A Dragon's Curiosity

Chapter 100: The First Lesson

Walking away from the bickering pair of daughter and father Nisha wondered what she could do since her admission was taken care of. Henry didn’t mention anything about when he would be done with his own procedures or if they would meet up afterwards, hence she could only take a look around the campus by herself.

As a new member, she looked forward to exploring every nook and cranny in this establishment. Hidden secrets, exciting adventures, incredible wealth of knowledge, all of it was yet unseen by her.

With a spring in her step, the dragon skipped along the stone paved paths in the direction of the gate. Each of the buildings, either new clean cut styled architecture or dilapidated crumbling halls, sported the historic charm only buildings eroded by the bite of time could radiate.

Wistfully throwing a longing gaze at the different buildings, Nisha wished time could flow faster, a whole week still needed to pass before the regular lessons would start. Overall, it made quite the confusing contrast, her posture and stride brimmed with eagerness while her melancholic eyes and small pink frowning mouth set that picture off.

This discrepancy did not stay hidden for long. Despite the early hour, her figure wasn’t the only one perusing the academy grounds. Sitting behind a stone table, a man clad in robes adorned with a rose twining around a sword rested on the corresponding stone bench. Based on the steam rising from his cup sitting on the table, his beverage was scalding hot. Enjoying the aroma and ignoring the cold morning mist, he had his eyes closed in contentment. Even in her eager mood, the tranquil picture stopped her in her tracks. Within his black hair, three single streaks of white were slipped in, adding onto his dignified appearance. Judging by the fragrance, he fancied Pacas as well, the aroma quite unique.

“Well, don’t stand just there. Take a seat, will you.”

The ability to see his surroundings despite having his eyes closed did not surprise Nisha, her own capabilities far exceeded such trivialities. However, it did not explain the sudden interest the unknown man took in her, just like a few others she simply walked around here.

Inspecting the gentleman in turn, Nisha was astonished to notice she could not catch even a thread of aura or mana on him. A true contradiction.

Aura was the root of life. While some rare species managed to exist without possessing aura, at least in Nisha’s limited understanding, these exceptions also did not have a material body as well. A breathing body required a rudimentary amount of aura, a spiritual body needed a wisp of mana. An iron law of nature. Even the most controlled warrior and the most skillful mage the dragon had encountered so far simply managed to subdue their respective power, not erase it. Intrigued by the irregularity this man represented, Nisha seated herself on the bench on the opposite side of the table.

“Good morning. How may I help you?”

His voice, withered and aged beyond his appearance, revealed a trace of interest. Contrary to the stillness in his demeanor, atmosphere and lack of gestures, a small spark of interest still showed through.

“Isn’t it quite rude to ask for someone else’s name before introducing yourself? At least that’s what I have learned, if it isn’t true, I will have to give my etiquette teacher some very bad news. My name is Nisha.”

Even in an unfamiliar setting, Nisha’s playful nature did not change. Even god himself would not get more respect from her unless he earned it.

And she already knew a pair of goddesses, which managed to do just that.

“Certainly, where are my manners. My name is Kenelm, I am merely one of the many teachers employed by this grand academy. Are you perchance a new student?”

Sipping on his Pacal, Kenelm wetted his throat before he waited for an answer.

“Indeed, starting from the next Day of Fire I will be a student here.

If I may ask, which courses are you teaching, Mister Kenelm?”

Overall, Nisha had a positive first impression towards the elderly teacher, considering this was the first one of his profession she met inside the academy.

Therefore, the elf was genuinely interested to know about his discipline.

“Hmm, that’s hard to say these days. Mostly I’m just researching, however I do still teach some minor lectures about history, economy, you know, what no one cares about anymore. Trust me, once you learn about the more popular majors, you will not care about it either.”

A trace of melancholy disturbed the tranquility, before he covered it up with a mask of indifference.

“Well, at least I’m able to research whatever I want thanks to that. Currently, I’m testing if Pacal tastes better in the morning or the afternoon. I’m sure future generations will remember me for my outstanding services.”

While the sentence itself was laced with sarcasm to the point where it nearly dropped on the table, the robed man didn’t sound bitter about it. Rather, it sounded almost liberating.

“As it happens, I have taken a liking to history recently. To prepare for my stay at this fine institution and as part of my own interest, I studied a bit at the library recently. Thus, entertain me, if you wouldn’t mind.”

The indifferent attitude somewhat irritated the dragon. This was a teacher! In her mind, they were lofty figures governing old knowledge to hand it down to a new generation. The exaggerated image in her mind shattered at this point.

Simply put, his aloof demeanor poked her defiant nature.

“Is that so. Would you mind telling me then what Julien III. did for our kingdom and how it impacted the realm?”

The off hand question seemed insignificant, however Nisha actually recognized the name. One of the books she read cross referenced the circumstances of King Julien III., the truly insidious part of the question wasn’t just how long it was in the past though.

“Well, I do have heard of him. If I remember correctly, he was the king to remove the protection of the slaves in a fit of rage over one of his own slaves running away.”

