"I don't have any information about your swastika here, but one thing is very clear, and that is - once the wielder of the sword dies, the swastika will naturally be lifted."

Lijie Barrow's tone was full of contempt.

But as soon as he said this, he was stunned.


Inexplicable pain came from many places on the body.

"What is this!?" He looked towards his body based on his feeling and found that his body was covered with piercing wounds.

"In the first act, hesitation hurts separation and reunion."

Kyōraku Shunsui's cold voice responded to him.

"The injuries suffered by the opponent will appear on one's body as if they are shared."

Kyōraku Shunsui explained with a faint smile on his face, "And unfortunately... those injuries are definitely not fatal."

"What's going on? What on earth... happened!?" Lijie Barrow still seemed unable to understand what was going on.

"As I said, this is the so-called 'Swastika'."

Kyōraku Shunsui chuckled, as if he did not intend to continue explaining, and calmly raised the Zanpakutō in his hand, "Huatian Kuanggu·Heart of the Black Pine. The narration between the rain curtains ends here, please keep quiet during the performance. So...Act 2 - The Mat of Shame.”

Kyōraku Shunsui’s swastika is divided into three stages.

The first stage is the scene just now, sharing the existing injuries on your body with the other party.

Vice versa, the damage Kyoraku inflicts on the enemy will also reappear on Kyoraku.

The characteristic of this move is that the damage received before the swastika is activated can be shared with the opponent after the swastika is activated. If no damage is caused to the enemy before the swastika is activated, there will be no feedback to oneself.

Because of this, it is a good thing that he did not cause any harm to the opponent in the previous battle, because the injuries he suffered at this moment were already severe enough. If he shared some of it from the opponent, he might not be able to bear it. .

The second stage is the mattress of shame.

"A man who regrets injuring his opponent lies in bed with shame and suffers from an incurable disease."

To explain, it is to make the party who caused the injury suffer from an incurable disease, so that the whole body is covered with a large number of irregular black spots. Blood continuously flows out from these black spots, and eventually loses too much blood and fails.

The characteristic of this move is that the person who injures the enemy before launching the swastika will suffer from an incurable disease. If there is no damage to the enemy before the swastika is launched, the person will not be infected with the disease.

In other words, Li Jie Barona's ability that "no blade can cut him" and his proud "penetration of all things" have actually fulfilled Kyōraku Shunsui's ability.

If this kind of swastika is used on others, Kyoraku Shunsui himself will also suffer the same effect. It can be said that it is a lose-lose ability.

But because he had not caused any harm to Lijie Barrow before, he had the advantage at this moment.

Dense blood-colored spots began to appear on Li Jie Barrow's body, looking like a honeycomb, which was terrifying.

Blood continuously gushes out from these bloody spots.


Then the two of them fell into the water that suddenly appeared.

The water was like an endless bottom, and the two of them fell endlessly in it.

This is the third stage of Kyōraku Shunsui Swastika.

"The third act, Duan Yuyuan."

"The two of them who are ready to wake up will plunge into the gushing water together until each other's spiritual pressure is exhausted."

After the third act began, Kyoraku Shunsui calmly put his Zanpakutō back into its scabbard.

He looked down at Li Jie Barrow, who was falling continuously and seemed to be struggling to come to the surface.

Lijie Barrow flapped his wings crazily and wanted to swim towards the water.

But the strange thing is that no matter how he flaps his wings, the water will get farther and farther away from him.

"What the hell does this happen!?"

Lijie Barrow felt extremely confused, and an emotion called fear began to arise in his heart.

And he clearly said not long ago that ‘God’s messengers will not be afraid’.

"That's a given."

A female voice came from nowhere, seeming to answer the doubts in Li Jie Barrow's heart, but unfortunately her voice seemed to be heard only by Jingraku Shunsui.

"We have already plunged into the water. No matter how hard you struggle, it's already too late. But it's not that I can't understand your feelings...

Because if you plunge into such cold water, even your ‘consciousness’ will be frozen. "

The woman's figure slowly emerged, and as she spoke, she stretched out her hands to wrap around Kyoraku Shunsui's neck, calling the name that only she could call.

"Zou Zangzuo."

"...Long time no see, Hana." Kyōraku Shunsui turned away his eyes when he was called, and responded with a chuckle.


