A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

934. Xuan Hao: I heard that there is someone with unparalleled marksmanship.

Chapter 941 Xuan Hao: I heard that there is someone with unparalleled marksmanship

Hulao Pass, the last hurdle the Kwantung Allied Forces faced before heading to Luoyang.

On this day, in order to break through this barrier, a total of 100,000 troops gathered again and began to march.

Amidst the mighty sound of iron hoofs, the army pressed closer like a black cloud.

"What a spectacle!"

Seeing this scene, Sun Jian, who was in the military formation, couldn't help but admired, "You can't see the end of the army at all!"

In his opinion, this battle is a must-win battle.

Ask why.

Naturally it’s because of these 100,000 troops and...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but turn back towards the man who was following his troops, riding leisurely on horseback with his bare hands.

After that night, he never dared to provoke this man again.

That night, while drunk, he tested this man's strength.

That process was like a nightmare that I don't want to recall.

Sun Jian had even forgotten how he survived to see the sunrise the next day.

Perhaps it was the self-protection function of the human brain that made Sun Jian forget about the process that night and only remembered the result of fear.

all in all.

If Lu Bu is a monster, then this man is the monster among monsters.

This is the only thing Sun Jian is sure of.

He is looking forward to seeing the battle between these two non-human beings, and firmly believes that it will be an unprecedented battle!


"This battle should be over today, right?"

"I really want to conquer Luoyang this morning and date a good woman!"

The soldiers were chatting among themselves as they marched.

Not only Sun Jian, but every soldier in the anti-Dong Zhuo coalition had the same premonition.

They all firmly believed that they could win this war. After all, with the disparity of tens of thousands of troops, there was no suspense at all.

Until the troops came to the city.

The city gate of Hulao Pass is silent and the city top is empty, making people feel like it is an empty city.


When the soldiers were confused, they saw the thick city gate slowly opening, and a man and a horse slowly walked out of it.

"It appeared..."

Huang Gai and others who knew this person looked at this impressive figure and couldn't help but sigh.

"Yeah, this monster..."

Only Lu Bu could have such momentum and courage to face an army of 100,000 men by himself.

However, not everyone has personally felt Lu Bu's oppression.

Most people in the coalition held a dismissive attitude towards this.


After Lu Bu left the city, the gate of Hulao Pass was closed again.


"Hey hey hey! What's that like!?"

"Pfft~ Are you kidding me?"

"There's a guy who's a single-handed man who doesn't care about life and death. He ran out to die~"


Those who don’t know his martial arts will laugh and ridicule him, while those who know his martial arts will tremble with fear. At this moment, there was a sharp contrast between the two groups in the army in front of Hulao Pass.

However, in the face of various discussions, Lu Bu on the opposite side remained expressionless.

I saw him slowly pulling out a Fangtian painted halberd from the weapon rack tied to the back of the horse.

Yes, it's one of them.

When he left the city this time, Lu Bu brought at least dozens of these same weapons.

Under the puzzling gazes of everyone, he raised the halberd in his hand, and the angular muscles on his naked upper body suddenly became courageous under the violent power. Even a layman could see the terrifying power contained in it.


The halberd clearly did not touch the ground, but it seemed as if the blade was extended during the swing. The invisible edge carved a straight mark on the ground behind Lu Bu.


Then, Lu Bu suddenly thrust his halberd into the ground. The terrifying power made all the soldiers on their horses feel the trembling from the ground.

"I am Lu Bu first - I want to challenge you to a duel!!!"

A roar came out of Lu Bu's mouth.

The whole place fell silent for a moment.

No one doubted that this man had gone out to die alone.

This terrifying momentum actually suppressed the military formation of 100,000 troops for a while!

After a long time, seeing that the people on the other side were quiet, Lu Bu slowly spoke again: "Whoever wants to challenge me next, please come out. As long as I can take even one step back from the line behind me - I lose! I will open it Hulao Pass."


There was another moment of silence.

Then... came an outburst of rage.

"What did you say!!!?"

The coalition soldiers roared angrily.

"What does this guy mean!?"

"A mere dog raised by Dong Zhuo! How dare you look down on us like this!!!"

