A Dragon's Curiosity

Chapter 189: The Perfect Discipline

Anyone want to edit in exchange for drive access? I've got some backlog of unedited chapters ...

Tyne Pinewood looked at the four runts before him.

He had picked them based on their ability to resist his suppression, an ability cultivated from killing monsters and beasts for several hundred turns in the Dungeon and the Wilderness.

Rather than saying that it was his imposing bearing or dignity cultivated over time, the image really changed over time together with his experiences.

The [Eternal Warrior] could only make minor tweaks to the mental vision too, hence he rarely used it besides his battle state.

Nevertheless, most high level fighters among humans, beasts and other races had similar ways to express their personal manifestation of cultivation.

Without strength equal to the source or an item that specifically targets the suppression, resisting a higher level opponent became close to impossible.

“Most of you should have heard of my name, or our party, before, and perhaps you have some expectations for having the [Eternal Warrior] as a teacher.

In fact, the Guild and the Academy brought up to our team several times in the past, and one of our members needs something offered by the [Adventurer’s Guild], yet the purchase conditions contain a stipulation where [Silvershroud] has to offer tutoring for promising students.

Since it can’t be helped, I have agreed to come and see what the most talented new generation is capable off with the best resources and the optimal training conditions.”

When Tyne started his opening speech, he still had a glow around him like an invincible champion or a glorious soldier.

Yet as time went on, Nisha gradually got a bad premonition.

And sure enough, the man pulled out a dillipated lawn chair fitting right with his dusty robe and messy style.

Laying on his side on top of the long piece of furniture, the [Eternal Warrior] beamed at the four recruits before him.

“In fact, [Silvershroud] accepted similar commissions in the past, so they all went ecstatic when they heard that our team agreed, promising the resources and rights to several services without hesitation.

As far as I know, the past graduates of the special nurturing program still hold high posts in the kingdom’s army or offices.

For the specifics, I’m not too sure.

You see, it was one of my brothers who always did the job when it came up, he has a knack for teaching and enjoys fostering the growth of talents.

No matter how difficult it appeared, he always made sure his students excelled at life.

Sadly, he is currently in closed door cultivation to break through a bottleneck in his aura level, hence there was no one interested in substituting for him.

As teammates, [Silvershroud] bought the item he needed anyway and decided that it did not matter as much if someone else tries the teacher role, and we held a meeting to decide the substitute.”

Yawning once, Tyne picked one of his ears with his little finger, laying on the side and diabolically grinning towards his future victims.

“During the meeting, no one really wanted to step forward and deal with some little hatchlings playing house in a fenced vegetable garden.

Most of the high ranking adventurers did not go through an academy of sorts, can you imagine?

Anyway, when the Mad Witch, [Burning Skies], volunteered to take up the task, and we all agreed that turning the prospective talents of the kingdom into burned carcasses is not a good way to treat our relations with the crown seriously.

Since the meeting yielded no results, we took a vote who has to go, and what do you guess, I slept through the meeting and ended up with all you guys here.”

The elf observed her peers and noticed how their flattering and smiling complexions gradually worsened as Tyne narrated on his own, all the way until the two noble youths had concerned and dismayed expressions and the young lad from her class just looked lost.

Nisha herself refrained from showing much emotions, although her sky blue scarf helped with hiding her face, which might not be an obstacle for such a powerful warrior though.

“To conclude, I picked you four after some considerations and now have a rather heavy burden from the expectations placed on you lot after my training.

If you do not excel, this will reflect badly on me and [Silvershroud] and if you end up brilliant fighters, it’s just as expected, isn’t that messed up somehow?

Furthermore, once the Guild and the [Royal Academy] judge that the joint training program has less than desirable results, they will cut the funding and resources, which will make it even harder to succeed, and in turn leads to more cuts.

I asked my team member for some advice on the training before he started his seclusion, but my understanding towards training weaker beings is all theory and no praxis.

So, for the sake of my leisure time and reputation as a [Silvershroud] member, you really only have on path in front of you.

Whether it’s climbing through a mountain of blades or diving in a sea of fire, you four recruits have to succeed regardless of the cost and pain necessary to do so.

And I will employ all tactics and techniques I know to help you along the way.

Hurray towards a successful cooperation!

Now, start running along the path. I will tell you when it’s enough.”

The lazy figure next to the only exit to the lot waved his hand at the students and started paying attention to the dirt under his nails, still smiling sardonically at something only Tyne knew.

Wind picked up scattered leaves and broken bamboo sections all over the yard.

No one talked and waited for more specific instructions or a specific goal.

Several breaths passed and eventually Nisha realized that nothing more was going to happen.

So, the dragon turned around and began walking to the small trodden path next to the walls and which led over the two small bridges.

Once there, she picked up the pace and jogged at a moderate pace in direction of the second half, where the bamboo grove occupied most of the middle portion.

The youth from her class hesitated, torn between obeying the orders of a famous warrior and teacher and moving under the eyes of the noble offspring.

