A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 85 79. Eriyi is a good child

Chapter 85 79. Eri is a good boy

Eriyi glanced at Xuanhao blankly.

She felt no malice in this man.

Then she gently grabbed his sleeve.

Xuanhao led Eriyi down the street like this. He followed the navigation on his mobile phone. Well, in fact, it was his first time here. The original purpose was to help Fengel bring specialties, but now, go Damn Finger.

Eriyi, who was following him holding her sleeves, looked around curiously from time to time, just like a child whose parents had just picked him up from kindergarten, full of curiosity about the colorful world on the roadside.

Suddenly, Xuanhao felt that he couldn't walk anymore, and his sleeve was pulled. Well, it was Eryi who stopped.

He looked back at Eri Yi and found that the girl was staring blankly at the roadside, her eyes full of longing.

Looking after her gaze, Xuan Hao showed the same expression as before.

There is a Wumu fried rice restaurant on the roadside...

Without writing on the writing board, Xuanhao could see the word "want to eat" written on Eriyi's face.

He led Eriyi to the five-eye fried rice store and whispered to Eriyi, "Eat it if you want. I will ask your brother to reimburse you."

Eriyi tilted her head in confusion and wrote on the writing board: "Eriyi has money, so she can pay for it herself."

The owner of the fried rice restaurant saw the words on the sign and said with a smile: "Young man, this is your fault. How can you let such a lovely girlfriend pay for it by herself?"

"Boss, you misunderstood, she's not her girlfriend." Xuan Hao shook his head helplessly, "She's my friend's sister."

"Not your girlfriend?" The owner of the fried rice restaurant laughed dryly and said, "I'm sorry, I misunderstood, I misunderstood."

"I'll add more ingredients for the little girl, hehe." The owner of the fried rice restaurant said, adding a lot more ingredients, not giving the two of them any chance to refuse.

In fact, it’s not the boss’s fault. The relationship between the two of them is indeed very strange. They are neither as close as brothers and sisters, nor as distant as ordinary friends. This look of holding hands by the sleeves is very similar to the kind of people who just let go of their relationship at the beginning of a relationship. A young couple who can't get along.

"Should we take it out or eat here?" the owner of the fried rice restaurant asked.

"Pack it up."

Xuan Hao said after looking at the gradually darkening sky.

He took the fried rice handed over by the owner of the fried rice restaurant, turned his head, and looked at Eri's eyes filled with fried rice. He didn't pay any attention to what the boss said, and he didn't even pay attention to him.

"Here." Xuan Hao handed over the lunch box filled with fried rice. It was a little warm, and the golden fried rice was full of grains, like a finely crafted work of art, exuding a faint aroma.

It was delicious, delicious, and no wonder. He began to understand why Eriyi liked such food.

"Find a place to stop and eat later. There are too many people here." Xuan Hao said.

Erika nodded slightly.

The two of them continued walking like that until they came to a crossroads.

Eriki stopped, hesitating a little.

By the way, how much courage did this kid have to take the risk to Akihabara? Is this the charm of the game...

As if remembering something, Xuanhao hesitated, stretched out his hand that was hidden in his sleeve, gently grabbed Eriyi's left hand with his right hand, and pulled her to a side-by-side position.

Because Eriyi is always cute and cute, and she gets lost, Xuanhao subconsciously treats her like a child.

I'm afraid that she won't pay attention when crossing the road with something in her hand. It's very dangerous to be distracted in such a place. Of course, the danger is the car...

I can only hold her across the road temporarily, yes, that’s right, that’s it.

Xuan Hao felt that it was unexpected and reasonable. Eri Yi was held by the hand and did not resist. She was led along obediently.

Eryi was led by the person in front of her and walked across the road. She recalled that when she was alone, she once stood at the crossroads, looking at the people coming and going, watching the speeding traffic, and could only remain silent. She shed tears on the ground, like a child abandoned by the world. People came and went, but no one ever stopped for her.

For the first time, someone other than her brother would lead her forward.

However, after crossing the street, the man let go of her hand.

Eriyi felt a slight sense of loss in her heart.

The sky gradually darkened, and light rain began to fall.

Eriyi touched the top of her head in a daze, and a windbreaker was draped over it.

It turned out that the man took off his clothes to protect her from the rain.

My brother's friend is a very gentle person.

Eriki thought so.

Inside the subway station, the two of them found a bench in a quiet corner and sat down.

Eriki didn't say anything and ate the five-eye fried rice quietly.

Xuanhao also looked at her quietly.

From the perspective of others, it is like a brother buying delicious candies for his sister and watching his sister eat them alone, but not willing to keep a portion for himself.

"He is a really good boy."

Xuan Hao looked at the red-haired girl in front of him with soft eyes, a rare hint of unbearableness in his eyes.

If he remembered correctly, this girl's fate...

He thought back to his sister's fate again, and for a moment, he felt mixed emotions.

"Alas...this is such a crappy world."

He shook his head helplessly, looking away from the girl, looking at the flow of people coming and going, and looking at the trains circulating on the track.

They go round and round, day after day, following the path of destiny, as if no one can escape the destiny no matter what.

And this is exactly what he hates the most. I really want to crush it!

Far northwestern South America, Ecuador, Galapagos National Park.

There is a Pinta Island tortoise named George. He is the largest land tortoise in the world, not because he is very big, but because he is the last male tortoise in the world.

The Galapagos Islands in South America were once the habitat of giant tortoises. They were isolated from the rest of the world and far away from human habitation.

Until the crew members who opened up the new world discovered this place, it was certainly a good thing to open up, but human greed cannot be hidden.

These poor guys are very resistant to hunger and will not die for a year without eating or drinking. They are perfectly suitable for the sailing life of the crew and are an extremely suitable fresh meat stock.

This also caused the number of giant tortoises to decrease, until finally, "George" became the last male tortoise.

On the morning of June 24, local time, Fausto Lereina, the park ranger responsible for taking care of "Lonesome George", went to work.

He found the tortoise "Lonely George" slumped next to a water hole that was about to dry up, motionless. It seemed as quiet as usual, no different, but Fausto Lerena, who was familiar with it, could see Come on, something is wrong with it.

Because it is already dead. According to the autopsy report, it should be a natural death, and the liver showed obvious signs of aging.

But the strange thing is that its family's original life span can live to 200 years old. It is more than 100 years old when it is in its prime. Why did it die so early?

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