War game, in front of the gate of the Apollo family, Lililuka and Bell looked at the scene in front of them, and then looked at the glass bead in their hands and said with a shocked face: “It’s amazing!” After speaking, he hurriedly put away the remaining glass beads

“You first go to deal with Jacintos, the leader of the Apollo clan, someone has found me.” After saying that, Fapiru rushed in one direction.

“Okay, you have to be careful!” After that, Teresa also launched an attack towards the city.

Just when the fight was hot outside, in the main hall of the Apollo family, Kassandra, with long dark gray hair, explained something to the group leader in an excited tone.

“Please get out of here as soon as possible, dangerous thunder will shine on the earth, and the whole city will be burning…” Before Kassandra could finish speaking, a slap slammed into her face, knocking her to the ground.

“Shut up! When people come, clean up! Jacintos said with an impatient look.

“Oh? Who are you going to pack up? With long bright red hair and a beautiful face, Teresa appeared in front of Jacintos.

“You, why are you here, my lord!” With a hint of trepidation on his hideous face, Jacintos shouted loudly, as if it would give him some courage.

After all, Teresa is an adventurer in Lv4! He is completely unsure of winning!

“I don’t know who you’re talking about, but you’re about to end!” After saying that, Teresa attacked towards Jacintos.

“Damn, don’t underestimate me!” Jacintos withstood Teresha’s attack with difficulty.

You know, after verifying his ideas, Fapiru conducted a lot of special training for Teresa, although the time was short, but it also greatly improved Teresa’s strength, and even learned the ‘shaving’ in the six styles.

In less than two minutes, Jacintos was directly knocked unconscious, and his whole head was beaten into a pig’s head. Because Teresa came and happened to see Jacintos beating Kassandra to the ground.

For this kind of scum who randomly beats and scolds his family, Teresa will not show mercy to his subordinates.

On the other side, with the help of props given by Fapiru, Bell and Lililuka ploughed the entire city.

“Won’t it come out yet, Apollo’s secret weapon?” In an open space in the city, Fapiru suddenly spoke up.

“Apollo? He also deserves to use me as a weapon? “A man with a hood came out of the shadows in the corner.

“Oh? So why help him? I think Apollo should invite adventurers who don’t move Lv5. ”

“Help him? No, no, no, I just came to kill you! After that, the man lifted his hood to reveal his pale face below.

“Introduce yourself, Dark Faction, Likas.”

“Dark faction? I don’t remember what intersection I had with you! Watching the man declare his identity, Fapiru frowned slightly, he didn’t remember what he had with the Dark Faction.

“Yes, then I remind you, the ruins of the temple, Andrees.”

“!!?” Hearing this, Fapiru’s eyes widened suddenly, looking at the person in front of him in disbelief, he had always thought that the danger encountered by Artemis’s clan was just an accident!

“It took me a lot of effort to get the Artemis clan to receive this task…”

“But! But! Why, why? The Artemis family returned to Eulari alive! ”

“Obviously, as long as you silently die all outside, you can do it!” Likas roared maniacally at Fapiru, a sickly smile on his pale face.

“However, it’s okay, it’s too late now, the destruction of Artemis’s clan will begin with you, a new person!”

“So that’s so…” asked Fapirus with a long sigh of relief, clenching his fists and barely suppressing the anger in his heart.

“Last question, why target the Artemis family?”

“What nonsense are you talking about, isn’t it a beautiful thing to destroy the dependents, and do you need a reason? Hahahaha! Hearing Faberu’s words, Likas laughed maniacally.

“Yes, thank you for letting me understand the reason for the matter, as a thank you, I will let you live better than die!” Faberu’s expression became completely cold.

The middle level of the Tower of Eulari Babel, “Artemis, fortunately you’re okay, woo-woo…” Hestia looked at Artemis beside him worriedly, hugged him, and said with a whimper.

“It’s okay, it’s gone. Patting Hestia on the shoulder, Artemis continued, “Besides, without him, maybe I wouldn’t have met Fabiru.” ”

Obviously, Artemis thought it was more important to encounter Faberus than the danger.

At this time, the gods in the stands began to attack Apollo in unison, you know, the dark faction valve is the enemy of the entire Eulari, and the Apollo family who colludes with the dark faction valve has already stood opposite the entire Eulari.

“I, I didn’t know he was a dark faction! It’s true! Believe me! The other day, he found me himself! Apollo in the stands had already collapsed on the ground, snot and tears in defense.

“After the war game is over, directly return Apollo, win or lose!” Hermes squinted and directly sentenced Apollo to death.

Apollo, who was lying on the ground crying bitterly, passed out directly after hearing the verdict.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)

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