As commoners in a royal institute, most attendees quickly learned to distinguish who had wellborn roots and could not be offended.

Eventually, his resolve caved and he followed the elf’s example, walking to the path and sprinting for a short distance to catch up.

He knew neither name or background from anyone in the joint training program with him, he only had the order from the [Eternal Warrior] as a reference and told himself that following orders should not offend the young nobles.

As a result, two students paced along the yard, and two remained standing in front of Tyne and stared at him with disbelieving eyes.

“Ser Tyne, you might not know, but my family offered a share of the resources for this program, can you at least explain your overall training plan or give us a hint what you seek to accomplish?

Running alone is …”

The voices gradually faded enough that even Nisha no longer heard them clear enough to follow the conversation.

Similar to the warrior training ground where the selection happened, this yard with the bamboo grove and the small stream had a sizeable area, the grove deceptively influenced the sense of distance.

Consequently, the distance the trainees had to traverse increased as well.

To the dragon, who travelled as she pleased despite being blind and at a lower aura level, a light jog of this level at most reminded her of the [Hunting Grounds] and served as a appetizer.

Her cultivation might have returned to the peak of the third rank, yet the overall size of her energy pool did not shrink or fall in quality.

All the power the elf expended on moving regenerated faster from the ambient energy in the air than she spent it, in theory Nisha had the ability to keep up this pace infinitely.

The most surprising aspect had to be the small circulation of [Dragon Force] inside her body.

Nisha had control of a small amount compared to the overall quantity existing, and the circulating amount came from the part outside of her control.

Based on the goddesses explanation, a [Force] belonged to the third realm of cultivation and was not a thing the dragon was supposed to acquire this early in her path of cultivation.

The faster she mastered this abnormal source of energy, the more benefits would come with it.

Wherever the stream of energy passed inside her limbs and torso, small improvements happened to her physique.

By just acquiring it in the first place, Nisha already received a relatively big growth spurt, which would surely be a topic when she returned to the Dharnas estate, the elf had slipped out in the morning without breakfast to avoid anybody noticing the big difference.

Now it seemed like the change did not finish yet, and her growth received an overall boost compared to a true elf child.

The young man running behind her had no idea about the complex line of thoughts going on in her head, he just admired her for being able to keep a moderately fast pace without showing signs of being out of breath or slowing down.

“What do you mean, we don’t have to know? This is an outrage, do you know who I am?

The Silverwood house paid enough gold and rare resources to buy a small town into this project, and as a descendant of a major noble, I demand a serious attitude from an instructor hired from [Silvershroud].

Do you think I will not inform my grandfather of the egregious mismanagement happening here?”

Stomping her feet, the noble girl pointed at the lounging Tyne Pinewood, who finished clearing his ears and now scratched the soles of his foot, his pair of slippers tossed next to the long chair he rested on.

“I may not have the same status as Miss Silverwood, but I agree with her opinion.

The Blackfield Count himself informed me about the great chance we were supposed  to receive, not a simple drill instructor who wastes our time while slacking off.

Please correct your attitude, Ser Pinewood.”

Nisha started to hear the conversation - which still went on - again, after finishing roughly half a lap around the place.

Apparently, neither of the noble scions were satisfied with their task and argued, while the [Eternal Warrior] hardly cared about them.

The young man behind her might not have the same sharp senses, but he also looked at the pair arguing with a living legend quite oddly.

When the duo prepared to pass the noise and go into their second round around the grove and training field, the lazy adventurer waved them over and sat up.

“So troublesome ...”

He does not care at all, does he? At least, a famous warrior should not say such things out loud.

Nisha blinked at the undisguised disregard to the most outstanding youths picked from the kingdom’s most famous academy and walked over as instructed.

Four students gathered in front of Tyne like the beginning, although the leisurely atmosphere rapidly dried up.

“Some of you informed me of the misgivings you have with my teaching method. To assuage your worries and prevent the same thing from happening in the future, I will explain it to you once and trust that you will agree with my means without a detailed play by play every time.

Seriously, do you have any idea about running as a training method?

It’s the perfect discipline!”

Before anyone had a chance to answer, Tyne went on with a passionate light in his eyes for the first time since the four knew him.

“By running, you stimulate most of the muscles on your body, in addition to improving the circulation of your blood and aura. As a consequence, the inner organs also get nurtured and more healthy, while the constant expenditure of energy and required replenishment once you run out of reserves tempers the body and advances your aura rank.

Not just that, the long term training effects include increased stamina, faster recovery speed and heightened concentration, not to mention the health benefits.

Do you know how many adventurers have to give up their dreams of reaching the top, because their bodies start to break down before they can overcome the limit to the next rank?

Steady workouts through running help minimize the invisible damage to your innards, and constant effort nourishes the bones too. Did you know …”

The first lesson they received from the [Eternal Warrior] really deserved praise, it taught them about the perfect discipline.

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