"You dare to challenge an army of 100,000 people by one person! You just don't know how to live or die!!"

"I'll beat you to a pulp now!!"


"Miscellaneous fish!!"

"Eat shit Lei!!!"

However, no matter how noisy there was in the military formation, Lu Bu on the opposite side still stood expressionless on his red rabbit.

Sun Jian, who was sweating with cold sweat on his forehead before the military formation, discovered something strange.

Although these guys were making a lot of noise, no one actually dared to go to the front of the battle to face the monster in front of them.

"Have you...noised enough?"

Finally, as if he was tired of useless provocations, Lu Bu spoke gloomily.

As Lu Bu spoke, the 100,000-strong army on the opposite side fell silent again.

The terrifying aura on his body was like a ferocious beast that devoured everything, making people unable to help but swallow their saliva and become speechless.

Seeing the useless looks of these guys, Lu Bu slowly raised his hand, grinned, and urged like a taunt: "If you are capable, come up and give it a try!?"


In the face of this naked provocation, the 100,000-strong army remained silent, with no one saying anything.


Xuan Hao, who was in Sun Jian's army formation, was so shocked that he yawned.

That's it?

He had just seen these guys making such a fuss, and he really thought that these guys would have the courage to face Lu Bu directly.

In fact, no matter how strong Lu Bu is in this world, he will never be able to surpass the level of human beings. If an army of 100,000 people presses him at all costs, he will definitely suffer hatred.

But who knew these guys were really so cowardly.

One hundred thousand people... were overwhelmed by the momentum of one person.

Xuan Hao didn't know for a moment whether he should lament the cowardice of these guys or the strength of Lu Bu.

Regardless of his strength, at least on a spiritual level, Lu Bu, standing alone in front of Hulao Pass and facing an army of 100,000 people, is undoubtedly the strongest.

Brünnhilde's vision is very good. Probably only a strong man with such courage can have the courage to face the gods directly without fear.

"Let me play."

Just when the soldiers were hesitant and at a loss, a calm voice sounded.

Everyone heard the sound and went away, only to see a burly figure riding a commensurately strong war horse slowly coming to the front of the formation from the road that the soldiers had left.

"Lord Fang Yue!"

Someone chanted the man's name.

Xuan Hao had never heard of this name, so he could only ask the soldiers on the side if anyone had heard of this person.

After some inquiries, he learned that this person turned out to be Fang Yueshigao, a subordinate of Wang Kuang, the prefect of Hanoi. It was said that he had excellent martial arts skills and superb spear skills.

When mentioning spear skills, Xuan Hao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Speaking of which, the spear skills he learned from his master have not been used for a long time since he left the dragon world.

The reason is also very simple, because with his strength, he has never encountered an enemy in the next few worlds who can force him to use spear skills.

Now that he had suppressed his own strength, it was a good opportunity.

But let’s first see if Fang Yue’s spear skills are truly superb...

Xuan Hao couldn't help but feel strange. If he was really extraordinary, why did he seem so unfamiliar with this name? Although he is not very familiar with the Three Kingdoms, he still has a lot of familiar characters in the Three Kingdoms, but he has never heard of Fang Yue.

What made him even more confused was that the soldiers praised Fang Yue for his unparalleled spear skills, but Fang Yue, who was riding forward on horseback, did not have a weapon in his hand.

Is it possible that this person has reached the level of ‘gunless’?

This is somewhat interesting...

However, as soon as Xuan Hao thought of this, he was immediately slapped in the face.


Just heard a loud shout.

Behind Fang Yue, he saw a huge spear standing on the road where the soldiers had moved out of the way.

This gun was taller than three people at least, and it matched Fang Yue's burly figure.

And looking at the way the man obscured by the crowd raised the spear, it seemed to be of unusual weight.

"Hey, hey, hey...what the hell is this? Isn't this gun too big!?"

All the soldiers were amazed at the size of this gun and how powerful Fang Yue must be who could hold such a heavy spear.

Only Xuanhao felt disappointed.

what is this?

Putting aside the relationship between size and strength, why do people who go to the battlefield need an old man to help carry a gun from behind?

That's right, Fang Yue has been followed by an old man, who seems to be a follower and an elder.

