A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 317: Fire Up.

The surroundings turned silent and only the blowing wind was audible to the people. As the last spirit sword penetrated the heart of the demon prince, the whole person froze. The holy spirit sword was a bane to the dark energy inside his body. 

The spirit sword did not disappear but it melted over Yhal Ghol's body. It started to squirm all over his body, both inside and outside. The scene was anything but viewer-friendly. Some guys sensed their stomachs lurch as they picked it all out. 

You Xi Wang did not waver and said, "Goodbye." 

His words were as if a command to the spirit energy inside Yhal Ghol's body, it began to refine the person from inside. During refinement, the holy spirit energy will cause the dark energy to evaporate, the spirit energy on the outside melted the demon prince's skin, revealing his muscles, and then the muscles were gone, revealing a thick skeleton. The organs on the inside were all disappearing slowly. 

Yhal Ghol had tears in his eyes but no words came out of his mouth. The gentle-looking guy in front of him was a demon greater than he was. You Xi Wang seemed to have heard understood his feelings and said, "Yes I am a demon, but that is only to those who step on my bottom line. You stepped on it when you cast my sister that filthy gaze." 

Yhal Ghol was shocked but then he calmed himself at this moment, his heart evaporated. Using his last shreds of life he cast a gaze at You Xi wang again. He wanted to know how he lost. 

"The sword of wind is to clear path for the earth sword that broke your bones, the fire was to burn you on the outside, water was to make your heated body cool down instantly and making you lower the guard a bit followed by the lightning sword. Since your external defense was lowered, your inner defense was also gone. Your organs were injured and finally, the holy spirit sword vaporize you. Simple." said the boy. 

Yhal Ghol had turned to a sand sculpture and slowly it fell to the ground. The next moment You Xi Wang said, "LISTEN UP. The task is complete here. We leave in the morning tomorrow. Any questions?" 

The team replied, "No." collectively. 

The boy nodded and left the rune array to get out. He was tired, the sword strained his body a little. He walked to his sister and said, "The task is finished, have them collect the samples. I need to rest." 

With that said the guy walked to a secluded corner and sat down crossed leg. The reason this sword move took a toll on him was because of his rapid consumption. The last move had made him squeeze out the whole potential of his body and exhausted himself. His suit was equipped with the spirit gathering array but it could not resupply him with what he needed. 

Yang Dao sat down on the ground and began to meditate. He did not say it to anyone but the previous exchange has inflicted him with some heavy damage as well. Yhal Ghol was the strongest enemy he has seen thus far in his life. During the first exchange of fists, he had one of his ribs cracked, but he did not let it show. 

He was battling at not just one front but two. He was overwhelming the guy by showing his invincibility at the mental front and then at the physical front. None of the people saw anything wrong with him but he forgot about Gena. She had been noticing the changes happening in his body and that was the reason she fell quiet when she saw him being injured. 

You Zhichi may not have taken up the mantle of the Mentalist but she still could read people. She asked, "Gena, what did you see?" 

Her words made a lot of people turn their heads to look at Gena. The girls hesitated and said, "Two broken ribs, one communicated fracture. Exerted spiritual energy, despite his reserves being richer than any of us. Also, his soul sea is on the verge of exhaustion. He has been pressuring the demon with his soul as well. So, the injuries are quite dire." 

Yuki looked calm on the surface but her hands were clenched into pale fists. You Zhichi had covered her mouth with her hand. She knew that things will not be as easy as they may seem, but she had no idea that it was so heavy damage that You Xi Wang had taken."

Allan said, "Full strength always comes at a cost." his tone was solemn. Fenny said, "Neo, get the earth attribute rookies to open up the collapsed mines. Brother Allan, get some people to help those inflicted with the aftermath. Yuki clear up sword intent lingering in the void, it must be sealed. I will help you with the sealing. Gena, monitor him. Elder sister, you deal with the dwarves. He would be fine by the morning if he had said so." 

That said she walked away, began to complete her work. The rest also nodded and began to deal with their stuff. You Xi Wang did not pay attention to anyone, but he knew that back in the elf nation, Maya was affected by his injuries. That was why he was focused on healing himself. 

Besides Maya, the two little girls will also be worried about him. Despite being better at technology these guys did not have any communication among them. You Xi Wang cursed them for such a loophole. 

The rest of the people became aware of his situation and did not say anything. Although they could have helped him, but they knew that they would have just enhanced the risk factor for him. Thus You Xi Wang carried the burden alone. This sparked their spirits even more, almost setting them on fire. 

Onyxia heard all this and she was also became adamant in her decision to get stronger. 

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