The woman seemed a little surprised to be called like this, "It's really affectionate. You only play with me occasionally. How do you call me that?"

"Oh~ don't say that, I'm sorry~ Hua."

Kyoraku Shunsui smiled awkwardly.

However, to outsiders, it looked more like he was talking to himself.

"Look carefully, your clothes are all torn." The woman called Hana looked at the torn printed robe on Jingraku Shunsui's body teasingly, "That's why you always wear other women's clothes, right? Really? Embarrassing.”

"You're still the same, you have such a poisonous mouth." Jingraku Shunsui's tone was full of helplessness.

However, 'Hua' didn't take it seriously: "No matter how venomous your mouth is, it's still your knife. You have to accept it no matter whether it's good or bad, right?"

That's right, she is the embodiment of Kyōraku Shunsui's Zanpakutō.

But the current state is not completely embodied, it just appears in Kyoraku Shunsui's consciousness, because most of the power is used to maintain Swastika.

So no one could see her except Kyoraku Shunsui.

"We are companions who once swore to die together, right?"

Kyoraku Shunsui asked calmly, with a tired tone in his tone.

Yes, he was ready to die and threw himself into this cold sea of ​​spiritual pressure.

In the third act of the "Broken Fish Abyss", he actually used his spiritual pressure to create a large-scale dark water body.

Regardless of friend or foe, anyone within the game range will be forcibly dragged into the deep water until one party's spiritual pressure is exhausted.

The characteristic of this move is that it is supported by Kyōraku's powerful spiritual pressure. In other words, as long as anyone whose spiritual pressure is weaker than Kyōraku is dragged into this water, they will not escape death.

Normally speaking, the spiritual pressure of Li Jie Barrow on the opposite side is not weaker than his, and it should even be stronger.

But the so-called 'game' is to use all the rules of the game to win.

Through the accumulated damage in the first two acts, at this moment, Li Jie Barrow has consumed most of his spiritual pressure and cannot last for too long in the third act.

So at this moment, Kyōraku Shunsui still has the advantage.

What follows is endless consumption until the first party runs out of spiritual pressure and dies.

"who are you talking to?"

Seeing Jingraku Shunsui inexplicably talking to himself in front of him, Rijie Barro's tone began to become a little angry.

"Do you think the winner has been decided? Do you think you can kill me?

The swastika of a mere god of death!

Don’t think you can kill the messenger of God! ! ! "

As he spoke, Lijie Barro gave up struggling toward the water, and instead rushed madly in the direction of Kyoryu Shunsui, as if he was already furious and ready to tear Kyōraku Shunsui into pieces.

However, facing such a menacing enemy, Jingraku Chunsui looked extremely calm.

He gently stretched out his hand and touched the handle of the knife: "A woman's love is extremely cruel. She is indifferent to the noisy man. What shines in his throat is the white silk soaked with attachment. At least cut it off and abandon it with these hands. The threads of attachment that are tangled messily end here."

"Final scene: Ito cuts throat with blood."

Kyōraku Shunsui's hand slowly slipped out, but he did not pull out the blade as if showing mercy. Instead, he used his fingertips as sharp blades to condense the spirit on his fingertips.

The next moment, the two figures passed each other.

Where Kyōraku Shunsui's fingertips passed, a thin white line appeared that seemed to be able to divide the entire body of water.

This thin thread of spirit spun back and forth and wrapped around Lijie Barrow's neck.

Then, as Kyōraku Shunsui completed the movement by waving his arms, the silk thread instantly cut off the neck of Ritsu Barrow.

A large number of bubble-like spherical spirit seeds began to pour out from the wound of Rijie Barro whose neck was cut off. Under the guidance of Kyoraku Shunsui's spiritual pressure, these spirit seeds exploded, covering his entire neck and head. Blast together.


After all this was over, Kyōraku Shunsui finally breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the headless body of Rije Barro falling weakly towards the bottom of the water.

As the last breath that supported him in making this series of actions was released, blood immediately overflowed from his mouth.

His body also began to fall weakly, falling toward the bottom of the water.

Yes, although the series of movements seemed to be very easy, in fact he was already at the end of his strength, and the multiple wounds that penetrated his body had already made him exhausted.

