A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 860 853 Ode to the Holy Emperor

Chapter 860 853. Ode to the Holy Emperor

High in the sky where no one knows.

A world like a mirror.

"Brother...how long will we wait until we are here?"

Inoue Orihime came behind Xuanhao who was sitting on the throne looking down, and asked with some confusion.

The place they are in now is part of the new world created by this man - heaven.

Looking down from here, you can see everything happening in the lower world. You can penetrate into the human world, Soul Society and even hell. It is a place where you have absolute control over everything.

At this moment, Xuanhao has been observing the lower world here for a long time, but he has never made any plans to take action, so Inoue Orihime is a little confused.


Xuanhao leaned lazily on the throne, supported his chin with his hand, and calmly answered Inoue Orihime's question.

"The final stage, of course, has to wait until all the actors are here before the performance starts. I don't have time... to go find them one by one."

The new world is of course built according to the structure of the world he is familiar with.

After heaven are naturally the human world and the underworld.

Because there was originally nothing above the sky in this world, so creating the ‘Heaven’ was the simplest step and would not be interfered with by anything.

Now that Heaven is established, the rest will become simple, nothing more than destruction and reconstruction.

But before that, he had to announce to all living beings on the final stage - the birth of a new world.


Soul Society.

A strange aura filled the air,

The shadow gradually enveloped the entire Jinglingting, as if it was swallowing it directly, along with the defensive barrier protecting it.

"What's wrong!?"

"What happened!?"

"All the data shows abnormalities! What happened!?"

The Technology Development Bureau was thrown into chaos because of such changes.

"How could...such a thing happen!?"

Ah Jin looked at the scene projected on the monitor with cold sweat on his forehead, "Jing Lingting... has disappeared!"

Not just him, it seemed that it was too late when the Shinigami of Soul Society realized that something had happened. The entire Joireitei had completely changed, with all the original buildings disappearing and replaced by——

The headquarters of the invisible empire.

High above, Yhwach and Uryū Ishida stood side by side, looking down at everything in front of them: "Uryū, do you know what the 'Ode to the Holy Emperor' is?"


Ishida Uryu replied calmly, this is a custom passed down from generation to generation by their Quincy clan, used to sing the praises of this king.

But now it seems that everything is just what the king has planned for this moment.

"The sealed Quincy King...it took 900 years for his heart to revive again, then 90 years to regain consciousness, and another 9 years to regain strength."

"Yes, there is a follow-up to this song." Yhwach smiled faintly, "The sealed King of the Quincy... takes over the world in nine days."

"Let's go, the world will end in 9 days!"

At this moment, the Invisible Empire's attack on Soul Society officially begins.



Seeing that the invisible empire in front of him directly chose to exchange the base camps of both sides, Kyoraku Shunsui, the commander-in-chief, looked gloomy and couldn't help but sigh.

"I also considered that the other party would launch a surprise attack, so I deployed a lot of defensive measures throughout the Jing Ling Pavilion... But I didn't expect that we would lose our geographical advantage in this way... to use such a method. The method is really troublesome. How on earth is it done?"

The changes at this moment caused the entire Jinglingting to become chaotic. It can be said that it has completely fallen into the trap of the invisible empire.

"You won't understand-"

Yhwach spoke calmly as if he was answering Kyōraku Shunsui's question from a distance. It was obvious that the two of them could not hear each other's voices, let alone communicate, but the words above him were able to match each other.

"We, the Quincy, who lost our shelter in the battle a thousand years ago, hid from the present world...into the Pure Soul Pavilion where your Death God's guard is the most lax... Subsequently, all our shadows in the Pure Soul Pavilion... 'Zhong used spirit sons to create space.

We call this the ‘invisible empire’. "

"The plan was very successful. After all, unlike the real world, Soul Society is filled with the source of our power - spirit children, making us omnipotent!"

As he spoke, members of the Star Cross Knights suddenly appeared throughout the Jinglingting, answering the questions of the horrified Death Gods.

