A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

931. Fishing, slipped away, got caught

But this is not something Xuan Hao should worry about.

He originally thought about trying to 'create a god' on his own, just like in the previous world.

But since Brünnhilde was confident that he could find a way to bridge the gap between humans and gods, he was naturally happy and relaxed.

"But...what should we do next?"

Xuan Hao sat on the top of the city in confusion, looking at the raging battlefield with confusion.

Although he needed to appear as Lu Bu's enemy to interview Lu Bu, he didn't have a clue right now.

I don’t know which city this is, what time it is, or which battle it was.

"It seems that we still need to observe and observe first..."

As he spoke, he looked down at the battlefield below, with an interested smile on his face.

If you want to understand the situation on the ground, the best way is to get involved.


Without anyone noticing, a monster infiltrated into one of the two armies fighting.


After Xuan Hao jumped off the battlefield, he grabbed a soldier at random, took off the soldier's armor, put it on himself, and then threw him on top of the city.

Ordinary soldiers would most likely die on such a chaotic battlefield. If he stripped them naked and threw them onto the city wall, they might be injured, but they probably wouldn't fall to death.

So he did something good.

But he will do bad things next.

Randomly picking up the iron sword on the ground, Xuan Hao began to try to integrate into this war.


The blade came from the side, but Xuan Hao easily blocked it.

This is because he has not yet begun to suppress his own power.

The law of creation is suppressed by the will of the world, making it difficult for him to analyze the composition of this short period of time. He has not yet completed the analysis, so he cannot simulate the strongest combat power of this era.

But he is now ready to accelerate his understanding of this era by gradually integrating into it.

"I see, is this the cutting power of an ordinary soldier?"


While muttering, blood burst out.

Xuan Hao waved his iron sword, slicing open the bodies of the soldiers who were coming towards him like a tide, and analyzed them expressionlessly.

Of course, he didn't want to be unparalleled in this war. That would be too eye-catching and could change the course of history if he wasn't careful.

Gradually, he began to suppress his strength and cooperate with the fighting of the soldiers in front of him.

What started as chopping melons and vegetables gradually turned into moving around in the crowd.

Although his strength has gradually been suppressed, unfortunately, the experience of fighting has already been integrated into his instincts. This thing cannot be suppressed. Therefore, even though he has suppressed his physical strength almost to the level that he once was in the early stage of the dragon world, he can still It's like being in a deserted place on this chaotic battlefield full of death.

Soon, Xuan Hao stopped suppressing his power.

Because he estimated that the current level of power was almost enough.

At this moment, his state may be weaker than some strong men of this era in terms of strength alone, but with his combat experience, even if he does not use the immortal body, there should be very few people in this era who can fight with him.

As a result, Xuanhao began to fish in the battlefield.

He didn't even know which camp he was joining, so naturally he didn't want to show off too much.

Soon, the war seemed to be over, ending with the crushing of his chosen side. It should be said that Xuan Hao's luck was quite good, otherwise if he accidentally chose the losing side, he would have to find another soldier to strip off his clothes and mix around again.

"Sun...could it be Sun Jian's army..."

When retreating, Xuan Hao followed the soldiers wearing the same armor as himself back to the barracks. Xuan Hao saw the flag erected in the camp.

Thinking that Lu Bu must have existed at the time he was at, it seems that the only commander named Sun was Sun Jian, who was known as the Jiangdong Tiger.

It’s not just Sun Jian.

Xuan Hao noticed that there were many flags of other forces planted in adjacent camps, and among them, there was the word "Yuan" surprisingly.

It almost slapped the answer in his face.

There is no mistake, this should be the "reactionary Dong Zhuo Allied Army", that is, the Kwantung Allied Army, with Yuan Shao, the governor of Jizhou, as the leader.

Such an answer was almost expected by Xuan Hao.

Because in history, Lu Bu's active time was only in the early part of the Kwantung Allied Forces' crusade against Dong Zhuo.

And this part can also be said to be the most eye-catching part in the entire history of the Three Kingdoms. It can be said to be the stage where the figures of the Three Kingdoms gather together to appear, and the eighteen princes gather together.

In fact, this arrangement is reasonable.

It was impossible for Brünnhilde to teleport him to a point in time when Lu Bu was inactive.

From this, he can even make a bolder guess that this moment may be the eve of the Battle of Hulao Pass in 191.

