A divorced evil lady bakes cakes
Chapter 9
“It’s been a long time, Jacques, you recognize me.”
Erin looked back on her past to see if she had ever been close to him.
But I’ve never been close to this man for a single moment. This man was a notorious rascal and pompous man in the capital.
As soon as he checked Erin’s face, he sat down again.
He slowly returned to her cloudy eyes.
He said with a sly smile.
“What are you doing here? Duchess… …no, not anymore? Are you lady Marquis? So, añdy Erin , you’re here to gamble? Then you came to the wrong floor. You have to go downstairs.”
He sat on the sofa again and filled his pipe with medicine/herbs.
에린은 방 안에 다시 쓴 연기가 퍼지기 전에 찾아온 용건을 말했 다.
Erin said what came before the rewritten smoke spread in the room. (TN: I think this is what they mean: Erin spoke her business before the fumes fill the room.)
“도박을 하러 온 게 아닌데. 나 는 당신을 만나러 왔어. 내게 보 내 준 상품에 대해 할 말이 있어 서 말이지.”
“I’m not here to gamble. I came to see you. I have something to tell you about the product you sent me.”
“왜? 마음에 안 드십니까?”
“Why? You don’t like it?”
‘상품’이라는 말에 자작이 낄낄 거리며 웃었다.
He giggled at the word “product.”
그는 에린이 뭣 때문에 찾아왔 는지 분명히 알고 있었다. 자기 가 특별히 쓰레기 같은 물건을 보냈다는 것도.
He knew what Erin was coming for. He knew he’d sent something particularly trashy.
하지만 에린의 항의 따위는 조 금도 개의치 않는 듯했다.
But he didn’t seem to care about her protest.1
마음에 안 들면 어쩔 건데? 공작 한테 쫓겨난 주제에.
What if you don’t like it? The subject of being kicked out by the Duke. (TN: I think they mean: What has she to complain about? The Duke threw her out. She has no leg to stand on./no power to complain)
이렇게 생각하고 있는 게 행동 에서 드러났다.
His behavior revealed him thinking like this is how he thought. (TN: His behavior made it clear how he thought about her.)
“설마. 아주 좋은 물건이겠지.”
“No, it’s a very good thing.”
그래서 에린은 아무것도 모르는 척 순진한 미소를 지었다. 그리 고 천천히 이야기했다.
So Erin smiled innocently, pretending to know nothing. Then she talked slowly.
“좋은 물건을 받은 것 같아서 그대로 포장해서 황궁에 보냈지. 폐하께 바치는 선물로.”
“I thought I had a good item, so I packed it and sent it to the Imperial Palace. As a gift to His Majesty.” (TN: “I thought that the product I got was good. So I send it to the Imperial Palace as a gift for His Majesty.”)
“뭐, 뭐라고?”
“What, what?”
소파에 늘어져서 담뱃대에 불을 붙이던 자작이 담뱃대를 집어 던지고 벌떡 일어섰다.
The self-employed man, who was hanging down on the sofa and lighting the pipe, threw the pipe and jumped to his feet. (TN: The man, who sat on the sofa and smoked his pipe, threw his pipe and jumped on his feet.)
에린은 상대의 경악한 얼굴을 보며 천진하게 말했다.
Erin looked at the other’s face, and said innocently:
“폐하께서는 언제나 홍차만 드 시는데 이참에 커피도 드셔 보셨 으면 해서. 요즘 유행인데. 의사 에게 들으니 커피도 하루에 한 잔 정도면 건강에 좋다 더구나. 왜 그러지? 뭔가 문제라도 있나?”
“Your Majesty always drinks black tea, and I’d like you to try coffee at this time. It’s popular these days. I heard from a doctor that one cup of coffee a day is good for your health. What’s wrong? Is something wrong?” (TN: “His Majesty always drinks black tea. But I’d like him to try coffee. It’s very popular these days. I heard from a doctor that one a cup of coffee a day is good for your health. What’s wrong? Is there something wrong?”)