But their appearance obviously made the Death Gods look more nervous, and the whole atmosphere became tense.

"In these long millennia, we have accumulated strength in the 'shadow' force."

However, the knights still looked around at everyone as if they were mocking them, and had no intention of taking action immediately. The words they spoke at this moment were like a ruthless mockery of the gods of death.

Taunting them for their stupidity in not realizing that their enemies had already penetrated deep into the hinterland.

"In short, the reason why your defenses are ineffective is because we did not invade by destroying the soul-shielding film, but were already inside it."

As the captain, Kyōraku Shunsui also appeared in front of him and gave him the answer.

Holy Word ‘B’, Huguelen Hasward.

He calmly came to Jingraku Shunsui to confront him, seemingly not taking him seriously at all.

The opponent is the captain of Soul Society Gotei 13, but he is just His Majesty's right-hand man. Coming to confront him in this capacity is a sign of contempt.

Regarding this, Kyōraku Shunsui naturally looked extremely gloomy.

"Welcome, thank you for your important information."

He lowered the brim of his hat and turned to look at the Quincy in front of him, "You have found the location of the commander so quickly. It seems that you have collected enough information?"

Facing Kyōraku Shunsui's teasing, Hugolan Hasward's expression remained calm, and he seemed to have no intention of joking with him. He introduced himself calmly: "I am the assistant to the Emperor of the Invisible Empire, the highest ranking member of the Knights of the Star Cross. ——Huguelin Hasward.”

"Is that so?"

Kyōraku Shunsui nodded slightly when he heard this, and responded in the same way, "I am the captain of the Gotei 13 and the captain of the First Division - Kyōraku Shunsui. So now...after exchanging names, are you ready to take action directly?"

"Yes. That's exactly why I'm here." Hugolan Hasward replied calmly, his tone neither happy nor sad, and no emotion could be heard.

This is not contempt. For him, the only important thing is to complete His Majesty's instructions.

"I'm really anxious."

Kyōraku Shunsui couldn't help but sigh when he saw the other party being so frank, "You have been waiting for revenge for a thousand years, don't you plan to enjoy it for a little longer?"

"It's a pity that your Majesty is a peace-loving person. He just wants to fight quickly and end this painful battle." Huguelin Hasward still answered like a machine, "Therefore, the only order given is One - 'instantaneous'... 'annihilate the entire enemy army'."

"I see...this is really——"


"Who...are you!?"

Meanwhile, the Technology Development Agency.

The gods of death looked nervously at the enemy that appeared in front of them for no apparent reason.

"When did you come in here!?"

"from where……"

"Hey, hey, hey... I kindly explained for so long just now, are you all deaf?"

Leaning against the holy word 'D' on the wall, Yaskin Nacroval opened his eyes helplessly and looked around at everyone, "Or is your Technology Development Bureau just a flashy name? It's not where it comes from. Come in, as you said, we were already inside."

"That's it. You Quincy live in the 'Shadow'. Two worlds exist in the same time and space without conflicting with each other. Oops... Creating a world in the 'Shadow' is really beyond common sense. .but……

I don't hate things that go beyond common sense. "

Suddenly, an interesting voice came.

This made Yaskin Nacroval raise his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised.

I didn't expect that someone could analyze the principle so calmly at this time. It seems that he has to take back what he just said.

"Who are you?"


The Shinigami from the Technology Development Bureau were slightly startled and looked at the man who suddenly appeared. Yes, this was their captain who had disappeared for a long time and was conducting some kind of secret experiment somewhere.

Captain of the 12th Division and Director of the Technology Development Bureau - Niryuri.

"What's going on with your outfit...?"

Nirvana, who was wearing an outfit that shone like the sun, had no intention of explaining, but looked at the Quincy in front of him with a chuckle: "Based on the data collected during your last invasion, I surmise that the Quincy The invasion is related to the 'Shadow', so the inside of my laboratory... was specially modified to prevent the 'Shadow'."