Seeing the aged man’s sneer, she continued, just as she planned. She was planning to thoroughly trash him.

“Now that I think about it, he’s mostly known for his wife though, Queen Alejandra I., who took over the rule after Thurgau sank into a mad caste war with slaves rising against their owners who abandoned all civility, which also claimed the life of the so called ‘mad’ king.

Under her guidance, the realm entered a golden age, through her designs of the servant distinction and establishing a more firm than ever framework to protect all servants and slaves. She’s hailed as one of the greatest female rulers to have ever emerged from the Loewe line.”

Begrudging respect settled in Kenelm’s face, nodding along with her recount of the historical events.

“You do know your history. Should have asked about one of the more obscure rulers, who knew someone actually still reads history books.

I take it you are an exception though, the trend speaks for itself. How are we supposed to avoid repeating the mistakes of our past if no student can even bother to open a textbook anymore?”

Downing the rest of his cup in a single gulp, he returned to his decapitation of stillness, not bothering to make conversation anymore.

Mulling over his words,  Nisha couldn’t just take his opinion just by sitting down.

“Allow me a question in turn. If you hate these kind of people, which you obviously do, why would you bother to teach history at all? Or ask mean questions at the first meeting, possibly discouraging new students. Aren’t you a teacher?”

While the elf wasn’t a student herself yet, the inquiry still held true, if Kenelm acted out every time someone took interest in his classes, wouldn’t they all be empty?

“Bah, who wants some students faking their interest instead of a few who have a real attachment to the past. Don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’re an elf as well. Did you come from the Eternal Forest with your family because of the messenger bearing the golden scale? Clearly they didn’t do a good job while educating their little spy, giving away how much you’ve been informed about our history in advance to pick up possible leads to the dragon’s goal.

Just as you are here, hundreds of similar children with similar circumstances will enroll, I have no interest in teaching those. History has shown this pattern before, it will happen this time again. You can claim you are different or beg me to allow you into my class, the result will not change.”

Finished ranting to an unrelated party that just happened to pass by, the robed teacher tossed away the cup, which shattered into smaller and smaller pieces midair until it fell to the ground as powder. Just as the restrained energy circling his body, Nisha was unable to see the fine and detailed patterns holding the mana inside the item until it broke apart in the air. Only then did she realize it was produced by a spell, likely an advanced application of earth magic.

In order to watch the whole process, Nisha had to pause for a moment, on the other hand this also allowed her to gather her thoughts for a good reply.

“You say you don’t want to cater to these kind of people and also called me a spy.

Well, if there are any spies mixed in with the crowd of new students attending soon, I sure hope they don’t end up in your lectures. Simply by you ranting on I’ve already learned a similar situation happened in the past and you only got false information about me. Let me tell you, I’ve been born in this kingdom and I’ve always felt myself belonging to this place. Merely by looking like an elf, you, a teacher here, considered me a foreigner and revealed your contempt, spilling more and more the longer I listened. Who knows if there are no spies from Leandar in your vicinity as well? Does that make them less?

At least on my part, we share a sentiment. When I pick my courses, I don’t want you as one of my teachers.”

Straightening the creases in her dress, the dragon got up and left with a quick stride, the mere presence of Kenelm nauseated her. Educators were extremely important in her world view, grooming the next generation in charge of the world and her first teacher had been Eldrin, who would hold an important spot in her heart forever, Kenelm wasn’t even qualified to stand on the same level by her standards.

Kenelm mused about her words, taken aback a student raised her voice against him. There were not many individuals who would dare to do that inside the academy grounds, even fewer if he counted the ones who knew him in the past.

Strictly speaking, he could discount the implications of her speech as nonsense, yet he chose not to do so. He didn’t bother holding a grudge against a youngling just starting to attend the academy. Even if she cursed him and used expletives, foolishness was the privilege of youth. Rather, her arguments made him appreciate her mind more, being able to grasp a few concepts already with only sparse traces in his words.


Retrieving a pouch from his robe, he wrote down her name and left the area as well, with small grains of hardened marble littering the grass besides the table and bench.

Returning home after losing her drive to explore the other structures, Nisha was greeted by Galan, who carried some wooden chests the size of a fist around.

“Good day, Mistress Nisha. Are you back from the academy? Did you face any difficulties during your enrollment?”

Faced with a high level member of the House, the butler delayed his current task to listen for additional instructions.

“No, everything went well, uncle. Don’t worry, Henry showed me most of the important stuff and I think I can figure the rest out when the new week starts. Speaking of him … can you tell Henry I’m back at the stables when he returns? I’ll go and play with Accalia there.”

Looking forward to play with her adorable little wolf, the dragon put all of the events which had occurred just a few candles ago behind her, not minding them enough to actually bother Galan and in proxy Luthais with them.

“Certainly, I will relay your message. Go ahead, young mistress.”

Having taken care of the most urgent tasks she had to do, Nisha rushed up to her own bedroom to casually grab the pup which was playing around with the sheets on her bed before heading to the stables.

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