051. Strategy for the dungeon

Siran stood in a line with many children, spread out his shield, and grumbled.

“Damn it! Why are there so many monsters in a C-class dungeon!”

There were dozens of monsters in front of me.

Even more, one or two kept popping out from somewhere, increasing in number.

One of the children who was deploying a shield shouted.

“Wow, prince! I think I’m going to run out of magic soon!”

“If it gets too close, move back and switch places with someone else!”

For now, we are barely holding on by having the children take turns deploying their shields.

However, after 5 minutes, more than 80% of them will not be able to maintain the defense line due to depletion of mana.

‘Maybe we should have responded right away instead of waiting for reinforcements.’

But if that happens, some of the children will definitely be seriously injured.

Therefore, with the intention of protecting everyone, I attempted a somewhat risky gamble.

It seems like it was a mistake.

‘I can’t help it. In the worst case, I have no choice but to retreat and fight alone.’

Sirian took out his gun with determination in the face of dozens of monsters that were still trying to gnaw away at the defense shield.

It was then.


With the loud crow of a chicken, the monsters all turned back.

Seeing that sight, Prince Siran shouted without hesitation.

“Disarm all shields and start shooting!”

Numerous fireballs pouring down from behind the monsters.

Indigo trails swing mercilessly in front.

In the end, within a few minutes, all the mouse monsters were completely defeated.

Trine disarmed the magic sword and approached Prince Siran and asked.

“Are you okay?”

“This b*stard always shows up at the most inauspicious time.”

“shut up.”

Let’s put our fists together calmly,

The kids started making a fuss behind us.

“thank you for helping me!”

“As expected, they are seniors from the knight department!”

“Ziz, you’re amazing! I saw you again!”

Then Prince Sirian looked at Trine as if he were pitiful.

“I made some porridge and gave it to someone else.”

“I said it was noisy.”

At that time, I felt a lot of people approaching from afar.

Everyone was tense again and guarded the aisle,

I breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of familiar faces approaching me.

“Everyone is safe!”

Barbara ran towards the two with a half-crying face.

Behind her, along with the rest of the children, were Princess Xia’s children.

And at the very back of them was Instructor Elroy.

“I’m sorry everyone, but today’s schedule is canceled!”

she said, putting her hand on Barbara’s shoulder.

“Barbara, please lead the children out of the dungeon.”

“Yes! Everyone stay calm and follow me!”

“Trine, Siran, you guys come with me to investigate the deepest part of this dungeon.”

Then, Prince Trine and Sirian frowned at the same time.

“Is something wrong as expected?”

“Tell me everything you know.”

Then Instructor Elroy scratched his head and answered.

“If I had known, would I have come to a place like this to take an experiential class?”

The two male students eventually reluctantly decided to follow Instructor Eloy.

At that time, some students stopped them.

“I’ll follow you too!”

“me too!”

“Me too~”

Then Instructor Eloy got angry.

“Stop talking nonsense and immediately follow the rest of the kids!”

Then Princess Sia whispered something to Instructor Eloi,

Soon, Instructor Elroy cleared his throat with a complicated expression on his face.

“Okay, then just follow me.”

At those words, Locke next to him shouted.

“Why can he do it and not me!”

“It’s an adult matter, so don’t get involved.”

“Don’t be ridiculous! If Yuril goes, I will definitely go with you!”

Pyrrhol also quietly joined in on the argument.

“I really want to go with you, please, instructor. Yes?”

In the end, instructor Eloi had a childish argument with the children for a while.

In the end, he curled his tail in an ugly manner and spoke as if he had resigned himself.

“Ugh… Okay, let’s go together. How dangerous can it be?”

In the end, Instructor Eloy took the lead and started walking inside with the children.

Prince Sirian also followed them and asked Trine secretly.

“They’re all from your group, right? What on earth have you done?”

“…I guess kids have their own circumstances, too.”

“Even though the other two are like that, the pink-haired guy looks really weak.”

Trine answered with a short sigh.

“Skill is okay. Aside from skill, everything else is the problem.”

“What is that riddle?”

“To put it bluntly, he is three times stronger than Princess Xia.”

“Then there’s no problem.”

Trine was dumbfounded for a moment at Prince Siran’s immediate answer.

And then I saw that this guy also had a siscon temperament.

At that time, Pyrrhol seemed to have picked up their conversation and quietly approached the two.

“It is an absolute honor to be able to work with Prince Sirian.”

“Go and give that kind of flattery somewhere else.”

“But who is stronger, the prince or Trine?”

Contrary to Pyrrhol’s expectations, the two men reacted indifferently to the question.

Sia unexpectedly intervened from the front.

“Of course, a prince is nothing compared to Trine.”

