031 Negotiations for the Elves

It took Traein and his party half a day to finally reach the elven village.

The distance wasn’t too far,

but the village was entirely cloaked in a perception-inhibiting barrier.

They had to circle around the forest to bypass this barrier.

After such a struggle, the village they entered was beautiful enough to be worth the effort.

The stylish and antique-looking wooden buildings.

The spirits floating around like fireflies, in all colors of the spectrum.

It was a beautiful and dreamlike village they were seeing for the first time, but…

The scene unfolding in the middle of the courtyard was anything but dreamlike.

“Execute the sentence for those who have broken the elven laws!”

At the cry of the elderly elder, numerous elves surrounded Benheim and Doppleginger, who were half-naked.

And then they began to beat them mercilessly with wooden sticks.

“You disgraces of the elven kind!”

“You’re worse than rabbits!”

“Just live without those ears, why don’t you!”

As Train removed his eye patch and sat down on the floor to watch the punishment from a distance,

Conwood, the former Elven chef, approached him and started a conversation.

“Why such a bitter look?”

“You didn’t go through all the trouble of breaking out of jail just to kill them like this, did you?”

“Hahaha! As bad as it looks, they’re all hitting out of affection, so don’t worry.”

“Is that so.”

“Do you want to hit them too? You must have a lot pent up.”

“I’ll pass, thank you.”

At that moment, the elder approached Train and said,

“Thank you for saving those two, young man of the Human tribe.”

“Me? Oh, well, I didn’t really do much.”

“No need to be modest. Just coming with them is enough.”

“I really just followed Master Elford’s request.”

The Elford hurriedly left the village alone.

Saying that there was still work to be done, he told Trainder to stay here for the time being.

Thanks to that, Train found himself abandoned in this unfamiliar village.

‘Wouldn’t it have been nice if he at least gave some instructions?’

…After a while, when Benheim and Doppleginger were completely tattered, the punishment finally ended.

The prettiest elf with short green hair approached Benheim and Doppleginger belatedly.

From noble mtl dot come

“You both had a tough time.”

She soaked a towel in a bucket full of herbs.

It seemed like she was going to treat the two injured people,

But suddenly, she started slapping their bare skin with that towel.

“What, what?!”

Train sprang up in surprise.

However, everyone else around him had a calm expression.

Thanks to that, Train also realized that this must be a form of treatment,

But the expressions on Benheim and Doppleginger’s faces told just how painful it was.

Watching the two in agony, Train muttered.

“Who knew elves could be such terrifying folk.”

Then Conwood slapped Train’s back and said.

“What nonsense are you spouting? Who’s as kind-hearted as us?”

“Ouch! Don’t hit me, I’ve got a burn on my back!”

“Oh, is that so? Hey, Seiment! Treat this guy’s back too!”

The elf holding the towel glanced over and,

soon began to approach with a gentle smile.

“Would you mind taking off your top?”

Suddenly feeling an ominous premonition, Train sprang up from his seat.

“Ah, actually, I just remembered something I need to do-“

But Conwood grabbed Train and stripped off his clothes anyway.

“It’s fine! Seiment is the best druid in our village!”

“No, really, I’m okay!”

“Why are you so scared? Just stay put!”

In the end, Traein’s back was forcibly exposed by Conwood,

And sure enough, an elf named Seimint began to hit his back with a towel.


“Just bear with it a little longer, after today you’ll be spotless without a single scar.”

A refreshing smile and a fragrant voice.

In stark contrast to such violent treatment,

Traein had no choice but to scream miserably throughout the healing.


After a while, Traein was invited to the elder’s room.

Sitting awkwardly around a wooden table with Benhaim and Dopljinger,

Seimint poured steaming tea for Traein.

“It’s a tea that helps relieve stress.”


“You seemed to have a hard time during the treatment earlier, so this should help.”

…Do elves originally have a custom of giving sickness and then the cure, I wonder?

Train awkwardly smiled as he received the tea.

“Thank you.”

Then, Seiment also returned a smile and went back to his seat next to the elder.

Only then did the elder slowly begin to speak.

“Benhaim, tell us everything in your own words.”

Benhaim started to explain the past events with an indifferent tone.

…About 50 years ago,

After the nation of the elves was destroyed by the Yumano Holy Empire.

The remaining elves fled to this Kingdom of Altori.

But since the Yumano Holy Empire was still trying to annihilate them,

The full cooperation of the Kingdom of Altori was necessary for survival.

Therefore, Benhaim and Doppleganger entered the political realm of the human race 20 years ago.

Even breaking the village’s taboo that they should not mingle with human society.

“At first, I truly intended to save Princess Shia and gain the trust of the royal family.”

Benhaim continued, still with an emotionless face.

“Yet, in the end, I lacked the talent to decipher the Book of Walpurgis, and that made me anxious.”

As Traine sipped his tea without much reaction, Benheim glared at him and said,

“I have no intention of asking for your forgiveness. Nor do I plan to thank you for your help.”

At that moment, Seiment rose from his seat and struck Benheim’s head with a tray.

“Benheim! You oaf!”

