfection Technique?

Have you never doubted any of these numerous questions? "


"This is the Death God Agency Card. It is a communication device with Soul Society. It is also something that absorbs and analyzes your spiritual pressure to suppress it. Soul Society gave you the Agency Card in order to monitor and restrict you."

Ginjo Kugo gave this answer calmly, "Actually, you should have realized the abnormality a long time ago, right?

It's just that you subconsciously don't want to think about these things.

After all, these so-called gods of death are your close friends with whom you have a sword-to-heart relationship. How could they deceive you?

But in reality?

They have indeed expired you, using such despicable methods to monitor your actions, suppress your spiritual pressure, and even choose to kill you when necessary.

The person who suggested using this method was... Ukitake Jushiro, captain of the Thirteenth Division.

The most peace-loving man among the Gotei 13 fooled us!


Ichigo, listen up, this is the true face of Soul Society, they are your real enemies! "

"Kurosaki! Don't believe what he says! He is sowing discord!"

When Uryū Ishida heard this, he suddenly felt that something was not going well.

If this guy continues talking, if Kurosaki believes it, will it become a situation where they join forces to beat up Byakuya Kuchiki?

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