015 The Piper for the Librarians

After the Grand Library closed,

The students from the Knight Academy waiting outside were stunned by the sight before them.

Hundreds of librarians were brazenly opening the doors of the closed library and storming in.

Half of them walked while continuously summoning messenger birds,

And the other half were belting out a strange song they had never heard before.

“Even in death! Look up to! The sky! Without a speck of! Shame!”

Barbara rubbed her eyes once and muttered with a dumbfounded expression.

“What on earth am I looking at?”

Then, the butler Elford said calmly.

“It’s now. Let’s blend into that crowd.”

In the end, the knights-in-training reluctantly slipped into the throng of frenzied librarians.

Finding Train after entering the library wasn’t too difficult.

For some reason, he was at the forefront of the librarian group.

Wielding a magic book, he sang wildly along with the other librarians.

“Even tonight! The stars! In the wind! They! Collide! And weep!”

Barbara frowned and said,

“Don’t tell me he’s been brainwashed too?”

Then, Elizabeth sighed upon discovering something.

Two empty mana potion bottles rolling at his feet.

No doubt, he was under the influence of mana addiction again.

Elizabeth strode up to Train, grabbed him by the collar, and slapped his cheek.

“Hey. Snap out of it.”

“Ah, I’m not drunk! I only had one bottle!”

She slapped him once more.

“Cut the nonsense and explain the situation quickly.”

“Benheim killed Princess Sia, and the Doppleganger librarian is trying to transform into her.”

Upon hearing this, Lizbeth released Train’s collar and asked,

“Are you certain?”

“I hypnotized the Doppleganger earlier to get a confession, so maybe?”

“The librarians here, did you hypnotize them?”

“Seems like it?”

For Train, the Grand Library filled with magic books was no different from an arsenal.

The magic book he diligently searched for and found was ‘The Pied Piper.’

Its effect was mass hypnosis.

It was a terrifying book that allowed him to control everyone he had ‘marked’ in unison.

Train muttered in a twisted tongue and clumsy speech,

“Even if the library is secured, the librarians can still enter, can’t they?”

It was a somewhat sloppy plan, but it surely must have had some effect.

Benheim insisted on performing the ritual after closing, driving everyone out.

He must have not wanted his scheme to be discovered by the librarians as well.

In other words, if the librarians swarm in, it means he can’t move recklessly.

Lisbeth sighed briefly and asked,

“Where is Princess Shia now?”

Just then, from a distance, Princess Shia came running through the crowd of librarians.

“Lord Train!”

Princess Shia rushed to Train and threw herself into his arms.

Train flustered for a moment, struggling.

But soon, realizing Princess Shia’s body was trembling slightly,

he gave a bitter smile and gently patted her back.

“I’m glad you’re safe.”

Princess Shia took a deep breath as if to say something.

But after a moment’s hesitation, she silently stepped away from Train.

Then, with a slightly flushed face, she smiled at the others around her and said,

“Thank you all for coming to save me.”

Barbara rushed over and grasped Princess Sia’s hands, asking,

“Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Sorry to worry you.”

This time, it was the butler Elford who approached Princess Sia, bowing politely.

“It’s been a while, Princess Sia.”

“Lord Elford, the Knight Commander, it really has been a long time. Almost nine years, hasn’t it?”

“Ha ha. I’m flattered you remember me.”

Just then, Train suddenly hiccupped and muttered an ominous sound.

“Everyone be careful… The magic has run out.”

The magical tome that had been faintly glowing in Train’s hand lost its light.

At the same time, the librarians who had been causing a commotion around them fell silent all at once.

“Ugh, I feel dizzy.”

“Huh? What am I doing here?”

“That’s strange. I’m sure I was at home.”

In the midst of this, Lizbeth stealthily asked Train.

“What now?”


Traine dashed alone towards the entrance.

But suddenly, a barrier dropped down, sealing the door.

Thanks to that, Traine crashed headfirst and collapsed to the floor.

Just then, Director Benheim, along with the Doppleganger librarian, rushed over, shouting.

