A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 903 896 Demon Fetus Seal Syndrome

"The distribution of nerves, blood vessels, and muscles have all changed... Don't think that I can control my body easily, Penida..." Nie Shuli looked at Penida Pakaja in front of him with a gloomy expression, with a look in his eyes. Full of anger.

That's right, in just a moment, he changed the structure of all the nerves in his arm that were affected by the opponent's ability. After making such changes, Penida Pakaja naturally did not The method is to control his arms according to the original control method, which can be said to solve the problem from the root.

However, Nirvana seemed not very satisfied with his transformation.

Looking at the hideous-looking arm covered with sutures, he smacked his lips slightly: "It's really ugly. I haven't used 'one-handed surgery' for so long and my proficiency has declined. It's really a shame..."


For this word, Penida Pakaja who was opposite seemed to have other understandings, "Does it mean you are panicking now?"


Hearing this, Nie Yuli responded with a contemptuous smile, "Do you look at me like that?"

"Or should we panic even more?" Penida Paccaja sarcastically said.

The next moment, He launched another attack without mercy. The broken finger suddenly swelled and grew into a palm alone. He clenched his fist and struck in the direction of Nirvana.


Looking at the oncoming fist, Nie Yuli curled his lips slightly, took out a bottle of potion again and threw it out with an expressionless expression.


As the bottle shattered, the corrosive liquid inside immediately flooded the entire fist, causing it to struggle on the ground and begin to dissolve.

Watching this scene with an expressionless face, Nie Yuli frowned slightly and analyzed the opponent's ability: "Will the broken finger turn into another left hand? It seems that it cannot be broken down and taken back for study..."



Just when he thought that he could no longer separate the other's fingers, there was a sound of flesh and blood tearing.

Penida Pakaja actually broke her own finger!

"More panicked?"

His tone was full of confusion, like a machine, as if Nirvana would keep asking him if he didn't answer his question.

But when the blood from the broken spot flowed into the eyes in the palm of his hand, he would feel uncomfortable and even wail because of the liquid flowing into his eyes like a living being.

"It hurts……"

Listening to the groaning sound, Nirvana seemed to gradually understand what kind of existence the other party was: "So that's it... When I was young, I read an ancient book that said that the right hand of the Soul King is 'still', and the left hand is 'still'. It controls 'move forward'. But the knowledge obtained from books is just knowledge after all, and you really can't believe it until you verify it with your own hands."

While he was free to speak, the two broken fingers began to expand and grow again, gradually turning into two huge left arms that were the same as Penida Pakaja.

“Does progress mean continuous growth and evolution?”

Nirvana seemed to gradually understand the meaning of the knowledge in that ancient book.

The guy in front of me, whether it was his language system or his current posture, seemed to have evolved rapidly within the short time of fighting him.

The speed was so incredible that even he was a little surprised.

"It's really...interesting?"

While saying this, Niryuri once again pulled out his Zanpakutō after rescuing Zaraki Kenpachi.



Listening to Nirvana's singing, Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yumichika who were not far away were slightly shocked, "Oh no! It's the Golden Bodhisattva who killed Jizo! Captain Nirvana wants to poison that guy! Take the captain away quickly!" "

The two of them didn't have time to think, and ran frantically towards Zaraki Kenpachi, who was still left unable to move at the front of the battlefield.

Not only is the Golden Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha huge, it can also spit poisonous poison within a radius of nearly two hundred meters! If the captain continues to stay there, it will obviously be affected.


Listening to the two people's rash remarks, Nirvana sneered, "How could I do such a wasteful thing? This is precious research material. If it is contaminated, the gain will outweigh the loss."

With that said, he raised the Zanpakutō in his hand and continued to complete the liberation.

"Come on! Now, with the help of the information I have obtained, the golden Jizang Killing Ksitigarbha·Demon Embryo Seal Syndrome will finally be born!"

The Zanpakuto in his hand began to expand like a tumor, and in the blink of an eye, a huge figure emerged.

It was a giant baby with dark skin and lanterns hanging from the horns on its head!

