Chapter 911 904. Fall

"?" Lijie Barrow looked confused, "What do you mean?"

"This sword is a sword used to confront God. During the confrontation, it will reflect the power of God. If it seems to be shining in your eyes..."

Ise Nanao smiled.

"That means the light you emit is indeed the light of 'God'."

"Huh? I don't understand what you are talking about at all?" Li Jie Barrow twisted his long neck and tilted his head to look at the woman in front of him in confusion.

Does the other party admit that he is indeed a messenger of God?

So... I clearly know that I am the messenger of God, and what I am facing now is the power of God. How can this woman laugh! ?

"Well~ forget feels good to be called a 'god' anyway..."

After much deliberation, he couldn't figure out the reason, so Lijie Barrow had to give up thinking.

While he was thinking, Ise Nanao had already launched an attack.

She held the edgeless sword in her hand, her gaze extremely firm.

It was as if what she held in her hand was not a sword, but a medium carrying some kind of belief.

He firmly believed that the faith placed in it would never lose to the so-called ‘god’ in front of him.


"I can't accept such a valuable thing."

At first, Kyōraku Shunsui refused when his sister-in-law asked him to accept the sword.

Because this is the Zanpakutō passed down from generation to generation by the Ise clan, and it entrusts the will of each generation of Ise clan members.

Although the sister-in-law identified it as the source of the 'curse', she still could not shake the fact that it was extremely precious.

However, in the face of this woman's request, he could not refuse after all.

"This sword will only affect the people of the Ise family. Owning this sword will not bring disbelief to you...Besides the Ise family, the only person I can entrust to you is you. So please——"

Yes, this woman who made up her mind to betray the entire Ise clan, her eldest brother who she could rely on was dead. At this moment, she seemed to be the enemy of the entire world. There was no place for this woman in either the Kyoryaku family or the Ise family.

Indeed, he is the only one who can be entrusted with it.

After Ise Nanao found out that this man was the younger brother of those two people, he confirmed the matter.

Only as the biological brother and uncle of those two people, would he accept the sword like this.

The purpose is naturally to help her niece get rid of the so-called curse and be able to live like a normal person, get married and have children, and grow old with her husband.

But in fact, from the beginning, she didn't know that those two people had such a brother.

At first, she noticed it from the hairpin.

The Gotei 13 has a strange captain.

This person always wears women's clothes and has long hair with two pairs of hairpins in his hair.

When she was a child, Ise Nanao once saw the same hairpin on her mother's head.

Later, after he investigated Kyoraku Shunsui's life experience, he was sure.

Can't be wrong.

That is indeed my mother's hairpin.

No, not just my mother's, but my father's too.

This man carries the will of two people.

He swore to seal the cursed sword and protect her.

Whether it's a hairpin or the clothes on his body, they are all tokens he keeps to remind himself to always abide by his promise.

Later, when it became clear that she had no Zanpakutō and could barely become a Shinigami except for her talent in Kidō, and was inexplicably assigned to the eighth division where this man belonged, Ise Nanao became even more sure of her thoughts.

"Good morning. I am the captain, Kyoraku Shunsui."

"I'm very gentle with girls, don't worry~ But boys are more casual."

This man always pretended to be indifferent and never intended to recognize him. He just silently abided by the agreement and guarded the most important thing entrusted to him by the two people who passed away.

Ise Nanao knew this very well from the time she first joined the Eighth Division.


The chicks will always flutter their wings when they grow up.

The wings that have experienced wind and rain can also be used to protect others.

After all, it was this man who decided to protect her without permission.

But now that she has grown up, she has the right to refuse.

The sword has been returned.

Curse if you are cursed.

It's really not your style to believe in the so-called 'curse'.

If it's you in ordinary times, no, if it's you that I admire.

You should laugh and say this is 'nonsense', and then calmly return the sword to its original owner.

bring it on.

Whether it's a curse, fate, or gods.

I will use this edgeless sword to cut them off one by one!

