Chapter 580 – Shocked Ge’er and Shan.

Cole listened to Song Jin’s words and quickly asked Song Jin to contact his friend, Cole now doesn’t want to stay here for a minute, this rainforest is too dangerous.

Jack listened to Song Jin and didn’t say anything, he was silent for a while and looked at the others and bowed his head, Jack didn’t want to leave here now, the blood orchid hadn’t been found yet, he couldn’t leave here now, Jack just let Song Jin contact the ship and hijack these people to continue to the Satan Basin.

“I’ll contact now.”

Song Jin took the satellite phone and started to sail with his friend Livingston, who was on the Toku River, and if he could contact Livingston, he could get out of here in his boat.

In the end, Songjin and Livingston bargained, and Livingston promised to pick up Songjin and the others, but they had to cross a mountain to reach the Toku River to get on Livingston’s boat.

Cole was a little afraid and objected to crossing this mountain.

“What? Want to cross this mountain? This is a tropical rainforest, there may be those pythons in it, can’t we go along the river? ”

Song Jin said to Cole with some helplessness,

“It takes a few days to walk along the river, and it takes less than a day to cross here, and besides, won’t there be giant pythons by the river?”

“Let’s go through here”

“Then go through here, after all, it’s not safe there now.”

Mitchel and Douglas agreed to Song Jin’s proposal after thinking about it, and now they have no way, after all, Song Jin and Achuan live here and know the situation here.

Jack looked at the men and began to pack up his belongings, he now wanted to find the ship immediately and continue his search for the blood orchid.

Su Chen took two beautiful chicks to wear around the rainforest, the climate here is very humid and hot, Ge’er and Shan also untied their clothes, but Su Chen let them put on their clothes again.

“Su Chen, we are showing you benefits, you still don’t appreciate it.”

Ge’er saw that Su Chen dressed himself again and looked at this bastard differently and said, Ge’er knew that Su Chen, the bastard, had been bullying himself on the road, but at this time, how did this bastard get serious again.

Shan was also dressed by Su Chen with a red face, and she didn’t expect Su Chen to do this, could it be that this bastard is not good now?

Su Chen each slapped Ge’er and Shan’s butts and said,

“I said that some brains are good, this is a tropical rainforest, there are a lot of poisons in insects here, do you want to be bitten by some poisons?”

“This…. Isn’t this with you to protect us? ”

Ge’er said with some embarrassment, she had just forgotten that there were a lot of bugs here, but she was also very hot now.

Shan is also a little unbearable to the climate here, her head is a little dizzy now, Shan is basically leaning on Su Chen and walking now.

Su Chen looked at Ge’er and Shan, they couldn’t stand the climate here, he thought about it and took out two bottles of ice cola from the system space and gave them to Ge’er and Shan.

“One Coke per person.”

Ge’er took the ice cola handed to Su Chen and asked in surprise,

“Ah, Su Chen, this is ice cola? Where did you take it from? ”

“Su Chen, how the hell did you do it?”

Shan is also very shocked with ice coke now, she has been following Su Chen, at this time, Su Chen has no place to put these cokes, Shan looks at Su Chen and feels that he is becoming more and more mysterious.

Su Chen also took out a bottle of Coke and drank it and said to them,

“Drink it quickly, if you are thirsty, ask me for it, don’t ask me where I got these cokes now, when this search for blood orchids is over, I will tell you all my secrets.”

Shan looked at Su Chen and smiled and said,

“Okay, then let you tell us later.”

Ge’er also drank ice coke and asked Su Chen,

“Well, yes, but don’t you forget what you said this time? But Su Chen, do you have anything to eat? I didn’t eat any food in the morning. ”

“Ge’er, Shan, do you want chicken rolls?”

Su Chen took out some chicken rolls and asked Ge’er and Shan.



Su Chen watched Ge’er directly grab the chicken roll in his hand and eat it, and he gave the rest to Shan.

Ge’er held a coke in one hand and a chicken roll in the other and ate it and said,

“How I feel like we’re on vacation right now.”

“Well, we also feel this way, as long as we don’t encounter those giant pythons, it’s good to play here.”

·Ask for flowers·

Shan drank Coke and smiled and said, Su Chen looked at Ge’er and Shan a little speechless and said,

“Take a fart vacation, there is nothing here, and it is very dangerous, aren’t you afraid?”

“Afraid of what? With you, the sharpshooter, even those pythons will be killed by you when they come. ”

“Yes, you want to be our man, now is the time for you to behave.”

Su Chen shook after listening to Ge’er and Shan’s words, there is still a distance from those headhunters, and he can’t get there today.

Su Chen also didn’t want to go to the headhunter now, if he went early, I’m afraid that Jack and they haven’t arrived yet, and Su Chen still wants that Jack to take him to find those blood orchids.


Su Chen looked at Ge’er and Shan’s perfect figure and smiled and said,

“I’ll behave, just wait and see”

“That’s the best.”

After Su Chen took Ge’er and Shan for a while to walk, he found that there was also a huge stone in front of him, and it was still very flat, Su Chen wanted to rest here at night, anyway, this place is half a day’s walk away from the tribe of the headhunter.

Su Chen pulled Ge’er and Shan here and said to them,

“I’ll rest here tonight, and we won’t rush when it’s getting dark.”

Shan looked at this place is very empty, it is not suitable to rest here at all,

“Nothing here so resting? Let’s find a big tree or a cave. ”

Ge’er looked at Su Chen and was a little speechless,

“Yes, if it rains or some beasts at night, we don’t even have a place to hide.”

Su Chen smiled and took out a tent from the system space and began to set it up, he didn’t look at Ge’er and Shan’s expressions and knew them but was very surprised, but Su Chen also had to spend with Ge’er and Shan tonight, this time it was not on the boat, and no one would disturb them here.

Ge’er and Shan now looked at Su Chen like a monster, those colas and chicken rolls were small items after all, they thought that Su Chen would become a magic hidden item.

But the appearance of this tent is a little outrageous, even if this Su Chen can change magic, it is impossible to conjure up a large tent.

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