A Father's Duty

Chapter 101 - Noctis... and his questionable... "hobbies"

"Welcome to the Glasgow, the merchant capital of Sevens." Andrew introduced to Noctis.

After that, they didn't enter the carriage because he want Noctis to see everything that Glasgow has to offer, Andrew and Kian wore a cloak before the group walked to the front gate. What surprised Noctis was that, in front of the main gate, there's a long line being formed.

"Why are they lining up there? Is there a festival going on?" Noctis asked.

"No, its normal here at Glasgow. Many people are migrating to here while having the hope of becoming a successful merchant, only for their hopes to be crushed after knowing the harsh competition and condition inside.

Glasgow may look like a thriving city and we're proud of it but sometimes, reality is just cruel. Just getting a permit to open a stall takes time. Impromptu stall is illegal and if caught, their goods would be confiscated. For an upstart hopeful merchant, Glasgow is a death trap that would slowly suffocate you until you have nothing left.

If you want to be an upstart merchant, it would be better to be a travelling merchant than stay at Glasgow." Andrew explained everything and Noctis understood. If Glasgow is on its early stages, they would take in as business as many as it could, but now that the system is already set in stone, thriving as an upstart will kill you than benefit you, unless you have someone backing up your business.

Andrew and Kian walked to an empty space and the Guards saw them and was about to warn them when Andrew flashed a card towards the guard. When the gate guards saw it, they immediately become respectful as they knew the identity of the cloaked figures. Noctis didn't wear one because he didn't have to plus its scorching hot.

The onlookers were surprised that there's someone cutting on the line and can't help but lash out.

"Hey, why are you cutting the line? We've been here since early morning and you would suddenly waltz in and act like you're king? Go back at the end of the line!" A burly man shouted.

Kian and Andrew ignored the man's outbursts and waited for the gate guard to process their entry. Seeing their indifference, the burly man, felt angry and was about to walk towards them when a hand stopped him from advancing.

"I suggest you stop what you're thinking of doing." Noctis said as he held the man's arm.

"Who the f*ck do you think you are?! We're all people and working for a living so why do you get special treatment?" The man asked Noctis.

"Yeah, we're all people and working for a living, but that doesn't mean we're equal in any sense." Noctis said and let go. If the man wanted to continue his outburst, he doesn't care anymore. He had already done his part and warned him.

The man felt humiliated. He woke up in the middle of the night just to get inside Glasgow. Even then he wasn't the only one who had the same idea as him so he could only grumble at not waking up way more early to wait. Now four people wants to get inside by cutting the line, how could he not get angry? He saw that compared to his muscular body, Noctis' body is slim and looks like he doesn't do hard jobs. Overcome by anger, he sent a fist towards Noctis who is walking away from him.

Those who knows the rules inside Glasgow and not their first time coming here shook their head. Impulsive people like the man, wouldn't survive for more than a week. They shook their head as they looked at the man in pity. Maybe being kicked and banned from Glasgow is much better for him than to face the cruel reality inside Glasgow.

Noctis turned around and met the punch. The punch hit him squarely on his face. The onlookers were also looking at Noctis in pity as they thought he would flew quite a distance after being punched by the man. Unfortunately for them, Noctis is not a normal person.


The sound of cracking was heard and the man was satisfied as he thought he cracked Noctis' face. It took him a few more seconds to register what just happened. He saw Noctis just standing, his face covered with his fist.

He then felt a sharp sting on his fist, then the sudden eruption of pain as he screamed in pain. Noctis' who's body was nourished in dragon's blood, is on the first stage of Gandora-X body refinement, is so hard that normal attacks doesn't even make him flinch. Not even Kian's full powered fist was able to make him budge.

"I told you, you should've just calmed down." Noctis said with a big smile on his face. When he upgraded the system he found something and wanted to try it out but there's no 'test subject' to use it to. Now in front him... he has one...

He immediately bought it on the system and appeared on his storage. He then started summoning a rope and tied the man. He then took out something that looks like a toothpaste container.

"Hehe... maybe this would calm you down." What Noctis bought from the system is a type of rare chili named Buddha's Revenge, which is so hot that it would make you cry unconditionally and instead of the raw one, Noctis bought the processed one with a brand name "Great bowl of Fire."

"Here have some." Noctis poured some on his pinky then pinched the man's nose to forcefully open the man's mouth and dabbed it on the man's tongue.

Noctis then removed his pinky and watched the reaction of the man. The man in question, didn't feel anything at the start. Rather, he felt good. He felt cool as his body felt like he's in spring.

Noctis was disappointed after seeing the initial reaction and was about to walk away when the man who thought he was chilling suddenly started sweating. He didn't feel hot but he suddenly started sweating and looked like he was being bathed in sweat.

That's when the spiciness kicks in, instantly, no build up, no starting from little heat to high heat, it dropped on him instantly. The man suddenly felt like he was being burned due to the hotness in the mouth and started opening his mouth to air it but instead of being cooled, it got hotter and hotter prompting the man to close down his mouth.

Tears started falling on his eyes as he continued being ȧssaulted by the spicy feeling. The man was so hot that his clothes got caught in fire burning the ropes and the man after being freed from his restraints, he started screaming and hopping all over the place hoping for the heat to stop. He removed all of his clothes leaving him nȧkėd.

To get rid of the spiciness, the man even started putting dirt on his mouth in hopes to relieve himself of the heat. He started rolling off the ground, he did everything to numb himself from the heat.

Seeing the results, Noctis felt satisfied and came towards the three who looked at him weirdly.

"You sure... have a unique hobby... Mr. Noctis." Andrew said while glancing every once in a while at the man who is rolling on the ground nȧkėd.

Dimaria on the other hand felt scared of her future. Is she going to end up like the man? Thinking of it, she suddenly felt cold sweat on her back.

"Are we finally clear to go inside? Look, Dimaria is already sweating from the scorching sun." Noctis said with a satisfied smile on his face.

'It's not the scorching sun!' The three thought to their mind as the two felt pity at Dimaria who is Noctis' only disciple.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry this day... My parents made some questionable decisions and some concerns me and my bro. But I also found my RnB album collection while cleaning my personal warehouse. Damn I remember the time I cried asking my parents to buy Chris Brown's, Ne-yo's, and Usher's album. AND THEY STILL WORK HURRAH!

Anyway, enough about my questionable day.

Noctis and his spices on the move. What do you think I should name the next spicy experiment? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Should I name the chapters from now on or nah? Maybe I'm just too lazy to name them?

I'm also in a deep conundrum... should I take first? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... maybe... maybe not. Depends on whether I'm lazy or not, I guess...

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