“Stop those kids from getting out!”

At his command, the students quickly formed a protective circle around Princess Shia and drew their weapons.

However, the librarians were just flustered, showing no significant movement.

After all, they were clueless about Benheim’s conspiracy, let alone the current situation.

One of the librarians asked Benheim.

“Excuse me, why are we stopping Princess Shia and the academy students?”

“That, well, they tried to steal the Book of Walpurgis!”

Benheim probably wanted to detain Princess Shia, but he couldn’t disclose the honest reason in front of the librarians.

Hence, he resorted to such a petty lie.

Princess Sia was not one to be trifled with.

From noble mtl dot come

“Oh my, and to think a mere librarian dares to block me, the king’s daughter? Know your place.”

At that, the librarians hesitated, then began to step back, making way.

Princess Sia said with a smile,

“Thank you, everyone. Mr. Benheim, would you kindly open the door now?”

Benheim gritted his teeth, then forced a smile and said,

“Well, please leave the camcorder. It’s against security regulations to film inside the library.”

“Then it’s alright if I show the other librarians what I’ve filmed here, right?”


Princess Sia paused for a moment before speaking again,

“Alright. If you let us go quietly, I’ll give up the camcorder.”

The most important thing right now was for everyone to get out safely.

Of course, exposing Benheim’s plot and securing the Walpurgis Manuscript were also crucial,

But provoking Benheim further might lead to unpredictable actions.

Reluctantly, Benheim was about to agree to the terms.

However, suddenly a doppelganger interjected from the side.

“There was nothing recorded on that camcorder.”


“I’m a bit of a technophobe, you see. Even when I was briefly brainwashed, I remember only pretending to operate the camcorder because I didn’t know how to use it.”

Princess Sia wore a dumbfounded expression.

Honestly, it was more shocking than when she realized Benheim’s conspiracy.

With a snicker, Princess Sia glanced over at Train, who was still collapsed.

“He always manages to make my heart flutter.”

Benheim suddenly covered his face with his hand and began to laugh.

“Kukuku… And to think, you used illegal brainwashing techniques inside the library?”

Then, stretching out his hand towards Princess Sia,

A large magic circle appeared beneath her and the surrounding students’ feet.

Elisabeth shouted.

“Everyone, get away!”

But it was already too late.

As Benheim waved his hand, Princess Shia and all the students within the magic circle collapsed to the ground.

Gravity magic…

They all struggled to rise, but it was in vain.

Then Benheim, with an evil laugh, said,

“Traine and the students have invaded to stop my marriage to Princess Shia, this is certainly a capital offense.”

“What have I done?”

The voice came from an unexpected direction, and Benheim wore a dumbfounded expression.

For some reason, Traine was standing perfectly fine outside the magic circle.

“You… when did you escape?”

“What? I’ve been outside from the start.”

In fact, Benheim had not noticed Traine lying alone in front of the door.

It was chaotic, and the librarians around had obscured his view.

The students breathed a sigh of relief.

But it was only for a moment.

Train grabbed the collar of a bewildered librarian, not Benheim, and shouted.

“Hey, you rotten Benheim scum! Cut it out!”

It seemed he was still intoxicated from the mana potion.

With a look of disbelief, Benheim said,

“Miss Doppleganger, take care of it.”


Doppleganger aimed her gun.

But not at Train—instead, at Benheim.

“What the!”

Doppleganger pulled the trigger, but Benheim narrowly dodged the bullet.

When he glanced at Train, a grimoire had already appeared in one of his hands.

‘The Pied Piper.’

It seemed that grabbing the wrong librarian had been an act.

Train pulled out three more bottles of mana potion from his pocket and downed them all at once.

“It’s round two, you rotten b*stard.”

And then, he stealthily hid himself among the group of librarians, pulling out another grimoire from his bosom.

‘The Bremen Town Musicians.’

Out of the book, a chicken sprang forth and crowed with all its might.


At that moment, an unbelievable scene unfolded before Benheim’s eyes.

All the librarians had transformed into Trains.

