A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 921 914 There is no ‘future’


The last petals of the Hyōrin flower suspended behind Hitsugaya Toshiro are gradually breaking and withering.

Seeing this, Kuchiki Byakuya frowned slightly and reminded: "Remove the swastika, Captain Hitsugaya... you have reached your limit."

"Huh... no... not yet..."

Hitsugaya Toshiro gasped and stood up slowly.

"Captain Hitsugaya..." Byakuya Kuchiki tried to convince him again, but was interrupted by his next words.

"I don't remember ever saying... that the swastika will reach its limit after the ice flowers are gone..."


As Hitsugaya Toshiro's words fell, the crisp cracking sound stopped abruptly.

The Flower of Ice Wheel was completely shattered.

At the same time, a terrifying spiritual pressure full of chills suddenly spread towards the surroundings, and the icy cold air instantly coated everything around him with a layer of ice.

"This is……"

Byakuya Kuchiki looked at the figure gradually emerging in the cold mist with some surprise. At this moment, Toshiro Hitsugaya... seemed to have grown up?

"The Daigurian Hyōrinmaru can only be completed after the ice flowers are gone."

I saw that Hitsugaya Toshiro seemed to be back in his prime... no, it should be said that he was even more powerful than in his prime.

While calmly answering Kuchiki Byakuya's doubts, he stood up slowly.

Ice condensed on his body, like a crystal armor.

"My power is not mature enough to fully control Hyōrinmaru. I don't know if it is because of this. After completing Daiguren Hyōrinmaru, I will be slightly older. Although I don't like this look, there is nothing I can do about it. .”

Seemingly noticing Kuchiki Byakuya's surprised gaze, Hitsugaya Toshiro looked at the changes in his figure and explained expressionlessly.


Kuchiki Byakuya felt speechless for a while.

He highly suspected that the young man in front of him was in Versailles, but there was no evidence.

But there is one thing to say, this boy will look really handsome when he grows up, and he will almost catch up with him.

"Are you... Hitsugaya Toshiro?"

Gerald Valkyrie also seemed to notice the chill around him. When he lowered his head and found the direction of the two of them, he saw Hitsugaya Toshiro's posture at the moment and asked with some doubts.

"Swastika? No... I remember you should have already swastika... Why can it change again?"

"Forget it, it's not important! You are more worthy of being my opponent now than you were just now!"

As he asked, Gerald Valkyrie suddenly sneered.

He suddenly thrust the Sword of Hope into the ground again, then took off the buckler he wore on his left arm and threw it out like a Frisbee.


Hitsugaya Toshiro calmly looked at the huge disk flying towards him.


He stepped lightly on the ground, and the overflowing violent spiritual pressure seemed to be sprayed out uncontrollably, and all the stones where he stepped shattered.

When his body was in the air, he slowly raised his hand in the direction of the shield.


The water vapor in the air instantly froze the flying huge disk in mid-air, and it seemed that even the strong wind blowing when it rotated was frozen!

After the disk froze, Hitsugaya Toshiro landed on it and looked at the huge Gerald Valkyrie in front of him: "Didn't I tell you not to throw such big things around? If it falls to the net, Lingting’s words will be very troublesome.”


Gerald Valkyrie ignored his words. After seeing that his Shield of Justice was frozen, he mercilessly pulled out the Sword of Hope on the ground and swung it at Hitsugaya Toshiro.


Facing this powerful sword, Hitsugaya Toshiro calmly raised the Zanpakuto in his hand.


I saw that the huge sword of hope was frozen into ice by the extreme cold on the way close to Hitsugaya Toshiro, and then when it arrived in front of him, it was cut off by his sword.


Seeing that the person in front of him dared to cut off his Sword of Hope, Gerald Valkyrie laughed sarcastically, "Didn't I also say that!? If the 'Sword of Hope' is injured, the damage will be returned to the person who caused it. Hurt people!”

"Is it?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro responded calmly.

One second, two seconds...


