A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 328: Nirvana.

You Xi Wang's roar made the dark clouds thunder so loud that the cliffs around him turned to dust. It was as if the heavens were going to destroy the whole world. However, the boy still stood on his spot with his head held high. 

He gave the bonds that held him back. The bond of relationship and karma were things that have long held him back from going crazy in his pursuit of strength. He had always thought of taking things slow and moving forward with everyone. However, lately, he has sensed that this patience of his has been burdening his friends. 

They all have developed thinking that they are the reason he holds back when it comes to the pursuit of strength. This feeling has clouded their way to the strong. You Xi Wang has lit up their spirits more than one time, however, the result is not within his expectations. He did not show them any discomfort but it was true that he was worried about their growth. 

Today when he was smitten by the eighth lightning strike. He realized that if he kept holding back then he will become a mound of ash, and his people will follow him. The boy did not want this to happen so he let go of the shackles holding him back. 

You Zhichi on the side heard this and smiled. She said, "You all, will now have to run faster if you wish to catch up with his pace. He is going ahead." 

Yuki said, "It is about time he stopped holding back." Fenny nodded. Gena did not have any reaction she was focused on You Xi Wang completely. The two little girls understood what was going on but they were already ahead of their peers since they were in the fifth stage of the body refining realm. 

Yeah, take that. They were not only ahead in theoretical knowledge but also cultivation. They understood that You Xi Wang had been holding back because of the others and that is why they were always dissatisfied with them. 


The system said, "You have done it. Go deal with it." 

You Xi Wang said, "I do not take orders from anyone. You better shut up and don't ruin my high." He watched as the ninth strike fell towards him. The boy did not faze and jumped in the using. He flew over and came to a stop in the middle of the clouds and the land. 

He took a battle stance with his palms open. His actions confused the other people but they could not stop him. The first lightning streak fell on his body. You Xi Wang was about to be hit square on his chest when his right hand came in contact with the bolt and his body moved to the right. The lightning streak did not harm him but was redirected in the void. 

The harm was that his palm was charred. This was the impact of the heavenly lightning. It will destroy everything that comes in direct contact with it. Even if You Xi Wang had a holy spirit body, it was still not completely tempered. 

The boy gazed at his palm and channeled all the heavenly lightning energy he has absorbed on the surface of his body. Heavenly energy can counter heavenly energy. The second lightning streak came charging at him. This time You Xi Wang kicked off of the streak using his feet. He covered the surface of his feet with heavenly energy. 

The impact was nullified and the energy inside his body became stronger. This gamble paid off, he began to accumulate new energy as he countered the lightning. Celestia mumbled, "War God's Dance." 

Yes, the movements were in line with the original move that You Xi Wang created with the spear and used it in the first duel he had in this world. The spear was replaced with his body but his movements were still the same. 

You Xi Wang had grown tremendously in his new life. From a weakling to someone the people called a War God. From a fickle-hearted person to the one who wore his heart on his sleeves. He had come from a life, where he gave up on himself, then he cherished his bonds so much that they held him back. 

Only today did he realize that cherishing the bonds does not mean he has to hold back. He can always cherish the bonds in his heart. He was not alone and neither were the people in his heart going away. 

With his mind flooded with such thoughts, he dealt with the lightning. Slowly the lightning streaks became weaker. It took them a couple of hours to vanish completely. However, the dark clouds still did not vanish. 

The golden lightning turned into crimson. The system said, "The final smite is coming. Do you best." 

You Xi Wang was aware that this incoming strike cannot be solved by anything else but his destruction intent. He sat down crossed leg in the void as the crimson bolt condensed above him. 


Gena said, "This bolt contains the strength of all the strikes he had faced till now. If he could not hold on, then..." her meaning was obvious but she choked at the end. Her heart was not strong enough to say those words. 

She had been given a hope to speak by You Xi Wang. He was the only one who did not look at her like a freak, when he found that her eyes were special, on the contrary, he loved her. Took her as his friend and finally a person who resided in his heart forever. 

Yuki, Fenny, and the rest were the same, their eyes had fear and anxiety. You Zhichi was the only one who stood there calmly. No emotions were visible on her face. She said, "He will hold on." 

Her voice was calm, and not loud but it was still conveyed to You Xi Wang like a whisper. The boy smiled and the clouds rumbled. The crimson bolt of heavenly destructive lightning fell. You Xi Wang invoked his martial spirit. 

His body was covered in the armor of spiritual energy with the phantom of weapons flying around him. There were seven weapons around him, all glowing with vigor. With a wave of his hand, the weapons phantoms flew towards the crimson lightning. 

However, the fickleness of his defense was visible at a glance. Before the weapons could even meet the streak of lightning they vanished. As if they never existed. The boy condensed all his destruction intent on the fingertips and slashed. 

The destruction claw flew through the void and clashed with the lightning. However, since the technique had yet to reach the level of completion, the clash entered a stage of stagnation. After a few minutes. The destruction claw cast by You Xi Wang cracked. However, it divided the crimson streak into two.

The lightning streak pierced through the claws, falling on You Xi Wang's armor. His martial spirit took the burn and vanished. The rest of the lightning hit You Xi Wang. 

The boy fell from the sky with a loud bang. The people on the sides froze in their spots. They all looked at Gena, who had tears covering her cheeks. Her lips were squirming but she could not make a sound. 

You Zhichi did not hesitate anymore. If the lightning was going to fall then so what? She moved and her figure flickered next to where lied You Xi Wang. The whole body was charged, she could sense the vitality seeping out of him. She sensed the people rushing over when an almost inaudible telepathic voice sounded in her mind.

"Stop them." 

You Zhichi immediately cast a barrier of the highest level stopping the people from coming over. She understood that You Xi Wang did not want them to see him in such a condition. Tears formed in her eyes but her face was calm. It was as if her heart has been covered with frost, freezing all emotions with it. 

The dark clouds dissipated, and rays of warm golden light pierced through them. The glow converted on the shared body of You Xi Wang. His body began to glow and heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. Slowly his body floated up from the pit. 

Watching the shared body the people were shocked, the two little girls knelt on the ground, thinking You Xi Wang have passed away. How could they know that the heavenly radiance on his body was the reward for passing the tribulation? 

The radiance healed his body, from inside to outside. His nervous system, his organs, his skin. Everything was being healed in front of them. The hair on his head grew long with every passing minute. His meridians were reconstructed, his dantian was strengthened, his soul sea was fixed. 

You Xi Wang had gone a complete nirvana. The golden radiance slowly vanished. Leaving the boy floating in the void, as if he was inside the womb of his mother. You Zhichi sensed him being alive and regained her emotions. She waved his hand and took out a white cloth from inside the space ring. 

The boy suddenly stretched his body and let out a yawn. He landed and covered himself with the cloth as he said, "Am I handsome? Or Am I handsome?" 

You Zhichi could help but chuckle at his antic as her hand pinched his ear. The whole void was echoed with a wail, "I AM SORRY, BIG SIS."


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