A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 863 856 The real protagonist

Chapter 863 856. The real protagonist

"Do you think that after we obtained the swastika understanding, we just used it as a decoration without conducting any control training?"

Aangdu looked at Hitsugaya Toshiro with contempt and said lightly.

Then his figure instantly disappeared from the spot and attacked the opponent.

He could clearly feel that the power of swastika was passing away, and the passing power was obviously gradually returning to Hitsugaya Toshiro, so if he wanted to deal with the opponent, it was best to do it now.

After arriving not far in front of Hitsugaya Toshiro, Aodu waved his hand violently, and ice cones all over the sky struck towards him.

However, still choosing to use the power of ice to attack the opponent now was the biggest mistake he made at this moment.

"Don't make things difficult for me, okay?"

Before the falling ice cone reached Toshiro Hitsugaya, it was condensed into an ice wall by the stronger cold.

Hitsugaya Toshiro said calmly without raising his head: "How can my own moves be useful to me?"


Hearing this, Cangdu's pupils shrank sharply, and a look of surprise flashed across his face, but his body movements did not stop.

He continued forward and kicked down in the direction of Hitsugaya Toshiro, as if he wanted to attack the opponent with the ice wall.


The ice wall blocking Hitsugaya Toshiro was instantly kicked to pieces by an extremely powerful force.

Aangdu's kicks continued unabated, and he kicked Hitsugaya Toshiro mercilessly.

Hitsugaya Toshiro's figure instantly flew backwards under the powerful impact.

However, Cangdu didn't seem to notice.

From the moment the power of the swastika began to return, no matter how he attacked, the expression on Hitsugaya Toshiro's face never changed at all.

At this moment, Aangdu still believed that he had a chance to win, and did not pay attention to Hitsugaya Toshiro at all: "Whether it was just now or now, please don't say it as if you know the swastika very well, okay? If you don't care about it, If you understand it well enough, I’m afraid it won’t be taken away easily by me.”

As he spoke, his body pursued him, and a violent blow fell on Hitsugaya Toshiro again.

Seeing Hitsugaya Toshiro seemingly helpless and forced to bear the attack, Soto's eyes were even more disdainful.

However, soon, he saw Hitsugaya Toshiro's figure stopped in mid-air, his unfolded ice wings slowly lifting him up, and his eyes finally changed slightly.

"You said...I don't understand Swastika?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro lowered his head and asked indifferently.


The sound that made one feel like falling into an icy fountain made Cangdu stunned for a moment and forgot to answer.

"Ah...it seems you really think so?" Hitsugaya Toshiro asked again with an expressionless face, and then sighed as if talking to himself, "I haven't heard your voice for a long time. It’s great to have you back… Hyōrinmaru!”

As he spoke, the roar of the dragon echoed through the sky so that everyone could hear it clearly, and the figure of the Frost Dragon slowly gathered behind Toshiro Hitsugaya.

Swastika—Daigurren Hyōrinmaru!

That's right, all the power of the swastika finally returned to Hitsugaya Toshiro, and it seemed that because of a trace of hollow power mixed in his body, there were some subtle changes in his swastika at this moment.

Not only that, Kyon will recover all the injuries suffered when he releases the sword, and at this moment, Hitsugaya Toshiro seems to have recovered in the same way.

In other words, the current situation has been forcibly reversed.

What Aodu will face is a captain-level figure who is in peak condition and cannot take away the swastika.

"This mask is really getting in the way."

Hitsugaya Toshiro looked down at Cangdu and complained lightly about the frost mask covering his left eye.

Although he had no choice but to fuse the power of the void, it always made him feel weird.

"But it doesn't matter. I can only deal with you with this attitude now."

"Damn it! You are looking down on others!"

Hearing this, Zangdu roared angrily, "Snake Claws!"

As he spoke, he closed his hands like claws, like a python opening its huge mouth to pounce on food, and a snake-shaped spiritual pressure surge roared towards Hitsugaya Toshiro.

But now that he has regained his strength... no, Hitsugaya Toshiro, who is more powerful than before, is no longer afraid of such a trivial attack.