After a brief silence, Gerald Valkyrie seemed to realize something was wrong.

The injuries that were supposed to be returned had no effect on the person in front of him!

"Are you confused?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro explained calmly, "After completing the swastika, the Daiguren Hyōrinmaru is enough to freeze everything. And once frozen... the functions of all matter will stop. Your Sword of Hope is also among them."

"I see……"

Gerald Valkyrie seemed to understand the characteristics of the ice after the guy in front of him swastika.

So, he suddenly raised his hands in a bow-drawing posture.

Suddenly, the shining spiritual light condensed into a huge bow and spiritual arrow between his hands.

"Then - let's defeat you with the flow of power that has no function beyond human intelligence!"

"The Quincy's bow and spiritual arrows?"

Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression remained expressionless upon hearing this, "Your judgment is a little wrong."

As he spoke, he raised the Zanpakutō in his hand.

The direction pointed by the tip of the knife was the frozen figure of Gerald Valkyrie who had been frozen at some point along with the condensed spiritual bow and spiritual arrows.

"The four realms are frozen. After liberation, the Daiguren Hyōrinmaru can freeze all ice, water, fire and wind in the space within four steps. And now the distance between us is just right."

Looking at the frozen giant in front of him, Hitsugaya Toshiro showed no expression on his face and prepared to withdraw his Zanpakutō.

However, just when he thought the battle was over, something happened again.


The ice that had frozen Gerald Valkyrie was broken free again.


Because the distance was too close, Gerald Valkyrie's hand suddenly grabbed Hitsugaya Toshiro directly, making him unable to react for a moment and being pinched in the palm of his hand.


Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression changed slightly, but the terrifying power prevented him from breaking free for a while.

"Never freeze! I am a warrior of God! I should not be trapped by the elements of this world! Go to hell! I will crush you!"

In an angry roar, Gerald Valkyrie's clenched hands prepared to exert force.

But at this time, the change happened again.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

A roar like a wild beast came from below.


In this deafening roar, Gerald Valkyrie's huge figure began to lose his balance, and the whole person fell forward.


Gerald Valkyrie looked toward the back in confusion, and saw the figure with a broken arm, and he was overturned with only the remaining arm!


However, before he could roar in anger, his mouth became stiff and unable to move.


He was surprised and wanted to turn around, but found that only his eyeballs could move.

"If you touch me at zero distance, do you think you can escape unscathed?" Hitsugaya Toshiro asked calmly.



Gerald Valkyrie roared and struggled, the ice spreading faster than he could break it, "I told you! I will not be frozen! Death!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he froze in place as if he had been frozen into an ice sculpture.

It wasn't the ice that made him unable to move, but the sight around him that froze him.

At some point, countless cherry-colored swords were hanging upside down in the air, and the terrifying spiritual pressure exuding from them made him feel a little dazed.


Gerald Valkyrie seemed to have forgotten the struggle for a moment because of the shock, and was finally frozen again in the eyes of disbelief.

"Jie Jing·Senbonzakura Jingyan, the secret meaning - one bite of the Thousand-Blade Flower."

Byakuya Kuchiki, who had arrived in front of him on the long ice steps built by Hitsugaya Toushiro at some point, spoke calmly.

As Byakuya Kuchiki finished speaking, countless sword blades hanging upside down in the sky immediately pointed their tips at the same place, Gerald Valkyrie's head.

The next moment, the sword blades turned into a storm and gathered at this point, and suddenly cherry-colored petals flew all over the sky.

After the cherry blossoms scattered, Gerald Valkyrie's head and shoulders were completely destroyed.


The huge frozen figure gradually shattered as if it had lost its support, turning into pieces of ice scattered on the ground.


Seeing that the battle was finally over, Hitsugaya Toshiro was breathing heavily and breaking out in cold sweat. After he relaxed, he lost strength and was about to fall to the ground.

Fortunately, Kuchiki Byakuya came over in an instant and supported him with an expressionless face.


