A Dragons Favor

Chapter 7:preperations

I stepped out of the throne room, dumbfounded, as the doors slammed behind me. Leaning back against the doors I let out a small sob, placing my head in my hands. What am i going to do? This was a fool's errand i only have 5 days to go find the princess and return. The journey itself took two days, this princess is more trouble than shes worth. I rarely left the city that surrounded the palace, what am I even suppose to take on this journey with me? I was so lost in my thoughts I ran directly into eric.

"Looks like you'll be mine sooner than I thought. " He scoffed at me as he pushed me aside. I was puzzled, what did he mean? That couldn't be my so called 'reward' the king promised was it? So my options are either death or marry that disgusting man...I shivered at the thought. I made my way to my room, a dingy little room next to the dungeons. On bad nights I could hear the prisoners wails and screams as they get tortured, anywhere was better than here. I threw my knapsack on the bed.

"Hmm let's see, what does one take on a journey?" I was racking my brain for any idea of what to pack when I suddenly remembered the journal. Flipping it open I searched to see if the princess wrote a supply list. As luck would have it she had a very small list in the back of the journal.

supplies required:


-spare clothes



I read through her handwriting, what she lacks in survival skills it also appears she lacks in preparedness the list was incomplete.

"Oh Flora what have you gotten us into." I sighed throwing some clothes into my bag. I put on my riding outfit, looks like silvermane would be getting that ride I promised afterall. As I pulled on my last boot I heard a knock at my door, I rushed over to answer it and was surprised to see the queen.

"Are you prepared my dear?"

"Just about your highness, I still have a few more things to do before leaving."

"I know it's not much but I pack you a small parcel, it's just some food and a book to read when you need something to take your mind off things. " She had tears welling in her eyes.

"Thank you your majesty that means more than you know."

"May I suggest something?"

"Absolutely! "

"Visit the royal blacksmith, tell him I sent you he may be able to help as well."

"Thank you, I'll bring her back I promise. "

"You're such a sweetheart, please be safe. " She said as she tucked a stray hair behind my ear.

After she departed I grabbed my bag and rushed to see the blacksmith.

"Hello Jordan." I announced when I arrived.

"Ah, Ellie. I was wondering when you'd make your way here. The queen let me know you'd stop by. "

"Do you have anything that'd help on my journey? "

"I'm glad you asked!" He laughed as he plopped a large canvas sack on the anvil before him.

"Let's see you'll need a dagger, hatchet, ooh yes and this!"

"What's that?"

"It's a lightweight sword, I designed for our more ahem...daintier knights. But I suppose you'll use it more than they would. "

I took the sword in my hand and have it a good swing, it whooshed through the air swiftly. The blade fit so comfortably in my hand almost as if it were made specifically for me.

"I love it." I gasped in awe.

"Haha I thought you might!" He laughed, he was such a jolly man with a very round belly that shook whenever he laughed and he seemed to laugh often.

"How much do I owe you? "

"Not a cent my dear! Just stay safe it's dangerous out there especially for a lass. "

"Thank you Jordan I'll take good care of them. "

"Aye, I know you will. " He waved as i left, i was almost ready to leave.

"Okay girl, we're a little out of practice but we have a long journey ahead of us." Leaving the stable behind us I stopped silvermane to take one last look at the castle, then set my sight on the path before us.

"Ready or not Flora, we're coming for you. "

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