With firm belief, Ise Nanao waved the sword in his hand towards the guy in front of him who claimed to be the messenger of God.

"You want to cut me with a sword like this?"

Lijie Barrow looked at the seemingly non-threatening sword with disdain in his eyes.

"Okay, let's give it a try! There is no sword that can cut me -"

However, even though he said this, his instinct made him subconsciously raise his arm to block just before his head was chopped off.


For the first time, Litje Barro was struck by the sword and injured.


In shock, Rijie Barro burst out with violent spiritual power, immediately forcing Ise Nanao back.

Although this sword can indeed hurt Rije Barro, the strength gap between the two is here. It should be very difficult for Ise Nanao to win with just weapons.

"It was blocked... I thought he would be careless and let me hit him..."

Ise Nanao, who stabilized his body, was a little flustered for a moment.

The sword strike just now was probably the one she had the best chance of defeating the opponent.

But it failed after all.

This is the so-called ‘god’, is this the so-called destiny?

Looking up at the god-like Rije Barro, Ise Nanao suddenly felt as small as an ant.

Speaking of which, this was the first time in her life that she held a sword and fought.

In the past, she had no idea that fighting with a sword... protecting others with fighting was such a terrifying thing——

The injuries on my body hurt so much.

But the fight continues.

As long as you are not dead, you must keep swinging your sword.

Swing the sword with the awareness of death!

It turns out... the guy who has been fighting on the front line to protect her, is he fighting so far in the face of the fear of approaching death at all times?

Could it be that this person wouldn't be afraid or confused when fighting?

The answer is of course, yes.

Jingraku Shunsui has always been confused.

why? Everyone seemed to entrust the most important things to him and then pass away.

Whether it's the eldest brother, sister-in-law, old man Yamamoto, or Ukitake...

Every one of them is like this.

In fact, he is the most trouble-free person. Not good at dealing with these troublesome things.

But now that everything has been entrusted.

What’s the point of being confused and afraid?

All he can do is overcome his fear and face it bravely.

It’s not that I won’t be afraid, and it’s not that I won’t be confused.

But once a person carries more things, there will always be one or two reasons why he cannot give up.

"Do you know? Xiao Qixu..."

Kyoraku Shunsui's figure emerged from the shadow and came behind Ise Nanao.

Countless light spots were flashing above them at this moment.

These are the gathering strengths of Li Jie Barrow.

Another round of ‘God’s Judgment’ is about to come.

The beam of this attack would probably penetrate the floating city under their feet.

No doubt deadly.

Kyōraku Shunsui chose to show up at this time, which meant that the two of them would either live together or die together.

"Things like fear and confusion... can be overcome by 'faith'."

"My belief is 'protection', what about you?"

Kyoraku Shunsui asked gently while holding Ise Nanao's sword-holding hand to help her stop the trembling of fear and confusion in her body.

"team leader……"

Feeling the broad arms behind her, the weight like a mountain came, making Ise Nanao feel extremely relieved for a moment.

She slowly closed her eyes, and then a smile appeared on her lips.

The tone became exactly the same as usual, highlighting a rebellious tone.

"Of course - no need to be 'guarded' anymore."

Speaking of which, she originally returned alone to help the captain.

In the end, it seemed that she was the one being helped.

How is this possible?

Come on, God.

Ise Nanao's eyes became firm again after she regained her composure.


She took a deep breath and felt the power from the sword in her hand.

Divine Sword·Eight Mirror Sword.

This is the sword that confronts God.

The situation at this moment is exactly consistent with it.

She carefully recalled what the captain had said, and she seemed to have a clear understanding in her heart.

Confront God, receive God's power with your body, and wield its power in all directions.

An edgeless sword, why do you have to use it to cut something?

Maybe it wasn't meant to cut through anything.

Looking at the sword as thick as a ruler in his hand, and the shining prism on it.

Ise Nanao's expression became serious.

