Red lips like fire, eyebrows and eyes like ink, wearing 3000 green silk, mat seven feet long skirt.

Gold and jade curtain, red skirt mat floor.

A gorgeous face, a luxurious posture.

Just like a queen, she stands on the top of the world.

The red dress, with the snow on the top of Fuji mountain, forms the most striking contrast.

At the moment when the woman appeared, people only felt that even the heaven and earth were eclipsed.

All people kneel down again and again, like the most devout believers, meet their God of faith.

The Lianggong yingyue, under the guidance of xuzuo mingzun, walked to the altar in front step by step.

Among the altars, there was magma rolling and fire rising.

The altar is actually the crater of Mount Fuji.

In the ancient books of Japan, it was recorded that when the moon reads the God, he should be reborn in the fire.

Therefore, the so-called God awakening ceremony, in fact, is to send the Lianggong yingyue into the fire and magma to be reborn in the fire!

"Mingzun, it's OK."

"The good time has come to welcome the return of the moon god."

Among the crowd, Wangyue river suddenly came out, to xuzuo mingzun remind way.


Must Zuo mingzun nodded, only a good word.

After the words fall, we must help mingzun step on the mountain.

Blast ~

the strong wind swept over the sky and rolled up the snow and ice.

All of a sudden, around the altar, the golden light suddenly rises, and the rainbow light soars into the sky.

If you look closely, you can even see that there are obscure runes on the altar made of white jade.

At the same time, a powerful and respectful voice, all of a sudden, rang through the entire Mount Fuji.

"The God who has been sleeping for thousands of years, you are the envoy of heaven and the belief of Japan."

"You have disappeared for thousands of years, and you should return."

"May the moon read the gods, be reborn in the fire, and the king will return!"

Su Zuo mingzun holds his hands in front of his chest, and his voice of reverence resounds from all directions.

After him, the six great masters of the three gods Pavilion knelt down and drank together.

The voice of reverence, like waves, swept over the top of Mount Fuji.

"May the moon read the gods, be reborn in the fire, and the king will return!"

With these people's kneeling down, thousands of Japanese people all kneel down.

That one after another sound, impact on the whole world.

"Kneel to welcome, the moon to read the gods, bath fire rebirth, the King returns!"


"kneeling to welcome the return of the gods of the moon >.

In the numerous kneeling sounds, the gorgeous girl, bathed in the eyes of all, walked slowly towards the altar in front of her.

Unique style, luxurious posture.

The girls here are like the emperors who ascended the throne in ancient times.

Thousands bow down and all bow down.

The bells and drums ring together to enjoy the official songs.

The Phoenix crowns, the pearls and jades hang down the curtain.

However, in the face of this endless glory, there is no joy and excitement on the cool palace's pretty face reflecting the moon.

Yes, only endless sadness and nostalgia.

The last moment, finally or as promised.

After a few minutes, it is estimated that there is no such person as Lianggong yingyue in the world?

Like the white snow on the top of the mountain, scattered in the world with the wind, no one remembers and no one lingers.

However, even if Lianggong yingyue is nostalgic for this world, what can it do?

It's her destiny. She can't escape it.

She had no choice.

From the very beginning, she had been sacrificed her life to others.

She was born a sacrifice for which she was destined to die.

Red dress on the floor, green silk as snow.

Lianggong yingyue, lotus step moved slightly, walking slowly.

Obviously, she was only a few meters away from the altar, but somehow, she walked as long as a century.

Finally, when she reached the altar, she suddenly stopped. I stopped for a long time, but I didn't come forward.

Until the end, it seems that it is no longer difficult to control their own tears will flow down, flow all over the face.

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