Chapter 89 83. Under the night

At night, there are hidden lights in the mountains outside Osaka.

A majestic and ethereal building stands in the mountains, with a vague neon halo covering the mountain loft like a gauze, like a mirage floating in the mountain forest, misty and helpless.

This is a casino built in the mountains. In front of the casino is a stream and an exquisite small bridge. It looks like the design of a fairyland on earth, but it is full of sins hidden inside.

Girls wearing kimonos and fox masks greet guests on the bridge. In fact, not many people can come here, because they either have no capital or they are not alive to get here.

There are men in suits wandering around inside and outside the casino. They carelessly carry knives or pistols on their waists, declaring the power of the owner here. Anyone who dares to cause trouble here will generally not end well.

There is a cave in the deepest part of the casino. This is a spacious room. It is no longer the splendid decoration of the crystal wall in the casino, but is ridiculously simple, just like an ordinary person's room. The floor is covered with ordinary tatami mats, but there are also Something unusual.

Usually no one would put a stage in their home, but it does exist here.

The moonlight shines on the stage, and under the cover of the white wooden screen, there are silhouettes of people, but there is no audience watching the show.

The figure in the moonlight walks, chants and sings, singing a dream-like life, a gorgeous drama. In this lonely world, and also in this hypocritical world, he performs parting and wanders his lonely soul.

No one can understand the loneliness in his heart. There are few audiences under the sad stage, only passing passers-by, leaving traceless footprints in this dreamy world.

Watching him build a Zhulou, watching him banquet guests, watching his building collapse...

The mask on his face covered his face, and he wore a blood-red kimono with wide sleeves. On the kimono, it was like a flower watered by blood blooming in this red world. With the man's white skin, he looked like a singer walking in the underworld. , but what he sang was "Yang Guifei" in the prosperous age.

"As evidence of this, the hairpin was given to me by the emperor himself in the past;

Don't forget your romantic feelings, just chat with him and repay him, and you will be lucky in a moment of kindness;

Returning Chai's thoughts to Linqiong, Three Thousand Weak Waters East, the clouds are red again;

The shadow of the moon has long since melted, and there are many obstacles ahead;

The journey is lost, and looking back is in vain. "

This is pure Japanese kabuki, but the repertoire is "Yang Guifei" with a Chinese theme. Maybe his and her stories are somewhat similar.

Only men can play real Kabuki, but he easily made people ignore his gender. In this way, men who play women in Kabuki are called onnagata, and he is the top.

He observes women, imitates and surpasses them. He understands women's beauty even better than women. He wears a mask and can confuse all living beings with his peerless dance without relying on beauty.

If he gets horny, women won't have anything to do with him.

But at this moment, he suddenly stopped, sighed, sat cross-legged, slowly closed the paper fan in his hand, and looked at the entrance hall with indifferent eyes.

Someone is coming, and the people who are coming are not worthy of enjoying this kind of dance.

The entrance door was pushed open, and a man with a mask walked in. He had a pale mask on his face. On the mask was the smiling face of an ancient Japanese minister, with vermilion lips and iron-black teeth. He had a dignified smile, but he didn't feel good. On the contrary, it felt a little disgusting.

He walked on the tatami like a ghost without making a sound, and his expression should not have been clearly visible under the mask.

But the "female figure" sitting on the stage felt that this man was smiling disgustingly.

The two looked at each other like this for a long time.

The "female form" can clearly feel that this man is not in a good mood today. Haha, this is natural and the result he wants to see.

"The commissioner of this headquarters came to Japan and 'accidentally' received a mission, and this mission happened to be one of my testing sites." The voice under the Noh mask was calm, as if no emotion could be heard, "And, right here Experiments inside the 'asylum' have also been exposed before."

"Is this normal? People from the Sheqiba family are not fools. It is only a matter of time before that 'shelter' is exposed."

The "female form" said casually without looking at the man in front of her. Of course he understood what the man in front of him meant.

Someone deliberately leaked the Motolov cocktail to the headquarters, hoping to bring Cassel College into the game and disrupt the man's plan.

"Hmph, it doesn't matter," the man snorted coldly, "Anyway, the experiment has basically been completed. Even if it arouses the vigilance of the secret party, it doesn't matter. It was never me who should be nervous, and I am also very interested in the people from the secret party. .”

Yes, it has never been him. This man is like a man-eating ghost. He has accumulated enough resources and his plan is about to enter the final stage. Whether it is the fierce ghosts or the Sheqi family, anything is for him. He said they were all dispensable pawns, but he was greedy and would not let go until the value was squeezed out.

The "female form" knows this man's greed, and he hates this guy, but he tried and couldn't kill the man in front of him, so it's not too much to do something secretly, right?

Of course he also knew that this man knew that he was behind it, but so what? He knew that this greedy guy would not let go of a useful chess piece like him just yet.

As night approaches, the bustling streets are supposed to be the beginning of nightlife.

But the black Mercedes-Benz fleet dispersed the crowd like an army and disrupted people's rhythm.

Several dark motorcycles surrounded the convoy like escorts. The people on the motorcycles were all wearing black clothes and helmets, and they were carrying blunt weapons on their backs.

The most outrageous thing is that the one opening the road in front is a bulldozer!

Both pedestrians and vehicles had to avoid these vicious creatures.

In the center of the motorcade was a black Maybach. The old man looked out the window silently at the bustling street scene, recalling his past. He had grown old over the past few decades, but his hand never left the Japanese sword on his body.

"1946..." The old man sighed softly, his forehead and brows furrowed, as if he was recalling something bad. It was obviously painful, but he had to face it head on.

Hilbert Jean Angers, a name that he loved and hated, was always deeply imprinted in his mind.

He still remembered that that year, this man came to Japan like a tyrant.

Angers saved him and trampled them.

Angers was obviously a sixty-seven-year-old man at that time, but it was this old man who used a stick and a folding knife to shave off all the pride of the Japanese mixed race.

He wears a tie and a suit, but he does things that are even more gangster than gangsters.

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