There is a word "Fu" on the belly, and there is a hideous scar.

Golden Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha·Devil Fetus Fuyin Syndrome, this is a mutated form made by Nirvana after transforming the Golden Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha. Can produce new Ksitigarbha Jizo based on the information he transmitted during the battle. The new Jizo Jizo has the ability to cope with combat.

In other words, this swastika was tailor-made to deal with the enemy in front of him.

Among all the Shinigami in the entire Soul Society, Niryuri is probably the only one who can play with the liberating ability of his Zanpakutō like this. I have to say that he is indeed a genius among geniuses.

"What is that...?"

Madarame Ikkaku and Ayasegawa Yumichika, who were preparing to stay away from the battlefield with Zaraki Kenpachi, looked back at the huge baby with surprise in their eyes.

Naturally, this was a swastika gesture they had never seen before.

"Reform the swastika."

Niryuri proudly explained, "The golden Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha and Demonic Embryonic Seal Syndrome can further change based on the information I collected during the battle, and give birth to a Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha with the appropriate ability to cope with the current battle. ! Don’t you understand? It doesn’t matter, just look at it and you’ll know..."

As he spoke, he raised his hand contemptuously.


A heartbreaking roar came from the giant baby's mouth, and the scarred belly began to expand.


Accompanied by the sound of flesh being torn apart, a giant baby that looked like it had no skin wrapped around it struggled out.

The so-called ‘birth’ turns out to mean birth in the true sense.

Based on the intelligence, he was able to create the incapable Ksitigarbha to meet the enemy. This is the ability of his transformed Swastika.


The giant baby was born screaming in pain, as if every time it touched the ground it would bring him heavy pain.

"This Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha has no skin covering its body, and its nerves are distributed on the body surface, so even touching the air will cause extreme pain."

Nie Yuli explained contemptuously, "But don't worry about that for now..."

While he was speaking, Penida Pakaja on the opposite side had already activated his ability and seemed to want to directly control his swastika.

Because his 'enforcement' is a terrifying ability that can forcibly control even inorganic objects, it is natural that the Death God's swastika is no problem.

Normally, it would be troublesome if the Shinigami was controlled by the other party after using Swastika.

But looking at this scene, Nie Shuli smiled contemptuously, "Oh, I'm really anxious. Are you sure you don't want me to finish? The important thing is...the nerves on the surface of the body are divided into 70,000 layers. In other words, If you want to control Him, you need to break through 70,000 layers of defense. Even if you invade the nerves, as long as the surface layer is lifted, your ability will have no effect."


As he spoke, the nerve skin on the giant baby's body had begun to fall off, and he rushed towards Penida Pakaja without being affected at all.

The huge advantage in size allowed the giant baby to grab Penida Pakaja effortlessly and swallow it into its mouth without mercy.

Looking at Penida Pakaja, who was stuffed into his mouth and had no resistance, Nie Shuli smiled contemptuously, "What's wrong? There's no harm in resisting~ You have a way to get rid of the nerves before the whole body is swallowed." Score 70,000 times? Hehe——"

As Penida Pakaja was eaten whole by Ksitigarbha, Nirvana laughed wildly.


"So, how is the situation in the stomach? Ksitigarbha? Swallow it in one gulp. Will it take some time to digest? Speaking of which, the last information provided by this guy is quite useful. Otherwise, if an individual with teeth is born, bite him Who knows how many arms it will turn into if you crush it and swallow it?"


However, just when Nirvana was intoxicated with the joy of victory and prepared to extract materials from Jizo Jizo's body, something suddenly happened to Jizo Jizo.

His expression gradually became painful, and he made a sound similar to vomiting.


But before he could spit out the swallowed Penida Pakaja, the entire body of Ksitigarbha began to swell from the inside out, and finally burst.


The spirit beam whizzed past Nirvana's ears.

He frowned slightly and looked at the scene in front of him, as if he felt that he was still a little too hasty.

The Soul King's left hand has already come out of Jizo Jizo's body, and it seems to rely on the simplest and crudest method - shooting continuously inside Jizo Jizo's body, using the spirit arrow to break through from the inside!