He calmly lifted the ice-wrapped Hyōrinmaru, and the incoming spiritual pressure was instantly frozen into an ice sculpture in mid-air.

Even after resisting Cangdu's attack, Bingshuang still had no intention of stopping and turned into a sharp blade to counterattack Cangdu.

"Cross Hyouka - Hyōrinmaru Chapter!"


Cangdu looked at the coming frost and wanted to say something, but his words stopped abruptly in the middle of speaking.

A huge frost tombstone like a cross appeared in mid-air and plunged straight into the ground.

He was completely sealed in the Tomb of Ice Flower.

"It's over. Sorry, you are not qualified to let me use my full strength."

After doing all this, Hitsugaya Toshiro fell to the ground calmly, looking towards another member of the Star Cross Knights.

He did not forget that he was facing two enemies at the moment.

"What are you doing!"

Buzby looked at Cangdu, who was frozen in the huge frost cross, and curled his lips slightly.

"I asked you to come here, but you were beaten to pieces. It's really useless and embarrassing."

With that said, he slowly walked towards Hitsugaya Toshiro, as if he wanted to end the battle.

Although he was expressionless on the surface, Hitsugaya Toshiro was actually at the end of his strength at this moment. Even though the swastika mixed with part of the hollow power allowed him to recover part of his injuries, his physical energy was already really exhausted and he couldn't help it. recover.

And at this moment, he had to face an almost supreme knight of the Star Cross Knights.


"Has the power of Swastika... returned to the hands of the God of Death again?"

Feeling the fluctuations of spiritual pressure coming from the distance, Yhwach returned to the palace and overlooked the entire battle situation, not planning to do anything for the time being, and murmured lightly.

"Your Majesty... you must have expected something like this to happen, right?" Uryū Ishida asked expressionlessly on the side.

"Yes..." Yhwach replied without thinking, "But...even if we lose things that don't belong to us, there's no need to panic, right?"

As if to confirm his words, in another battlefield, the sacred word 'E', Bambietta Basta's critical attack, calmly blew up a group of captain-level swastikas with a calm look on her face. A Shinigami soldier who gained hope after relieving his spiritual pressure.

"Everyone is like this...it's really unbearable."

She calmly despised the Death Gods in front of her, and seemed unfazed by the fact that Cangdu was sealed in the frost. "You guys, don't really think we need to rely on the Death God's Swastika to fight, do you?"

Bambietta Basta's face was full of boredom.

Because after she came here, she hadn't met a captain-level Death God, and she was a little tired of playing with these team members.

"Where's the puppy captain that I beat up before? Come out and play with me!"

As she spoke, she looked at the embarrassed team members on the side.

"Hey, I want to ask you a question? Does anyone know where he is?"


No one answered.

Because of fear, these soldiers have lost the ability to speak.

But Bambietta Basta didn't seem to understand this. In her opinion, she was ignored.

"Forget it, I'll find it myself!"

As a result, a look of shame and anger appeared on Bambietta Basta's face, and the terrifying spiritual pressure spread around her: "Get out of here!"


A deafening roar resounded.

The explosive spiritual pressure exploded near the ground like a high-explosive bomb, instantly sending the surrounding Shinigami soldiers flying. The screams were endless.

"Even if I turn this place upside down, I will still find you!"


There was an angry roar.

Then, a burly figure fell in front of Bambietta Basta.

It was the 'Puppy Captain' she was looking for, Komamura Zuozhen.

At this moment, just from the words, one can feel the anger of Komamura's left formation towards the Star Cross Knight who massacred the team members and took human life lightly.

"Haha, are you finally here?" Bambietta Basta raised her head contemptuously and looked at the burly figure in front of her, "I didn't expect it to be quite fast... By the way... why do you have to wear it on your head? Where is the barrel?"

She remembered that the captain didn't hide his appearance at all when they met last time. Why did he wear a bucket to cover his appearance now?

"This is something someone else gave me." Komamura Zuozhen suppressed his anger and answered calmly.

