This wonderful world is a simulated world connected by Tsubaki's "magic power", her "dream", and the "foundation" of the Holy Grail War placed in the land of Snowfield.

Although this space is similar to the inherent barrier (the materialization of the mental world) that magicians talk about, it was born because there is abundant magic in the land and Chun's qualifications meet various conditions. Naturally, it cannot extend infinitely. .

The scope of this world is limited to the "Snowfield area", the basis of the Holy Grail War, and there are various "rules" here. But this world was actually created subconsciously by Chun, which meant that she didn't even know that she had inadvertently created such a world. Therefore, even she had no way of knowing what these 'rules' were. .

Chun had no intention of creating the world or the rules, and he had no idea that he had inexplicably become the 'master' of the so-called Holy Grail War, and he had no so-called desire to pray to the Holy Grail.

If I have to say one wish, I have one - to live a happy life forever with my beloved family.

However, it is true that she was chosen by the Holy Grail to become the Master and summoned the heroic spirit.

Therefore, no matter what this wish is, as long as Tsubaki, as the master, has this wish, the 'Pale Knight' will always use his own power to realize it.

He has neither feelings nor wishes for the Holy Grail.

He just acts as a system, indifferently fulfilling the Master's wishes, just like a wishing machine (Holy Grail) with greatly limited functions.

Moreover, because Tsubaki, as the Master, has no consciousness of participating in the Holy Grail War, theoretically speaking, as long as she can live in this dream until she ages naturally, she and the Pale Knight will be no different from the winners of the Holy Grail War.

The Pale Knight just silently guarded Tsubaki and acted to eliminate her misfortune.

For example, now, the distortion of the real world appears in Chun's dream in the form of thunder, and he must take action to solve it.

The Pale Knight has no emotions, and human beings' "fear of disease" will never cease.

Therefore, he has no concept of death.

Therefore, he is fearless.

Even if those standing in the way are strong men who are equivalent to the trials of the Apocalypse.



South of the city, in the desert area.

The collision between strength and power, the collision between Noble Phantasm and Noble Phantasm, the collision between divine power and weapons - the impact caused by the collision of two "extremes" swept away everything around them and the distortion of space.

Between the slits that hit each other, huge amounts of energy were entangled.

It is said that a long time ago in the ancient city-state of Uruk, a prostitute witnessed the battle between heroes and had such an illusion - "It was as if the world was born seven times and destroyed seven times."

Even in such a powerful storm of power, the two heroic spirits still smiled unabated.

This doesn't mean they are comfortable.

They both knew very well that if they relaxed even a little, their bodies would be wiped out.

However, this is just a trivial matter.

To them, this is no different than child's play.

They are like two stubborn children, neither of them wants to admit defeat.

However, because of this, there was no mercy or courtesy between them.

They just want to compare each other's strength, want to compete with each other, and want to have a collision of strength and strength.

The hostile relationship formed by the Holy Grail War is just an opportunity for them. Even if there is no such opportunity, they will still find other reasons to fight.

After all, if you want to truly experience your best friend, standing there as your best friend is the easiest and fastest way.

Yes, fighting is just a way of communication for them.

They just had a fight and happened to involve everything around them.

Then, the energies of the Noble Phantasms that offset each other gradually dissipated around the two of them.

Although it was said to have dispersed, it actually still had the power to stir up tornadoes around it.

"The king is relieved."

The wind howled. After the two landed together, Gilgamesh finally spoke.

"Your appearance is so nostalgic that even I am surprised. But fortunately, you have not become younger on the inside."

It seems that Enkidu now should be the same as when they first met, maintaining his youthful appearance. Enkidu was originally a shapeless clay figure, and perhaps his appearance varied at different times.

Gilgamesh's attitude is still arrogant, but when he treats Enkidu, it is obviously different from when he talks to others: "But you are still as willful as before, and you went out of your way to welcome me in the desert. Compared to You are actually more concerned about the movements of the forest when entertaining me. Only you can do such a bastard thing."

He didn't really expect the other party's hospitality, his tone sounded a bit teasing.

"Although this place is a desolate place, at least there are insects and 'rats'. What, you have finally matured (grown) to the point where you can choose life?"

This sentence sounded like a sharp accusation, but there was no malice in it.

Gilgamesh is synonymous with arrogance, but Enkidu is still described by him as "willful".

Regarding Gilgamesh's words, Enkidu just shook his head and replied: "I am not qualified to do that. I am just a tool. What to do depends on the user (Master). Ah, but this choice is my own. I advocate that if the desert wants to be resentful, then just hate me."

Hearing this, Gilgamesh said helplessly: "Why are you still saying such things? Even death can't make you change."

"You have completely become a tyrant."

For Gilgamesh, who was known as the Wise King in his youth, this was nothing more than a sarcastic remark, but there was no malice in it either.

Although the conversation between the two people sounded completely acrimonious to outsiders, neither party was angry. To them, these were just jokes between close friends.

"Yes. If the young king knew that he would grow up like this in the future, he might just commit suicide."

Gilgamesh talks so much now that he is completely different from the person he was when he appeared in the cave. If any magician who knew him was present, they would probably wonder, "Why hasn't he killed that heroic spirit of unknown gender?"

There are many reasons, but there is only one objective reason, which is the easiest for the surprised magicians to accept. However, in Gilgamesh's subjective understanding, there is no such reason at all.

That is, even the King of Heroes cannot easily kill this heroic spirit.

This heroic spirit is just that powerful, nothing more.

After seeing the fierce collision just now, anyone can accept this fact.

But the child's play (quarrel) between these two people is not over yet.

