A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 325: Tribulation.

You Xi Wang took out a set of clothes from his space ring and rushed outside the cave. He removed all the barriers on his way as well. He came outside the cave opening to see that the sky outside was rumbling loudly. The whole landscape was shaking with vibrations. Maya had been standing outside the cave, she said, "Brother Wang, did you not pass only one step?" 

She may be a beast but she had all the knowledge regarding cultivation from the others. Before they came here, You Zhichi had told her the basic process of the nirvana rebirth cultivation. She did not mention a heavenly tribulation. Thus, Maya asked the question. 

You Xi Wang sighed and said, "Holy Spirit energy cast my new skin and vessels. This is anti heaven so the tribulation came to test me." 

As they were talking the system spoke, "Your family is coming you better tell them not to come closer or the tribulation will become nastier." 

You Xi Wang relayed the message to Maya. He said, "You are to inform them not to come over at any cost. Their presence in the tribulation area will make it harder for me" 

Maya nodded and used shadow steps to vanish and appear in front of the rest of the people, who were coming over to check what was going on with the dark lightning clouds. Maya told them everything that she had just heard from You Xi Wang. 

The group of people included You Zhichi, Yuki, Gena, Ilex, and a few elven elders. The rest of the people were busy with the tasks at hand. The strongest had already come over here so the rest were not needed. They were all just not needed. Yes in the past one month or so You Xi Wang was not the only one who had been progressing forward. 

Yuki, Gena, and You Zhichi had reached the bottleneck in their cultivation for the primal soul realm. They were a lot slower than You Xi Wang but it was still faster than the rest of the people. The reason was that they were cruel to the enemy and crueler to themselves. The three ladies had given up food, and free time to mingle with people for meditation. 

Their battle prowess had also reached a new high in this one month. You Zhichi sighed and said, "To think that he will trigger the lightning tribulation when he had just stepped in the nirvana rebirth realm. I wonder what happen in the future." 

Gena said in a low voice, "The tribulation will grow intense. It will get more dangerous for him to advance." 

The rest of the people nodded. Ilex gulped and said, "If it will get more dangerous, then why does he try. With his strength, he can live a long time and relax, no?" 

Yuki replied with her gaze locked at You Xi Wang, "He has his dreams, he bears the martial spirit of the god of war, the youngest god of war of our world. Do you think he would have achieved such titles if he was a coward? He would not have been able to rally all the people behind him if he was timid." 

You Zhichi could sense that Yuki was irked by Ilex's comment. It was indirectly suggesting for the boy to stop moving forward in his path of cultivation. Yuki was a cold demon to the rest of the world, except her parents, You Xi Wang, and her team. She did not care for anyone else in the world but her close people. As the people were observing on the sideline. 

You Xi Wang came to stand on top of a high mound. He took out his spear, sword, brawler gloves, war boots, dagger, bow, and knife. These weapons all had spirits evoked so they could float in the void on their own. The boy said, "So, there is a big tribulation coming at us. Would you like to face it with me and rise to another level?" 

The weapons trembled to express their affirmations. You Xi Wang did not make any claims that he would defeat the tribulation. He was actually going to use it to temper all his weapons, and his body. He raised his head to look at the lightning crawling through the dark clouds and said, "Maya, come out, you know I can sense you beside me?" with a faint smile on his face. 

Maya appeared from his shadow, after delivering the message she has come over to his side, she wanted to wait for a moment where he was weak to appear and help him. She knew he would not allow her by his side otherwise. You Xi Wang gazed in the distance at his sister and asked using telepathy, "The two devils?" 

You Zhichi replied, "Sleeping, the timing was coincidental, saved us from making some excuse. They had been visiting this place daily to see if you came out." 

You Xi Wang smiled and nodded. He took a long look at his sister and then the spirit weapons were worn on his body. He said, "Maya, do not act till I tell you to." 

Maya nodded and stood aside. She trusted You Xi Wang impeccably. The clouds seemed to have sensed that the young man was now ready, and the first streak of lightning fell down from the sky.


The speed of the lightning streak was faster than sound, and golden lighting fell down from the sky aimed right at You Xi Wang. The golden lightning was the most destructive representation of the spirit energy, however, if the power within it is harnessed properly, it was the greatest treasure as well. 

It could temper the human body, unlike any other force. To face the first streak of lightning, You Xi Wang took his knife and accumulated his spirit energy at the edge of the knife, and a strong cutting intent radiated from him. The boy slashed the incoming streak of lightning. A golden slash collided with the golden lightning. 

The aftermath was a strong glow making people squint their eyes.

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