“그, 그…… 가게에서 쓰려고 주문한 거 아니었습니까? 응? 에 린 영애, 카페를 차리신다면서 요? 얼른 황궁에 사람을 보내서 다시 돌려 달라고 말을……. 이 번에 들어온 원두는 그게 전부라 서 당분간은 그렇게 많은 원두를 구할 수가 없다고…….”
“Wasn’t it for the store? Eh? I heard you’re going to open a cafe, Young-ae. “Hurry up and send someone to the palace and ask them to return it… …because that’s all the beans that came in this time is that I can’t get that many beans for the time being…” (TN: “Were the beans not for the store? Eh? I heard you were going to open a cafe, Young-ae. We should send someone to retrieve them from the palace because those are the beans I can get for the time being.”)
“카페에서 커피를 팔까 생각은 했는데, 생각해 보니까 내 가게 는 디저트 전문점이라서. 디저트 에는 커피보다는 홍차가 좋잖아? 음료 쪽은 홍차를 주력으로 하기 로 했지.”
“I was thinking of selling coffee at a cafe, but come to think of it, my store is a dessert shop. Black tea is better than coffee for dessert, right? I’ve decided to focus on black tea.”
에린의 천진한 설명에 자작은 멍하니 이쪽을 바라보았다. 그가 망연자실한 표정으로 더듬 거렸다.
Erin’s naive explanation gave him a blank look over here. He stammered with a look of dismay.
“그, 그렇지만 가…….그…… 원두가…….”
“He, but go… …he… …the beans…….”
“원두가 왜? 분명히 나는 비싼 원두를 주문했고, 여기 이렇게 주문 확인서도 있는데.”
“Why beans? Obviously I ordered expensive beans, and here’s the order confirmation.”
에린은 보란 듯이 품 안에서 종 잇장을 꺼내 흔들었다.
Erin took the bell’s lice out of her arms and shook it. (TN: I really don’t know what they mean by this.)1
빳빳한 종이 위에 원두 거래 내 역이 적혀 있었다.
On a stiff piece of paper was my station on the beans deal.
에린은 얄미울 만큼 천연덕스러 운 표정으로 아른트 자작에게 물 었다.
Erin with a faintly natural, tearful expression, asked the Earl of Arnt.
“3백 골드나 주고 원두를 주문 했는데 설마 상태가 안 좋은 원 두를 보내 준 건 아니겠지?”
I gave you 300 gold and ordered some beans, but you didn’t send me a bad one, did you?
자작은 이제야 상황을 파악한 듯 굳어진 낯으로 입을 다물었가
He shut his mouth with a hardened face, as if he had finally figured out the situation.
“하. 기가 막히는군. 이런 식으 로 보복을 하려고 들 줄은 몰랐 어. 기사단장하고 놀아나다가 쫓 겨났다길래 멍청한 여자인 줄 알 았는데.”
“Ha. It’s amazing. I didn’t expect you to retaliate like this. I thought you were a stupid woman when you were playing with the knights.”
자작이 감탄 섞인 실소를 머금 은 채 다시 자리에 앉았다.
He sat down again with his own admiring laughter.
어느새 형식적인 존대도 증발해 버렸다. 그가 떨어트렸던 담뱃대 를 주워 들고 불을 붙였다.
In no time, even the formal respect evaporated. He picked up the pipe he had dropped and lit it.
씁쓰름한 아편 연기가 흐릿하게 피어올랐다가 사라졌다.
Bitter opium smoke rose and then disappeared.
연기를 한 모금 들이마신 자작 이 비웃듯이 말했다.
This self-criticized drink of smoke said scoffingly. (TN: With a sneer the viscount/earl inhaled the smoke.)
“그런다고 내가 당신한테 무릎 꿇고 빌 줄 알았나, 후작 영애? 폐하께 질책을 받아도 하인들의 실수였다고 용서를 빌면 그만이 야. 자기가 잘못 보낸 거라고 나 대신 나서 줄 하인은 얼마든지 있어. 폐하께서는 자비로우신 분 이라 하인들의 실수를 용서해 주 실걸?”