Yes, even though the opponent looks weird, he is still in the Quincy camp after all. It seems natural that he can use the spiritual bow?


Seeing Nirvana's slightly frowning expression, Penida Pakaja also laughed wildly, "Do I smile like that? I learned it from you. You seem to have forgotten...Penida Pakaja, is Mie Master Que. I can kill enemies with a spiritual bow."

As he spoke, He showed off the spiritual bow held in his palm like a show off.


Nirvana narrowed her eyes slightly, and her face gradually became gloomy, "Oh oh oh...what's 'forgetting'? I admit that I didn't expect this. After all, the Soul King's left arm was so shameless that he said he was a Quincy. ?”


Penida Pakaja asked in confusion, "How shameless?"

As he spoke, his two broken fingers gradually grew back and returned to their full glory.

The eyes opened in the palm looked down at Nirvana in front of him, his eyes full of contempt, "How can it be shameless to say that I am a Quincy? I am originally a Quincy. You have always...said bad things about Quincy. ...I'm going to be angry!"

"I seem to be speaking more and more fluently..."

Nie Yuli looked at Penida Pakaja in front of him disapprovingly, squinting his eyes slightly.

It seems that his idea is correct, the guy in front of him is indeed constantly evolving.

Although it is not clear why this guy's left hand as the Soul King would say that he is a Quincy, but this kind of thing can only be thought about after the battle.

Nirvana gradually realized that if this guy continued to evolve, it might become more and more troublesome.

Just as he was thinking, Penida Pakaja on the opposite side prepared to attack again.

His five fingers were bent in the direction of Nirvana, and a spiritual bow and spiritual arrow condensed on each finger.


The next moment, several spiritual arrows flew in the direction of Nirvana without mercy.

Nirvana tried to dodge, but was careless.

The ends of these spiritual arrows are connected to Penida Pakaja's nerves, and at this moment, the entire battlefield is covered with his nerves. Therefore, no matter how many times they flash, these spiritual arrows will not stop and will be destroyed. His nerves control him and keep moving forward until he hits the target!


A spiritual arrow hit Nirvana's arm, which was a little stiff due to the 'surgery' and had no time to dodge.


Nie Yuli frowned slightly and immediately chose to give up this arm.

As he self-destructed his arm, it seemed that he had finally escaped the fate of being controlled by the opponent's nerves.

But the next moment another spiritual arrow came sharply, and he was about to hit it, but he had no time to dodge.


A look of annoyance appeared on Nirvana's face. If he was hit, the opponent's nerves would immediately begin to erode his body, which would be a bit troublesome even for him.


But at this moment, an unexpected figure appeared on the battlefield.

It's a Nirvana dream.

I saw Nirvana coming in an instant, and without hesitation, I grabbed the spiritual arrow that was about to hit Nirvana.

Just the next moment, the nerves on the spirit arrow began to erode Niyinmeng's arm, but she decisively pulled out the short knife and cut off her arm.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Niyuri's face became a little ugly. He was a little confused. He clearly didn't give any orders to Nemu. How could this guy act on his own?

Seeing countless nerve endings sweeping in again, about to engulf Nie Yinmeng's entire body, Nie Yuli curled her lips slightly, picked up her head and retreated backwards until she exited all over Penida Parka. Jia nerve range.


He threw Niyinmeng to the ground mercilessly, and yelled angrily: "Idiot! Why did you take action without my order? If you were controlled by that guy's ability like that, he would turn into a ball of flesh. Pills!"

"I judge that Master Yuli needs a 'shield' for this battle." Nieyin Meng replied calmly and expressionlessly.

"Oh? I don't remember teaching you to act according to your own judgment." Hearing this, Nirvana's expression became more and more gloomy.

"Yes...yes...you never taught me..." Nieyin Meng was like a child who made a mistake, her voice became weaker and weaker.

"So this is something you learned on your own without permission, something I didn't teach you?" Nirvana asked with a slight frown.


What responded to him was Nirvana's silence.

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