Rubbing his head, Benheim shot Seiment a glare, then cleared his throat before speaking to Traine again.

“However, I will make sure to repay this debt someday.”

Only then did Traine put down his cup and asked calmly,

“That’s all well and good, but why did you take such a risk to save them?”

The elder spoke with a grave expression,

“After it became known that Benheim had been sentenced to death, the Yumano Holy State began to stir again.”

In truth, Benheim’s appointment to a national position had been a deterrent.

He had also been subtly preventing political interference from the Yumano Holy State.

And it was because he lost his position so suddenly that this trouble arose.

“Seizing the moment of our weakened state, they will move to annihilate us.”


Doppleganger interjected from the side.

“The Yumano Church does not recognize any race other than the Inzoku.”

Traine momentarily gazed into his cup, lost in thought, then,

he sighed briefly and asked,

“So, what can I do to help?”

At those words, the elder replied with a slightly surprised expression,

“Do you intend to continue helping us?”

“It must be my master’s intention for me to stay here.”

“Thank you. Your strength will undoubtedly be of great assistance.”

“Of course, if it seems too dangerous, I’ll tuck my tail and run.”

“Just mediating between our Elven kin and the Altoria royal family will suffice.”

“Well, that seems manageable enough.”

“We shall have to reward you, albeit modestly.”

The elder rose from his seat and extended a book to Train.

“Elford says you’re fond of magic tomes.”

“Oh, yes! Thank you.”

“How about a betrothal to one of my daughters as well?”


“Doppleganger won’t be to your liking, so pair up with Cement.”

After calmly sipping his tea, Train replied with a polite smile.

“I refuse.”


At that moment, the palace was in an uproar.

King Siandar had gathered all the knights’ officers in the council room and was berating them.

“To let criminals of such magnitude slip away so easily! What a disgrace!”

As the officers stood speechless,

a middle-aged man in a white uniform beside the king interjected.

“Didn’t I warn you to be wary of the elves?”

A recent envoy from the Yumano Holy Kingdom…

King Siandar glared at him and said,

“Stay out of this. This has nothing to do with the Yumano Holy Kingdom, does it?”

“We cannot ignore the crimes of the other races who are enemies of Lord Yumano.”

“Ha! Before they are other races, they are indeed the people of Altorian.”

King Siandar was the wisest and most compassionate of all the kings in history.

That’s why he stood firm against the pressure from the Yumano Holy Kingdom and protected the elves.

That’s why he’s trying to prevent that cunning envoy from interfering even now.

As the envoy snickered and stepped back,

King Siandar asked Princess Shia,

“Shia, if you know anything about the intruders, tell me everything.”

Then the young princess, completely out of place in the solemn atmosphere, tearfully replied,

“I’m sorry, I don’t know much. It was too dark and scary, I couldn’t see anything properly.”

Seeing her frightened appearance, King Siandar soothed her with a gentle voice.

“My daughter, you must have been very frightened. Don’t worry, your father will surely protect you.”

Of course, Shia’s scared expression was all an act.

She had been discovered to have been in the underground dungeon and had to attend the meeting,

But she wanted to avoid Traein being blamed as the culprit at all costs.

However, her efforts quickly went to naught.

A soldier burst into the conference room, exclaiming,

“Your Majesty! I have brought the surveillance footage from inside the underground prison!”

Sadly, the video clearly captured the elves and Traein.

The recognition-inhibiting magic was useless in front of the surveillance cameras,

And King Siandar immediately recognized him and flew into a rage.

“That cursed Traein! I knew he was suspicious from the start!”

…But let it be said again, King Siandar was a wise and merciful king.

It’s just that the name Traein alone could trigger an outburst.

Just then, another soldier rushed into the conference room, shouting,

“The elves have sent a response!”

In fact, King Siandar had sent a letter to the Elven clan chief that very morning.

If they knew anything about the escapees, they were to bring them immediately.

It was likely a response to that letter.

King Siandar began to read the letter himself.

“Benhaim and Doppleganger cannot be handed over, we wish to arrange a negotiation for their safety?”

At this, the emissary from the Yumano Holy Kingdom raised his voice and exclaimed,

“I knew it! It must have been the elves’ doing!”

“The elves, who have been quiet until now, must have a reason to move.”

“It’s clear they intend to declare war! We must go and purge them first!”

King Siandar slammed his desk with a displeased expression,

and the emissary, startled by his vigor, clamped his mouth shut.

…King Siandar asked the soldier,

“How many will come from the other side for the negotiation?”

“Two. One is Seiment, the eldest daughter of the elder.”

“Hmm, the druid known for her beauty and strategic mind. And the other?”

“…Baron Train has agreed to participate.”

At that moment, the air in the conference room froze.

King Siandar cautiously asked the soldier.

“Baron Train?”


“The same guy I know?”

“The student Train from Academy Arasis, that’s correct.”

At this, King Siandar, his face flushed with anger, abruptly rose from his seat and exclaimed.

“I will personally make sure to break that b*stard’s neck!”

While the knights around him struggled to restrain him,

Sia alone chuckled bitterly and muttered.

“He always manages to make my heart flutter in more ways than one.”

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