"Oh, that's it. Forget it, never mind." Bambietta Basta disapproved of the marriage proposal, "I will break it into pieces later anyway. But speaking of it...as a hero, you are really You are incompetent. You waited until I made this place full of holes and the soldiers were bruised and bruised before you came out. It’s really unseemly.”

"There is no hero you are looking for here, little sister."

A teasing voice came from behind.

The other party obviously said it with a smile, but Bambietta Basta felt the chill inexplicably.

"and who are you?"

She turned around in confusion, looking at the man in the captain's uniform spinning the blade and asked.

"Me? My name is Hirako Mako. As you can see, I am a captain." Hirako Mako looked down at the girl in front of him and sneered.

The next moment, his ability was activated.


Suddenly, Bambietta Basta felt a spin, and the world in her eyes began to twist and turn upside down.

"What's wrong? Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Hirako Mako asked knowingly with a smile.

"What... is going on?" Bambietta Basta asked with cold sweat on her forehead, glaring at the other party.

"'Reverse Caress'...this is the ability of my Zanpakutō."

Hirako Mako smiled faintly and explained his Zanpakuto's ability nonchalantly, because even if he was known by others, his ability was unsolvable, and the only way to fight against it was to adapt to the upside-down world.

"Under my ability, everything you see, including east, west, north, south, up, down, left, and right, is upside down. It is simply impossible to adapt to it and fight me at the same time."

"Haha, are you dizzy? Ah... Speaking of which, my ability has recently evolved to the point where people can even hear what I say upside down. You shouldn't understand what I'm saying now."

"Damn...what the hell? Do you want to use this little trick against me?" Bambietta Basta did not understand what the man in front of her was saying at all. The only thing she understood and understood was that he looked down on her. , laughing!

Out of anger, she chose to attack without hesitation.

However, when his body moved, he was getting farther and farther away from the man in front of him for some reason.

"I told you, it's impossible to adapt."

Mako Hirako came up behind her with a sneer, and then the smile on his face gradually solidified, and his expression began to become extremely gloomy.

"Although I don't like killing women, please forgive me."


came an angry voice.

Bambietta Basta finally seemed to understand a certain word.

The next moment, violent spiritual pressure rose with her as the center, immediately forcing Hirako Mako back who was about to swing his sword.

"What's this!?"

Hirako Mako and Komamura Zuozhen both looked at the other party's sudden burst of terrifying spiritual pressure with solemn eyes.

"The Quincy: Complete Holy Body."

As if she had expected that the God of Death in front of her would be confused about this, Bambietta Basta said angrily, "We have never been able to use it... During the period of time when we had the swastika, the swastika hindered us. Let's use our true power!

You brought this upon yourself, God of Death!

Thank you for taking back the swastika so that we can - unleash our true power!

Regret your folly, Death! "

As she spoke, not only her, but also terrifying spiritual pressure beams rose up almost simultaneously everywhere around her.

That was when the Star Cross Knights finally showed their true strength.

These pillars of spiritual pressure were like starlight, like swords of judgment thrusting straight into the sky.

In the palace, on the throne, Yhwach smiled faintly and admired the 'starlight' rising everywhere: "Repent, gods of death! The hopeful and warm... sleep-like battle ends here. Real despair... It’s just about to begin.”


"Ah... the situation doesn't seem to be as optimistic as you imagined?"

Also seeing these light pillars was Nirvana in the research institute.

He sneered and asked Urahara Kisuke on the side, "Then what are you going to do now? Even if we take back the swastika, we still seem to be at a disadvantage."


In response, Urahara Kisuke smiled and seemed not nervous.

"Don't be so anxious...the real protagonist hasn't appeared yet. I helped them regain the swastika, just to prevent them from being unable to witness the real stage."

"The real protagonist?"

Nirvana frowned slightly.

Urahara Kisuke didn't say anything more, he just raised his head and looked at the sky.

This action can be understood in two ways.

One of them is Kurosaki Ichigo who is located in the Kongreiwang Palace above Joreitei.

And... there are those who are higher up in the sky, overlooking all living beings.

As for how Nirvana wants to understand it, it has nothing to do with him.

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