“Kaguya, Liang, are you all right…” Alixie covered her injured abdomen with a sword and limped towards the two.

“If this is all called nothing, the regiment leader’s eyes can be regarded as blind.” Simply bandaging the broken arm with a strip of cloth, Kaguya said with difficulty, but before a while, the entire white strip of cloth was dyed bright red.

“Liang’s words, let’s not talk about the body, but the mind has been severely damaged, and he can’t fight for the time being…” Looking at Liang, who was lying on the ground and muttering, Kaguya’s eyes were full of sadness.

“Ya, Lily… Sorry, I also got a trick…” After hearing the conversation, Leila of the little Terran crawled with her hands to the three people, and at this time, only a huge scar was left across her face in her originally blue eyes, and she was blind.

Only the four of them were left alive in the entire Asteria clan, and a tragic atmosphere surrounded them.

Unfortunately, the monster did not give them the slightest chance to reminisce, and a momentary figure reappeared behind everyone, and the sharp claws in his hand directly slashed towards Alysze.

At this moment of life and death crisis, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the monster, the pitch-black long knife in his hand directly blocked the monster’s attack, and then swung hard to directly throw the monster onto the stone pillar, and the originally huge stone pillar collapsed instantly.

“Sorry!! It’s time to go!! I’ll leave the rest to me! The person who came was Fapiru, who immediately arrived after feeling the vibration of the ground, but the situation was still one step slower.

After seeing the scene in front of him, he probably already knew. I came to the Earth Fault World 5 years ago, that is, when the Asteria clan was destroyed.

“This monster is strong! Very strong! Don’t force yourself… Let’s run away with Liang, we’ll help you buy time!” Yalixie looked at the man about 20 years old in front of her, and quickly persuaded that she was ready to die just now.

You must know that 5 years ago, Olali’s strongest was only Ota Lv6, and the rest were only Lv5 at most, and at this time, Alixie had the strength of Lv4 point, not weaker than ordinary Lv5, so in her eyes, the man she had never seen in front of her would not be much stronger than her.

“Don’t worry, it will be solved soon, let’s treat you first!” After saying that, Fapiru picked up the black knife and slashed it towards the palm, a stream of blood flowed out of the palm, and then the middle finger flicked, and a drop of blood cut into the throats of the four people along the corner of the mouth.

“This is!!” I saw that in the next second, everyone’s injuries actually all recovered, Leila’s eyes bloomed with light, and Kaguya’s broken arm also grew again, if it weren’t for seeing another arm on the ground not far away, Kaguya himself wondered if he was dreaming just now.

Only Liang, although the injuries on her body have also fully recovered, her heart is still full of fear, her eyes appear to be empty, and she lies motionless on the ground.

“Leave it to me!” Walking slowly to Liang’s side, Faberu squatted down, rubbed the girl’s short blonde hair and said.

However, the girl’s eyes at this time were still only numb and empty.

“Roar!” A roar came from behind everyone, mixed with the sound of rubble falling, and I saw that the monster that was shot away by Fapilu just now stood up from the pile of stones intact, and the attack just now had no effect!

“It seems that something has been done.” Fapiru said secretly.

In the next second, the monster disappeared directly in place, leaving only the sound of rubble rolling down, and then instantly appeared in front of Faberu, sharp claws with whistling towards Faberu’s body.


“Get out of the way!” Alice and the others looked at the sudden arrival of the monster, hurriedly reminded, and then raised their weapons to attack the monster, hoping to save the man who had just helped them.

“A knife and a demon song.” As Fabilu’s voice fell, the pitch-black long knife cut a graceful arc in mid-air, flashing in the eyes of everyone.

“Click, click…” The sound of broken porcelain echoed in the cave, and I saw that the monster’s limbs made a slight sound, and then slowly displaced, and then the whole body fell to the ground, making a harsh roar.

“Good, so strong!” Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and they were shocked and speechless, knowing that the monster in front of them had basically destroyed the two camps of them and the dark faction just now!

However, in the hands of this strange man, it was like a plaything.

“Roar!” However, the monster that lost its limbs did not give up its attack, and with a roar, a violent fluctuation converged in its mouth, and then turned into a beam of light and rushed towards everyone.

Unexpectedly, the monster and the energy attack of Alixie and the others all looked desperate and couldn’t dodge!

Obviously, hope just now is still in sight.

“They all said to believe me, but it’s not good at all to show such a beautiful face.”

“One knife flow sub-empty crack cut.”

The beam of light rushing towards everyone was directly cut in half by the pitch-black long knife, and at the same time, a slash flew out of the knife, passed through the monster’s body like cutting tofu, and then disappeared.

“Boom” instantly came out with a loud sound, and the monster’s body directly turned into flying ash and disappeared.

Looking at Fapiru standing in front of everyone, at this moment, they finally understood that it turned out that heroes were real.

Even the original local Liuang began to become different, the originally empty eyes, instantly filled with color, that is an admiration, longing or redemption…

“.~ Okay, everyone of Asteria, go home quickly, I think the Lord God of your clan should be in a hurry.”

“I should go too.” After saying that, Fapiru turned around and prepared to leave.

Just after destroying that monster just now, Fapiru suddenly found that he seemed to be able to go back! The originally bleak word travel once again exudes a burst of brilliance.

At the same time, a message appeared in his mind, World Origin 300.

“Wait, can you, stay. I mean we want to thank you for your kindness! Alyche asked with a rare look of a little daughter.

“Sorry, guys, I’m still in business, but I’m sure we’ll meet again in the future.”

“Then, please tell us the daimyo of our benefactor (Qian Zhao)!” Kaguya said with a serious look. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even Li Ang, who had just stood up, couldn’t help but prick up her pointy ears.

“Just call me Fapirus for my words.” After that, Fapiru disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Fabilu? I think we’ll meet soon! Alyche said as she clenched her fists.

Liang, Kaguya, and Laila on the side also had an expectant look on their faces, because as long as they were in Oraly, then everyone would meet sooner or later, not to mention that the benefactor had already said his name.

Unfortunately, what they didn’t know was that in the next five years, they didn’t meet Fabiru again, and even Astelia took Alyche and others to leave Eulari to look for it, which was also unsuccessful, and once made them think that Fabilu was a pseudonym.

Liuang, the only one who stayed in Eulari, did meet Fapiru five years later, but the difference in appearance and weapons still made her miss the recognition, or Faberu at that time did not know what happened, and could only say a word, which was wonderful.

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