A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 320: Waking Up.

Lily and Celestia were at ease when they found Maya waking up. Now, only You Xi Wang was left to wake up. His soul sea was still being nourished with the rune. His soul sea was twice bigger than the normal cultivators found in the world. Thus the amount of nourishment he needed to recover was also twice the normal people. 

The soul force refinement rune was still working at the moment even after everything else had done all that it was meant to. Lily said, "How about we go out, Xixi will take some time to wake up." 

Celestia nodded and said, "I want to make a rune armor for him. These unreliable guys, humph, always making big brother suffer." 

Lily smiled at her and nodded, she said, "Celes, do not be too hard on them. The fault lies in Xixi. He has this habit of shouldering everything himself and he does not let anyone else around him suffer. That is how he ignites hope in everyone's heart. Let me tell you a secret. When grandma Limao was alive, she once told us that the reason he worked so hard as a child was not because he wanted to repay everyone for their love. 

But he wanted to be stronger, everyone hoped that he would make something out of his life, and that hope became the reason he prevailed and did all he could. In the end, his achievements became something that other people can only look up to. On the day he took the seat of the family leader, he was challenged by uncle Shanwang. Guess what he did on the stage?" 

Celestia did not know what You Xi Wang was like before her arrival. She has always known him to be the source of her strength and happiness. She was aware of some of his feats as a child, but not his martial achievements. She had never asked anyone about this because she was a child. 

She shook her head when Lily asked her to guess what he did. Lily chuckled and said, "He said that if Uncle Shanwang can take his last move and win, he will cut off his head as a present to him." 

Celestia gasped, she could not expect the always calm You Xi Wang to be so rampant. She asked, "Then?" 

Lily has ignited her curiosity, she said, " Uncle Shanwang lost. The move was Dance Of The War God. During the battle, he was injured as well and spent a few hours in the hospital. So, you see, Xixi always gets stronger when he takes a look at the abyss of death from the edge of life." her words were filled with wisdom. 

This was not something they have read in some books. They both had a close shave with life and death as children and thus they were aware of every single syllable they uttered. As Lily finished speaking the soul force refining rune also slowed down a bit. The change was noticed by the girls as the slight cold in the room returned to the normal heat. 

You Xi Wang murmured and his eyebrows flickered a bit. The system also came back on and said, "Thank god to the little ones, saved our asses this time." 

You Xi Wang's consciousness had yet to sync with his body and he asked, "What are you talking about, did we not recover because of you?" 

The system replied, "Please do not think I am so overpowered that I can heal you when you do not leave me any soul force. You understand what I mean?" 

You Xi Wang asked, "Who are the little ones you are referring to?" 

"Celestia and Lily. Who else do you think to have the capability to make me praise so wantonly? These little darlings learned the art of rune formation. I learned all their skills, however, to be fair to them, you will not be given this skill with just simple sync. You will have to break through to the nirvana rebirth realm and also write a research thesis on the runes and then I will see what I can do in this matter. This is the least you can do to learn the skills." said the system and replied to him.

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "Hmm, this is a good thing. I do not wish to suck it all off without doing anything." 

The two people reached an agreement. You Xi Wang was not a person to take things for granted. As he was thinking about this topic the consciousness merged with his body and after a slight jerk of muscles he woke up. He sat up and found that the two girls were nowhere to be seen but Maya was sitting in front of him. Glaring at him with her big blue eyes. 

She said, "You went to fight alone again. Am I a pet to you now, brother Xi Wang?" her grievance was conveyed properly with a touch of cold lingering along the edges. 

You Xi Wang shook his head and said, "No, Maya, if not for the fact that the two were alone here, I would have called you over to save me some trouble. The opponent was a demon prince. I dare not imagine what would have happened if it was even the slightest stronger. Almost all the power was used up. 

Thankfully I managed to complete the trip otherwise I would still be lying in the dwarven nation. I did not wish to be like that but the opponent was stronger than I expected him to be. Even after mind-reading, I could not figure out some of his attacks from fake to real, and left me a lot of damage. I swear this will not happen in the future." 

Maya turned her head away after a snort but her jumping tail was enough statement that she was happy with his admittance of fault. As the two were talking the door of the room opened up and the two little ones walked inside with a plate of food and some fresh spirit fruits in it.

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