Because regarding Lu Bu's battle, the most representative battle is probably the Battle of Hulao Pass.

Although this battle does not exist in real history, if you want to show Lu Bu's "invincibility", then it must be this battle. In this battle, Lu Bu plays the role of the boss at the end of the level. He fought for ten consecutive battles. A powerful general is almost invincible.

What Brünnhilde is looking for is the 'strongest man', so naturally he can only find this Lu Bu from this fictional history.

Sure enough, Xuan Hao found out the information from the soldiers in the military camp.

The destination of their trip indeed passed through Hulao Pass.

The Kwantung Allied Forces are sure to win on this trip. This confidence comes from their strength. The Kwantung Allied Forces have approximately 100,000 troops!

On the other hand, Dong Zhuo's army only had less than 30,000 troops.

Therefore, until this moment, no one could imagine that they would encounter any obstacles on the road. After all, with such a huge gap in troops, generally speaking, they could almost push them all the way through with overwhelming force.

This is a must-win battle, so morale is naturally high.

However, the next day, the Kwantung Allied Forces encountered resistance on their march.

Not Lu Bu.

This resistance came from Dong Zhuo's vanguard, the heroic general Hua Xiong.

Xuanhao could see clearly.

This Hua Xiong led the 500 cavalry team, and he was able to charge into the dark Kwantung Allied Forces as if they were in no man's territory.

The leader, Hua Xiong, even arrogantly hung the heads of the beheaded soldiers in front of his horses. His momentum was like a god of murder, which frightened the Kwantung Allied Forces soldiers into retreat.

"Weak! Weak! The light of grains of rice!

! At this level, he still dared to use weapons against Dong Xiangguo!

It's so funny!

! Hahahahaha——"

I saw Hua Xiong beheading another person off his horse and arrogantly taunting the coalition forces.

"Tsk tsk~"

Xuan Hao fished on the battlefield while observing the situation with great interest.

Now it seems that he has underestimated the combat effectiveness of generals in this era.

Hua Xiong's fighting power alone was somewhat beyond his expectation. This was a real attack with a small force and a large number. Almost one man and one horse killed the Kwantung Allied Forces into chaos.

Although due to the limitations of the battlefield, Hua Xiong can only face a dozen or twenty soldiers at most at a time, he should still have the combat power of a hundred enemies, and besieged by hundreds of soldiers with weapons, and be able to break out of the siege. strength.

An enemy of a hundred people may sound very weak, but for a human being, it is almost beyond the limits of human beings. For a normal adult male to be able to fight two men of the same weight class with bare hands, he is already considered to have superior physical abilities, not to mention that these are a hundred well-trained soldiers who use real swords in battle.

In the world of dragons, even ordinary mixed-race species would only be filled with hatred when encountering this kind of situation.

But Hua Xiong will probably be killed with one blow.

Thinking of this, Xuanhao became more interested in this era.

This is the course of history, and it cannot be changed in any version of history.

Yes, Hua Xiong's strength is far beyond that of ordinary people, but such Hua Xiong will be killed with one blow.

And the person who can deal with Hua Xiong will not be Lu Bu's opponent.

Just through this comparison of strength, he had already begun to have a strong interest in Lu Bu in this world.

"Then...who will die next?"

As if in response to Xuan Hao's expectations, a roar of filial piety came from the distance.


Bang bang bang——

I saw countless soldiers being knocked away by the charging horses, and a shadow holding a Qinglong Yanyue Sword was galloping towards them.

Xuan Hao's eyes lit up when he saw this, but soon he looked disappointed again.

The knife is the knife, but the person is not the person.

"My name is Bao Zhong! Hua Xiong! If you have the guts, take my Qinglong Yanyue Sword!


I saw the man galloping towards me on a war horse, roaring and filial piety, raising the sharp blade in his hand and slashing at Hua Xiong mercilessly.


For a moment, blood gushed out like a waterfall.

But there was not a drop of Hua Xiong's blood.

Bao Zhong, who came in a menacing manner, had just arrived in front of Hua Xiong, but Hua Xiong expressionlessly raised the sword in his hand and cut his horse in half with his sword.

It can knock apart war horses, and its power is more than enough to defeat hundreds of people.

However, Xuan Hao cannot be blamed for the failure of prediction. After all, although this is a battlefield, Hua Xiong can only face dozens of enemies at most at one time. He can only judge based on the lowest standards.

To be precise, one hundred enemies is Hua Xiong's lower limit, not the upper limit.