"Really? I don't feel it at all." Yaskin Nacroval replied calmly, "Is there... anything special here?"

During the conversation between the two, the atmosphere seemed to have solidified and became extremely tense.

"It doesn't matter, you will feel it soon." Nirvana sneered, "Then... whether our Technology Development Bureau is 'flashy' or not, you can slowly experience it for yourself, how about it?"


Not only where Kyōraku Shunsui and Niryuri were sitting, but also everywhere in the Joireitei, the Shinigami encountered the invading Quincy.

This situation is exactly like the last invasion.

The invasion of the Quincy was invisible and completely dominated.

"Damn it...don't pass here! We will never get out of the way!"

The team members drew their swords to face the oncoming Quincy.

But it seems pointless.


As the blazing flames swept across, they were instantly overwhelmed.

"Ah? What are you talking about? Not allowed to pass? Is it funny? We have completed the invasion~"

Buzby picked out his ears and mocked lightly, "Jing Lingting has disappeared without a trace. Now this place... is our territory."

As he said that, he didn't even bother to look at the soldiers before turning around and leaving.

However, the moment he lifted his steps, a chill came, causing him to stop.


He frowned slightly and looked in the direction of the flames.

In the fierce fire, the panicked soldiers were unhurt.

Looking carefully, he finally found the clue.

It was his fire, blocked by a veil of ice.

"Your territory? Stop joking..."

Hitsugaya Toshiro appeared in front of everyone with Matsumoto Rangiku, staring at the intruder in front of him expressionlessly.

"Your flame can't even think of taking another step forward from here."


Yaskin Nacrovar grinned at this provocation.

"Hahahaha - what! What! Who did I think it was? I still remember you guys. Wasn't this the Ice Captain who was taken away by Cangdu? Poor guy."

In response to the opponent's provocation, Toshiro Hitsugaya still looked cold and expressionless: "I am the captain of the 10th division, Toshiro Hitsugaya."

"That's it! That's it! It doesn't matter."

Buzby replied with a sneer, and also reported his name: "I am the Knights of the Star Cross, the Holy Word 'H'! The scorching one - Buzby!"

As he spoke, the blazing flames rose from his body again and swept towards Hitsugaya Toshiro in an instant.


Hitsugaya Toshiro also swung his sword without hesitation.

After the names were announced, the battle started directly, and the two sides had nothing to talk about.

The blazing flames and condensed frost suddenly swelled together, and the impact of the explosion forced those around to retreat.


Seeing the evasive team members, Matsumoto Rangiku on the side immediately commanded: "You guys stand down! Leave this place to me and the captain!"

"Yes... Got it!"

After knowing that such a battle was not something that they and others could participate in, the team members immediately dispersed. Their mission was to contain the soldiers from the Star Cross Knights, and this kind of combat power was difficult for even the captain level to compete with. knight.

"Captain Hitsugaya...is he really okay?"

Some people are still worried.

They knew that although they knew that the enemy had the ability to take away the swastika, some captains still had to use the swastika to fight the enemy in the last battle, and Captain Hitsugaya was one of them.

Can Captain Hitsugaya, who has now lost his swastika, really be able to deal with such an enemy?

Soon, their fears seemed to come true.

"Hey, hey, hey - your ice is too fragile, isn't it!?"

In a burst of arrogant ridicule, the flames instantly melted all the ice.

Buzby seemed to have an absolute advantage in his battle with Toshiro Hitsugaya.

"Things like ice are no match for fire in the first place! After losing your swastika, that's all you can do! It really made me laugh out loud!"


Facing the other party's ridicule, Hitsugaya Toshiro remained silent and continued to wield his sword to condense ice to resist the incoming flames.

Not even close...

Of course he knew that without the swastika, Hyōrinmaru's power would be greatly weakened.

But it's not pointless to keep swinging the knife like this.

Between the melting of ice and fire, the surrounding humidity is rising at a perceptible speed.

Everything is preparing for the next real battle.

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