"The boss has a good eye."

"This is the treasure of our shop, blue and white porcelain in the early Ming Dynasty."

"Absolutely the treasure produced by official kilns!"

"True or false, you don't have to worry about it. I also have the identification certificate from the president of Yunzhou antiques Association, Mr. gulongen!"

"What's more, our shop promises to pay 10% for the fake." The boss is also a chicken thief, boasting for a long time, Leng is not missing the price.

Su Yuanshan again asked about the price, the boss of the policy just stretched out a finger: "one price, ten million."

"Quality assurance, no counter-offer."

"How about it, boss? Do you want to take it with you?"

Asked the shopkeeper with a smile.

Su Yuanshan is looking at Ye Fan and seems to be waiting for Ye Fan's suggestion.

Ye Fan did not answer, but looked to one side of the tea set: "how much is this set of tea set?"

"Oh, this tea set is just collected by us. The blue and white porcelain of the late Yuan Dynasty is also produced by the official kiln. Unfortunately, there is only one cup left, or it will be the treasure of our shop. "

"This one sells for five million."

Ye Fan listened, nodded, and then looked at Su Yuanshan: "Uncle Su, these two are good. However, I suggest buying that tea set. It's cost-effective. "


Ye Fan spoke, and Su Yuanshan should go down.

However, when Su Yuanshan is ready to pay, Ye Fan's eyes are immediately attracted by a small jade pendant in the corner.


Ye Fan immediately walked over, picked up the jade and looked at it. He immediately asked the shop owner, "where did this jade come from?"

"You said this, I took it from below. I think it's exquisite, so I put it here. "

As for the period of pre Qin, it is estimated that. Of course, it is also estimated, and the exact age is still to be discussed. "

"Well, I want to take a chance."

"The original price is 150000, and I will sell you for 100000?"

The shop owner said enthusiastically.

After hearing this, Ye Fan immediately chuckled, shook his head, and put down the jade pendant.


"A piece of miscellaneous jade is also a modern handicraft polished by modern machines. Do you dare to ask for 100000, boss?"

"This is treating us as idiots."

Ye Fan sneered.

He didn't care about the money.

But that can't be fooled as a fool.

"How much can that little brother give you?"

I didn't expect that the young man in front of him had such a sharp eye. The owner of the shop immediately looked at Ye Fan a few times.

This jade, which he collected from the bottom, is not from the pre Qin period. Just now, he was just talking about it in order to drive up the price.

In fact, when he collected the jade, it only cost him 200 yuan.

"A thousand."

"If you agree, I'll buy it as a present for my wife, or I'll forget it."

"This is too little, isn't it? Cut it ten times at once, and five thousand can still be considered. " The shop owner was in a dilemma.

Ye Fan did not move: "you this jade receives, also several hundred, gives you 1000, many."

Finally, the shop owner reluctantly agreed, a loss of money appearance, but the heart is undoubtedly happy ah?

This change of hand, turn over five times, of course, he is happy.

However, when the owner of the shop was ready to pack the jade, a voice came out from behind.

"This jade, 100000, I want it!"

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