“Did you think I’d beg you on my knees, Marquis Young-ae? If you ask for forgiveness that it was a servant’s fault even if you were reprimanded by the King. he will be the only one who will forgive you. There are plenty of servants who will stand up for me just because they sent it wrong. Your Majesty is merciful and will forgive the servants for their mistakes.” (TN: he’s telling her that a servant of his will take the blame for him and the Emperor will forgive him and the servant)
“그러면 나는 당신에게 원두를 보상해 주면 끝나는 거지. 돈으 로 줄 테니 받아 가라고, 대신, 앞으로는 원두를 받을 생각은 꿈 도 꾸지 마. 당신에게는 절대 팔 지 않겠어.”
“Then I’ll compensate you for the beans and it’ll be over. I’ll give you the money, take it, instead, don’t even dream of getting the beans from now on. I’ll never sell it to you.”
자작이 심술궂은 얼굴로 내뱉었다.
Viscount spit out with a nasty face.
분명 이 인간이 저런 식으로 ‘원두를 안 준다’ 라고 협박해서 등쳐 먹은 가게도 많을 것이다.
Obviously, there are many shops that this man threatened with ‘not giving beans’ like that.
‘다른 가게였다면 이 인간이 질 나쁜 원두를 줘도 어쩔 수 없이 그걸 골라서 써야만 했겠지.
‘If it was another store, even if this man gave me poor quality beans, I would have no choice but to pick and use it.
이 남자가 커피 원두의 판매를 독점하고 있으니 가게 주인들은 안 좋은 원두를 받아도 아무 말 도 하지 못한다.
As this man monopolizes the sale of coffee beans, shopkeepers can’t say a word even if they get bad ones.
이 남자에게 밉보이면 다음 달 부터 원두를 구하기 힘들어질 테 니까.
If you don’t like this guy, it’ll be hard to get the beans from next month.
에린도 순순히 동의했다.
Erin agreed.
“물론 실수였다고 용서를 빌고 보상도 해 준다고 하면 폐하께서 는 그냥 넘어가 주시겠지.”
“Of course, if you ask for forgiveness and reward you for making a mistake, your Majesty will just pass over.” (TN: She says that he asked for forgiveness and repent for his mistakes that his majesty will forgive him.)
“잘 알고 있군.”
“You know very well.”
“하지만 다른 사람들도 넘어가 줄까?”
“But will you let the others pass?” (TN: other traders/merchants will they let him forget his mistake)
이번에는 에린이 웃을 차례였 다.
It was Erin’s turn to laugh this time.
“상급품인지 썩은 쓰레기인지 구별도 못하고 돈을 받고 팔다 니. 무려 독점권까지 소유한 상 단이 그렇게 엉망진창으로 운영 된다는 게 알려지면 다른 상단들 이 뭐라고 할지 궁금하네.”
“You can’t tell whether it’s high-end or rotten, so you sell for money. I wonder what the other tops would say if it was known that the top, which owned even the monopoly, would operate like that.” (TN: I think ‘top’ means ‘merchant/trader’)
에린은 여유로운 웃음을 보이며, 천천히 말을 이었다.
Erin smiled leisurely, and spoke slowly.
“폐하께서 넘어가 주신다고 해 도 이렇게 엉망인 상단이 모두가 원하는 독점권을 갖고 있다니. 다른 상단들이 불공평하다고 항 의하지 않을까?”
“I can’t believe the top, which is such a mess, has the monopoly everyone wants. Wouldn’t the other tops object to unfairness?”
아른트 자작이 쫓겨난 공작 부 인에게 곰팡이가 핀 쓰레기 원두 를 3백 골드씩 받고 팔았다.
Arunde sold moldy garbage beans to this exiled duchess for 300 gold each.