“Hahahaha—that’s it?”

After finishing the enemy in front of him with one blow, Hua Xiong taunted the coalition forces again. As he spoke, he took out the wine bottle hanging on his waist and started drinking, "Yuan Shaojun is not even considered as a side dish!




Immediately afterwards, Hua Xiong led the cavalry to charge again.

Five hundred versus ten thousand.

Dong Zhuo's vanguard and Hua Xiong easily overwhelmed Yuan Shao's 10,000 vanguards, sending them wailing all over the place.

"It's boring, it's boring~ It's boring, it's boring..."

When Xuan Hao saw this, he slipped away quietly like a happy man and evacuated to another battlefield.

When he heard the name of the 'Qinglong Yanyue Sword', he thought he could see the legendary 'Martial Saint' Guan Erye.

After arriving here, he couldn't help but think of his hometown, so it was inevitable that he would have some feelings for these people with the same names as in the legends of his hometown, but it was a pity that he could only see their swords but not their people.

Elsewhere, the right wing of the Kwantung Allied Forces.

The script here is almost the same as Hua Xiong's.

There are also people who rush to kill in the military formation as if they are in no-man's land, but the camp is completely opposite.

It was not Dong Zhuo's men, but Huang Gai from Sun Jianjun.

"Oh - don't be in the way of my Sun Jianjun's advance!"

At this time, Huang Gai was far from as old as he would be in the subsequent Battle of Chibi, and could be said to be at the peak of his integrity.

He held two maces in his hands and roared filial piety on the battlefield, coming and going freely.

"Anyone who stands in my way will die!

Kill them all without leaving any one alive——"

But just when Huang Gai thought that his side had an absolute advantage, bad news suddenly came from behind.


"The 10,000 vanguard Yuan Shao's army has been defeated! Dong Zhuo's army of about 500 cavalry is marching towards here!



Huang Gai couldn't accept it for a while when he heard this. He gasped and almost fell off his horse.

"Who is leading the team!?"

he asked quickly.

Logically speaking, ten thousand versus five hundred is an almost absolute advantage, and it is impossible to lose.

The only situation that can cause this situation is that the opponent's general is a monster-level existence.

"Hua Xiong!" Xuan Hao replied nervously while comforting the panting horse.

Yes, he is the messenger responsible for reporting the news.

This status makes him feel like a fish in water on the battlefield, and it seems natural to fish everywhere.

After hearing this name, Huang Gai covered his temples and felt a headache.

He seemed to know something about this Hua Xiong.

"Tsk~ Is your opponent actually this savage guy? How unlucky..."

Although he said this, he had no intention of backing down.

Only Yan Liang, Wen Chou and others in Yuan Shao's army were good enough. They were no longer on the nearby battlefield in this battle, so it was normal for the 10,000 vanguard to encounter an opponent like Hua Xiong and be defeated.

But they, Sun Jianjun, are different.

The main force of Sun Jianjun is gathered here!

“There is no other way but our army can stop him!

! "Sun Jianjun Cheng Pu agreed with Huang Gai's words with a solemn expression, but he also showed no intention of retreating.

"By the way, where did the most important general of our army go?" Han Dang laughed and joked.

"Who knows..." Zu Mao was speechless.

That's right.

The reason they couldn't retreat was that their leader happened to be here.

That is Sun Jian, known as the Jiangdong Tiger!

But this tiger... seems to be lost at the moment.


The four generals looked around and still couldn't find their leader, and they immediately looked at each other in silence.

"Hey... here we go again..."

"That idiot..."


Just when the four of them had headaches, a fierce crashing sound came.


What followed was the screams of the soldiers.

I saw Hua Xiong leading the way, leading the cavalry, laughing wildly and rushing away the soldiers blocking the way on both sides, charging towards this side like a giant ship parting the tide.

"Damn, this is really incredible..."

"Yeah, this monster..."

When Huang Gai and others saw this, the corners of their mouths twitched.

This was the first time they felt pressure since the war began.

It should be said that he is worthy of the famous Hua Xiong in the legendary Dong Zhuo army.

While the four of them had headaches, Xuan Hao also felt a little headache.

However, the person who gave him a headache was not Hua Xiong, but the man behind him who was holding his shoulder.

If he remembered correctly, this person...

It seemed like he had seen it in the camp before...the head coach of Sun Jianjun, Sun Jian.

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