A Failure's hopeful Journey

Chapter 330: Shocking Return.

You Xi Wang brought back everyone, safe and sound. When they came back to Metropia, the sky was dark, it seemed to be the night. Allan and the rest of the phantoms did not wish to bother the You family at this hour and they all flew away instantly. Yuki and Gena had gone to the Ushijima household with a promise that they will return sooner. 

The boy nodded to them, he glanced at the people standing in front of him and said, "Rookies, you have all now become the pros, go back, and rest for the night. The next task ahead of us is to deal with the exam. Be sure to win honor for the family. Understood?" 

"Hoo-aah." replied the people. 

You Xi Wang waved his hand and said, "Dispersed." 

The two little girls were standing behind him, they said, "How about we pay a visit to the company in the morning? We are not eligible to participate in the exam." 

You Xi Wang nodded and said, "We will see about that in the morning, you two go get some rest. Tomorrow, you have to guide the children in the family. You must teach them what you have learned according to their talents. Compose a strong team, in the future, you have to deal with the leftover dark dwellers. Also, Celestia, remember your oath to take revenge?" 

Celestia nodded heavily and said, "How can I forget that? However, I am in the body formation, that dweller was in the core formation realm, can I deal with him?" 

You Xi Wang smiled and crouched down in front of her, placing his hands on her shoulders he said, "Do you only have the strength of a fifth-grade body formation practitioner? Did you forget level three spiritual runemaster and level five array master?" 

Celestia looked up at him with a surprise in her eyes. She was a kid and sometimes she lost her confidence. You Xi Wang now was a mentalist. He could tell what the people were thinking at a glance. he was aware of the situation with this little fairy when he woke up from the tribulation. An expression of doubt was written all over her face. 

You Xi Wang saw a glint in her eyes and said, "Did you forget that you have Lily beside you. can my two disciples not take on a filthy dark dweller in core formation? Did you two forget that even the primal soul cultivators were scared of you in the camp? Or did you forget it so quickly that you were called Maidens of joy by the elves? You can do it, have confidence in yourself. 

If your master can deal with the tribulation for the second time, then you can deal with the dark dwellers easily. No?" 

Lily came to Celestia and held her tiny hand as they two exchanged a glance and nodded heavily. They stood up in attention and said, "Hoo-aah." 

You Xi Wang could not help but chuckle at this. Their high-pitched voices were adorable at this moment. He held them up in his arms and walked to the inside of the mansion. You Zhichi followed them with a smile on her face. She had never found out how her brother was able to make people have hope by stating the obvious. 

She did not want to know either, her motive was to support her brother forever, this was all she wished for. When You Xi Wang was a child and diagnosed with narrow meridians, You Zhichi was told by her parents that she must always stand beside her brother regardless of anything, and ever since that, she has been beside him. 

He also never let her lose hope, he was her beacon of hope and she was his light. This bond was something that made the two children who lost their parents suddenly into warriors that the world will revere. 

They entered the house and found that the place was very silent the people were sleeping. You Xi Wang dropped the two girls in their rooms and said, "You tow will go to the office in the morning, you will follow our secretaries, and learn from them. Okay? While planning your actions against the dark dwellers." 

The two girls nodded. You Xi Wang saw through their anxiety and said, "Maya. You stay with them." 

Maya appeared from his shadow, even though she was even younger than the two people, technically but she had a physique of an older girl and she also had an IQ better than them, because of her experiences with You Xi Wang. 

The wolf girl nodded and the three went inside the room to rest. You Xi Wang sent his sister to her room and came to his room respectively. However, as soon as he entered he spotted three bodies lying on his bed, covered in a quilt. 

The boy gulped and after closing the door he took off his armor and slid under the blankets. His movements did not wake up the ladies but they all subconsciously came closer to him. They slept contently. 


The next morning, You Xi Wang woke up to a soft feeling all over his body. He opened his eyes only to see Susan resting over his chest and looking at him with a longing and doting gaze. He said, "Hello Beautiful." in a soft voice. 

Susan replied, "Hello handsome. How are you?" 

He smiled and the two chatted in a low voice without disturbing the two others. Susan told him that she had an adventure on her trip and broken through the primal soul realm. You Xi Wang smiled happily and held her waist in his arms and kissed her lips gently. 

He missed them a lot. The lady did not shy away, she responded to his actions with great enthusiasm, suddenly Petra spoke in a sleepy voice, "Emily, sister Susan is being naughty in her dreams again." 

You Xi Wang broke away from the kiss in a surprise and then he chuckled. He did not keep it low and broke into a burst of loud laughter as he teased Susan. The lady tickled him as she sat on his waist. The two girls heard a male voice and opened their eyes slightly and then they woke up completely. The four people squirmed together and kept on chatting for a while. You Xi Wang was filled in about what they did in his absence. 

The boy nodded and then he received a call on his holo-phone. The caller was You Zhichi, who said, "Gougou, family meeting." 

The boy nodded and then he got into the washroom with the three ladies. They did not do anything indecent but just teased each other and then got dressed. You Xi Wang wanted to shave his hair but the ladies said that it looked good on him so he should let it be. Thus wearing a crisp bright white shirt, blue denim, and white sneakers, You Xi Wang walked to the gathering hall. 

His hair was like a lion's mane for some reason. It looked very dominant and handsome on his face. Paired with his sword-like sharp eyes, spear-like stout back, fearless strides, everything fits in the definition of a god of war. 

You Xi Wang was seen by a lot of staff members on the way and they all greeted him with a smile and a bow. However, the reverence in their eyes was strongly seen as well. The elders and the rest of the family have already arrived at the gathering hall. 

As they saw him standing at the entrance, the elders stood up and bowed to him as they shouted, "WELCOME BACK, MASTER." 

You Xi Wang walked with one of his hands behind his back. He nodded to everyone and as he climbed the stairs to his big chair he said, "It is good to be back." then with his gesture, everyone sat down. 

You Naixin was the acting leader in his absence. The lady asked the people to provide him with a detailed report of the events that took place after he left. The boy nodded and some things while adding a few words on how to deal with some situations. He displayed his complete expertise to the family once again. 

You Shan Wang, his eldest cousin stepped forward after the reporting was done, he asked, "Master, pardon me for asking, but what is your strength now. I cannot sense any fluctuations from you."

The spirit energy fluctuations were emitted from every cultivator but the guy had to ask this question since You Xi Wang emitted none. Before the questioned person could answer, Celestia spoke up. She was a cultivator now, so she had the right to come into the gathering hall with Lily. 

She said, "Everyone, I would like to show you something. After watching this video. You will realize what is the level of his strength is." 

You naixin said, "Little fairy, show us quickly then." 

Celestia giggled as she used her holo-phone to project a holographic video in the space in front of everyone as she hopped her way to You Naixin. 

The next thing was to wake up the collectively shocked people of the family. . 

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