Perhaps this gun is too heavy and it takes a lot of effort to hold it in your hand. In order to maintain the best condition when facing the enemy, someone is specially responsible for transporting it.

But anyone with any sense would sneer at such a thing.

If you don't even have the strength to hold a gun, how strong can you be?


The huge spear was swung in Fang Yue's hand, and the howling wind was extremely fierce. It seemed like that.

"Wow! Actually... I can swing a giant gun weighing about 80 kilograms so easily!"

"I didn't expect that there would be such a general in our coalition!!"

All the soldiers sighed.

But Xuanhao was too lazy to look again.

He could guess the outcome without looking.

It turns out that the so-called unparalleled spear skills mean winning with force? This is just fighting based on your own innate advantages, and you can only bully those who are weaker than you.

He could conclude that this person had no chance of winning against Lu Bu.

Not even Lu Bu's enemy.

No wonder his name is unknown.

Although Xuan Hao had already made an assertion about this person, the soldiers around him only saw the surface, but Fang Yue was full of confidence.

And Fang Yue himself seems to be very confident.

He smiled and thanked the old man who passed the spear to the side: "I always trouble you, old man."

"You're welcome! This is my job!" The old man looked at Fang Yue with eyes full of pride and pride.

The moment has finally arrived!

Looking at the young man in front of him, whom he had grown up with since childhood, the old man burst into tears.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Defeating Lu Bu, who is known as the God of War, will be the battle that makes Fang Yue famous!

He firmly believes that there is no one other than Fang Yue who can do this! !

Fang Yue himself had the same idea.

He looked at Lu Bu, who was waiting for him in front of him, with extremely firm eyes.

He had also been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"Old man, the fact that I am able to stand here right now is all thanks to no one else but you. Thank you."

Fang Yue thanked him gratefully, as if he was bound to win.

After saying that, under the old man's expectant gaze, he clamped the burly war horse under his crotch with his legs and rushed out with a roar.


"Lü Bu goes first! I'm coming-"

"Ah..." The old man sighed and looked at the roaring shadow, his face full of excitement.

Unknowingly, the childish boy he watched growing up had grown into such an outstanding figure.

Fang Yue, who was born into a declining family of spearmen, began to learn spearmanship at the age of five.

Under his strict teachings, and relying on his outstanding talent, his spear skills have reached the level of perfection at the age of only fifteen!

In dozens of battles, he always won by capturing the heads of enemy generals with just one shot. He rose to the rank of general and was known as the "Black Spear". Of course, the black spear he used was long, thick and black. The huge spear, and 'Wushuang' means - you never need a second shot to kill your opponent!

Fang Yue's only misjudgment in his life was to serve the stupid monarch, Wang Kuang.

Wang Kuang's debauchery and incompetence made him useless, and he was almost unknown in the Central Plains!

Nowadays, it’s time to change all this!

"Today is the day when our name will be resounding throughout the world!!! Ahhhhhhhhh-"

Fang Yue roared, raised the huge spear in his hand, and rushed towards Lu Bu without hesitation along with the charge of his war horse.

The pitch-black spear arrived instantly like black lightning.

However, faced with such a majestic shot, Lu Bu only made one action.

Swing a halberd.


Fang Yue's own feeling at the moment was doubt, and then nothing else.

Because he can no longer think.

As for the old man not far behind, his originally excited expression froze and gradually turned into despair.

This was supposed to be the battle to become famous that changed their destiny.

And fate did change.

But not fame.

Instead, I ended it with "Fang Yue was instantly killed by Lu Bu at Hulao Pass", which has been passed down in history.

Lu Bu's understatement made the two people's ideals vanish in an instant.

His power is so disappointing.

All the soldiers were equally shocked when they saw this scene.

Not only that, they finally understood why Lu Bu brought so many halberds to the battlefield.

Because the halberd that had just cut Fang Yue in half had been broken in the middle.

Obviously this is not because Fang Yue's body is too hard. No matter how hard a person's body is, how can it be harder than a halberd that has been tempered for thousands of times?

This is because the power Lu Bu wields is too strong!

To describe the halberd just now, it would probably be like killing a chicken with a bull's knife.


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