이 사실이 널리 알려지면 실수 였다고 해명해도 사람들이 꼬투 리를 잡고 늘어질 것이다.
If this fact becomes widely known, people will be reluctant to explain that it was a mistake.
커피 원두를 수입해서 팔고 싶 어 하는 상단은 수없이 많았다.
There were countless shops that wanted to import and sell coffee beans.
그들은 모두 운 좋게 독점권을 얻은 아른트 가문을 눈엣가시 처럼 여기고 있을 게 뻔했다.
It was obvious that they were all looking at the Arnt family as a thorn in their eyes, who were lucky to get the monopoly.
독점권을 가진 이상 지켜야 될 수칙이 있다. 최대한 공정하게 거래하고 물품과 관련해서 잡음 이 나지 않게 하는 것.
As long as you have exclusive rights, there are rules to follow. To trade as fairly as possible and to make no noise in relation to the goods. (TN: noise as in drama/problems)
그런데 독점권을 갖고 있으면서 멀쩡한 물건 대신 쓰레기를 보내 고 그걸 황제한테까지 올라가게 만들었다.
However, he had the exclusive rights but send trash instead of fine goods. and even sent it up to the emperor.
커피 열매의 판매권을 노리고 있는 다른 상단들은 그런 명분을 내세워서 아른트 자작을 공격할 것이다.
Other tops aiming to sell the coffee beans will use that justification to attack Arnette.
이 기회를 놓치지 않고 연줄을 대고 있는 대신들을 부추겨서 어 떻게든 아른트 가문의 독점권을 없애려고 아우성치겠지.
They’ll be trying to get rid of the Arndts’ monopoly by encouraging the deputies who are in contact with them without missing this opportunity.
황제도 실수였다고 하면 넘어가 주긴 하겠지만, 쓰레기 원두를 선물로 받은 장본인이다 보니 이 번 일을 내심 불쾌하게 생각할 것이다.
If the emperor says it was a mistake, he will let it go, but since he is the one who received the trash beans as a gift, he will find this unpleasant.
대신들 중 누군가가 ‘그렇게 물 품 관리를 못하는 사람에게 독점 권한을 맡기는 건 좋지 않습니 다. 라고 건의하면 독점권을 회수 해 버릴 가능성이 컸다.
If one of the lieutenants/deputies/ministers suggests, “It’s not good to give exclusive rights to someone who can’t manage their water supplies like that,” it is highly likely that the monopoly will be recovered. (TN: ‘water supplies’ probably means business; recovered > revoked/stopped)
에린이 염두에 둔 것은 바로 그 부분이었다.
That’s exactly what Erin had in mind.
에린은 자작의 넓적한 얼굴이 흙빛으로 변하는 걸 보면서, 자 신의 생각이 적중했음을 확인했 다.
Erin saw his wide face turn to earth, confirming that God’s thoughts were right. (TN: ‘Erin saw his wide face turn to earth’ probably mean his face turn white/ash; ‘confirming that God’s thoughts were right’ > her thoughts were right on the matter or they have the same thoughts what will happen in this situation)
“그, 그건…….”
“Well, that’s…”
거기까지는 생각해 보지 못했는 지 자작이 당황해서 어물거렸다.
I had not thought about it so far, and I was embarrassed.
그러게 왜 사람을 등쳐 먹으려 고 해?
So why are you trying to eat people back? (TN: I think he means “why is she like this?”/”Why is she attacking me back?”)
하긴 이렇게 될 줄은 몰랐겠지.
But I didn’t know it would be like this.
에린이 이렇게 일을 크게 만들 줄은 몰랐을 것이다. 기껏해야 환불해 달라고 애원하다가 포기 하고 돌아갈 거라고 생각했으리라.
I wouldn’t have thought Erin would make this big. At best, I though she would begged for a refund and would give up and go back.
이 남자는 부유한 귀족이다 보 니 황궁 행사에도 자주 참석했 다.
Since this man is a wealthy noble, he often attended events at the Imperial Palace.