His swastika is a swastika that harms both sides. It is an extremely dangerous ability for the enemy, himself, and his companions who are involved.

Because of this, he rarely uses this kind of swastika, and that's why he gets complained by 'Hua'.

The woman stretched out her hand and slowly caught Kyoraku Shunsui's fallen body.

Feeling the soft touch on the back of his head, a faint smile appeared on Kyōraku Shunsui's face: "Oh~ I didn't expect to be able to lean on Hana's thigh. The occasional swastika seems not bad."


Hana remained silent and didn't speak. She just raised her hand and suddenly poked Kyoraku Shunsui's remaining eye.


This movement shocked Kyōraku Shunsui and he hurriedly screamed and ran away, "Don't be angry, please spare me... I only have this one eye left."


Hana snorted lightly, forgiving Kyōraku Shunsui for teasing her.

She looked at Jingraku Shunsui calmly and said calmly: "I didn't expect that he would be like me. The sword and the god of death are really amazing."

Yes, like Kyoraku Shunsui, she has only one eye.

As if by fate, Kyōraku Shunsui also lost an eye during the battle, making them even more like the Master and Zanpakutō.

"No matter what, it's good to win..." Hua sighed.

"Hey~ What's wrong? It's rare to be so gentle today. I'm not used to it if you don't make trouble." Kyoraku Shunsui laughed and teased.

"Shut up, you half-dead person." Hua smacked her lips slightly and said coldly.

"Ha ha……"

Jingraku Shunsui smiled and continued, "Hua...I..."

However, before he could say anything, a beam of light instantly penetrated his body from bottom to top, causing his pupils to shrink sharply.


Feeling the terrifying spiritual pressure coming from below, both of them were shocked.

"That guy...isn't even dead yet!?"

"I already said that……"

What responded to them was a voice that seemed to come from hell.

"It's just a swastika from the god of death! Don't think you can kill the messenger of God——!!!"

As he spoke, Lijie Barrow's head, which had been shattered by the blast, began to gather countless spirit seeds.

Theoretically speaking, whether it is a Shinigami, a Quincy or a Hollow, if his head is shot, he should die, but he is still alive, and he actually plans to use the spirit son to re-condensate the head to replace the brain.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Quincy's Complete Holy Body·God's Sanction·Final Form!

Accompanied by a shrill roar, Lijie Barro's form changed again.

This is the true face of His Holy Body!

A strange bird-like head made of spirit seeds grew out of the head that was cut off and exploded by Kyōraku Shunsui's swastika.

Not only the head, but the entire body also undergoes drastic changes, gradually transforming into a four-legged, eight-winged monster with a halo on its head.

Looking at such a monster, Jingraku Shunsui smiled helplessly: "Really... actually... it would happen like this? I didn't expect that you wouldn't die even if you cut off your neck... I lost..."

As he lost his fighting spirit and his spiritual pressure gradually weakened, the body of water surrounding the two people suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Jingraku Shunsui fell to the ground in embarrassment, looking up at the monster in the sky, seemingly in a desperate situation.

"Yes, this is despair. Jingraku Shunsui!" Lijie Barro looked at Jingraku Shunsui losing his fighting spirit and smiled contemptuously, while a strange sound came from the bird's head.

"Weapons can't kill me, and the same goes for cutting off my head with spiritual pressure! Those who commit the most heinous crimes will feel despair when they see this posture! I - immortal! I - invincible! I am the messenger of God who has been given privileges! All the heinous people who commit heinous crimes will feel despair! People will be helpless in front of the messenger of God!!"

Along with his arrogant words, Lijie Barrow slowly raised his weird bird head, and terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations condensed in front of his head.


A beam of light that penetrated the entire floating city was launched towards Kyoraku Shunsui without mercy.

The terrifying power is more powerful than any previous 'penetration of all things'.

However, this devastating blow still failed.


Rijie Barro stretched his neck and widened his dry pupils to search for Kyōraku Shunsui's location. Soon he felt Kyōraku Shunsui's dying spiritual pressure behind a clock tower.

"Huh, did you hide behind that tower? I didn't expect you still had the strength to escape from the never-ending 'Light of Judgment'. And you were still in a state of serious injury with your unclean belly penetrated by my holy light. . As expected of the commander-in-chief, it’s really a heinous crime!!”

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