Time was like flowing water, and three more days passed in the blink of an eye, and during these three days, there was no movement from the Ishtar family, as if no one had been found at all.

It was not until the evening of the fourth day that a young couple came to Artemis to find Fapirus.

They were little Tia’s parents.

Inside the living room.

“What? Little Tia didn’t come to Artemis at all today? After hearing Fabilu’s answer, Tia’s mother felt a sense of dizziness from her head and fell down, and Tia’s father on the side quickly helped her when she saw this.

“What’s going on? Make it clear! Fabiru’s voice suddenly became louder.

Artemis, who heard the voice, walked out of the room directly, and the rest of the crowd also opened a crack in the door to watch.

“This morning, after breakfast, little Tia said to go to you to tell you a story…”

“But, yet, I haven’t been home yet.”

“Her mother and I thought she might be staying with you tonight, so we came to make sure, but we didn’t expect…”

Hearing this, Tia’s mother on the side had already lost her voice and cried bitterly.

‘Boom’, the round table in the hall was directly smashed by Faberus, and wood chips flew everywhere.

In his previous life, Fapiru ate alone and the whole family was not hungry, and only after coming here did he feel the warmth of home.

Especially little Tia, he has always treated this cute little guy like his own sister.

Not only him, but everyone in the clan especially likes this cute and pestering little guy.

But now Tia’s parents actually told him that little Tia was missing?

“Calm down, Fabilu, now is not the time to be angry, the priority is to find little Tia immediately!” Artemis came to Fapirus at some point, took his hand and said.

“Yes, Fabiru, let’s go find Little Tia right away!”

Hearing the news of Little Tia’s disappearance, all the members of the clan mobilized.

“Lord Fabilu, I, I can also go to Little Tia…” Although Haruhime has only been here for two days, she has already become best friends with Little Tia.

He also listened to Fapilu’s stories with her every day.

“You can’t, Ishtar will find… Wait Ishtar? Fapiru had some guesses in his heart.

Then said with a serious face:

“I’ll go investigate the Ishtar family! The rest scattered, make sure to find Little Tia! ”

“Yes!” After that, the entire Artemis clan members rushed out.

In the entire Artemis clan, only Haruhime was left in an instant.

Tonight’s Night Street is completely different from the past, and there is not a single pedestrian in the lively street.

Outside the houses on the side of the road, all the lanterns that had been lit were extinguished, and the entire street was dark.

All the way to the gate of the Ishtar Hall, the guarding Amazon warriors had obviously been waiting for a long time.

“Honorable Lord ‘Demon Dao’, please come with me, Lord Ishtar, please.”

After speaking, he motioned for Fapiru to follow and walked towards the center of the hall.

In the center of the hall, the sexy-dressed Lord God Ishtar sat on the throne, and as the cigarette stick in his hand was lowered, a white smoke slowly spit out of his mouth.

On both sides of the throne, triangular oil lamps were lit, emitting a dim halo that illuminated the entire hall.

Two teams of Amazonian female warriors stood on either side of Ista, guarding their main god.

“Ista, you kidnapped little Tia!”

Without asking, Fapiru spoke out in an affirmative tone.

“Shut up, you should call her Lord God!” Ishtar did not speak, and an Amazon warrior on the side stood up and scolded Fapiru.

With a casual wave of his hand to signal that it was okay, Ishtar got up from his throne.

“Little Tia? Is that kittenwoman’s name? ”

“Where is she? What did you do to her! Hearing this, Faberu’s eyes lit up and asked.

“She? She’s okay, bring her up! ”

“Yes!” In the line, a brown-haired Amazon walked out and headed somewhere.

Soon, the little catwoman Tia was brought to Faberu’s eyes.

At the moment when Little Tia appeared, a door opened directly at her feet.

Then instantly appeared beside Fabilu.

“I advise you not to move!” Watching Tia being teleported to Fapiru, Ishtar was not worried, slowly took a puff of his cigarette and continued:

“How could I not be defensive knowing that you might have spatial skills? Look at this little girl. ”

When Fapiru heard this, he quickly looked at Little Tia beside him, and saw that the originally cute and innocent little face was indifferent, and his eyes seemed to have lost their radiance, and he looked very numb.

“What did you do!!” Seeing Little Tia’s situation, Fapiru was very distressed, and he resisted the urge to kill everyone in front of him and asked.

Without answering Fapiru’s words, Ishtar continued.

“Speaking of which, this little cat woman is really difficult to catch, my two Lv2 dependents were directly electrocuted.”

“That’s it.” Ishtar spread out his palm, it was Fapiru’s gift to Tia, the kitten hairpin.

Then he threw it to the ground and stepped on it heavily with his foot, and the hairpin was directly crushed by the step.

“So, what about Haruhime?”

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