“By the way, Lord Shangshin, I am going to take my dependents on an expedition, what do you think?”

“Expedition?” Artemis touched his delicate chin and thought.

“Maybe you can contact Hestia, Jian Thunder, Hephaestus”

The next day, Artemis visited the three dependents and explained the idea of the expedition.

“Huh? Is it really possible to rely on our 4 dependents? I remember that in addition to the Tsubaki of the Hephaestus clan, the highest is only Lv4, is it really okay to do an expedition? Hestia said with a worried look.

“Don’t worry, Hestia, I have a secret weapon! And this is a rare experience for your family! Artemis said, patting the towering peak.

“Then, Bell and Lililuka please you! Artemis! ”

Due to the generation of the space pack, a large number of supporters had no source of income, Lililuka was directly thrown out of the Sumo clan, and even the conversion was directly with the help of her original leader, without a trace of trouble.

Of course, the Hestian family also paid some small amounts of Farley for this.

In the end, the members of this expedition were determined:

Hestia: Bell Craney, Lililuka Ode

Hephaestus: Welf Crozo

Kengoku: Wamei?, Kashima Sakura?,? Hitachi Chikusa

Artemis: Fapirus, Teresha

Above the 25th underground ice lake, the expedition led by the Artemis clan is facing the attack of a group of Shining Swallows!

Shining Swallow, known as a monster that attacks invisibly, is like a penetrating live bullet!

“Bell, watch out on the left! Lili Luca, remote support Bell! ”

“Welf, Kashima block the frontal attack, life, Chikusa, Teresa free attack, support 3 people at any time!”

“Yes!” Everyone who heard Fapiru’s command replied in unison.

With the idea of exercising others, Fapiru took command and did not move.

“Be careful! Bell-kun! Lililuka noticed the movement at Bell’s feet and reminded loudly.

Under the shattered ice, a huge crystal dragon drilled out and let out a roar.

A pitch-black portal suddenly opened next to Bell, pulling him back to the rear.

A flat voice sounded, and before the crystal dragon could move, its neck suddenly broke, and the entire head slid neatly down along the wound, and then exploded into a gray mist and disappeared. At the same time, a small dragon scale fell from mid-air, another crack unfolded, and the scale fell into the door space.

“Thank you, Master!” Bell said with a grateful look. Lililuka on the side also breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Thank you, Lord Fabilu for your help!” ”

“Huh, huh?” In Fabilu’s sight, some distance to the right front, a group of monsters were besieging a person with killing intent.

“Lili Luca, you are the commander for the time being, I’ll go to the front to investigate” After speaking, he directly used the ‘shaving’ and disappeared into the distance.

“Hey? Lord Faberu! ”

“The master must have discovered something, and then he will hand it over to Lili!” Bell on the side looked at Lililuka with a smile and said.

“What, Lord Bell,” Lilyluka muttered shyly.

“What did you say?” Bell glanced back at Lili Luca.

“Nothing, keep fighting! Waiting for Lord Faberu’s return! ”

“Oh!!!” Everyone shouted in unison.

Through the complicated passage, Faberu arrived at his destination.

I saw more than 10 split-toothed shark monsters besieging a female mermaid, “Heretic? Faberu’s startled voice caught the attention of both sides.

I saw a hint of joy appear on the mermaid’s face and said: “Save, save, fa, Piru.” ”

‘What’s going on? Fapiru looked puzzled, he didn’t remember any intersection with heretics, but only in the memories of his past life.

‘Forget it, don’t care, just save it and ask!’ ’

“One Knife Flow Flying Bird” with the long knife slashed, a 4-meter slash flew out, and more than 10 smaller slashes were split in the air, accurately hitting each cracked tooth shark.

“Bang, bang, bang…” All the monsters were killed at the same time.

“Fa, Fa, Faberu!” The mermaid shouted excitedly.

“So, who are you and why do you know my name?” Fapiru asked with a frown.

“Fa, Piru, save, Mali, rejoice!” After speaking, he looked at him with a puzzled face, as if to say, what is your situation?

“You mean I once saved you?” Rubbing his brows, Fapiru analyzed.

“Well, um” Seeing that Fapiru understood what he meant, the mermaid jumped on the water again with joy.

“No, why am I not impressed? Maybe it was accidentally saved during a previous dungeon adventure? “That’s the only possibility.

“Okay, since it’s okay, I’m going back!” He originally wanted to save people, but he didn’t expect to save a heretic.

The mermaid on the side, Ma Li, buried her head in the water to reveal half of her head, spitting bubbles, and her eyes were a little lost.

“Okay, see you next time!” Hearing Fabilu say see you next time, the originally lost Ma Li was happy again, the blue fish tail slapped the surface of the water, making a crisp sound, and the bubbles in her mouth spit out more diligently.

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