The "EA" in Gilgamesh's hand began to rotate again, and the space behind him also lit up as if echoing the "EA".

"Really? I think that if you were like Shanhant (Note: Divine Prostitute) said when you were a child, then you would still choose to live. Because you have to consider the people of Uruk living now, not The distant future.”

Enkidu's feet merged with the earth, and the surrounding sand began to stir. The sand and dust seemed to become part of Enkidu's body, turning into countless tentacles.

Seeing this, Gilgamesh once again relied on the power of his Noble Phantasm to float in the air.

The treasure house - "King's Treasure (Gate of Babylon)" was opened inside the space, revealing dozens or hundreds of "Noble Phantasms". The golden color filled the night sky for a while, as if the sky was filled with stars.

Almost at the same time, the earth tentacles controlled by Enkidu transformed from the end into various weapons such as spears, swords, or bows.

After a moment of silence, the two of them fired thousands of sharp weapons at each other.

The sound of metal clashing echoed frequently in the battlefield of flying sand and rocks.

There were only two heroic spirits standing.

The fight between heroes who are worth a thousand is as fierce as a "war".

It is said that the countless Noble Phantasms collected by the oldest hero are the prototypes of all Noble Phantasms.

These Noble Phantasms can kill ordinary heroic spirits with one blow. Gilgamesh, however, shot it out effortlessly and majesticly.

Enkidu assimilated with the entire earth, changed the body created by the gods, and generated countless divine tools.

Every hit of such an attack has the power to kill, of course, provided it hits.

In short, such attacks come and go, endless and endless, but they all cancel each other out, and no attack can reach either of them.

This contradictory picture perfectly shows the relationship between the two of them.

Although the conversation was interrupted again, they had no dissatisfaction.

For them, whether they are complaining about each other or fighting with each other, it is just a way to communicate emotions.

What matters is that both of them are here, and that's enough.

Whether it is understanding each other through language or fighting for their lives, it is a "conversation" of equal value to them.

Because of this, Gilgamesh cannot forgive.

When they were immersed in the joy of reunion after thousands of years, someone interrupted them without knowing anything.

Enkidu suddenly felt a chill running down his back.

He manipulated countless weapons turned into dust and looked towards the north of the desert.

"coming soon."


Gilgamesh concluded without any doubt that Enkidu was not bluffing, and cast his consciousness to the north, but he did not feel anything yet.

I'm afraid that the breath is very weak, and only Enkidu's highest level "breath perception" ability can capture it.

Normally, neither Gilgamesh nor Enkidu would take this breath seriously.

In fact, they did not pay attention to the familiars scattered in this area.

But this time it's different.

This aura is thinner and weaker than that of the insect bird that acts as a familiar.

Enkidu's instinct made him feel a strange pressure in his breath.

"...Something, something bad is coming. It's like my natural enemy."

Hearing this, Gilgamesh frowned slightly.

He knew very well that Enkidu had no weaknesses.

The only exception is the "destruction" that drove Enkidu to death - a death curse imposed by the gods themselves.

"Really? It seems that I am intoxicated with pleasure and have completely forgotten about those thieves who tried to steal my treasure (Holy Grail)."

"Does the so-called thief include me?"

"You don't need the Holy Grail at all, do you? Aren't you the one who makes such a simple wishing machine?"

Hearing the strange words Gilgamesh said without taking it seriously, Enkidu corrected him with some shame: "The most I can do is imitate. However, my wish has been fulfilled, and my master cannot think of it. Want the Holy Grail.”

After Enkidu calmly said something like withdrawing from the war, he turned his attention to the aura gradually approaching from the north, and continued with a firm look: "It's just that I have an obligation to protect the Master, and I can't do it in a place like this. I was killed by the enemy who came out halfway. I will escape this time and continue fighting next time."

Seeing Enkidu say the word "escape" with a smile on his face, Gilgamesh narrowed his eyes and asked: "What kind of master (bastard) can you say such a thing? Let me try Let’s see if he really has this value.”

If it was a boring guy, Gilgamesh would definitely kill that Master on the spot.

Enkidu heard his voice, but smiled and shook his head and said: "You can't do it. All you can guess is gods and humans, and at most the taste of wine, right?"

Although Gilgamesh showed a puzzled look, he seemed to have no interest in Enkidu's master. He just put down the king's airs and sighed, saying: "Then, this feast will wait until the rebels are killed." Just keep going.”

After speaking, Gilgamesh raised his head, his eyes burning with anger because of the incoming ignorant intruder.

While Enkidu used his tentacles to knock down the rain of Noble Phantasms falling from the sky, he comforted the irritable king: "No, Gil. If the king looks sad, it will make everyone uneasy. This is more troublesome than the fear caused by the tyrant. "

"Now that you are busy running away, you still have the thought to talk about kingship with me. Although you have an ever-changing body, your personality has not changed at all."

Gilgamesh smiled evilly and raised EA again.

The “Noble Phantasms” scattered everywhere also resonated in response.

EA was further strengthened by the power of the Noble Phantasm, distorting the world again.

"This is the last blow tonight, take it as a promise to meet again."

"That's what I meant."

Enkidu accumulated a lot of magic power when he became one with the earth. At this time, he also wrapped these magic powers around his body and said: "I just ran away. I hope EA, who was used as a diversion, won't blame me."

"It's a joke. Being dizzy because of my king's power is the law of heaven."

So, at the moment when the two people looked at each other and smiled again, the two "Enuma Elish" criss-crossed each other, their power was far more powerful than before, and they vowed to leave their mark on the world.

At the same time, scars and fears that could not be healed for a long time were carved in the desert and in the hearts of most of the magicians who observed them.

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