Benheim, in a panic, exclaimed,

“What the! Who’s the real Train?”

Then, the multitude of Trains began to shout.

“I’m Train!”

“No, I’m Train!”

“Don’t be ridiculous! I’m the real one!”

The simultaneous application of illusion magic and brainwashing magic.

Thanks to that, the library quickly descended into chaos with numerous librarians claiming to be Train.

Amidst the turmoil, Doppleganger once again attempted to pull the trigger aimed at Benheim.

“Such worthless things!”

Benhaim stretched his arms forward.

The size of the gravity magic circle expanded to cover the entire library.

Thanks to that, not only the Doppelgänger but also the other Trains were all flattened to the floor.

Benhaim laughed heartily and said,

“I can use the library’s magic power, so I can hold out indefinitely! But how long will your magic power last, Train?”

Suddenly, the Trains on the floor simultaneously summoned blue birds.

The gravity magic restrained their bodies,

But they could still use simple spells.

The blue birds all at once flew towards Benhaim, starting to scream wildly.

“Damn it! Really, do something about this!”

He almost lost his concentration and the gravity magic was nearly undone.

But Benhaim barely maintained the gravity spell and chanted another spell.

Reverse Spell.

It was Benhaim’s specialty to bounce the spell back to the caster.

Thanks to them, numerous birds had returned to their masters.

Benhaim caught his breath for a moment and muttered,

“Damn it… to think I’d be forced to use this spell.”

It was originally the ultimate spell to be used when the opponent was off guard.

To have used it just to chase away some birds,

It was a needless wound to his pride.

“Train, you wretch! I’ll find you and make sure you’re dead!”

…Benhaim was careless.

So much so that he failed to notice the stealthy approach behind him.

The presence pressed a blade against Benhaim’s neck and spoke in a low voice,

“Release the spell.”

“Eh, Elford?”

In truth, Elford had been biding his time within the gravity magic circle.

A moment when the gravity weakened thanks to the birds.

It was in that fleeting moment that he stealthily rose and caught Benhaim from behind.

In the end, Benheim raised both hands and released the gravity spell.

Only after the fallen people got up did Train also release his spell.

Princess Shia struggled to her feet and said,

“That’s the end of it.”

“Ha, don’t make me laugh, you can’t kill or arrest me without evidence or suspicion yet?”

“Suspicion? You just created one, didn’t you? How dare you commit such an act against the king’s daughter.”

“This is purely self-defense!”

“Is that so? Then let’s settle the rest in our court, shall we?”

At those words, Benheim swallowed dryly.

There’s no way to win against royalty in court.

Putting aside who has the advantage, it’s obvious whose side the king will take.

In the end, Benheim resorted to his last trick and pointed at Princess Shia, exclaiming,

“I challenge you to a duel!”

At those words, Princess Shia frowned.

A duel between nobles.

Anyone who refuses a duel without just cause shall be sentenced to death.

Moreover, contracts made by duels take precedence over any other law.

It was one of the few remaining draconian laws in the Kingdom of Altoria.

In fact, Princess Shia had once used this to entangle Train.

“If I win, Princess Shia must marry me!”

Benheim exclaimed excitedly.

“Whether you die by a curse or not, it’s none of my concern! All I need is the authority of the royal family!”

Princess Shia responded calmly.

“Very well. If I win, then you shall be sentenced to death.”

Lisbeth asked Princess Shia.

“Your Highness, can you fight?”

“Of course not. That’s why I need a Black Knight to fight in my stead.”

Princess Shia said, looking at Train.

“Sir Train, may I ask for your assistance?”

At that, all the students and librarians turned their gaze to Train in unison.

Even King Siandar himself was defeated in a duel by him,

The odds might be enough, but…

“I hate this! Isn’t there anyone else who wants to score points with Princess Sia?”

His speech and behavior were unmistakably that of a drunkard.

Train staggered as he looked around at his friends from the Knight Academy,

and soon burst into laughter, exclaiming,

“But aside from me, they’re all women! Damn!”

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