The streets of HK City are hurriedly walking, and the heavy rain and rapid thunder resound in the sky, adding a not beautiful melody to this quiet sky.

“What the hell is this weather, it’s raining only halfway through, it’s still a thunderstorm!” Under the tree, a young man was shouting loudly, although he was probably just talking to himself.

His name is Li You, a native of Z country, a black T-shirt and black slacks, the difference is that now the legs of the good casual pants have been rolled up into 7-point pants, or 5-point pants, and the whole face is hung with the word “worry”.

Who would have thought that the weather forecast lasted less than 3 hours for a whole day, and in the spirit of continuing to believe in the weather forecast, Li You found a big tree to hide underneath, because the surrounding houses have a special structure and no eaves at all.

Of course, the dangerous work of hiding under the tree on a thunderstorm is mainly Li You believes in one thing, that is, even if it is easy to be split into a tree during a thunderstorm, it is necessary to talk about the probability, otherwise the birds flying in the sky are estimated to have been extinct long ago, and even the people who chop to death under the tree on a thunderstorm every year may not even have a fraction of the daily car accident.

Therefore, although Li You’s face was ugly, he was not flustered, because in his heart, the probability of being close to zero was equal to nothing.

“I almost forgot, my game hasn’t been done today, my thunder fruit!” Saying that, Li You immediately took out his mobile phone from his arms, squatted down to block the fall of the rain with his head, and opened a card game of One Piece and played.

“Hehe, when I get the Thunder Fruit + 100% hit, I must crash the arena to play Dodge Flow, paralysis really hurts a set to take away!”

Thinking of this, the smile on Li You’s face became even more presumptuous, “Hehe, ha, hahaha…”

At this moment, a lightning bolt streaked, and coincidentally slashed on the tree where Li You was squatting, sparks with lightning all the way, through the branches to the roots and then transferred to the mobile phone and Li You’s body, less than a breath, Li You’s whole person was split into char.

Although the probability of a thunderstorm chopping under a tree is low, if you have heard Murphy’s Law, you will definitely know that even if the probability of something happening is low, as long as it is likely to happen, then it will happen at a certain time.

Unfortunately, Li You, who does not believe in evil, met by chance, and the price was his life.

“HK City News reported that citizen Li was killed by lightning when playing with his mobile phone under a big tree during a thunderstorm, please pay attention to safety.”

“Country Z evening news, playing with mobile phones under thunderstorm trees, relatives two lines of tears.”

“International news reports, ohmygod, Du robbery, must be Du robbery, this mysterious oriental has become a god.”

However, at this time, Li You’s mind was indeed chaotic.

Gradually, as a period of time passed, the fragments in my mind gradually merged into a picture, “So, am I already dead?” “Where is this, Jifu?” Li You’s consciousness gradually became clearer.

“So, it’s still the words of the older generation that make sense, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of what if, alas… What am I? ”

Slowly open your eyes, you will be greeted by a dense bush, towering trees straight into the sky, and occasionally a pleasant bird song, which is moving.

“It’s really luck to cross ah!” Thinking of this, Li You was afraid for a while, after all, the feeling of death before was really uncomfortable at all.

Then Li You began to look at his body, fair skin, 1 meter 5 tall, looking about 12 or 3 years old.

Of course, it’s a little difficult to see your appearance, there is no water or mirrors around, but the only thing that is certain is that you are a man, you don’t need to touch to know, this is a pure feeling as a man, touch to know that you are a man, that can only prove one thing, you are unconscious below.

Just when Li You was thinking about it, as if he had touched a switch, a not very huge memory began to flood into his mind.

“My name is Fabilu, I am 12 years old, an orphan, in order to prove that I am a hero, I gambled with my friends to go to the sea of trees, picked a leaf as proof, and then encountered the Warcraft Beetle, and died of shock during the run.”

“Big Tree Sea? Warcraft? Hey, hey, it won’t be the world of Lezi God, but the Warcraft Beetle is still chasing”

“But I didn’t feel the feeling of shock, maybe it was a benefit of crossing?”

“Hero, boy, I will inherit your idea, be a real hero instead of a family, I will be Fapiru in the future” Fapiru said silently in his heart.

“Swish, swish…” At this moment, the nearby bushes made a hurried sound, and suddenly a huge beetle emerged from the bushes, a pair of compound eyes shone with a dark luster, and the huge mouthparts were thicker than Fapiru’s calves, flashing with a sharp cold light.

Fapiru believes that for his small body, it may not be difficult to cut two at all.

After all, it is a modern person, there is no reaction at all in the face of danger, local children know to escape, even if they fuse memories, but for Faberus, their legs are like turning off lead, completely unable to move, and huge fear is shrouded in their hearts.

The Warcraft Beetle didn’t care what Fapiru was thinking, and a pair of huge mouthparts bit directly towards Faberus.

“Won’t I die again, I don’t know if I can be reborn, will it hurt to be stabbed in two parts?”

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