The light gradually enveloped the two of them.

And at this critical moment when it is about to be annihilated.

She broke away from the hands holding her behind her and made an amazing move.

As if praying, hold the sword upright with one hand, and support the sword with the other hand.

The intuition of the priest clan told her that this was the true use of this sword.

The only thing that can stand against the power of God is the same power.

The real ability of the Divine Sword Eight Mirror Sword is to absorb the opponent's power and then return it.


Along with the violent roar, a dazzling light almost enveloped the entire world.

After the white light dissipated, only the place where Ise Nanao and Kyoraku Shunsui were on the ground was intact.

All the incoming power was absorbed by the Eight Mirror Sword.

And this absorbed power...

At this moment, I have already returned all the gifts in the flash of light.


Above, Lijie Barrow's eyes were full of horror.

His body was collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

" turns will rebound the 'power of god'. This is really...a heinous crime——"

As the sound gradually dissipated, his body completely collapsed, like a shattered star, turning into a meteor and falling towards the Jinglingting Palace below the floating 'True World City'.


Looking at the meteors falling all over the sky, Ise Nanao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then the whole person collapsed.

Fortunately, Jingraku Shunsui from behind helped her in time.

"You worked very hard, Xiao Qixu..."

"team leader……"

This time, Ise Nanao uncharacteristically did not refute.

Probably because this victory was indeed hard-won.

"Then...just go after the others?"

With that said, Kyōraku Shunsui let go of the arm holding her and turned around to leave.

However, as soon as he took two steps, his feet gave way and he fell to the ground.

"Captain!" Ise Nanao was slightly shocked when he saw this.

This guy already had horrific injuries, and it should be said that it was a miracle that he survived to this day.


Jingraku Shunshui seemed to have not heard the call and lay helplessly on the ground, looking at the sky and complaining.

"It seems... I need to take a short rest before rushing over..."


On the other side, the Jing Ling Ting below faced an unprecedented catastrophe.

Countless meteor-like objects fell from the sky.

"Wow! What? What fell down!?"

The team members suddenly became panicked as they listened to the crashing sounds everywhere and felt the strange spiritual pressure gradually envelope the entire Jinglingting.

"Oops~ What are you doing?"

Aizen, who was fixed on the chair and unable to move, seemed to feel the power falling from the sky, and a teasing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Those guys above are really not doing their job cleanly..."

"Wow ah ah ah ah -"

Screams began to sound from all directions.

The thing that fell was naturally the shattered Lijie Barrow.

What is unbelievable is that even though he was crushed by the 'power of god', he still did not die.

It just split into countless weak individuals.

Quincy's Holy Body, God's Sanction, and Split Form.

This is his lingering state.

Having lost consciousness, he can no longer use the All-Things Penetration, but the strength of each split body is still beyond what ordinary team members can handle.

If these guys are allowed to continue to act recklessly here, the entire Jinglingting may be destroyed.

Because of this, Aizen complained that the guys above were not doing things cleanly and actually let such guys down.

He even felt a little gloating about it.

Because the occurrence of such a situation means that the situation of the Death God above seems to be very bad.

After all, on the battlefield, who would go out of his way to spare his opponent's life? When such a situation occurs at this moment, the only possibility is——

It's not that the Death Gods didn't want to kill the fallen guy, it's just that they failed to kill him.

"It hurts, it hurts - it hurts like hell!"

The divided Lijie Barro was wreaking havoc everywhere in the Jing Ling Pavilion while complaining incoherently.

"No... halo..."

That's right, at this moment its head has lost its symbolic halo.

"Falling from the sky...losing my's as if I was the one who committed the most heinous crime and was deprived of my godhead and fell to the earth!"


"It's impossible, it's impossible - it's unforgivable! Kyoraku Shunsui!"

"Even if you die, you will not be forgiven! Even if you lose your halo, even if you lose the power of God! It doesn't matter! I will destroy the Jinglingting Temple that you want to protect!"

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