황궁에서 살던 에린은 어떤 수 모를 당해도 참기만 하는 소심한 여자였다.
Erin, who lived in the imperial palace, was a timid woman who could bear any unknown loss.
그 시절의 에린을 본 사람이라 면 에린을 호구처럼 만만하게 여 길 만도 했다.
He saw Erin in those days, so he did not hesitate to do so. (TN: ‘to do so’ > scam her/treat her like this)
그때의 에린은 진짜 호구였으니 까.
Erin was a real pushover then.
“제대로 된 원두를 내놓으시지.”
“Give me the right beans.”
에린은 자작에게 다가가서 한 손을 내밀었다.
Erin went over to Jacques and held out a hand.
“나는 분명히 상급품을 주문했 고 돈도 냈으니 제대로 된 ‘최상 급품’을 내놔. 그러면 폐하께 바 치는 선물을 잘못 보냈다고 황궁 에 연락해서 원두 상자를 돌려 달라고 하겠어.”
“I’m sure I ordered a high-quality product and paid for it, so give me a proper ‘best-of-the-line’. Then I will contact the Imperial Palace and ask them to return the box of beans.”
에린의 협박에 자작은 입을 다 물었다. 어떻게 해야 할지 이것 저것 계산하는 눈치였다. 복잡한 눈빛 너머로 머리를 굴리는 소리 가 들리는 것 같았다.
Erin’s threats left his mouth shut. He seemed to be calculating what to do. I could hear the sound of my head rolling over the complex eyes. (TN: ‘I could hear the sound of my head rolling over the complex eyes.’ I think it means: you could hear the gears turn in his head while he had a complex look on his face)
잠시 후 자작은 손을 들었다.
After a while, he raised his hand. (TN: he gave up??)
“좋아. 당신이 주문한 대로 최 상급품을 3백 골드만큼 보내 주 지. 아니 보내 드리지요.”
“Okay. I’ll send you 300 gold of the highest quality as you ordered. No, I’ll let you go.” (TN: 300 gold worth)
“Six times.” (TN: the ‘times’ doesn’t really make sense. It more like she says “600”)
“6백 골드만큼 내놔. 전부 최상 급품으로, 당신 잘못이니 피해 보상을 해 줘야지. 여기까지 오 게 만든 수고비도 계산해야 되 고.”
“Give me 600 gold. It’s all the best, it’s your fault, so you have to compensate for the damage. You have to pay for the hard work I’ve made here.” (TN: she tells him that she wants beans worth of 600 gold instead)
“이, 이봐, 아무리 그래도 두 배 로 달라니 너무 심하잖아?”
“Hey, hey, but it’s too much to ask for double, right?”
“당신은 내 돈을 떼먹고 절반 값도 안 되는 쓰레기를 줬잖아.”
“You took my money and gave me less than half the trash.” (TN: he gave her trash that’s worth less than half the money she payed)
Read latest Chapters at WuxiaWorld.Site Only자작은 반박하지 못했다. 에린 은 침착하게 그를 협박했다.
Jacques could not refute it. Erin calmly threatened him.
“내 말을 들어주지 않으면 나는 아무 일도 하지 않고 가만히 있 을 거야. 그리고 황제 폐하는 물 론이고 대신들 모두에게 탄원서 를 쓰겠어. 당신이 내게 사기를 쳤다고 말야.”
“If you don’t listen to me, I won’t do anything and stay still. And the Emperor is Mulrone, and I will write a petition to all of them. You cheated on me.” (TN: ‘And the Emperor is Mulrone, and I will write a petition to all of them.’ I think they are trying to say: she’ll write a complaint to the emperor and his subordinates)
잠시 후 자작은 두 손을 들었 다. 그가 이를 악물고 대답했다.
After a while, he raised his hands. He replied clenched his teeth. (TN: ‘he raised his hands’ > he gives up, like in rising a white flag in sign that he lost the battle (What I think they mean))
“Okay, I’ll give you everything you want.”
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