
Pei Shouyan got up and called Jiang Sheng, but Jiang Sheng was gone and went up to the second floor.

He was a little upset. Jiang Sheng even left his real husband and went to Baihe?

Can be angry to return angry, or command magic uncle, "no one is allowed to go up."

Sit down and be angry.

"It's the young master."

At the command, uncle moo waved his hand and invited two of his men to come in and stood at the entrance of the stairs.

Baihe's men, they anxiously look upstairs, but dare not go up.

Just talking to Jiang Sheng, let Jiang Sheng save Baihe's subordinate Bai Jing Yi and say, "let's go outside and see the ten team leaders."

"But what about young master Bai? Just leave him alone? "

"Yes! When I go back, how can I tell old lady Bai? "

Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, hesitantly look at Baijing one.

"Let's take a look at the injury of the tenth captain. If it's serious, you'll send him back for treatment. I'll wait for the young master myself and will send him home safely."

The men had no other way, so they nodded and followed Baijing out.

As soon as they left, Hei Ming immediately turned his laptop to Pei Weiyan, Pei Silan, and told the two of them, "this Baihe is the white master of the three family associations of exorcists. It is said that the former Bai family was the head of exorcists, which was equal to the powerful existence of Yin Yang master's family of sister-in-law. But after the grandfather and uncle father passed away one after another, the burden of the white family fell on him

"The above information shows that after he took over the Bai family, the year after year is worse than the year before, and the white family has lost its former glory. Now it is compared with the other two families, and it is difficult to survive."

"However, the old lady of the Bai family, that is, the mother of Baihe, has some prestige in the Exorcist world. She has been supported by her mother so far, and has not been looked down upon by others."

"So what Fan Tian said is that the people we can't afford to provoke should be because the other party is an exorcist or the successor of a large family."

After the explanation, he closed his laptop, and then raised his eyebrow to Pei Silan and Pei Weiyan, asking them what they thought, whether to grasp the line of Baihe, and continue to find out the behind the scenes cell users.

After all, the non-human and exorcists are antagonistic. Although they are not the same as before, they fight and kill when they meet, but we should be on guard. We don't know how many non-human people died in exorcists' hands.

Pei Weiyan said, "it's really hard for us to contact with exorcists directly, but I think that baihezhi seems to have no hatred towards us as non-human beings. There should be no problem in positive contact."

Peisi ran, "ordinary exorcists, see non-human will show hostility, but he did not, that means, can approach."

"It's true that the average Exorcist hates non-human beings, but he doesn't have a normal conversation with us."

Hei Ming was also a little curious. Why didn't Baihe hate them.

When the three of them were in doubt, the magic uncle suddenly lowered his head and interposed, "there should be non-human beings living in the house of young master Bai."

"Does the Exorcist live in a nonhuman home?"

Hei Ming's face is full of amazement, and Pei Shiyan, who is also surprised, looks at each other.

But they know that uncle magic never says anything that is uncertain. Once it is said from his mouth, it is very likely that it is true.

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