"Your swastika burden seems to be quite heavy. Although it is powerful, it seems to be a swastika that is very forced on the body..." Byakuya Kuchiki commented lightly.

"Yes... the judgment is very correct." Hitsugaya Toushiro saw that the enemy was gone and he stopped showing off. He sat down on the ground with the help of Byakuya Kuchiki, "This time I have really reached the limit..."


Just when both of them were relaxing, a terrifying spiritual pressure rose again, their expressions changed, and then a dazzling inspiration instantly enveloped them.

"What...what?! Still...still alive!?"

Looking at the giant figure of light that slowly stood upright, Hitsugaya Toshiro's face looked extremely ugly.

Yes, Gerard Valkyrie's 'miracle' worked again.

This time he was reborn without even a physical body, and his whole body was transformed by spiritual light.


the other side.

Perhaps the light was so dazzling that many people ignored the change in the sky.

But on the throne at the highest point of the real world city castle, there is someone who will not miss the alternation of day and night.

As the sky gradually brightened, Yhwach, who was sitting on the throne, opened his eyes.

"Is it morning? It was...a wonderful dream."


Another person also noticed the change of day and night.

Needless to say, it was Hasward, who had the same power as Yhwach.

"Do you feel it? Dawn has arrived. Your Majesty is awake."

He calmly looked at the bruised Ishida Uryū in front of him, and said calmly, "Just like no one can stop the dawn from coming, no one...can stop the coming 'future'."

"So...what exactly does the future you see look like?"

Ishida Uryu leaned against the wall to support his body. The spiritual bow in his hand flickered, but he still had a faint smile on his face and his eyes were full of provocation. "In the 'future' you see, there is someone like me." Are you smiling?"


Hasward remained silent and did not answer.

"It seems difficult to answer?"

Ishida Uryu smiled mockingly, "Then let me change the question - in the 'future' you see, am I already dead?"

"This is exactly what I feel about 'knowing the cruelty of the future'..."

Finally, Hasward slowly responded.

He raised his head and looked upward, not knowing whether he was looking into the future or something.

"Maybe I also have the ability to predict the future..."

Seeing him with such a headache, Ishida Uryu became more confident in his judgment, "From the time I saw the headache on your face when we met, I knew that the outcome of this war you saw would be very important to you. It's confusing, right? So... is 'it' good or bad?"

"You know, the future is not as single as you think. It is countless parallel possibilities."

Hasward did not answer Ishida Uryu's question, but suddenly began to explain what the 'future' was.

"The so-called omniscience and omnipotence...actually selects the possibility that is beneficial to oneself among countless futures and turns it into reality in the 'now'."

"What do you mean? So what?"

Ishida Uryu asked with a slight frown.

It wasn't that he didn't understand Hasward's words, but he didn't understand why the other party explained them.

"After knowing the principle, can you think of what is the most cruel thing for someone who can see into the future?" Hasward did not answer, but asked instead.

"The cruelest thing..." Ishida Uryu was stunned for a moment, and the answer quickly emerged in his mind, "I saw it... but can't change it?"

"You could say that."

Hasward nodded lightly, "For His Majesty, who possesses 'omniscience and omnipotence', this possibility is almost nil, because no matter what situation you encounter, you can always find a solution in countless parallel futures. There is almost no way to change this situation. But..."


"There is no future."

Hasward replied with a chuckle as if he was mocking himself.

"No future? What do you mean!?" Hearing this, Ishida Uryū's pupils shrank sharply.


Hasward smiled miserably, "Do you know why I haven't killed you yet? Because it doesn't matter anymore. I can't see the 'future' of this world. This means..."

"This world...will be destroyed!?"

Ishida Uryu immediately gave the answer.

"Yes. This world will be destroyed, in the true sense of the word."

Hasward smiled contemptuously, "Because of this, even omniscient and omnipotent people can no longer understand the future of this world. Because in the end... omniscience and omnipotence are just powers limited to this world."

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