Siran got a little angry at those words and responded.

“Are you trying to fight me?”

“But it’s true, right? They don’t even recognize my identity.”

“Why don’t you know, you fat crybaby b*tch?”

Then Sia stabbed Sirian’s side with all her might with her elbow.


“Didn’t we agree not to call each other by our old nicknames?”

“You really, I’ll see you later.”

Locke glared at the two of them bickering and clicked his tongue.

In the meantime, Pyrrhol quietly muttered next to Trine.

“Prince Sirian seems a lot more childish than I expected.”

“I’ll consider it a compliment.”

“I’m thinking about changing my target.”

“Target… who are you targeting this time?”

“Who do you think it is?”

Pyrrhol looked up at Trine slightly and made a cute expression,

I looked to the side in surprise as I suddenly felt a stinging sensation throughout my body.

… Princess Xia was watching silently from the side.

And that too with a pure, bright smile.

Trine was so scared by that expression that he panicked.

“W-what! I didn’t do anything!”

“Huh? I didn’t do anything either?”

“Aren’t you really angry right now?”

“Hehe, thank you for at least recognizing that.”

Instructor Elroy scratched his head at all the annoying noises coming from behind him.

“Maybe I should have brought Barbara with me instead of the men.”

… Heading to the deepest part of the dungeon, I encountered quite a number of mouse monsters.

Even though I had killed quite a lot of them so far, they appeared endlessly.

However, unlike before when we acted as a group, we were very relaxed.

At the front, Eloi calmly cut down everything,

In the rear, Siran and Sia looked like they were competing, so we took care of it.

Other than Locke making a brief fuss along the way, saying ‘Leave my share too!’, there were no incidents.

“…Everyone, please be a little nervous. This is definitely the deepest part.”

Instructor Elroy said, pointing to a pair of huge, heterogeneous doors.

“There is a high possibility that what is inside now is not just a C-rank dungeon boss.”

Then he glanced at everyone and said:

“I’ll take the lead, so Sirian and Trine will cover me.”


“The rest of the children wait outside the door and come in when they ask for help.”

Everyone nodded at Instructor Elroy’s tone, which was much heavier than usual.

Even Locke read the mood and behaved surprisingly calmly.

“Okay. Count to three and we’ll go in. One, two, three!”

Instructor Eloy quickly kicked open the door.

Then, in the middle of a fairly large space, a black human with bat wings stood there.

“Hahaha! Everyone worked hard to get here-”

Eloi rushed at the bat-man without answering any questions.

Then the batman shouted, dodging her sword.

“Wait! First! Talk! Until the end!”

“Tell me once you die!”

“You crazy b*tch!”

The batman spread his wings as hard as he could and flew up.

Then he lost his temper while hanging upside down from the high ceiling of the cave.

“Do you know who this body is and do something like this?”

Instructor Elroy jumped up as fast as he could without answering.

Then, like a monkey, he held on to the stalactite and swung his sword again.

“Hey! You b*stard! Talk! Let’s talk!”

“I told you to die first!”

Trine and Sirian stared at this from behind and muttered.

“Isn’t the instructor actually a monster?”

“Do you know that now?”

“You both get scolded!”

In the end, Eloi’s sword grazed the bat-man’s wing,

The bat-man shouted as he ran away in a hurry.

“My people! Eat those barbarians!”

At that cry, dozens of mouse monsters suddenly jumped out from all directions.

Then Prince Siran spoke to Trine.

“Hey, let’s try that strategy you mentioned last time.”


Trine calmly unfolded his thoughts and used a fear spell.

Then the loud crow of a chicken rang out and the monsters all rushed at Trine.


Prince Siran summoned a huge electric blanket on the floor with his back to Trine.

Then the monsters jumped inside the floor on their own and fainted.

Trine frowned and grumbled.

“Hey, does this give me a tingle too?”

“Don’t be so nervous, dude. It hurts too.”

The bat-man was momentarily mesmerized by the futile sight, but was eventually captured by Eloi.

Elroy asked, hitting the guy’s head roughly on the floor.

“What on earth are you doing? Are you a new monster or a mutant human?”

“I was going to tell you that, but you didn’t give me a chance to say it!”

“Are you really going to kill me just once?”

Then the bat-man smiled evilly and answered.

“I am Murcielago, the great devil! If you know, then fear me!”

“Wow, I’m scared to death.”

“Are you laughing at this b*stard? You don’t seem to know the true power of the devil!”

Suddenly, the demon’s shape turned into black mist and escaped from Eloi’s hands.

The fog suddenly flew towards Trine.

“Hahahaha! I will possess the hero of Artoria and kill them all!”

And then, without Trine having time to react, it seeped into his body.

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