After so many years, they have finally appeared a demon genius who has won the top ten in the sky list, but now he has been pushed out by the boxer emperor.

"What are you doing

"Not yet?"

"If I lost a genius in the temple of Chinese martial arts, how can you wait for the God of war to deal with you?"

The sword Saint Xiao Chen said to Mo Gu Cheng in a bad mood, and then they joined the team looking for Chu Tianfan in person.

Not long after they left, last night's World War I finally began to ferment within the scope of world martial arts.

"What do you say?"

"The first strong man in Japan, Xue Zhao failed?"

"That Chu Tianfan, really won?"

"Isn't it


"a teenager in his early twenties really pierced the whole Japanese martial arts road?"

"Is it possible?"

"With the power of one man, he set foot on a country?"

"My God!"

"How strong is he?"

"I'm afraid we can compete with the top 11 in the sky list?"

"Is Chinese martial arts really going to revive?"

"Is the dragon in the East really going to wake up?"


"ah ~"

"people are more angry than others."

"I was in my early twenties, eating, drinking, whoring, gambling and playing with women."

"What about others?"

"When I was a teenager, I became famous all over the world."

"After the war, it is estimated that none of the countries in the world knows the name of Chu Tianfan?"

In just a moment, the world's martial arts world exploded again.

On the Internet, in reality, teahouses and restaurants ~

wherever the sun and the moon can reach, rivers and rivers, all in all, almost all the places where martial arts are talking about Ye Fan's war with Xuezhao.

For a time, Ye Fan was no different.

In these days, Chu Tianfan's name even overshadowed the heat of rebirth of Yuedu.

After all, a 20-year-old man is an unprecedented achievement for the martial arts circle.

The last master of this age was the founder of Chumen hundreds of years ago.

The man of that year, as soon as he was born, he excelled in the world.

Rising at the end of the Wei Dynasty, Kaizong school led Chumen to the top of martial arts step by step.

He was the martial arts myth of that time.

Now, another demon appears.

Many people are saying that today's martial arts, a new myth, is about to appear.

The temple of martial arts.

Ye Qingtian had just returned from Jiangdong without any success, and he learned that Chu Tianfan had a great victory over Xuezhao on the top of Japan.

At that time, the God of war, excited, directly smashed the table in front of him.

"Good, good, good!"


"The dragon has finally come out of China ~"

"in the future, China's martial arts will be revived."

"I, the Chinese nation, will once again stand on the top of the world nation ~"

three good words in a row will shake the whole Yanshan mountain.

It's been too long. The dragon of China has been sleeping for too long.

Great China 5000 years of history, more than half of the time, are dominating the whole world!

Qin Dynasty unified, strong Han expedition, prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Once the name of China, deterrence the world!

But unfortunately, the decay of modern times, eventually let this once prosperous excessive, fall into the altar.

Even though the national strength is getting stronger and stronger, it is still far from the peak.

But now, Chu Tianfan, with one person's power, stepped down the whole Japanese martial Road, and undoubtedly once again played the magnificent power of this ancient oriental country.

At the same time, ye Qingtian once again saw the hope of returning to the peak of Chinese martial arts.

China is the birthplace of martial arts in the world. Thousands of years ago, half of the martial arts masters were almost Huaxia. Even the founder of Chumen is a Chinese.

But now, in the top ten of tianbang, none of them are Chinese martial arts?

This is the eternal pain in Ye Qingtian's heart.

But the appearance of Chu Tianfan undoubtedly gave him hope.

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